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Trashed and Scattered

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:09 am
by Ares
((Mr. Rizzolo continued from The Answer))

"When the moon hits the sky,
I'll just cut out your eye,
I'm Rizzolo

When I win-a this game
I'll have fortune and fame
I'm Rizzolooo"

John sang the song to himself to the tune of That's Amore, as he continued on his way through the jungle. Though his spirits were up, his body was telling him that he still needed rest. It was harsh to go this long into the game on the diet provided. If it wasn't such a waste of bullets, he'd have tried hunting something small like a squirrel or rabbit. John looked up and noticed he was now at the Mess Hall, the fresh scent of blood filling his nostrils, and it only took him a minute to find the source.

"Wade Wilson..." John said quietly as he looked at the corpse, barely recognizable from the damage inflicted to his skull.

Well...less competition for me.

John continued on his way inside the mess hall. There had been fights in here for sure. The tables were messed up, the chairs were knocked over, there had been some good action here for sure. Another wave of the smell of decomposition hit John's nostrils. Though he was used to the smell for the most part, it could still hit you hard every now and then.

"Alright, I came here to get some fucking sleep, and I'm going to get my fucking sleep."

John closed the entrance door and took the time to barricade it using some of the tables. Looking around, John confirmed the only way in or out besides the door would be to jump through a window along the side of the building. Satisfied with the makeshift barrier John took up residence on the far side of the cafeteria using his bag as a pillow. He made sure that his pistol was at his side just in case, then closed his eyes and drifted off into dream world, once again to his own version of That's Amore.

Re: Trashed and Scattered

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:09 am
by Ares
John awoke to find it was still night time but he still felt incredibly refreshed. Looking around, he made sure all of his stuff was accounted for. He knew that soon the new day would approach and he'd have work to do. It was getting down to the wire and there were still other players like him out to slaughter. He'd just have to beat them to the punch.

After tearing down his makeshift barrier, John exited the Mess Hall and walked into the jungle, once again humming the tune of That's Amore to himself.

((John Rizzolo continued in:Lock, Step and Gone))