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Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:16 pm
by riserugu*
"Well isn't this something different."

The statement left the lips of one Ianto Murphy –or to the masses out there watching B22—in almost a bit of awe at just what he was looking at, as well as standing ankle deep in, the latter he not so much in awe about. It had been a couple of hours since he had woken up from his gas-induced slumber only to find himself sprawled out on the hard floor of a partly collapsed, though mostly no longer there building with a bit of a curious though mostly worried look. Because he had remembered being on the bus busing himself in one of his books while trying to balance his precious guitar at his side from falling over onto the ground in thanks to that bus driver's less that grand driving skills… then, then he remembered being in a classroom for some reason, unable to help think that perhaps the trip itself had just been some dream of his, but something had been very, very wrong with that scene.

Well something was very, very wrong with this scene in him standing in ankle-deep mucky water that he didn't even want to think was in there, a large pack secure around his shoulder while an old-fashioned rifle of sorts was held tightly in the other hand. A bit unable to decided if he had gotten lucky in drawing a weapon like this and be able to properly protect himself as well as scare more than a number of people away, or unlucky in the fact that someone might just want to attack to try and get his weapon. Swallowing somewhat, green eyes scanned the murky area for a moment before deciding that getting onto solid ground would probably be in his best interest before he fell into quick sand or something like that.

Moving through the marsh, which turned out to be a harder process that he had thought before, he finally found himself stepping up onto dry land with a rather loud sigh leaving his lips, almost wanting to just collapse onto the ground and recover some of the strength he had lost in trekking across that forsaken marsh, though someone managed to bring himself to remaining standing and glancing over this new area that surrounded the area he had just emerged from. For all he could see, and for all he could hear there didn't seem to be anyone around the area he was in.

Which in something like this he guessed might be a good thing, now though people where going to turn on one another, and he really didn't know who he'd might be able to trust, well the President sure -- he had a good thing she'd never allow herself to do something like this. Beyond that he wasn't too sure who else, shaking his head somewhat as he lifted the rifle in his hands somewhat and looked it over, not to terribly pleased that it might come to the point that he might have to use this -- and on someone he had probably spent the last four years in school with as well.

It was an odd, and strange thought - after all, with all the high schools in the country why where they chosen? Did it have something to do with that freaky Dodd kid? After all, what where the chances that he'd be picked a second time unless they where planning on it to happen, and they where now caught up in all of this. One by one futures, and dreams would begin to fall and shatter with each death... already wondering how many had died in the span of time he had woken up, how many of his classmates had crossed that line and had actually become killers.

He once again found himself looking to the rifle in his hands, he could very easily become just like them too with this weapon he had been assigned... but at the same time he could use this to not only protect himself but try and protect others as well. Ianto almost found himself laughing at this, because this wasn't something a high senior was supposed to thinking about let along having to do, because none of this was supposed be happening they where supposed to be camping in the woods, laughing, roasting marshmallows, and sending their last real time together before graduation. Not spending what was more than likely the last days fighting and killing one another...

Tisking to himself, he sifted from one foot to another, not enjoying the sensation of his shoes completely drenched in water as he swung his pack around from his back and undid it, digging around for the map he had remember seeing when he had gone through it earlier. Unfolding it, and glancing it over, faced with another question of just where he should go next... hanging around here wouldn't be of any use, and working off the thought process of trying to dodge players would be a lot harder than he wished it really was.

Sighing after a long moment of looking up and down and back up again along the map, letting the pack from his shoulder and crouching, placing the rifle against the ground as well, scanning the map, really wanting to be careful with the choice he made next in where to go -- but really, was anything safe anymore?

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:16 pm
by Megami*
The jungle she had awoken in was dense and vast, and Viki Valentine (Female Student no. 6) felt like she had been wandering around for what seemed like days through the thick foliage, when in actuality, it had only been an hour or two at the most. Ten more feet sent her through the last of the foliage...

And into what looked like the ruins of a town. The place was old and a musky smell, probably from the stagnant water, perforated the entire area. What looked as though they used to be homes were in shambles, most half sunk into the shallow but murky waters that occupied them.

Viki squinted her eyes and scanned the area in front of her, but she couldn't see anything besides the dilapidated housing region in front of her. She wiped the sweat from her brow and let out a light sigh. This wasn't the most ideal place to be staying, but really, nowhere on this island was what one could call "ideal".

Her feet ached from walking, and more than anything else she wished she would have been wearing tennis shoes. It dawned on her that she had thrown a pair into her camping bag offhandedly, but she didn't dare stop long enough to try and put them on.

Instead, she'd crammed all of her clothes and personal effects into the duffle bag she'd been issued and taken off through the jungle upon her awakening. Much to her dismay, the terrorists had issued her a fire extinguisher as a weapon. What was she supposed to do with a fire extinguisher?

Viki could just see it now. "Leave me alone... or else!" "Or else what?" "Uh, uh...". What was she going to do? Spray the fire extinguisher at them and run like there was no tomorrow? Really, what other choice did she have but to do exactly that?

The thoughts immediately stopped running through her mind as she saw a figure emerge from the marsh not too far away. She squinted again and peered at the figure, trying to identify them. It wasn't exactly hard to do. There weren't too many people who looked like Ianto Murphy, after all.

Part of her wanted to smile. She knew that Ianto was a nice guy and always had been, so surely he was someone she could trust, right? The large rifle-esque weapon she suddenly noticed didn't make her so sure that was true. She backed away for a moment, considering her options.

She could turn around and run the way she came, but then she'd have to hope that she'd make it back through the jungle without running into any wild animals or whatever else was in that place. Overall, traversing it alone didn't seem like a good idea. She was lucky to have made it through once.

So then, what other choice did she have?

"Ianto?" Viki called out nervously, half raising her arms above her head, "Hey, I'm not playing, okay?"

Smooth, Vik. Real smooth.

But really, what else was she supposed to have said? She was far more concerned about him playing, especially with the sort of weapon he was toting around. In truth, he seemed like he was more concerned about figuring out how to get out of the marsh than playing, if the way he was staring at his map was any indication, but the weapon still made Viki highly uncomfortable.

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by riserugu*
Lost in his thoughts about being even more lost about the map and just how he was actually supposed to get out of this little area without falling off a cliff or something Ianto didn't hear the approaching figure –something in the next few days that he supposed could prove deadly for him—and continued to busily search over the map for not only somehow to get out of this depressing area but just where he could head next after this, it wasn't safe to think that any one place was safe anymore, well expect this place… as there didn't seem to be anyone but him and whatever just might be in the marsh in the general area, but Ianto was not looking forward to actually holding out in a place like this for as long as he could.

His best bet he figured would be locating his friends… they where stronger together than apart, and if he remembered anything from the best games that he had witnessed and actually watched was that these player-people always seemed to be alone –not surprising when you're trying to kill everything that even thinks about getting in the person's way—so if they managed to stay together then they had a better chance of lasting longer, and being able to handle if one of those player's decided to waltz and try and make a bloodbath of the area.

The voice though startled him, Ianto surprised somewhat that he didn't reach for his assigned weapon – though that probably came from the fact that he wasn't going to be shooting any of the girls anytime soon.

Because psycho crazy bitch or not… just wasn't something he was going to do.

Though at the sight of just who it was he couldn't help but smile, because he knew that there was just no way Viki could be one of the before mentioned psycho crazy bitches that seemed to pop up in all the games so far. Pushing his hands against his knees and moving to stand, forgetting the weapon for the moment as he stepped over his map and toward the girl. Just really incredibly happy that the first person he ran into, rather ran into him it seemed, didn't come in all gung-ho with guns a-blazing sending bullets into whatever even looked like it might be possible for the thing move, "Oh man, don't worry I'm not either." He found he couldn't help muttering as he approached her, smiling still. "Even though they gave me a nice weapon will make for a better thing to scare people off with me…"

Sighing somewhat, he mused a bit. "Really glad to see you're okay though Viki, and that you're not… one of the crazies that we probably have running around from our graduating class."

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by RePeate*
Gabe had been walking for a good ten minutes before finally hearing the sound of another person. It had sounded like Viki, but he wasn't sure, so he headed in the direction it came from. Wandering around the marsh was making Gabe tired. He had been using the ski pole that was assigned to him as a weapon as a makeshift walking stick. Some joke... a ski pole as a weapon. These things are light and hollow. It could never hurt someone if I hit him with it. They'd probably never even feel it. My only hope is a good solid jab to the eye or something...

Gabe had come to terms with his situation, and had made up his mind that he'd have no part killing anyone. He just wanted to find Kara and keep her safe. She wasn't with him when he woke up, and that thought alone scared him more than being let loose and hunted by your friends ever did. Though his situation was indeed dire, Gabe stumbled onward in total disbelief of what was going on. It was as though he was operating on autopilot the entire time, wandering without a destination. His concious mind had detatched itself from his body's action. Gabe knew that should he try to sit and rationalize his situation, he'd probably break down. Best to just go with the flow.

He trekked towards where he'd heard the voices, calling out "Hello? Anybody? It's Gabe... I don't want to hurt anyone. I'm not playing ok? Anyone?" He made it to what looked like an old ruined house (there were many around in this marsh... Gabe had thought it an odd place to build houses. Maybe this place is older than he thought) and spotted Viki and another student, Ianto, right away. Ianto had what looked to be a large hunting rifle of sorts, so Gabe re-stated his business there. "Viki, Ianto, I see you guys... I'm not going to hurt anyone. Please don't shoot me. I just want to talk. I don't have a dangerous weapon... see" He held out his pole to show that it was pretty harmless as he inched closer to the pair. "I'm coming over. Don't shoot me. Everything's cool. I'm not a threat."

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by Megami*
In terms of people to run into in the middle of a murky swamp, the class Vice-President definitely wasn't on the bottom of the list. Part of her was surprised that the dark-headed boy didn't swing his rifle around at her, if only out of surprise, but instead, he turned around and flashed her a smile.

"It's good to see a friendly face," she smiled back, a sign of relief in her voice.

They always said that Survival of the Fittest messed with your entire psyche, but Viki had never really known if the 'game' was real or not, and to be honest, she'd attributed most of what had happened on the game to being good acting by a bunch of talented actors. At least, until a certain 'winner' showed up at their school.

It was around that time that she began questioning whether SOTF was real or fake, and when faced with all the uncertainty that came with it, she had immediately shut it out of her mind. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought her class would've been one to be abducted. They were seniors, for Christ sakes. Up until this point, "Danya" seemed to have had a thing for sophomores.

She realized now how foolish it truly was that the thought of it had never even occurred to her. But, the United States of America was the most powerful country in the world, why did they keep letting these things happen? They had located the abandoned island after the second round of the game had ended, or so she found out later on.

She supposed it was fine and dandy that those families got some solace and at least found the bodies of their children -- the problem being, they were only bodies. She wondered if they were doomed to die on this island as well and subconsciously clutched her grandmother's necklace as the idea of it ran through her mind.

"Looks like they dealt you a better hand than me," she smiled, trying to push the doubt from her mind, "All they gave me was a crummy old fire extinguisher. Not sure how I'm supposed to use that to defend myself."

The voice that echoed out from behind them caused Viki to spin around on her heel -- not so much from being startled, although that was a part of it -- but it was more the fact that the voice she had heard held a definite since of familiarity for her. She didn't have to wonder where she'd heard it before, it instantly clicked when Gabe revealed himself.

"Gabe!" Viki called back, maybe a little too overenthusiastically, "We're not playing! We don't wanna hurt anybody!"

She knew that she definitely didn't, and if Ianto had, he'd probably have blown a hole through her stomach the moment she stepped out of the bushes. With the sudden appearance of Gabe, coupled with the fact that she had run into Ianto -- an all-around nice guy -- and the fact that he'd been dealt an excellent weapon, she was starting to feel a little less apprehensive and a little more secure.

Gabe was slowly inching his way over to them, and Viki allowed her pack to fall idly to the ground before meeting him halfway. The sense of relief she felt at seeing someone she was friends with -- especially him -- was almost overwhelming, and she couldn't seem to help herself as she embraced Gabe in a tight hug.

"I'm glad you're okay..." she mumbled quietly.

I hope everyone else is, too. Ev, and Steve, and Courtney...

Gabe's girlfriend briefly passed through her mind, and it almost disturbed Viki that she didn't really care whether Kara was alright or not. She and the blonde girl had never reconciled for the events at the bowling alley that night, and Viki had no intention of doing so. Still, was she so spiteful and jealous that she'd wish ill will on her?

"Guys..." Viki stated quietly after releasing Gabe, "What are we gonna do? We're so screwed it's not even funny."

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by riserugu*
Ianto continued help continuing to smile, just really, really happy to have come across someone whose first thoughts wasn't to try and kill everyone in the area, and then maybe ask for a name – though hearing the unlucky draw she had been dealt in terms of weaponry… really, what was she supposed to do with something like a fire extinguisher? Unable to help chuckling lightly at the girl's statement, but cut himself off at the sound of a nearby voice calling out to them.

Almost startled as he glanced off to where the voice was coming from, narrowing his eyes somewhat and somewhat recognizing the figure from his brief time with the football team in his junior year, opening his mouth to perhaps inform the other male that they weren't playing, nor planned too. But Viki seemed to have happily beat him too it, closing his mouth and simply musing as the two friends seemed to reunite with one another, the class vice-president glancing off a bit and back toward his things he had left on the ground.

It was starting to prove to be very difficult to think in a situation like this, it was clear they needed to get somewhere that had some cover, somewhere that offered a bit more protection than this place… less they wanted to hide in the marsh or something.

No, no.
That wouldn't do.

Shaking his head somewhat he returned to where he had left his things while Viki seemed busy with Gabe, speaking or something… he really couldn't hear all that well from where he was currently trying to put things back into his daypack. Glancing toward his rifle lightly with a slight frown as he lifted it, and looked it over – he had spent a good half-hour after he had woken up, and so now had a basic knowledge on it, flipping it over and clicking the safety on as he threw his bag over his shoulder and pushed himself up, cradling the rifle in his hands as he moved toward the other two.

Pursing his lips a bit at Viki's words, scoffing lightly, "I think we're way passed just being screwed." Ianto muttered, pausing near them and sighing loudly. "We need to get out of the open, that's the most important thing right now."

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by Mitsuko2*
From: Just A Miradge

Serenity Halos was at this point tired of walking. Sure, she was in tip top shape, but walking around an island with the fear that at any moment someone could jump out at you and murdur you would take the spunk out of anybody. Couple that with the fact that one of the people she'd gone to school with had all but said he was willing to kill her, you get a very disoriented girl who was definatly not in the mood for anyone's shit.

Add to that mess of things the fact that she was at the moment waddleing through a disgusting marsh? Serenity wasn't a very happy camper. No, it was more like she was a very angry camper who could easily talkle the bear.

"Oh god... this is so wrong! Eww...eww...eww...eww." She mumbled to herself with ever slush through the grime she took, hoping to god that she didn't fall in. That would just be disgusting.

A few voices from not too far away snapped Serenity out her thoughts. She tried to listen harder. It... couldn't be... Serenity moved herself closer to the voices. They were three people. They all looked familiar, but she couldn't place names, it was kind of dark after all. She decided to try and get their attention.

"Hello?! You there! It's me, Serenity! I'm not playing!"

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by RePeate*
To say Gabe was glad to see Viki would have been an enormous understatement. Both of them might not have known it at the time, but seeing Viki when he did had ensured gabe would keep his sanity in these trying times. "Viki! Oh God it's good to see a familiar face". He accepted her embrace, and eagerly returned with a big squeeze to show his pleasure.

A rush of emotion raced through Gabe as he realized just what kind of situation he'd been put into. Only one survives. If it's you, then she's going to die. They're all going to die. There's not a damn thing you can do about it. Kara, Steve, Evan, Viki... all of your closest friends for years... dead men walking. The nagging voice in the back of his head was distracted for a brief second when he thought he'd heard another familiar voice: Serenity.

Gabe scanned the area, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. As he thought, Serenity was indeed calling to them. Gabe smiled an immense smile. Is Steve with her? God I hope so... Maybe if we all band together... they can't kill all of us.

"Serenity!" Gabe called out, "Over here! It's OK, it's safe. Nobody here will hurt you!" Things were turning around.

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by Megami*
Relief faded into apprehension, then back into relief, and once again into apprehension. The cycle kept overcoming Viki's mind. She was so happy to be among friends, especially the current friends she'd managed to find, but at the same time, it didn't matter who she was with. She'd be in equal danger if she'd ran into Evan instead of Gabe, or Brad Kavanagh or that strange Josh Goodman kid. The danger didn't exactly decrease with the company that surrounded her.

Ianto suggested that they find shelter, and Viki couldn't find a reason to argue. At least in a building, their chances of being attacked and picked apart seemed to be much less than when they were outside, in the open. The marsh was alright for the moment. At least the old ruins -- there was no other way to describe them -- of the homes kept them somewhat covered, but it wasn't a good place to stay permanently.

"Well..." Viki mused, trying to smile throughout all the fears and doubts that plagued her mind, "Got anywhere particular in mind, or are we just gonna close our eyes and spin our finger across the map?"

She gave him a light smile before wrapping her arms around her chest and rubbing the bare skin below her shirt sleeves lightly. It might have been hot outside, but it didn't do anything to calm the chills that the game periodically sent throughout her entire body.

She sighed quietly and bit her lower lip -- a habit she was guilty of when she was thinking deeply. Her thoughts were quickly broken, though, by the sound of another all-too-familiar voice booming out over the otherwise silent marsh. When the other darkheaded girl came into view, Viki wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or even more upset.

She was glad to see Serenity Halos, of course. A friendly face was always a welcome sight, and Viki knew Serenity pretty well, considering the two girls had waitressed together for quite a while. The reason Viki was somewhat apprehensive of Serenity was more personal than that. She looked over at Ianto and gave him a feigned smile. If only the poor boy had known what kind of drama he'd just been dropped waist-deep in.

It was a complicated situation all around. Viki liked Gabe. Gabe was with Kara. Kara was Serenity's best friend. Serenity was going out with Steve. Steve had left the bowling alley that night with Courtney. Courtney was Kara's cousin. Throw Evan and "some strange looking guy", as the cook had called him, into the mix, and you had quite the party. The guy, Viki didn't know, was Paul Smith. She didn't know the whole story, but one of the morning cooks had been gossiping a while back about how Serenity had been all over one of the customers.

Overall, it was a bloodbath waiting to happen, and Viki could see that from the get-go. But what was she supposed to do? Turn Serenity -- one of her friends -- away? She could never do that. She didn't say anything when she had the chance, and Gabe quickly flagged Serenity over to their location. Instead, Viki simply put on a smile and hugged Serenity.

"Glad to see you're holding up," she mused.

Serenity looked like she had been through hell... or at least, she looked like she'd been crying for quite a while. Under any other circumstances, Viki might've informed her that she had small black trails running down her cheeks, but somehow, she doubted that Serenity really cared at the moment, and neither did anyone else.

At least I know they're okay...

She couldn't get her thoughts off the others though. All of Gabe's friends -- sans, of course, Kara -- had been so nice to her. She was sure that Steve could handle himself. He was a tough guy, and he was probably one of the nicest people in their class. Evan, though, she found herself quite worried about. She'd had a blast the night they went to play laser tag, but if there was one thing she'd learned about him, it was that he was somewhat arrogant... and, well mouthy.

Hopefully, he wouldn't get himself in trouble with his behavior.

Her attention quickly turned back to Ianto for fear that she'd get too far lost in her thoughts, "Well, Mr. Murphy... you're the one with the shotgun. Lead the way."

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by Mitsuko2*
"Gabe!" Serenity yelled out with glee. One of her best and dearest friends througout her years at Sothridge was standing in fromt of her. How on earth hadn't she recognized him before? She quickly sprinted over to him and his two companions, nearly tripping in the swampy muck as she did. She jumped into his arms and hugged him tightyly. He let her go and she smiled brightly at him.

She turned her gaze to the next person and immediately recognized her co-worker and friend Viki Valentine. She smiled and wrapped her arms around the other brunette.

"Viki! I'm so glad you're safe!" She released her and looked to see who the last person in the tri turned quartet was. Ianto Murphy. A kind face in these troubled circumstances. And he had a shotgun. Always good to have some sort of defence she supposed.

"Ianto... I'm glad you're safe too." She smiled at him and turned her attention to Gabe briefly.

"I'd be correct in guessing you havn't run into Steve or Kara..." She frowned as she thought of her boyfriend and Best Friend. Viki questioned Ianto as to where they were going. Serenity didn't care, as long as they were together, and they weren't playing.

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by riserugu*
Ianto found himself pouting somewhat to Viki's words as he lifted a hand and rubbed lightly at the back of his neck in a bit of a thoughtful manner, thinking back to what he had remembered seeing on his map in terms of locations that might be safe for them to head too so they might be able to better plan for what was ahead of them, and what they where going faced with dealing with. And not to mentioned it was just safer to be in an enclosed space, so there was a less likely chance someone could come along and just come in guns a' blazing, though he felt himself tensing up somewhat at the sudden voice coming through the dense air of the marsh, turning lightly and finding himself looking off to another familiar face amongst the kids in their graduating class.

The student council vice-president found himself having to admit he that he was really lucky in this situation that the people he was running into – rather that was running into him all seemed to be friendly faces, and though he didn't know them that well, he had dealt with each on one level or another concerning something. Better still it seemed that each of the three seemed to be pretty good friends, though he blinked as he caught the feigned smile of sorts that crossed Viki's face, eyeing this almost confused but didn't allow himself to think on it for too long, as they where still standing out in the open where anyone could come around and try and attack them.

Sighing somewhat as Serenity approached them, frowning a little over the sight of the girl – she looked horribly worse for wear, and looked as though she had been crying… though was that really so surprising? Though nonetheless Ianto smiled at the other girl speaking toward him and nodding, "I'm really glad to see you're doing alright Serenity." He said, falling silent though as he gave the other three a chance to check themselves over, and apparently question over other friends, biting the inside of his cheek and thinking over some of his own friends – but then again, he was on a pretty good ground with a lot of their classmates, which could, hopefully, prove to be of some use in trying to gather some people together.

But what happened that, then what?

He shook his head though; first they had to get somewhere safe and secure before he allowed himself to fall into thoughts over plans and such concerning plans and what needed to be done, itching a finger against his chin, blinking once more as he looked to Viki as she spoke to him, looking mildly curious before nodding. "You're right… um, yeah. So, why don't we head to the clinic? That it's too far from here, and hopefully we'll have somewhere to hold up for a bit." He stated, sifting the rifle in his hands. "I'll lead, having the gun and all like you said – the rest of you guys, just got to stay close and keep yourself focused alright. Who knows what might be hiding along the way."

[[Continued in Carnage]]

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by RePeate*
"No hun, I haven't seen either of them. My girl and your boy are somewhere on this island. Maybe they're alone or hurt... or worse. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her..." Gabe replied to Serenity, a sullen look crossing his face.

What WOULD you do if something happened to her? God, I hope she's ok... I miss her smile, and her laugh... the way her hair bobs a bit when she runs... the way she smells...

"Guys, I... I don't know if I'm cut out to handle this kind of pressure. I can't stay in this game. There has to be SOMETHING we can do..." Realistically, Gabe felt his chances of fighting the system were slim to none. The cold metallic collar around his neck served as an unwelcome reminder of that fact. The idea of faking his own death or playing to win likewise didn't run through his mind, as he knew at some point or another he'd likely be killed if his intentions were discovered. All Gabe could do for now was go with the group mentality, and try to make due until the threats were smaller and someone could come up with a plan.

"Shelter sounds good. We should set up some kind of base camp... a place where it's safe to sleep and plan. Somewhere we can avoid the other students while we look for our friends". His thoughts turned to Kara and Steve again. His girl and his best friend. The two people outside his family that he cared about most in this world. He expression hardened again.

"What's the plan guys? Where can we go?"

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:17 pm
by Megami*
Gabe's words about Kara made Viki's stomach churn slightly. She couldn't say it didn't hurt somewhat, but what had she really been expecting? She had run into him, but it hadn't changed anything, and it probably never would. Inwardly, she was chastising herself for being so stupid. Whether or not it reflected outwardly, she didn't know, or really care at that precise moment.

Just get over it, Viki. God, you're so stupid. Now's not the time to be worry about stuff like that... and unless you guys figure something out quick, it won't matter anyway, because all of you will be dead.

She gulped slightly at the thought, wrapping her arms even tighter around herself. She tuned out the rest of the conversation between Gabe and Serenity, not really caring to hear any of it. Instead, she focused her attention on Ianto, who seemed to be coming up with a plan of where they were headed.

Finally, he spoke up.

The hospital sounded just as good as any other location to Viki. From the looks of things, this island was pretty old, so it was doubtful that they'd find any supplies that would be of any use, but at least it was a safe place to stay the night in... or at least, it was safer than staying out in the open and trying to camp out in the festering swamp they were currently standing in.

Even Gabe seemed shaken up by the whole thought of the game. Really, there was no reason he shouldn't have been. Still, Viki might have felt more comfortable if he'd have sounded more confident about things. There wasn't any reason to sound confident, of course. Ianto had been issued the only good weapon out of the entire bunch of them.

"It'll be okay..." she tried to put on a smile, even though she couldn't believe the words herself, "We'll figure something out. There's got to be a way, you know? We've just got to have faith... it's been three years, and I saw on the news where the government found the last island that the game was played on... so maybe... if we just hold on... maybe this time, they'll find us."

She put her hand gently on Gabe's shoulder and smiled at both Serenity and Ianto. Who knew? Maybe this time would be their big break. Maybe they'd be the ones to walk away and be able to tell the story about what almost happened to them. Maybe...

Ianto's plan to go to the hospital was the most solid thing they had at the moment, so they needed to head out soon. Viki was scared of travelling in the dark -- to be honest, she was scared of the dark in general -- and she could only see the bad that would stem from having to turn on their flashlights. If only Viki would've known what kind of carnage awaited them at the hospital, she'd have opted to stay in the marsh overnight.

"Well guys... the hospital sounds good. Let's get going."

((Continued in Carnage))

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:18 pm
by Mitsuko2*
Serenity knew what answer would come out of Gabe's mouth before he even said it. Of course he hadn't seen them. They'd be with him if he had. But what he said after shook her to the core. What if they were dead? What if her best friend since she was four was lying somewhere on this god-forsaken island bleeding to death? What if her boyfriend had been shot in the head? What if everyone she knew and loved were gone forever?

"We… we can't think that… they have to be alive…" She said shakily. "I… I'm ready to find a way out. I can't die here… I won't." She sighed and hugged herself tightly.

Ianto suggested that the four of them go to the hospital. Serenity had no objections. Maybe Viki was right, maybe they'd be the ones to get out… maybe they'd be saved. She just had to keep believing.

"Alright… Let's go. I'm not giving up… Not now, not ever." She flashed the three a smile before starting to move out.

Continued: Elsewhere

Re: Whom Shall We Blame?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:18 pm
by RePeate*
Gabe didn't put up much argument for the location . The hospital what as good as any place to use. All he knew was Kara wasn't here... but maybe she was there. He would find her.

"Guys, wait up. I'm coming with..."

((Continued in Carnage))