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The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:27 am
by RePeate*
Mmhmm... wha?... huh?

Alex blinked in disbelief. For a split second there was the notion in his mind that he was still asleep. That idea dashed itself instantly when he realized how real everything around him was. He felt something cold around his neck, and reached to touch it. His finger felt along the cold metal of the security collar around his neck, and his mind began to slowly process the information coming in. He looked around while a cold sweat broke on his brow. He had no recollection of prior events... the abduction, the briefing... for a split second he was completely lost.

No... no wait... no way! No fucking way......

His eyes shot open, and he scanned the room around him. He was surrounded on all sides by tables. They were the sort of long tables with benches instead of chair that one typically found mass produced in a cafeteria. At first he thought he was at the school, but realized this place was very different. For one, instead of the smoothly polished wooden floor of the school cafeteria, this place had a rough poured concrete floor, covered in years of dust and dirt that stained the palms of Alex's hands as he rose to a crouching position. The whole room was bright with daylight from the large windows that lined the nearest wall. The glass had been broken out, and sat in small fragments along the base of their frames. Alex slowly rose to his feet.

It can't be.... I'm dreaming. Wake up Alex, wake up! No no no, this isn't right....

He wobbled over to the nearest table and leaned against it, putting a hand to his head to stop the throbbing pain he felt as he tried to gain his composure.

What is all this? A joke, right? Is this a joke? Where am I? Where's mom and dad? What the fuck is all this, huh?

He looked at his body, unsure if any of this were real. He was wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday. A red and blue flannel shirt, his tan slacks, and his hiking boots were all on him. He'd worn the same thing yesterday, and resented how uncomfortable he felt in them. They were dirty, and felt gross.

What's going on? Am I on drugs?

The panic began to set in as Alex suddenly became aware that he had no idea where he was or how he'd gotten there. Beads of sweat ran down his face, under the rim of his dirt-stained glasses. His hands shook violently.

Oh my God... where the fuck am I? What the fuck is going on...oh God, oh God.... what the fuck?

He bent forward to stop himself from hyperventilating, and accidently kicked the small black duffel bag by his foot. He paid it no mind. "Hello?" he shouted out, to the seemingly empty room. He scanned the area.

The tables were all neatly lined up in rows that spanned the width of the hall. The windows had lined the wall closest to Alex, while a double set of cheap glass doors (not unlike those in a convinience store) domimanted the wall to the far right. Against the wall opposite Alex was what looked like a lunchline, except without the food. Serving tables and buffet-style heaters blocked the large hole in the wall that was part of the kitchen, which could be accessed by a single door to their left. The ceiling was not unlike that of a warehouse, with exposed beams and cheap flourescent lights.

Alex sat at one of the tables and attempted to calm his nerves.

Ok Alex, you've been kidnapped... or is this a big prank? Fuck it, what the hell is going on? "Hello?" he called out again, his voice belaying a sign of fear. "Anyone... hello?" He was ready to break down and cry. He turned his attention to the bag at his feet, and he hoisted it up onto the table he'd been seated at. He pulled back the zipper on the bag, which he could tell was brand new as it hadn't been covered in the same layers of dirt everything else was. He pulled out the first item: a bottle of water. He set it aside, and pulled out the second item: a cold, black pistol. The sheer heft of it let Alex know that it was probably the real deal. A distant memory that was meaningless at the time suddenly popped into his mind. Memories of long hours watching videos online alone in his room. Videos of students being forced to kill each other with random weapons. He'd thought it was staged, that there'd be no way any world power would let these sorts of things happen. He'd even heard one of the students (Adam I think his name was, he couldn't recall) was in this program, but dismissed the idea as stupid outlandish rumours and jokes. He even rememebered watching the blurry footage of kids his age get shot, or stabbed on websites that were into that sort of stuff. Panic struck him again.

Oh no... I didn't think this shit was real... oh fuck, no way... it can't be... can it? Am I... in... the program?

He reached further into the bag. A piece of folded paper was inside, and Alex knew it was a map before he could even unfold it. His eyes widened more, and he pulled out a small box of individual bullets and an instruction booklet labelled "Baretta 1934: Owner's and Operations Handbook". He dropped it on the bench next to him, his mouth agape. It was all becoming real. He looked around the room some more, utterly convinced someone was pulling a prank on him.

Wait a sec... don't people kill each other in this thing? Holy fuck! No... this can't be... this isn't real. None of this is real, right? It can't be... this is fake. yeah, that's it. It's all fake

"Ok guys, really funny. You can come out now. I know about this prank. Not verry funny. Come on out..." He said it with a tone of self-assuring desparation. "Seriously guys. Fun's over. Come out."

His hand started shaking again, and he looked down at the gun. "Come on guys, seriously, I have to be at school. I've got that test. Guys? Hello?"

No fucking way... there's no way... it's a hoax. It's gotta be. Unnnhhh... I wish I was at hooooome... please, God please don't do this... please! Let this be fake.

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:27 am
by Buko
((Continued from Start - G07))

Guy Rapide was running on pure adrenaline and a need to find Kallie Majors, some would say you need a goal to get by in life, to Guy? Guy just needed to find a girl. While most men would also have the same problem Guy, well Guy's problem was even larger and this was an irony that not even he wanted to acknowledge, Guy's biggest problem was a simple one: Guy's problem was that he was lost.

Yeah, it really did suck, greatly.

And so he ran and when he did come across a building all he did find was a gigantic mess hall, really it wasn't entirely bad, but Guy didn't want to go in. Guy's next problem? Guy's next problem would be the growling in his stomach and his aversion to the stale pieces of bread Danya called crackers and as he stared at the mess hall he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a strong desire to do something stupid.

Guy Rapide had a strange desire to eat pancakes.

"Well, y'know fuck it I might as well make some flapjacks," he smiled, "Fuck it's the thing of legends. Guy Rapide, kicking ass, eating pancakes, fucking bitches," he laughed a bit at his own joke, "Fuck it man, I rock."

Some would call this misogynist, some would call it overtly cocky, to Guy? Well to Guy it meant none of these things and instead it just meant preserving whatever amount of self he had. He was a talker, a joker, and an asshole by trade, as long as he kept to his morals and personality...well then nothing could go wrong, at least the way he saw it. As he walked into the mess hall though he couldn't help but hear a voice, distinctly male, but unfamiliar, brandishing his knife he walked in only to see a figure with a gun.

"Yo, Quickdraw Magraw, you here all by your lonesome?"

For some reason just because he wanted to make pancakes on this island Guy for some reason thought he had balls down to his knees...

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by RePeate*
The words that had come out of Guy's mouth had scared Alex more than he'd ever been scared in his life. Not only were they unexpected, and therefore startled him, but the very idea that he was no longer alone pushed him off the deep end. He whirled around, and before even looking at who was adressing him, he put up his gun and pulled the trigger.


The safety was on.

*click* *click*

Alex had lost all touch with reality. He felt as though the real Alex Steele were up in the rafters, looking down on his body in the mess hall holding a gun to one of his classmates.

"Stay away! Stay the fuck away!" he screamed, tears rolling down his face. Stress sometimes caused Alex to cry... it was the habit of a complete wuss who'd cracked under pressure. "Stay the fuck away, you hear me?! I'll fucking kill you!" He'd played enough videogames to instinctively located and disarm the safety on the gun. He pointed his gun back at Guy, and squeezed the trigger once more.

A loud bang eminated from the weapon. Guns were much louder than Alex had been led to believe through tv and video games. A bullet shot past Guy, bouncing off the wall to his right. It sparked as it hit the wall and made the standard 'ping' sound one often heard used too much as a sound effect in the movies. Fortunately for Guy, Alex had been teary eyed and so couldn't aim well, and had also never even held a gun throughout his whole life.

"Get the fuck away! Ahhh! Stay back! Ahhh!" He was screaming at the top of his lungs. His mind wasn't even thinking about what he was doing, he was just doing it. He inched slowly back towards the wall with the big iron freezer door, looking desperately for a place to escape. He squeezed the trigger again. Another shot rang out.

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by Buko
I've never been much of a fighter, fuck let's just say that I'm the type of kid who people don't know his birthday solely because he's scared of getting birthday punches, hell I've never had the greatest of luck either, fucked it up in Paris, fucked it up with every girl I've been with and now? Well, it seems that I fucked up again and picked the one room where a psycho is ready to shoot at me for looking at him the wrong way...

Yeah, my luck seems to be just as good as my stature.

It's tough to surmise how Guy reacted to the gunshots, to put it simply, well at first he didn't and as he saw the bullet connect he saw every moment of his life pass before his very eyes, the next gunshot grazed his shoulder and as Guy winced in pain he couldn't help but realize one thing and it was this thing that had spurred the games of many SOTFers, this realization, this idealogy. To put it simply Guy Rapide realized that if he didn't fight, if he allowed this to occur then he would die. And when it came down to it, fighting...was much less scary than dying.

And so he ran towards the boy, in a zig-zag pattern and with a shocking speed, the blood from the grazed bullet causing his gray hoodie to become a dark muckish brown color, but that wasn't the point. The point was that Guy was going to try his best to get this kid to stop firing, logically that'd be best done by disarming the gun. With his knife barred Guy Rapide closed the distance between him and Alex Steele and did perhaps the gutsiest move he had ever done, it was so gutsy that he would find himself immediately jumping backwards and widening his eyes.

He had with all his strength attempted to stab Alex Steele -a student he didn't know too well- in the wrist with his nine inch bayonet.

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by RePeate*
What little courage Alex had gained by hitting his target (even if it was just a glancing blow) faded instantly as soon as Guy lunged after him. Instinctively Alex turned to deflect the blow, lifting his arms above his head as he did so. Guy's swing came dangerously close, and tore a rip in the side of Alex's shirt. The adrenaline pumped through Alex now. He had no control over his actions. He screamed at the top of his lungs again. "Get away! Get away from me! GET AWAY!"

He shot again, but was in too close to put up his arms and aim so his shot went straight into the ground. He double-stepped backwards to escape a follow up attack that would likely come his way. As he did so, he bumped into the cold metallic door of the walk-in freezer. "Get away! Fuck off!" He squezzed another round off, but this one flew far to Guy's right, hitting one of the few intact windows remaining. The glass shattered and filled the room with a loud crash. Alex took the opportunity to unbolt the freezer door and swing it open in a seamless motion, his eyes transfixed on his opponent. He was being backed into a corner without even realising it.

"Stay the fuck away from me! Don't touch me!"

He backed slowly into the freezer to escape his agressor. As he did, he put his gun up and aimed right for Gus' forehead. "Back off!"

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by Buko
OoC- Son of a bitch, I wanted that gun :-P, anyways just to speed things up I'm going to...well go ahead with the actual kill. If you want to have Alex accidentally drop the gun on his way to the black abyss that is death that's cool, but if not...well I suppose you'll figure something out. Anyways, back to the post...

Fuck, I'm not going to make it out of this if I don't think of something...

I should've figured as much, the guy is over six inches taller than me, I'm going to have to be quick and get out of here...fuck, that's not an option, turning my back to an armed gunman? They call me stupid, but I sure ain't retarded enough to do that...

Guy's eyes surveyed the room quickly, it was average Parkour habit to survey a room and the surroundings in his case the greatest weapon was indeed the environment and that's when he noticed the exact positioning of Alex, by the freezer. Ideas rushed at him like an entire defensive line and soon enough he was smirking a little bit, this fight was over and Guy would make sure to win it with only one blow. Truly even in SOTF size didn't matter.

"Dans votre cas ... disons juste que la congélation d'enfer arrivera beaucoup plus bientôt que le plus pensent.", he smirked coldly, the French felt odd on his tongue as it had been absent from his life for the last four years, but he figured it'd simply give him one more element of surprise. Running towards his opponent again with a zig-zag pattern Guy added another element of surprise that made him very hard to keep track of, being aware of his own center of gravity it was quite easy to manipulate and twist his core just above said center.

This giving him the appearance of a extremely fast midget drunken boxer.

Anyway as he rushed in he would send out a quick and powerful jab towards his opponents chest, even though it carried the weight of a powerful punch it was primarily used as a deception in order to distract Alex from the real attack, as soon as his fist would come back from said punch Guy would find his free hand reaching and shutting the freezer door.

He wouldn't waste any time in locking it from the outside.

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by RePeate*
The door slammed shut, and a distinctive click could be heard as Alex knew it had locked from the outside. It was an oversight he couldn't believe he'd missed. Panic set in, and Alex began to feel like a cornered rat. But he was a rat with a gun.


Four rounds pierced the door. Though it looked like heavy steel, it was more likely hollow and aluminum or some such lighter metal to facilitate easy opening. Daylight shined through the holes, but it was the only light in the whole room. Alex still had a bit of delerium coursing through his mind, and his number one concern was not being hurt by Guy. "Stay away! Stay away!" he shouted as loud as he'd ever shouted anything in his life.


Two more holes appeared in the door. They probably served better as a deterrent for Guy to come any closer than he was thinking, but Alex had lost that train of rational thought long ago. To him, he just felt firing any weapon at anything would make the problem go away. The wretched smell of decades old decaying food (the freezer was obviously without power, and must have been for some time) barely affected Alex in the least bit. All he could do was scream over and over. "Get away! Get the fuck away from me!" He sounded like a child throwing a temper tantrum in a toy store that would die if he didn't get the toy he wanted.


In his crazed state Alex had misfired his last round, which struck the large steel walls as opposed to the lighter door. The bullet deflected and bounded right back at him, stricking him square in the chest. He collapsed to the floor. The pain he felt was like none before it. It felt warm, like a burning sensation, and tight, like someone was squeezing him really hard. He tried to move, but each miniscule movement racked his whole body with pain. His mind was telling his body to get up and shoot some more, but his body just collapsed each time he'd try. Blood seeped from the wound at a rate Alex had never seen before. He was the kind of kid that avoided anything that sounded like it could injure him somehow. The only time he'd ever been seriously hurt when he he was beaten up in ninth grade by a bully named Jordan, who'd since been expelled. But that was nothing compared to this.

Oh god! Oh god! Oh my god! Holy shit! Oh god!

He stopped trying to get up, and instead tilted onto his side. He felt sleepy, and he really wanted nothing more than to take a nap. Unbeknownst to Alex, he was dying. I'm so tired... must sleep... can't stay awake. Just a little nap... just for an hour... so sleepy... Alex didn't understand why the other kids picked on him; why he didn't have any friends. He'd always thought something was wrong with himself because of it. Some horrible flaw must have been keeping Alex Steele from a normal childhood filled with friends, free from bullying and teasing, and maybe someday even getting a girlfriend. I wish... I... wish... somebody were here, right now... I bet... that'd feel... good

He coughed up blood, and it dribbled down his face into the pool that was already spreading out from under him. I don't... think... anyone will... miss me... much.... I'm sorry... I can't be the... normal wanted... be home...soon... so sleep...sleep...sleepy... so...cold...tired...cold... Things went black, and the last thing Alex Steele ever remembered was shivering as he closed his eyes to get the sleep his mind craved more than anything else in the world...


Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by LadyMakaze*
It was strange...

She thought she'd heard noises. Panicked shouts. And then this strange sound. Like a loud crack or a bang, several of them in a rhythmically disjointed succession. She didn't know enough about guns to know what they sounded like, but just hearing it was enough to make her blood run cold. It was enough to make her want to run and hide, just crawl under a table somewhere and pray that it was all just a dream and that she would soon wake from what was simply a child's nightmare.

And yet she stayed. For a while, she simply stood there in front of the mess hall, large brown eyes staring up in wide-eyed, impassive expression towards the double-doors that lead to the inside. She was a rather small, childlike figure dressed thickly and plainly in a black turtle neck and a childish-looking pink hoodie. Her daypack lay limply at her side. The red skirt she hung at her ankles, and her sleeves were much too long, concealing her tiny hands.

But they reached out now, grasping the door handle. It felt cold underneath her palm, and for a moment, she just kept her hand there, deliberating.

There were people here. That's what she thought. She heard them from outside. It sounded as though they were fighting or something, but it had been a oddly long while since they'd stopped. Right now, Alice could only hear silence. What were they doing in there now? Whatever it was, she couldn't hear them anymore.

When she'd heard those noises, she wanted nothing more than to run away scared, because she'd suddenly felt frightened at that moment. But now? She resisted it. She wanted to know what was going on right now. And above all? There were people in there. If there had really been a fight, one of them might be hurt...

The doors creaked open, letting in a shaft of light. She had to use both hands to pull the door open. Tentatively, Alice poked her head inside, looking about carefully. She could see rows of tables arranged in a large room, next to a serving counter. It was a cafeteria or something, right? The map said so...

She carefully let herself through the doors, pulling along her daypack with some difficulty, due to it's oddly heavy weight. Wandering a bit further inside, taking small steps, she gazed along the floor, towards the sides of the room, and the ceiling.

...Nobody? She thought she'd heard noises. ...Was she just hearing things?

Nobody's here, she thought to herself.

Almost dejectedly, she let out a small sigh, relaxed a bit and wandered further inside, still having to drag her daypack along. She rested at one of the tables, her back facing the kitchen. Sitting down, she gradually managed to heave up the daypack onto the seat beside her, with a bit of difficulty.

Letting out a bit of a sigh and folding her tired hands together on the cafeteria table, she rested, immersing herself in the empty silence that filled the deserted mess hall.

Right now? She still had no idea what was going on right now, or what was happening. The quiet would help her think about all of this properly. Maybe. Hopefully.

It was much less noisy than the cafeteria at school, that was for sure. The lack of people could account for that, but it also made the place seem eerily empty... such a place that was normally packed to the brim with people was completely deserted. For sure, it must have once been much more lively and full of activity. In a way it sort of reminded her of the cafeteria at school, where'd she'd often eat, sitting away from people, on that table in the corner that no one seemed to want to share with her. And even now she was sitting by herself. It all seemed eerily familiar. From within the resonant silence, Alice thought she could hear the ghosts of patrons' voices chattering over meals... the thick scent of heated food wafting from the tubs at the lunch line... the sound of footsteps and the din of clattering utensils...

It all evaporated when everything was re-immersed in silence again, and Alice looked over her shoulder.

Just now, she'd thought she was alone, that she'd been mistaken in thinking there had been people there when really it was completely deserted. Was that for sure though? Why did she feel as though there were another presence in the room, that she wasn't completely alone?

" anyone there?"

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by AtomicWaffle*
((Continued from Archangel))

With every mistake we must surely be learning...

With an unholy cracking noise, the rusty hinges of the Mess Hall's side door flew apart as a massive foot struck it with a horrible, crushing force. The screws that held the door in place rolled along the floor, making subtle clinking sounds after the massive slamming noise of the door, falling to the hard concrete. A very large figure strode through the broken doorway, stopping on the edge of the door he just uncerimoniously kicked down. The figure brushed dust off of his shoulder. The mess hall appeared to be empty. Still, he couldn't help but call out to anyone inside the mess hall.


Gabriel Theobaldt's deep voice held little emotion, and contrasted greatly to the massive kick he had given to the door. At the other side of the mess hall, he could see another set of doors, a crack open. His attention was drawn to a figure sitting at one of the tables, clearly startled by his sudden, violent entrance.

His hand resting on the hilt of the sword, in it's sheath since his fight with Adam Dodd, he walked slowly, making himself look not quite as threatening as he had attempted before. A new 'strategy' as it were, was in place. His 'alliances' as they may stand for the time being, relied almost entirely on first impressions. He had little time before the next announcement, he gathered, and he was perhaps a little too easily recognized. Once word spread that he'd killed another, all of those not playing would be on the lookout for him.

Gain their trust, stab them in the back when they least expect it. Generic, simple. Should work. Though it might be valuable to know what weapons they carry before I commit to any action... As much as I love this sword, a gun would be quite nice...

Looking down at the other figure whom he towered over, by almost two feet (though, who didn't he tower over?) he took his massive hand off of the sword hilt it was resting on, and sat down across from her, his massive stature seeming to impose upon the entire room. The water from the ravine still clung to his chest, and it gleamed in the light. The black T-Shirt he wore was now quite dirty. Gabriel gingerly moved his knee to the side, as it still ached after being sharply kicked from behind.

Calm, introduce yourself, appear friendly... try, at least.

It seemed like an eternity as Gabriel stared at the girl across from him, thinking of what to say. He was good with words. Poetry, debates, writing - despite his reclusive nature over the years, he often broke out into quite powerful speeches when assigned them. Yet now, he couldn't find the words to say to this girl, who he didn't doubt was afraid of the sword-wielding giant who had just kicked down the heavy door at the other end of the mess hall. It seemed he had become so engulfed in his ideas of grandeur that he'd forgotten how to deal with reality. A painful wakeup call from Adam Dodd seemed to change his perception of the game, if only a little.

"Hello... sorry to startle you like that, I was in a bit of a hurry to get in here. My name's Gabriel, and... don't worry, I wouldn't dream of hurting anybody."

Shortly, you'll get the painful irony of that statement.

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by LadyMakaze*
Heart stopping, Alice jumped, her head jerking towards the door in a mechanical, reflexive movement. The silence was shattered when the door suddenly exploded, terrifying Alice to the point where she fell out of her seat. She'd already been nervous when she realized that there was someone else with her in the mess hall, probably inside the kitchen. All of that nervousness immediately augmented to panic as the door was kicked down.

Who's there? Who's coming in?! She thought wildly, her eyes widening with fear and apprehension, breath growing short, heart racing. Her skin suddenly went cold and she was breaking into tremors and cold sweat.

She froze as a giant of a man, easily overtowering her by almost half her height, appeared in the ruined doorway....then slowly began to approach her, heavy footfalls echoing as he neared the tiny, shaking figure that was Alice.

Her already large eyes were wide and staring at him with utter fear. And in that moment of panic, she found that she couldn't say anything. Her voice locked, and the only sound that came out of her mouth, now wide-open, was something of a croak...or a whimper. Her body wouldn't move. She wanted to run, but she was paralyzed with terror. He was going to hurt her, or something to that extent, and she couldn't do anything! Her eyes fell towards the sword at his side. Feeling pinpricks at the back of her neck, she wondered....was this what terror felt like?

Help me.... someone help me.... .....was what she wanted to say, but only gasps and whimpers emitted from her throat.

Frozen in place, she tried to move her fingers, but they only locked up and shook instead as she gripped the surface of the table, unable to do anything but stare at him as he made his way over to her. Her mind was racing to the point where she was starting to feel dizzy, a cold sharpness coursed through her veins, her breath was growing more and more scattered as she fearfully anticipated his next action...

The ultimate surprise came when he simply sat down, apologized, told her his name, and said he wouldn't hurt her.

....She blinked. For a moment, all she did was stare at him...but gradually, she managed to calm down, slightly. She wasn't in a state of utter panic any more, but his presence was still somewhat intimidating.

Alice finally found the strength to speak, albeit in a tiny voice that was hesitant, and shook slightly...

"Oh....I see."

...Well, what else could she say to that? To someone who just barged in and destroyed the door, even... But if he had wanted to, he could've just harmed her there and then....wouldn't he? Biting her lips together, she folded her hands nervously over the table surface. The expression on her face was nervous, confused, like she wasn't quite sure what to do at this moment. In silence, she looked towards him cautiously, but not saying anything, waiting to see what he would do next.

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by Buko
When the first shot was fired Guillame "Guy" Rapide reacted the way you would expect someone to react when the bullet blasted through the door: he jumped out of the way. Soon a parade of bullets found themselves going through and Guy couldn't even fathom the idea of running past the door to get out of here. And then, almost as things felt like the couldn't get any worse Guy heard a shriek and then a thud.

Then he heard nothing.

The silence enveloped the area for a few long and drawn out minutes and all Guy could focus on was the door that now looked like a metal version of Swiss cheese. His eyes where widened and sweat was coming down from his brow as he just stared and stared, his peripheral destroyed, his mind was numb and as he tried to figure out what was going on all he heard was a deadening sound of the door being kicked in from the outside: Another attacker?

Well, if there was another attacker the least he could do was warn Alex Steele and as Guy ran to the door and unlocked it, he peered it open and stuck his head in...

"Alex? Look man I'm sorry, let's calm down none of us wants to..."

And then Guy Rapide had to focus all of his energy to not shitting himself as he noted that Alex Steele was now crumpled and bleeding heavily from his chest on the side wall of the freezer, more importantly he was unmoving. At first Guy thought he was sleeping, then he realized the chest hadn't been moving characteristically upwards, thoughts burned like wildfire in Guy's mind as he felt a pang of guilt. HE had been the one to lock Alex in the freezer to save his own skin and in some twisted way, the bullet hadn't killed Alex Steele...Guy Rapide did.

And as he approached the corpse shaking it all he could think of doing was pulling the gun out of Alex's cold dead hands, it was shocking, but at least the body had stood away from rigormortis yet.

"Oh my fucking god I just touched a dead body...", he said shuddering as he shook his head feverishly and tried to keep from looking back at Alex, finally locating Alex's bag he took the ammo and placed it in the Jansport bookbag. He now had a gun, a pistol, but that wouldn't save him from the game; hell it did a great job saving Alex Steele. Anyways as he went to the outside and towards the cafeteria tables all he could see was...somebody two feet bigger than him and a young girl around his own size. Both of their names escaping him, but still Guy raised his gun.

"I would ask if you guys are playin', but only a friggin' psycho would say 'yes!', so instead let's just skip that bullshit...", he paused as he rose his gun at the 6'11" monster, "And what about you Andre the Giant? You come in here, with a sword and just fucking sit there like it's all good and you want me to think nothing is up? Fuck, I half expect you to burst out with 'There can only be one!' before killing everyone on the damn island..."

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by LadyMakaze*
Never had Alice felt so bewildered in her life. This....GIANT of a man, sword at his side, covered in water, was just staring her down, and she was just this frail, tiny little thing sitting in front of him with her hands folded on the table.

She quickly drew her hands back and hid them under the table, afraid to look at him and instant looking at her fingers. What should she do? What did he want? Why was he staring at her? Why did he sit in front of her? No one talked to her. No one ever bothered to sit at the same table with her at the cafeteria back at school. The sheer and suddenly strangeness of it only intensified her apprehension. She bit her lip together until it was bleeding slightly, body trembling and hunched over on the seat.... what should she do?

Before the answer even came to her, another voice, equally strange and unfamiliar, broke her thoughts. Startled, she turned around to meet the presence she'd believed she had sensed earlier but in the end thought she was just mistaken...

It wasn't a mistake after all, he was there all along, a boy, about the same height as her. Alice's large brown eyes suddenly widened in shock, dark irises contrasting violently against the white. He had a gun...!!

This time, she really did fall out of her seat as her body convulsed in fear. Terror was what numbed her to the pain of the impact, and when she lifted her face, her eyes went to the gun again....

Whimpering, she desperately struggled to scramble to her feet. In her panic, she'd forgotten her daypack as she bolted towards the door. She had to get out of here! It was too dangerous! That boy with a gun was going to...

...she didn't even make it two steps away from the table when she tripped, lost her footing, and fell. Hitting the floor yet again, the shock of the impact was enough to leave her stunned and prone, wondering what in the world was happening to her.

This can't be happening...

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:28 am
by AtomicWaffle*
Andre the Giant? Oh, I haven't got THAT one before...

Gabriel rolled his eyes, seemingly unphased by the gun pointed at him. In all truth, he was frightened of dying, but he knew quite well how to close that fear off from the rest of the world. He only simply raised his hands, and slid back off his seat, then standing up. The short people close by him, coupled with the fact that the mess hall wasn't quite built around people Gabriel's height, seemed to make him more massive than he already was. He habitually stretched his neck, causing it to crack. His back ached still from the fall down the ravine.

"Wait.... what the fuck is it you want? Going about like you've seen through somebody's master plan, that you were smart enough not to fall victim to my devious ruse... What the fuck? I just sat down here man, I've been through hell and back already, and I need a break. So really, fuck off. Please. "

Looking quite uncomfortable, he walked quite quickly over to the fallen girl near the door, and knelt down, seemingly oblivious to the fact that someone had a gun pointed towards him. Had he not seen Gabriel first, then Gabriel would have cut him down already. But he didn't need to know that.

Wincing, he knelt down near the fallen girl, seeming as if he actually cared whether she was in fact, hurt, or not. Though, he did have a perfectly good reason for doing this; the girl had fallen close to a large counter at the side of the room. If the other guy decided to open fire, which Gabriel didn't doubt would happen sooner or later, he could use it as cover. He only hoped his ploy to make himself look not like the sociopathic murderer he was, would work.

"Hey, look... sorry I scared the shit out of you, please, I didn't mean to upset you... Are you okay? You took a bit of a fall there. C'mon over here... I don't think that guy's going to hurt us unless we hurt him."

Yeah, right...

Gabriel knelt down closer to her, and whispered in her ear. He spoke quickly, and harshly. "Just in case, would you please, get behind this counter?"

It seems like now's a good time for a devious plan...

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:29 am
by Buko
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...", Guy said closing his eyes and shaking his head for a moment, "You've got this whole situation twisted, you see I've got a gun, yeah that's right a gun and a gun that's been fired less than ten minutes ago in this very area, so for all you know Goliath I could be the Oompa fuckin' loompah of destruction and you come in here actin' all calm and shit?", Guy shook his head, "Just call it that good ol' French arrogance, but if you're not pissin' yourself or trying to reason with me than you must be fucked up.", he said before staring daggers at Gabriel, "Once again excuse me, but you're a fucking gigantic dude with a sword and you're trying to gain partnerships with this little girl?"

He looked towards the girl as if to apologize for what was going to come out of his mouth.

"That pretty much gives me two ideas: either you're so filled with goodness that you're shittin' rainbows or you just want a partner that's easy to take out.", he said once again making various hand signs before pointing the gun at Gabriel again, "So here's how it's goin' to go down Highlander, you're going to drop that sword and get the fuck out of here before we see if you bleed rainbows as well, alright? C'mon if you really are a good person you should've no problem just going on your merry way."

He then looked towards Alice while still keeping the gun pointed at Gabriel, he smiled a bit at her, but his tone was relatively the same.

"As for you, Go out and find your friends, fuck the guy you've always wanted to and try getting a hold of some drugs to take, 'cause honestly we probably don't have much time left."

Re: The Sparks of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:29 am
by LadyMakaze*
Alice's prone body hurt all over. It took her a while to move out of that flat, prone, helpless position she'd assumed when she'd gracelessly plummeted onto the grime-covered floor.

Her large eyes, welling up slightly from the soreness caused by the impact, stared about at the unfolding situation surrounding her. Listening as the two boys argued, she felt as though she were caught up in a whirl of utter confusion, not to mention, bad tempers, and foul-mouths.

All of this was happening, and she had no idea what was going on, or what to do in a situation like this.

She flinched slightly as the tower of a senior student knelt beside her, then blinked in surprise at his words. Looking behind her, she only just realized in that moment that she had fallen near a sturdy looking counter...

Running away and finding a place to hide and cry was what she felt like doing right now.

Still on the floor, she looked on in confusion....and fear, as the shorter boy began telling her to do otherwise.

....Why was everyone swearing so much?! She could barely keep up with what he was saying, he was just too fast for her, and she didn't understand half of what he was talking about.

For one, she didn't have any friends....she wasn't sure if she liked any of the boys in her class...and also, wasn't doing drugs...kind of illegal?

Her eyes went back to the gun in his hand. Was it a trick? Would he shoot her if she tried to run? Then again, she didn't want to be here either...

She struggled to stand...and found that she couldn't even get up, her body was still reeling from the impact of the fall. Why did her clumsiness have to kick in at a time like that?! Tears welling up, she looked towards the door, it was much too far for her to even hope to escape through...

...Alice began to crawl, slinking like an injured animal behind the counter, making a beeline towards the corner it made with the wall. There, she curled up, hugging her legs, and buried her face into her knees, hoping it would all be over quick.