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A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:38 am
by Crash*
(Dorian Ibanescu continued from Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Robson)

As the overcast sky began to brighten a little owing to the fact that it was now early morning, Dorian felt his energy start to gradually return to him. He'd managed to spend almost an entire day resting in the tree relatively undisturbed, and had managed to find time to eat, drink, and relieve himself on his way to the lookout tower. He was no longer tired, owing to the fact that he'd managed to sleep in the jungle and rest inside the tree, and was more optimistic than he'd ever been over the course of his stay on the island. It had almost been an entire week since the class had been dumped here, and he'd managed to survive. That was a positive prospect.

Then there was the fact that he hadn't heard Danya's voice on the announcements for the last few days. He was sure that the four of them weren't the only ones thinking of trying to escape the island, and from here, he'd be able to see any major events transpiring across it. Coupling that with the fact that he hadn't heard many of his friends' names on the announcements made Dorian slightly more confident in his chances. Their situation wasn't as hopeless and grave as he'd imagined it to be. Besides, during the last game the government came quite close to discovering the island before the game had ended, surely this time they were more prepared and would react more efficiently, right?

As he emerged from the jungle, a faint smile plastered Dorian's face. He'd finally found what he was looking for. Deciding to examine the perimeter before the others caught up to him, he jogged slightly out of the bushes and towards the deformed door of the tower. A large hole was either cut or blasted out of the door, making it next to useless in terms of protection. After opening it however he discovered that, along with a fairly big table, there were a few other odds and ends that they could use to barricade themselves in. Satisfied with that for now, he took a look around the interior. The back door was open, so he decided to close and lock it in turn. He took a few moments to examine the remainder of the tower, but it appeared completely vacant.

Making his way back down to the first floor, Dorian stepped outside and looked out towards the portion of the jungle he'd emerged from. He raised his hand and gestured in the general direction of where he figured the others would come out, signalling that the coast was clear and that it was safe for them to join him. Finally, things seemed to be getting on the right track.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:38 am
by Theseus*
((Neil and Corbin continued from The Stench Of Reality))

SADD was on the move again. They had made quick time through the jungle, probably partly because of Neil's enthusiasm to recruit more students. The whole trek, he let his idea form. So far, the cameras at the small cottage, and the cliff were all destroyed. There were also destroyed cameras in parts of the jungle, though that would be impossible to clear out. Only the major places. After that was done, Neil had to think of how to go about ambushing the people that would hopefully be sent in to fix the cameras.

He had a pretty good idea in mind...

Though it would require more people to be effective.

So now, Neil Sinclair emerged from the jungle, only to be looking at the lookout tower. He took in the sight, only to notice a student standing outside the tower. He was making gestured as well.


Corbin emerged right after Neil, determined to keep up, especially since he had the best weapon in the group. He had to at least put on a brave face and protect the group.

Corbin saw the student, and immediately readied his M16. He wouldn't just shoot, but if Khrysta had taught him anything before she died, it was take no chances.

Neil held his hand back to tell Corbin to stop.

"Wait here. Make sure everyone catches up. I'm going to see what's going on."

Corbin then said, "Come on man. Now you're just being stupid. You can be a good leader without risking your neck every minute. Let me come with you at least."

Neil looked at Corbin and said, "No, you got to make sure the rest catch up. Besides, I have a good feeling about this."

Neil walked forward alone, getting closer to the student. When he was about twenty feet away from the student, he saw that it was a boy. That it was Dorian Ibanescu. He was one of those jocks, on the swim team and such, and that was a good thing. Neil would need muscle for what was to come.

Standing in silence for a moment, Neil spoke.

"Dorian, it's me Neil. Are you alone here?"

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:38 am
by Crash*
Dorian breathed a sigh of relief as two figures emerged from the jungle. He lowered his hand, pleased that two of his allies had finally managed to catch up to him. He walked a bit closer to meet them halfway, but suddenly, something strange caught his eye. One of them was holding an M16, and the other one was jogging over towards him while the armed one stayed in the back. Those two weren't Dane and Dennis.

A bit taken aback, Dorian stopped moving and let the first person approach him. He lowered his hand down towards his pocket, where he had the pepper spray stashed, but was sure not to withdraw it or make any sudden or suspicious movements as to alert either of the two of them. Upon closer examination, he realized that the boy in front of him was Neil Sinclair. He looked considerably different from how Dorian remembered him. The rain seemed to have washed most of the hair product out of his hair, which was a considerable change from how groomed Neil usually seemed to be. He also looked like he was severely exhausted, which, until Dorian knew whether he was an ally or an enemy, really didn't cause him any concern.

On the overall, however, Dorian really liked Neil. They were very similar individuals. Both were very sociable and friendly, and also considerably intelligent. It was these traits that separated Dorian from the majority of the other athletes at Southridge High, and made him so much more than an ordinary jock. Neil had always seemed to notice and appreciate that about Dorian, which made him quite easy to talk to. Combining that with the fact that he didn't have any discernable weapon that he could see made Dorian slightly less agitated than he had been moments ago, when the only impression he'd really had was of a student in the distance, whom he now recognized as Corbin Arlen, pointing an M16 at him.

When Neil addressed him, it was in that same warm baritone that he recognized from the concerts and halls at Southridge. Dorian was pretty convinced that Neil didn't mean him any harm. "Well, for now, yeah. Dane and Dennis aren't too far behind me though, so you might want to tell your friend to ease up on the trigger finger there. We came here so we could get a look around, see if there's anything we could exploit to help us get out of here." Casting a cursory glance over towards Corbin to make sure he hadn't blown Dane and Dennis to pieces yet, Dorian returned his gaze to Neil. He hadn't heard either of them mentioned on the announcements yet to his recollection, and that was a good thing. "What brings you guys out here? Is it just you two?"

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:38 am
by Theseus*
Neil was relieved to find that Dorian hadn't changed. The game hadn't changed him. He was still the same friendly guy like he was back at Southridge. He even mentioned something about getting out of here. Escape? So there were other groups working towards escape as well. That was perfect.

Neil shouted back to Corbin, "Hey lower the gun! It's Dorian!"

Neil turned back to Dorian and said, "So you have others with you coming to meet you? You guys were trying to escape?" Neil's mouth formed the widest smile he had ever formed during his stay on the island, and he threw his arms out and moved towards Dorian and hugged him. Neil started to laugh, and pulled away and said, "You have no idea how good that is man."

"Yeah I got two others catching up besides Corbin over there. Matt and Dominica." Neil quickly went into his pack and took out the notebook Corbin had given him. Flipping to a blank page, he quickly wrote.

We're escaping too man. We've been writing it in notebooks though. The less Danya knows the better. I'm leading a group called SADD. I got a plan and everything. We're smashing the cameras in major areas, and once we have enough people, we're going to set an ambush for the techs or whoever sent in to fix the cams. I would love to have you and your group join us. Together we can get out of here.

Neil quickly handed the notebook to Dorian and said, "Read that man. Everything will make sense."

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:39 am
by Mitsuko2*
((From: The stench of reality))

Matt followed as close behind Neil and Corbin as possible, while still trying to be in view of Dominica. He ended up lost in the jungle, as per usual, but he was confident that he would find his allies as he always did. He sighed and pushed through the underbrush, wincing slightly as a sharp piece of bark cut the palm of his hand. He grimaced, but continued forward, looking for his comrades.

Matt soon found himself as the base of a rather tall tower. Not too far from him, he saw Neil and Corbin, along with another boy he was unfamiliar with. He quickly jogged up to them after deeming the other boy unthreatening.

"Neil, Corbin!" He called out, slowing as he reached them.

"Hey… Dominica shouldn't be too far behind me. Who's this?" He asked with a confused look on his face. He noticed that he had unconsciously been trying to get Neil to notice him a bit more. It was foolish, and he mentally kicked himself for it. Of all the times to start really acting like a gay guy, he picked the time he was stranded on a island full of his classmates who want to kill him. He sighed mentally. It was going to be a long day, he could feel it.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:39 am
by Crash*
When Neil called off Corbin, any shred of suspicion that Dorian might've felt moments before almost instantly disappeared. He was glad to see that some people had maintained themselves throughout the duration of the game so far, and the fact that someone especially vivacious like Neil hadn't become a wreck was a surefire sign that things were starting to look up. That didn't make the fact that Neil suddenly hugged him any less surprising, but Dorian didn't complain and returned the favour. It was probably the best he'd felt in almost a week.

Upon hearing who Neil had been keeping in tow, Dorian had mixed emotions. Matt Wittany wasn't exactly the most useful kid Dorian could think of to be in a group attempting to escape, and Dominica was the one who'd killed Nigel a few days ago. Surely, though, if she was travelling with Neil, she couldn't be all bad? Dorian did understand that certain confrontations and their results had to have been circumstantial, and on the good side, at least Dominica had a decent weapon. Dorian's couldn't even have got him out of a scuffle with a crazed cat, let alone another student attempting to gun him down.

When Neil handed Dorian the notebook, he made short work of reading through the paragraph thoroughly before handing it back to Neil. The plan was sound enough, and was better than anything he'd managed to come up with over the few hours while walking through the jungle. Besides, Corbin and Dominica had reasonable firepower (Dane and Dennis might've too, he wasn't quite sure what their weapons were), but his chances of survival had significantly increased in the last few minutes.

"Okay. In the meantime, get everyone else in here so we don't get any wetter than we already are," Dorian suggested, looking both at Neil and Matt, who had just shown up. "I'm Dorian, good to see you're still alive," he said rather invitingly. He was well aware that Matt was gay. Dorian was also well aware that his own white SGS t-shirt was soaked through due to the rain, and he hoped that Matt wouldn't take whatever physical urge he might find in the next little while too far. Still, Dorian never had anything against homosexuals, and he wouldn't create a problem where there wasn't one. He turned and pivoted on his heel, heading inside the lookout tower and awaiting the arrival of Dane, Dennis, and his newly formed horde of allies.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:39 am
by Badwolfwho*
(Dane Zygmunt continued from Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Robson)

Dane had managed to catch up to Dennis and the pair of them were walking in comfortable silence towards the Lookout Tower. Dane was grateful for the quiet, it gave him a chance to think about what he had just agreed to. Dane had to admit that he didn't see a happy ending; even if they managed to rebel they would still be stuck on the island and the only way home would be by boat. Dane had been terrified by boats since the accident that had killed his mother. He took a deep breath and pushed the thought to the back of his mind.

Dane glanced at Dennis who was striding forwards with cautious confidence, surely he didn't think this would be easy? Dane could see that they were approaching the edge of the jungle; he flung out his hand and motioned for Dennis to stop. He could hear unfamiliar voices and the rain was making it difficult to identify them. Dane peered out from behind the tree and looked at the group that were stood by the lookout tower.

"Do you see Dorian?" He whispered, "Never mind I think that's him, should we go over? Do you recognise those guys?" Dane looked over at Dennis expectantly, waiting for an answer.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:39 am
by Theseus*
Neil did not see the newcomers, as they were in the treeline, and he gladly followed Dorian into the lookout tower. It was nice to finally get in from the rain. Neil had spotted several cameras around the outside of the tower, and he saw some when he first entered. They would take care of those soon enough. First though, they had to wait for Dominica and Dorian's group to catch up. Then, Neil could tell them in detail his plan for escape.

Corbin watched as Neil went inside, and said to Matthew, "Look's like we might actually pull this off huh? That Neil's one crazy guy. Got to give him props though. He's really devoted to SADD."

Corbin would admit, he didn't really try to be nice to Matt back at Southridge. He was never mean to the boy, he spoke to him a couple times, though he just never made a real attempt to befriend the boy. It just seemed that if enough people really didn't like him, he couldn't be that great of a guy. Yet, Matthew was pretty cool. Loyal definitely. He was someone Corbin was glad that was apart of SADD.

Besides having Neil as a devoted leader, it seemed that SADD was shaping up to have some good members. Corbin allowed himself to smile. They could really pull this off. He had joined up with Neil and his group after Khrysta's death just as a way to keep alive. To protect Mary. Though now, he could tell how dedicated Neil and everyone was to escaping. They could really do this.

Corbin went inside as well and shivered. The rain had made him cold, and he hadn't realized it until he felt the temperature change. Finally he could put on some dry clothes.

Neil said to Dorian, "We got to keep a look out for Dominica and your group. It's dark outside, and we don't want to lose anyone."

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:40 am
by Heatwizard*
(ACKPTH. Sorry I'm late. d:
Dennis McDonald, continued from Being for the benefit of Mr. Robinson.)

Dennis looked out, noting the newcomers. There were two, and-
"Oh shit."
"What?" Dane looked out toward the gathering, and back to Dennis.
"That one over there. He's got a rifle."
"Really?" Dane looked closer, squinting his eyes. "Yeah, I see it. It kinda looks like..."
"A hostage situation." Dennis sighed.
"Yeah. But it doesn't make alot of sense. If they're playing along, they would have just shot him by now."
Dennis hummed agreement, it was awfully weird. But then again, there were some crazy people running around, who knew what could happen. They stayed in the cover of the trees, watching for a moment before the group went indoors. He opened his bag, checking that the shotgun he woke up with was still there. "You've got a gun, right?"
"Yeah, a pistol." Dane opened his bag too.
Dennis pulled some loose shells together and loaded them. "Load it, just in case the rifle guy decides he doesn't like us." He stood up and half-walked, half-ran to the entrance of the lookout. Keeping a hand on the shotgun, he looked into the doorway.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:40 am
by Theseus*
The first thing Corbin noticed upon entering the tower was that there were pieces of something...someone scattered all over. What had happened here? He didn't even want to think of what sick psycho did this. Who could do such a thing as...that. The room also appeared chaotic. Like an explosion had happened here. That would explain the student. Or, rather, what was left of the student. As a result of the explosion, the table was laying upside down, and in half, towards the wall.

Corbin went over to the table, and managed to turn it over, and prop it against the wall so it could be used as a table again. Looking around, he saw a chair that wasn't blown to pieces, and he brought it over to the table. He didn't sit down however, he started to walk towards the door to see if Dominica or any of Dorian's ally's had arrived yet.

As he got closer to the door, a face appeared.

It started Corbin, and he jumped back and was about to pull his M16 off his shoulder when he saw that it was Dennis McDonald. A member of Dorian's group. His heart was racing, and he felt that feeling of relief that swept over your whole gut.

Neil saw Dennis appear too, and saw that the boy was holding a shotgun.

Neil Sinclair raised his hands and said, "Easy bud. We're all friendly here." Neil turned to Dorian and said, "Looks like your friends are here."

Neil didn't see Dane, but he was probably outside as well. Was Dominica out there as well?

A shotgun.


Once Dominica arrived, SADD would have enough members to begin the second part of the plan. It also appeared as if they had good weapons. So far an M16 and a shotgun. Neil wasn't sure what Dominica had, he never asked. He didn't know what Dane had either.

Neil leaned against the wall, and waited for Dennis to enter. He looked over the group so far.

They could pull this off.

If anyone could beat Danya and get off this island, it was a motley crew like this. Neil smiled, proud of being apart of the group that would make history.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:40 am
by Ciel*
(Dominica Shapiro continued from The Stench of Reality)

"Why am I at this fucking tower again?"

Dominica sighed softly, grimacing. As she walked closer to the tower. She knew quite well that Neil and the rest headed this way, she was certain. The only thing that she had a problem with was that she was back AT THE TOWER AGAIN.


...wasn't even going to bother complaining. She just kept walking towards the tower, noticing that someone was standing outside the door.

With a shotgun.

Oh... you've got to be kidding.

Dominica sighed softly, pointing her speargun upwards at the two boys hiding behind the doorway.

"You know, I would say something really witty, but you've caught me on my bad side right now. Just put that shotgun down if you know what's good for you. We're all friends here."

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:40 am
by Crash*
Dorian was caught off-guard by how fast the next few arrivals seemed to come in turn. First Neil and Corbin had followed him inside, Matt wasn't too far off, then Dane and Dennis had showed up (and he now realized that they both had excellent weapons), and finally Dominica arrived and was aiming her speargun at the two of them. Dorian wasted no time in rushing outside the tower to defuse the situation.

"Hey, hey, easy guys. Everything's cool, we're all on the same side," He began, gesturing to all of them with his hands to lower their weapons. The last thing they needed right now was any distrust or some kind of mutiny if their plan of rebellion actually had a shot in hell of succeeding. Since himself and Neil had the most sway over the current members of the group, Dorian tried his best to re-assure everybody that they were in good hands. After he'd addressed the three of them, he went back inside the tower, and motioned for everyone else to do the same. He really was tired of the rain.

Dorian picked his daypack up off the ground. "I'm gonna go get changed upstairs. Won't be a minute," He stated, ascending the stairs to the upper level. Once he was out of sight of the others, he wasted no time in stripping himself bare. The rain had managed to effectively waterlog all of his clothing, and it was beginning to become slightly uncomfortable. He opened his daypack, removing a replacement pair of boxers, khaki shorts, and socks that he'd brought along for the trip, and wasted no time in putting all of them on. He finished by removing another SHS gym shirt from his daypack and replacing his wet clothes back into it. He donned the t-shirt, which was very similar to the one he'd worn before but with an inverted colour scheme. The shirt was blue now, and the writing was in white. He zipped up the daypack, then made a haphazard attempt at flattening his now horribly unkempt hair before walking back downstairs to rejoin the others.

"So, what now?" He directed mainly towards Neil, setting his daypack and dufflebag back on the ground beside him and taking a seat against the wall of the tower.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:40 am
by Mitsuko2*
Matt followed the group into the tower, keeping any thoughts he had abvout allowing just anyone into the group to himself. AT the chapel, he'd loved the idea that anyone could join them, but now that he'd cleared his head and thought about it, the idea scared him.

Who'd to say someone wouldn't backstab them at any given moment?

Matt shook the thoughts from his mind. he had to stay positive. That was the the only thing he could do...

Matt also noticewd the boy standing at the doorway with a shotgun. he tensed, ready to feel the burning of a buckshot ripping through him, but it never came. Dorian called off his ally, and the group was once again secure. Matt noticed Dominica, and smiled at her slightly. SHe'd not gotten lost at least.

Dorian soon returned from his change, and the group sat down to begin planning.

"Umm.... so... this is it huh? We're finally starting...."

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:40 am
by Theseus*
Neil looked around the room of the lookout tower. Before him stood six of the bravest students on the island. Six kids who would change the rules. Six kids who could change the world.

Neil stood in silence, looking around at all of them. There was Matthew Wittany, the gay kid that back in school, everyone would mess with and pick on. He was here now as Neil's most trusted friend, the one who stuck by him and got SADD to where it was now.

There was Corbin Arlen. The once wanna be film maker and radio DJ. Now he was holding an M16 preparing to escape from the island.

There was Dorian Ibanescu. He was a jock, one of the popular kids. Now he was here about to help plan a revolution.

There was Dominica Shapiro. She was the brains. The smart prodigy. Now she was here, using her brains for what would be the most pivotal event in the history of Danya's twisted games.

There was Dennis McDonald. One of the gamers of Southridge. Though he was here, in a situation that was definitely no game. There was no restart on this.

There was Dane Zygmunt. The kid from England on the baseball team.

Then there was Neil Sinclair. The rocker with the tattoos who found himself leading a group called SADD. Students Against Destructive Decisions. It was time to get this party started.

Neil went over to the table that Corbin had set up and said, "All right guys, I've talked to most of you in school at least once, for those who don't know me, I'm Neil Sinclair."

Neil took out his notebook and map of the island and placed them both on the table.

"Dennis and Dane, I don't know if you're aware, but Dorian just signed you guys up to be apart of a little project. Everyone crowd around here."

Neil took out his pencil and began writing in his notebook for everyone to see.

Ok, just to clarify for everyone, we're a group now called SADD. Ya know, like the club back at our school? We're going to escape from this place, and I know how we're going to do it. We have to write because they have mics in our collars and in the cameras. First off, we've been destroying cameras in key places. So far we have parts of the jungle, the cottage, and the cliffs all knocked out. There are also random cameras destroyed in other places like the shore, though when we knock out cameras, we want to think big. My goal is if we wipe out enough areas, Danya will be forced to send in people to fix them. That's when we strike. It looks like we have some good firepower here and that's good. For those with weapons, we'll have them lying in wait to ambush the techs sent in. For those of us without good weapons, we got another surprise in store so we're not useless. Corbin had brought along some special effects makeup and other goodies because he had hoped to film a movie on this trip. He can make us look like we're dead, and we can lay on the ground playing the part until the techs come by us. That's when us on the ground strike surprising them. Once we surprised them the others open up. We want to take at least one prisoner to help us get the collars off and get us to the transportation that they used to get on the island. Also, I met a girl earlier who was testing how to remove the collars from trying the ones on dead students. I don't know if any of you are good with electronics, but if we can figure out at least how to stop the signal or mic on it, that would be great.

Neil stopped writing, and cracked his hand. It hurt from writing all of that. He then used his pencil to mark his map of places where the cameras were destroyed.

"We can take care of this building soon, which means we've already struck pretty good. Then we can focus on where to set up for the ambush."

Neil looked around at the members of SADD.

"Any questions?"

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:41 am
by Heatwizard*
Dennis unloaded the shotgun as the guys with the rifle (And a spear gun...ouch) turned out to be friendly. Stepping inside, he put the shotgun in his bag and tossed it off to the side. He took a look around the new members(Although if they were joining their already preexisting group, would that make him the new guy and them the old guys? ...Eh, whatever.).

No one he knew personally, other then Dane, but he knew of Matt. Apparently he was gay, and got outcasted for it. He knew all too well what that felt like, and sympathized with him. They didn't talk much, though. And the girl with the spear...D...Do...Da? Something with a D. Dsomething. She wasn't an outcast so much as she just didn't socialize, and he wouldn't have cared except she was...eternally pissed off or something. And then someone gave her a gun, holy crapmas. He figured she'd go off on a rampage. He still didn't feel entirely safe around her, even though she was on the hero team.

Then...uh...the leader guy started writing and everyone was walking over to look. Neil, yeah, that sounded right. The group was now called SADD(What the hell kind of name is SADD?), and the plan was to lure out a tech guy and ambush him by breaking cameras(Plan's better then the name, that's good.). He drummed his fingers on the table.

"Hey, uh..." Reconsidering asking out loud, he took the pencil and scribbled in the book.
The broken cameras are spread pretty far out, how are we gonna know where the guy fixing them is?