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If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:11 am
by Theseus*
The sparkling blue water stood still. The tide rose and fell slowly, an endless rhythm. A never ending dance that nature had, one that no one could destroy, that even if altered would eventually settle into another dance. Neil Sinclair, male student number 32, envied that about nature. He sat on the sand, staring off into the ocean, his back against a large boulder. He figured it would offer adequate cover and protection while he sat here, contemplating what he was going to do.

His hair was dyed red, he had it in a faux hawk and he found himself oddly hating his hair choice for the trip, because he knew it would look terribly by the time his stay on this island was over.

He sat there, legs in front of him. he stared at his black skinny jeans. They were tight on him, very tight, and his black studded belt was showing. His shirt was a tight "Showbread" band t-shirt.

He just sat there. Looking off into the ocean. His weapon was a joke. Bunny ears. Yeah, what was he going to do, hop away from everyone? It didn't matter, he would find people, friends, anyone, and figure a way off this island. Figure something out at least.

Neil didn't want to play, he didn't want to win, but he didn't want to die. Which meant for now, he just had to find people, people who wouldn't kill him. So what was he going to do? He continued to sit there, behind the rock, staring outwards to the ocean. There was no sense in moving now. Where would he go? He would just sit here, rest a bit, and contemplate the "game."

So Neil Sinclair continued to sit, staring off at the endless dance of nature. A waltz that continued despite the students presence.

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:11 am
by Namira
Conversely to the thoughts that most people entertained after waking up from their gas-induced sleep, the ideas in the mind of B36, Ricardo 'Ric' Chee were clear and mercifully free of any form of conflict. This was a clear sign, he knew, a great opportunity, to free himself from his past. What could be more perfect than to be placed into a situation where the ultimatum was kill or be killed? What blame could be attached to the one emerging alive at the end? They must have killed at least one person, that was for sure, but it wasn't like the government could do anything about it. They would be, after all, a 'victim'.

Glorious, happy thoughts of revenge lasted up until Ric eagerly opened his daypack to see what weapon he had been given to kill, maim, and destroy the other contestants with. Upon seeing the bag inside of his pack, suspiscion immediately tugged at the edges of his psyche, followed by doubt. Ric looked inside of the bag, and felt sick to his stomach when it was jam packed full ... with leaves. Ordinary leaves, that you could pick up from the ground or take off a tree.

Ric dropped to his knees and pounded the sand with frustration. The golden chance he had received, it seemed, had slipped away from him merely because of the luck of the draw. Another thought interjected itself, and Ric frowned. It wasn't one of the facets of his mind that he was used to.

Ric knew that he had a rather unstable mind, he was prone to mood swings and it almost appeared that his personality changed completely at times. There was the anger, the sadness, the undirected rage, the fear, all able to well up at a moment's notice. But... Ric had never encountered the voice of reason before.

Why kill? Why take part? Scrabbling for your life makes you little better than an animal.

"I want to live," Ric growled to the irritating conscientious thought. But it persisted.

Everybody does. Do you know who I am?
Ric mutely shook his head. How fucked up was this? He was having a conversation with a voice inside his own mind. No wonder people called him crazy.
I'm Ricardo 'Super Spaniard' Chee. Remember him? A denial rose in the back of Ric's throat, then he suddenly stopped, the words dying before they even left his mouth. He thought, and remembered...

Ricardo 'Super Spaniard' Chee. That nickname always made him smile when he heard it. He was proud of his roots, and his accented voice made everybody ask where he was from. Ricardo was pleased to tell them, and amongst the guys on his baseball team, it soon developed into a nickname. 'Super Spaniard' Chee, was the guy who had stumbled whilst delivering a pitch and broken somebody's nose, 'Super Spaniard' Chee, was the guy who had been beaten to within an inch of his life with a baseball bat.

Ric shook his head again.
"He's dead. He has been for the better part of a decade,"

That's my point. Didn't I deserve a chance, don't I still? Ric man, think of all the old, good times. If you hadn't let thoughts of revenge get the better of you, then -

The voice suddenly faded away, much to Ric's relief. It had seriously disturbed him, on more levels than one. Doubt crept into Ric's mind. Could he really kill somebody? Ric looked around for somebody, after the first encounter, he would know the truth. Ric saw a student, some distance away. Paused, and took the plunge.

"Hey!" Ric waved an arm towards the seated figure. "Is it okay if I come over there? All I've got is a lousy bag of leaves,"

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:11 am
by Theseus*
Neil was still sitting, watching the ocean when he heard a voice. His head turned immediately and he saw Ricardo. He knew of the kid, mainly because of his face. Neil wasn't ever sure what had happened, but he remembered seeing the boy in the hallways of school. The boy wanted to know if he could come over. Neil contemplated his decision. He could tell the kid no, and hope he goes away. He could just run away now anways. Or he could say yes. While the most dangerous decision was to say yes, why shouldn't he say yes?

Neil would rather spend his time on the island with someone else. With other people. He had a chance that way. He had a shot at trying to figure things out, trying to find out a way to get home, without turning into a cold blooded killer.

Neil nodded and shouted back at the kid, "All I got are some bunny ears. Come over man don't worry, I'm not playing." Neil continued to watch the boy, hoping he was making the right decision in letting him come over. In the end though, what did it matter? He either died now or died later.

Or maybe he had to have some faith.

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:11 am
by RePeate*
Evan awoke in a daze. His eyes had formed those terrible "crusties" he'd hated so much, and he quickly rubbed them out of the corners. He sat up, propping his torso up with his arms. He was still wearing the same Parasuco jeans and black button-down dress shirt from before, along with his favorite pair of white Nike shoes. His normally gelled hair was ruffled and messy from sleeping on it while it still had gel in it.

Hmmm.. what's this? Grass? I'm outside..?

He blinked twice in sudden epiphany.

Holy fuck! The game... Survive..sur... SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST! Oh fuck.. no... no way...

He dashed to his feet and dusted himself off (more so out of habit than hygienic concern) and took a good look around. Some fifty feet away he heard two students. One he recognized right away from his class. It was Niel. There was no mistaking the hair and clothing. He seemed to be calling out to another student closeby but out of Evan's field of vision. Evan manouvered around a large tree blocking his field of view and saw that he was talking to Ricardo; another student Evan was familiar with, but not a real friend of his.

Holy shit, it's the punk and the spic. Just my luck. Where the hell am I?

He pondered for a while, and realized he still hadn't checked his daypack for his assigned weapon. He ducked for a bit of cover behind the tree and quickly unzipped his bag, rummaging through it's contents. Aside for the usual survival kit standards, he found a bright red plush doll.

What the fuck? I think I got some little kid's bag...

His mind panicked for a bit. What if there was a mix up? Did everyone get a weapon and he was stuck with a tickle-me-elmo doll? He couldn't be sure, so he sat behind his tree and listened to what the other students were talking about. They didn't seem to be shouting, and Evan was fairly confident he could probably take either one of them in a one-on-one fight, so he rose to his feet and peeked his head around the corner.

"Don't shoot! I'm unarmed. Neil, it's me Evan. Please don't come after me. I'm coming out now!"

And with that he stepped around the corner, looking for a sign of approval that it was safe to approach.

"I swear, I don't want to hurt anybody. I'm unarmed. I'm not playing!"

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:11 am
by Namira
Whilst one part of Ric was delighted that Neil - he recognised him vaguely, didn't mind him coming over, another part of him was demaning he pick up the nearest rock and bash in his head with it. It really was rather distracting. Ric knew that most would be able to tell who he was on sight - no other Southridge student had a sizeable dent in their face.

Ric went to sit by Neil after hesitating for a moment or two. However, just as he reached the other boy, he froze, a shout coming from further away.

Oh fucking terrific. Ric disliked Evan, although he wasn't entirely sure why. He just came across as a bit of an idiot, or rather, somebody who wasn't inclined to have an open mind about his injuries and disfigured face.
Still, it didn't seem as if he was out for blood, so that was good enough for Ric.

The Spaniard remained quiet though, since it was Neil Evan had addressed, and slightly because his head was in turmoil. Ric sat down with a groan, his head aching, and sharp pain cutting into his brain. It felt as if somebody had cut open his head with an axe.

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:11 am
by Theseus*
Neil quickly stood up. Another student called out his name. Turning around he saw that it was Evan. He knew the kid. Even swore he wasn't playing, and when Neil saw him step out into the open, Neil just nodded his head and said, "I'm not playing either. Come on man. All I got was bunny ears." Neil turned around to face Ric, who was now sitting down.

Neil looked at him, then back at Evan.

Oh man, Evan I know I can trust more than Ric. I've actually had conversations with Evan. Ric though says he's not playing...that's good enough. It should be, I have to trust now. If I can't trust anyone I might as well go drown myself or somethin' like that."

Neil continued to look at both the boys, alternating his head between them, and he said, "I think if no one pulls out a gun and shoots each other in the next thirty seconds we should come up with a plan or something. I don't know, this is some trippy stuff man."

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:11 am
by RePeate*
Evan came over from his hiding spot, noticeably relieved that Neil had been receptive of his efforts. Evan knew more people that didn't like or trust him than he knew who did, so he was slighty wary in his advancement towards the pair.

"A plan sounds good. I don't want to die today. Look what they gave me... a kid's toy! How the hell can I defend myself with this? Thank God you guys are here... I don't think it's safe to be alone". Evan hated being by himself ordinarily. The thought of being alone while people may be out to kill him made him all the more certain he didn't want to be left behind.

"Look guys... Neil, Ric... this isn't for real is it? I mean, nobody can just take some kids and stick them somewhere and make them kill each other, right? The government wouldn't let that happen, right? I can't believe this is happening... I mean it doesn't seem real, does it?". His body became numb and his head started to ache. He had never been more scared or confused in his entire life. He was at a complete loss for words.

I can't die here... I won't die here. I'm Evan Angler dammit! I'm fucking legendary!

Anger swelled in Evan's mind. He wasn't exactly sure what organization was behind this twisted game, but he wished the most horrid punishments imagineable on them.

Nobody does this shit to me! NOBODY!

He regained his composure through the struggle his inner-self was facing long enough to address Ricardo and Neil. "What are we going to do guys? I just want out of all this. I just want to go home..."

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:11 am
by Theseus*
Neil stood there, understanding Evan's anger. Neil saw that Ric was still sitting, and Neil just stood there thinking. The tide kept riding and lowering, riding and lowering. Neil then said, "Well, we can all agree we got stuck with the most useless weapons ever. We can also agree though that the three of us, as far as I'm aware of, probably want to get a hold of that Danya guy and shove our weapons where the sun don't shine."

Neil smiled and said, "So why don't we? Any of you remember watching the first survival of fittest on TV? That group of kids that tried to escape. Sure they didn't make it..." Neil stopped then he said, "But what the hell. We can do it! I don't plan on just sitting here."

Neil saw a camera, not far away, watching him, watching them. Neil smiled. He went over to his bag, and took out his pride possession, the one thing he made sure of to bring on the school trip. He pulled out his black and white checkered electric guitar with a built in amp. He turned to Evan and Ric and said, "Hey, if we might die tonight, want to have some fun with this Danya guy and play him a little song?"

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:12 am
by Namira
"Fuck yes," Ric told Neil after his comment about the weapons. "That bastard has one sick sense of humour. But I guess there has to be some people with the useless stuff, that way we get killed early on and make everybody else panic when they hear people are hunting them down and make them more likely to decide to play as well. We've been designated victims, but that sure as hell doesn't mean we have to be them. There's got to be a flaw..."

Ric trailed off, aware of how out of character he sounded. Well... out of character to himself at least. Was this what he was really like? He sounded... determined, inspirational even. Ric couldn't recall conciously deciding that he wasn't going to participate in the game, but it was something he now knew for certain. For better or for worse, Ric was in this to try and break out.

Ric had kind of tuned out to Evan, but he supposed that he couldn't just ignore the guy. He was sounding pretty upset after all. There had to be some kind of comfort he could offer.

"I guess we can't really determine if this is for real until we see somebody else," Ric told Evan. "But I do know I've heard gunshots over the last couple of hours. Danya said there would be announcements, we could go on them, but it's going to be a while before he makes one I think..." Ric looked to Neil and smiled when he mentioned playing a song. "Do you mean that literally, or did yo have something else in mind?"

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:12 am
by RePeate*
Meanwhile, Evan was having a hard time understanding where his new companions were coming from. "Play a song for Danya? Have you lost it Neil? We're all gonna die! Doesn't that mean anything to you guys? Die! As in death! As in 'no longer alive'! What the fuck are we gonna do guys? I can't die! This is crazy!"

He was hyperventilating now, the stress overpowering his mind and body. He sat down and pulled his knees to his chest. "I can't do this guys... I fucking can't be here...".

The wind had picked up a bit and now blew coldly onto his back. As usual, the stiff gel in his hair kept it from blowing at all. The tall grass moved in wavey patterns accross the open field behind him. In any other situation, the landscape would be quite calming. But right now Evan was fearing for his life.

"What if someone else finds us? What if they have guns? Or a sword or some shit? Then we're fucked. I can't do this... I can't be here... in!" He deftly pulled his water bottle from his bag and began to drink from it, hoping to calm himself. The water was surprisingly cold. Dew had formed on the bottle to signify it was recently refrigerated. It was the kind of cold water that reminded Evan of the second floor water fountain, just outside his History class. It made him feel even worse.

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:12 am
by Theseus*
Neil felt Ric's energy, and knew he stumbled upon something. This was it. Something to live for, something to die for. Neil knew he would much rather die trying to get back at Danya and this game than die by other people. Neil smiled at Ric's question and said, "literal man, literal."

Than Evan had his breakdown. He was in the fetal position, talking about dying, and Neil knew that couldn't be healthy. While it was true, they all had been given a bad hand when it came to weapons, they were lucky in the aspect that they had each other.

Maybe it was because Neil was a nice guy and trusted everybody, but he felt as if these two people he was with, the boy with the smashed up face and the boy in the fetal position right now, he felt as if they coud beat this. Why not? Wierder things have happened.

Neil knew he had to comfort Evan, get him in the right mind set if he was going to be helpful. Neil kneeled down next to Evan, touching him on the shoulder and said, "Hey man, it's going to be all right ok? We're not going to die. There's three of us, I say we have a fighting chance at this."

Neil thought he knew what would make Evan feel better, something to show him that all hope wasn't lost. Something to raise moral. Neil smiled and said to Evan and Ric, "It's like we're the three muskateers or somethng like that." He smiled and turned on the amp inside his guitar. He turned up the distortion and walked over to the camera that was watching them, recording them.

He looked back at Even and Ric then to the camera and said, "This ones for you Danya."

Neil started strumming some simple chords, his guitar experience and experience being in a rock band kicking in. He let the chords flow from him into a pattern, then he stopped and shouted in his best punk rocker voice.

"Daaannnnyaaaa! You stupid little cow!"

Cow? What the heck? Ah I was never good at free style

Neil started to strum hard, playing some heavy chords, the distortion and sound high, he felt like he was back playing with his band.

"Dannyyaa! We're coming for youuuu!"

Neil threw himself into the sand, and started playing a high solo, and shouted to his new allies. "Come on guys, throw our some lyrics!"

Neil smiled and started to laugh as he continued to play his solo.


He felt more than ever it was possible now.

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:12 am
by Namira
Ric laughed heartily - the first time, he considered, he had laughed like that for a very long time. Neil's guitar playing and impromptu insults to Danya might not have been much, but it was sure as hell better than sitting around moaning that they were going to die, as exhibit A, Evan was doing. Still, Ric had to say that you couldn't really blame him, it was all he could do not to have a breakdown.

Ric paused, took a deep breath as Neil started his solo, then smiled and began singing to the tune as best he could. Though he didn't claim to be a great vocalist (his missing teeth tended to make some words a little mangled) at that moment, Ric felt as if he was at the top of the world. Looking at the circumstances, it was a minor miracle.
"Danya we think you really suck -
You are one sick fuck!
Though you've put us in this game
We're not a fire that you can tame!
I'm not much a singer, that is true,
But what is it that we're coming for you!"
Ric finished by roaring the 'you' loudly, and despite the fact that he knew that it would make no difference to their situation, it still made him feel better. Still smiling, Ric looked over to Evan, and went and sat next to him. Though he didn't really like the guy, Ric couldn't just leave him in a state like that.

"Look man," he began. "Look. I know things don't seem too great right about now, but the truth of the matter is: we're in this, for better or for worse. We're in a bad situation, maybe an impossible one, but we can't just lay down and die. Even if we end up failing to make any difference at all, the important thing is that we tried," Ric's words weren't just meant for Evan, but partially to himself. It was a nice little speech, but for one part: Ric didn't plan on failing.

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:12 am
by Theseus*
Neil smiled at Ric's lyrics. Despite the situation they were all in, he fault as if he had made some small victory here, on this beach, with two people he barely knew. Yet at the same time, despite there being almost no reason at all, he felt like he could trust these two. That these were the two people he was going to escape with. Maybe there would be more who would join their group. There would have to be, not everyone would want to sit around and die.

Neil smiled and finished his solo, and listened to Ric's speech to Evan. Neil turned the amp off of his guitar, and places it back in his duffel bag, and pulled out a notebook where he had a bunch of guitar chords and lyrics written in.

He flipped to a blank page, and pulled his pencil out of the spiral. He sat next to them and said, "Here's a song I wrote when I was a freshman. Maybe it'll make you feel better Evan."

Neil quickly wrote down in the neatest handwriting he could muster at this point in time:

They can hear us but they cant read what we write we can fool them make them believe we are doing something else and blindside them with our real plan

Neil didn't care about his bad grammar in the message, he just hoped they would get the point.

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:12 am
by RePeate*
Evan looked up long enough from his sulking to catch the tail end of the guys' song. He had to admit, they were a strange bunch. He smiled a little on the inside at the insanity of the situation. All of them were likely to die in the next few days. These two were singing. Evan chuckled a bit at the thought. Then the guys started to reassure him. Oh great! Now I'm being pitied... fuck this game... But he played along, acting as though he was greatful for the effort.

But when Neil presented Evan with the note, his spirits pulled a one-eighty. I'm Evan Angler... not noly will I NOT die here, but I'll mastermind a plan so devious, it'll give that shit Danya the REAl screwjob!

Evan shot Neil a look of sheer surprise at his insight. He took the pencil from Neil's hand, nodded to show he understood, and wrote 'Ok, I'm feeling better now. Sorry about that. What's the plan? Where do we go first?' on the notebook.

He turned his gaze to Ric to be sure he was following along. Maybe, just maybe, if they kept their heads on straight and steered clear of trouble they'd have time to figure something out...

Re: If there's no one beside you...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:12 am
by Theseus*
Neil smiled when Evan wrote in the notebook. Neil sat down between Evan and Ric. He looked at them both and said, "Let's write a song together." He thought for a moment. A plan. A way to get off this island. Think Neil think. Remember the other games, you saw them on TV. There were other attempts, how did they fail? How can you improve on them? What were the major problems? Neil sat there, thinking, and he looked up, at one of the cameras, it was facing the jungle, away from them.

The cameras.

Neil thought for a moment, then quickly wrote.

this is just an idea. and just a basic outline. but how about the cameras? this is a game right? they broadcast this everywhere. if we smash the cameras. if we get other kids, lots of kids, to fight this, to smash cameras, they have no show. they'll have to send people in to fix the cameras. from there somehow we fight them, take them hostage or something. we can then force danyas hand, maybe find a way to get these collars off. what do you think? i'm sure there are problems with the plan, but we could work out the kinks, make it perfect, we could do this. we could really beat this. what are your guys's ideas?

Neil lowered the notebook to show to Evan and Ric, wondering if his plan would catch on, if it was something that could truly work. Maybe one of them had a good plan. Neil knew there had to be a way to get off this island, nothing was perfect. Nothing.

Three musketeers.