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Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:18 am
by Ciel*
(Madison Conner continued from In God's House)

Madison Conner (Female Student no. 01) was crying for the umpteenth time in more than twenty-four hours. Tears of fear, tears of anger, tears of regret. Fear for her future or lack thereof when the chances of her survival were as slim as they were. Anger of the announcement that had just sounded, and of the fact that everyone either sees her as a small rodent or a homicidal monster now that she was described as attacking someone. Regret of being stupid enough to actually have her finger over the trigger that put a hole right inside of Izzy's arm. Tears... threatening to stain her whole face a dark shade of black.

Most of all Madison was most upset that the more she saw other people and noticed the way they were acting, or the more she heard about all the killings that were happening around her, the more and more she thought that her only ways out of this situation was to either kill herself... or become a contestant. Both options were one that she'd never want to consider, but other people that she didn't even know had chosen between the two. It was hard to deny it, but people were crazy enough to take the easy way out and kill. Madison could resist the urge. She could get through this without shedding any blood.

The announcement said otherwise.

Her name seemed to boom over all the others when she heard it. When she first heard it, Madison felt a shiver run down her already quivering spine. She actually thought that she had killed Izzy, until she heard otherwise later. Even she herself was finding it hard to believe that she had shot Izzy accidentally.

Was that even the case now? It didn't matter if it was an accident. Madison still pulled that trigger. She still shot someone else. She still physically harmed someone. Whether it was intentional or not didn't change the fact that she hurt someone, and now she was seen as one of the bad guys.

Like Ivye Dewley, the one who ended Charlie Burchman's life.

Madison grit her teeth together. "No..." she told herself aloud, her delicate arms wrapping themselves around her knees. "I'm nothing like them. I'm not like those people who killed. Not like them at all... I really didn't mean Izzy any harm. I still shot her, but it was just an accident. All those other people... they MEANT to kill. They're the real bad guys. They... I'm not one of them, and I'm never going to become one of them..."

Still... the announcement made the accident sound as though Madison knew what she was doing. Like Madison wanted to kill Izzy, and she just made a small mistake. And that was the worst thing that Madison could ever think about: To believe that it was her intention to take someone's life.

Madison looked down from the sand she had been sitting on for the past half-hour, taking another look at the sparkling blue ocean. It was strange how she was finally able to witness the sunrise under the circumstances that she was under. It was also strange how she felt so at home with the coast, almost like... Highland Beach. The place she was supposed to call home. The place she never really wanted to live in. She really wished she had just stayed in Sacramento. If she had, none of this would be happening. Madison really wanted to turn back time and stop her mother from ever moving. Now... all she really wanted was a friend.

"... I wish I'd drop dead..."

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:18 am
by Slayer*
OOC: Dan continued from Pomme de Terre. I'll expand on this later.

Daniel Brent was still pissed off about the disaster at the warehouse as he arrived at the coast, hot and tired from the walk. It had been a very long walk after he had finished running from Owen and lost track of Paul, and he was pretty sure he had lost his way, but he had done well in avoiding other students and hazards so far. The announcement had merely reaffirmed his suspicions, namely that everyone was playing, and while for a short time he had been filled with fear he had suppressed it by now. If he had ever doubted his decision to play the game, they were gone now other than his doubts that he was actually physically capable of killing anyone.

Heh, humans are so ridiculously easy to kill it's a miracle we ever evolved enough to climb down from the trees. It shouldn't be that tough. I need a gun, though, or at least a better weapon to hold me over until I get one. This spear is nice, but I can't survive with it alone.

After hour upon endless hour in the jungle, he had almost given up all hope of ever getting out until he saw the trees make way for bright sand and a shimmering ocean, both producing a rather strong glare from the sunlight. Choosing to ignore any symbolism in this as there were more important things to worry about, he adjusted the pack on his shoulder and his grip on his spear and headed forth. He was sweaty, tired, his legs were sore, and the sun was starting to burn his arms, but at least he wasn't in the fucking jungle anymore.

His sneakers sunk softly into the sand, minimizing the sound he made. He had always been good at walking quietly, it was one of his only talents, and muffled by the sand he stepped almost silently. Seeing a girl on the beach, he was intrigued and headed towards her. She looked familiar, but he couldn't place where from. It wasn't until he had gotten closer, and she had spoken up, that he recognized her; Madison Conner. He wasn't sure why he didn't like her, to be honest, but he never had. According to Danya's announcement she had been a key part in the violence at the lookout tower.

That meant she was playing the game, and a threat. Of course, that meant that now that Daniel was here, he couldn't just let her go. She'd undoubtedly try to kill him, and maybe even succeed if he didn't get the drop on her first. He was psyched; she wasn't even facing the right way, now was his chance. He had been fantasizing about murdering these pigs for years, it was now or never. He had to do it. Kill or die. Survival of the fittest, only the strong would live. Peace had no place.

She didn't appear to have a gun, but as Dan started to pick up speed, he didn't care. Motivations didn't matter in SOTF, all that mattered was whether you were the one standing at the end of it all, the corpses of your friends and enemies at your feet, their blood staining your hands.

If Madison were to look up and behind her now, what she would see was Daniel Brent charging her, his spear held out as if ready to impale her. This assumption would be proven by Daniel thrusting forward with the spear as soon as he was close enough to put much power into it. Of course, he was hoping he could move quietly enough to go relatively unnoticed by the girl, who didn't seem to be paying attention.

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:18 am
by Ciel*
Is it possible to drown yourself? I'd think it would be impossible to do that, but I'm willing to take a chance. Anything to get out of this game... Madison's legs began to relax, laying both of them down on the sand as she continued to think to herself. I mean... for all I know Kristin, Ethan and Simon could all be dead by now... the thought of it makes me want to throw up. Why does his have to happen to us...

She could hear faint sounds right behind her, but she really didn't pay much mind to them. Her eyes were focused on the ocean, her ears being tuned out of anything else that was foreign. Then again, curiosity got the upper hand and she couldn't help but turn around once the footsteps sounded like they were getting even closer. Madison was fairly surprised to see a weak-looking boy charging right at her, a spear in hand. She gasped loudly, trying her best to get out of the way. It was too late. Much too late. She was fast enough to avoid having the spear go through her stomach, but it instead connected with her left side. The impact created a huge gaping hole, sending her whole body into shock waves.


Madison squeaked out a loud gasp, her left hand hand rubbing at the side that the spear had pierced her. The pain... the indescribable pain... It was all too surreal for her. It wasn't just a huge opening that hurt like nothing she had ever felt. It was a wake-up call, a sign that signified that everything that she was seeing was completely true, not a dream like she had been telling herself all this time. Blood coated all over her left hand, the sight of which turned her insides into a sloppy paste. Her legs staggered back, letting the spear slide out of her. She could have start crying in pain right then and there, but then she did something unexpected.

She growled like a Dobermann, and wrapped her fingers around the shaft of the hand-made spear. She attempted to push the spear as far away from her as possible, at least far enough so the spear wouldn't end up stabbing her side again. Daniel looked fairly weak, as indicated by his lack of muscles. Madison didn't catch onto this detail, but it was an very important detail to be sure. Especially when Madison gained the strength of a bodybuilder and slapped Daniel. Her hand felt like a twenty-five pound weight when it eventually connected with the boy's face

"What the fuck is your problem?" She hissed between another yelp of pain. "W-Why the hell did you do that?!! I was doing shit nothing, and you stab me!"

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:18 am
by Namira
(Simon continued from:Lost)

Simon felt mildly guilty for having abandoned the others after the attack by Blood Boy, but he had to get his priorties straight: there had been four people in the group, not including Simon, when he left them, and two others hadn't, it seemed, been too far from joining them too. There was safety in numbers, they could take care of themselves... despite the flimsy justification, Simon still felt a pit of dread at the bottom of his stomach. What if Danya were to announce some kind of massacre at the end of the day? Simon pushed the thought away. He couldn't afford to think like that, besides, it was far too late to turn back now. Even if he wanted to rejoin the group, by now they would surely have moved on.

Only way is forward. For better or worse.

At length, Simon emerged from the jungle, and ended up with a breathtaking view. It was a bitter sight. The island was beautiful, but it was home to the most savage and sick contest ever conceived. Simon's gaze was drawn from the sight to another, rather closer to home, and far more devastating.

A small kid, menacing Madison Conner with a spear. Simon had few friends at Southridge, and none of that number were closer and more dear to him than Madison was. Their relationship had been a little awkward at first, but at least it was steady, and it meant more to Simon than he could ever say.

Simon sprinted towards the scene, rage exploding inside of him, the little laser dazller clenched in his left fist. Cast or not, if the attacker wasn't gone within the next few seconds Simon was going to pound him into the ground.

"Don't you touch her!" Simon screamed at the tops of his lungs as he ran towards them, the potential for surprise, the route of common sense, being overruled by anger and desperation.

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:18 am
by Theseus*
((Continued from I'll Follow You Into The Dark I'm god modding baby_g's character Elizabeth a bit for her while she's away to keep the topic alive))

Lenny and Elizabeth were crouched hidden in the brush at the outskirt of the jungle. Lenny Priestly watched as the scene unfolded before him. He saw some boy, attacking a girl with a spear. Lenny and his twin sister sat watching the proceedings. It really could be anyones game. The boy had managed to stab her, but it looked like she was fighting back.

That was until a third party entered.

Who was he? Simon that was his name right?

Lenny watched as the kid shouted at the kid with the spear.

This was getting interesting. Lenny gripped his hatchet and smiled at his sister. Lenny turned around to see if Clive had followed them or got lost or some other option.

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:18 am
by Slayer*
Daniel had not expected Madison to turn around at the last possible moment. It was supposed to be quick, simple, clean, get-it-over-with-and-don't-look-back. He was supposed to just run up from behind her, put the spear through her spine, and then finish her off while she was paralyzed. No more bloodshed than strictly necessary, no fear, no remorse. She was supposed to just go out, never knowing what hit her. When she was dead, Dan would be free to take any supplies she had and there'd be one less of his betters in the world, one less person to go through in order to win SOTF.

Instead, she had turned around, briefly looking Dan square in the eye before gasping loudly and trying to get away. It was too late though, and he heard her scream in pain as the spear dug deeply into her left side, the improvised glass tip/blade proving surprisingly sharp as it pierced her shirt and flesh with little resistance, creating a massive wound as the piece of jagged glass stabbed deep into her. While she was on the ground, he shifted the spear a few times to try to dig it out, worsening the injury before he was able to pull the spear out of her, taking several steps back as he looked at the blood-covered tip and shaft.

So much blood...

The sun's rays reflected off of the blade, casting off a slight red glow as they (the rays) glinted off the blood. Blood was everywhere; on the blade, on the sand, on the girl's clothes, pouring past her hand from the surprisingly huge hole torn through her side (he was still bewildered about how a simple shard of glass, albeit a very large and sharp shard, had made that big a gash. Clearly he had made a better spear than he thought he had.), it just seemed to be all over the place. A bit of it had even gotten onto Dan's clothes, though only a little. It was shocking, even a little disgusting, how much blood was coming out of Madison Conner.

I mean, I stabbed Lance's corpse to test the spear, so I'm used to stabbing things and seeing blood, but the corpse didn't bleed THIS much! Didn't scream either!

Madison was still on the ground, and hadn't done anything other than rubbing her wound with her hand. Now was his chance to finish her off. He had to move forward, thrust the spear a few more times and he'd be one step closer to winning the game...but he couldn't. His gaze was transfixed on Madison and the red substance covering his spear's tip, and it was like he was stuck to the ground. Almost as if the sand, mixed with the blood, was sucking his feet into it. He tried to move forward, but something was stopping him. The body was refusing to listen to the mind, and he was helpless for it. He tried to force himself to finish the job, but all that came out of it was his hands and legs shaking a bit.

Shit, it's my fault she's like this, in so much pain. She'll probably bleed to death unless someone gets her medical attention immediately, and I caused it! This is insane...Why am I doing this?! I don't have the right!

Of course, the sudden attack from his conscience gave Madison the time she needed to rise to her feet, and before he knew it the girl had gotten up and was shouting at him. As tempted as he was to thrust the spear into her face, he wouldn't get the chance, as she suddenly brought her right arm around at him. Feeling himself being metaphorically "released", he reflexively ducked under the swinging arm and shifted his weight so that he quickly stepped to his left. With her arm coming around in an attempted slap, her entire side was left wide open, and he intended to capitalize on this. With some effort, he was able to keep himself from hesitating as he jabbed forwards with his spear again, the intention being to shove it between her ribs and into the lung. There wasn't much power or momentum in the strike, as it was designed to be a very quick blow, but he knew the resistance of the flesh was weaker in such areas.

Regardless of how far it went in, Dan would immediately retract the spear, take several steps back and step further to the left. The slap attempt was pretty quick, and he didn't want to leave himself too open for another counterattack. At the least his stab would slow her down, but he still had to keep on his toes if he wanted to win this game. He was about to raise the spear again to stab at her face, taking advantage of the distance between them, when he heard the shouting and turned so that Madison was to his left and the area behind him earlier to his right, turning his head to look at who had called out to him.


Usually, Simon Wood was not a particularly imposing figure in Dan's opinion, but he was the last person he would've wanted to see charging towards him now. Back in school he had heard the rumours that Simon and Madison were a couple, and it was no surprise to him when he found out it was true (not that he really cared beyond in a "oh, that's interesting" sort of way), and it made the fact that Dan was currently attacking Madison both awkward and very troublesome. Though from this distance Simon didn't appear to be very well armed (is that a laser dazzler he's carrying?, he had thought upon first spotting him), Dan knew he would attack once he got close enough, and he was rapidly getting to the point where he could be considered close enough, which would turn the fight into a two on one battle. Dan wasn't the type of person to stick around for a fight where the odds weren't in his favour, and two-against-one where he was the "one" was definitely a situation where the odds were not in his favour.

So what did Daniel Brent, also known as "rat boy" to some of the school's bullies (and surely to some of the crueller gamblers), do? He turned around so that his back was facing Madison and Simon and sprinted in the opposite direction, hoping to escape to fight another day. Putting a bit of a leap in his first steps to help pick up speed, he pumped his legs as hard as he could, putting his weight on the front leg and then immediately pushing off as the leg slid back, propelling him further ahead. Considering the terrain and the weight of the spear and pack, it was difficult to run quickly, but he was putting as much effort as possible into this sprint, and coupled with the fact that Simon was still relatively far away when Dan started running meant that he figured he had a good chance of getting away.

Have to get away...they'll kill me if they catch me!

Dan had always been good at running. He could always run fast and far if the situation required it, and he was glad for that talent now. Keeping his breaths short and quick, through the nose only, he continued to push off the ground with his legs. Sand was kicked up behind him as he ran, but he paid it no mind, not even looking back to see if he was being chased. All he cared about was getting some good distance between him and the other two players before he tried to get away. Once he believed he had gotten far enough away, he suddenly took a sharp turn to the left at a ninety degree angle, cutting towards the foliage he had emerged from not two minutes prior. Even the jungle, he supposed, was preferable to staying where he could easily be killed. He knew there was an overgrown trail that spanned most of the jungle, he had seen it earlier; once he was sure he had lost Simon and Madison he could get back on the trail and figure out where to go next.

OOC: Dan continued elsewhere. Sorry I took so long.

((Dan continued in Day by Day))

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:18 am
by Ciel*
Something caught Madison's attention from the corner of her eye, but she had not the time or ability to turn around and look at what(or who) it was. Dan had thrusted his handmade spear forward, cathing her a little off guard. She was smart enough to have had her hand wrapped around the weapon beforehand, and because the frail boy wasn't the built up warrior that he was thinking he was, she easily push the spear away from her chest. The glass missed touching her and she sighed in relief. Which is why she found it as a surprise when Dan stepped backwards. Madison let go of the spear quickly, stumbling backwards as well.

Oh no... he's got some room... he's going to try again! Oh... someone, please help me.

Madison shook violently, quickly picking up her axe that was placed not to far away. She wielded her weapon like a sword, preparing for the absolutely worst... which never came. Instead, the rat bastard turned tail and wran the complete opposite direction. A movement that was a shock to Madison. She would have said "Get back here and fight me like a man, you coward!", if she wasn't actually glad that he had left. Her side burned with pain, making her wince from her hand accidentally rubbing up against it. Plus, she really didn't want to kill anyone(the same statement she has been telling herself) but... No. No no. She couldn't do that, no matter how much of a monster Dan was. She couldn't do that. She couldn't.

She finally took notice of the figure again. He seemed... vaguely familiar. Dirty looking pale-blond hair. Where has she seen that before? She couldn't have forgotten... could she? Pale-blond hair is a distinct color for hair... Scruffy-looking too. That was a familiar detail as well. Tanned. Square-lens glasses. Very tall, or at least much more so than Madison. There was a cast covering his right hand... A cast... A cast? Wait. She only knew one person that was wearing a cast on the Senior Trip.

Madison gasped loudly. "S-S... Simon?!"

Simon... had been Madison's boyfriend. Had was a very harsh term, and one she wouldn't use to describe their relationship... They... SHE had grown distant from Simon. They got together due to a spur-of-a-moment type of decision, which may of been why she was so hesitant about the whole ordeal the day after. There was nothing really wrong with Simeon (although it wouldn't kill him to shave): she had felt a connection between the both of them since the minute they met. He was everything she wished her past boyfriend was...

and there enlies the problem: whenever she saw Simon, she was Charles. She had begun to suspect that the only reason she dated Simon was because she wanted to get over losing him. On the rebound, in a sense. And she felt a horrible feeling of guilt once the possibility became likely. So, instead of using Simon as a replacement, she decided to stay away from him, only spending time with him occasionally.

They rarely kissed. Only went out on few dates. They never spent the night together, officially...

And Madison couldn't have been happier to see him. Overjoyed, in fact. Her face didn't show this though, for her feelings of pain overshadowed everything else. She gasped in pain again, clenching down on her side. "Simon..."

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:18 am
by Namira
Simon knew that he had arrived just in the nick of time, straining 'at the last minute' to the very limit. He didn't get a particularly good look at the guy who had ran almost as soon as Simon got on the scene, but judging by the blood pouring from Madison's side, it wouldn't have been long before he was altogether too late to save her... And it could very well be a one time deal: Daniel Brent had always seemed a bit of a weasel, likely he had only fled because he didn't want it to become a two on one. Simon was not an intimidating person by a long, long shot.

He had heard Madison's name on the announcement earlier, cited as having shot somebody, but he didn't believe that it was deliberate - or indeed, even true. Madison had a fire axe with her, unless it somehow managed to double as a pistol, he just couldn't see how Danya had been telling the truth. It didn't matter, regardless: it was an accident had to be an accident.

Simon wasn't even sure why he was thinking those thoughts as he raced towards Madison, desperately trying to remember if had ever heard anything about wounds, or ever read something... As Simon skidded to a halt beside Madison he used his momentum to flip his daypack from his shoulder, and in moments, had torn it open and was seeking his first aid kit. He looked up at Madison as he rooted through the pack, and managed to pull out the medical supplies.

"Madi j-just sit down okay? Try not to move too much, I'll try get that staunched..." the fact was, though, that Simon didn't have the first idea where to begin applying the help. It seemed an impossible task.

Simon, in truth, didn't even know where he stood with Madison anymore... they were close, but he had no idea whether she considered him to be a friend or something more. Displays of affection were rare, and Madison always seemed to hesitate, whether it was a kiss or even holding hands. Simon wasn't entirely sure, but he sensed that there was something stopping Madison from opening up to him entirely: but it wasn't Simon's way to pry... whatever it was, Simon was sure Madison would get over it eventually. He had ot be content with what he had... but what he had seemed to be disappearing before his very eyes...

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:18 am
by Theseus*
Lenny watched in the bushes far away from the unfolding drama. He watched as the boy attacked the girl, then as quick as the attack had game, he went running away at the appearance of another boy. Lenny stayed crouched, glancing at his sister Elizabeth, then back towards the beach to see what would happen.

He watched as the boy ran to the girl, and took out his first aid kit. The boy didn't appear to know what he was doing with it, but then again, Lenny wasn't a medical genius either outside of clean the wound, then wrap it up nicely. Though he could appear to know what he was doing. This was his time.

This would be his entrance.

Lenny looked at his sister and said, "Ready Liz? It's show time sis."

Lenny stood up calmly, his thoughts collected. He would need a cool head in the time to come.

He knew exactly what he would do, though his plans could change depending on the situation. He ruled out attacking like a lunatic like the kid with the spear did. That accomplished little, and wasn't what Lenny wanted.

All Lenny wanted was his sister to get off this island, and people to know his name. Of course, was it having the most kills that made you famous on this game? Was it the way you killed? Who you killed? All of those are questions that Lenny wasn't sure of yet.

He was sure of what he was going to do now though. He was going to play hero.

Lenny knew he had to conceal his hatchet though. At least for now, no use in giving away his weapon. Lenny put the handle in the back of his jeans and tucked his shirt over it, effectively covering the hatchet up.

Lenny and his sister then ran down the beach towards Simon and Madison, and Lenny stopped a bit before them and said, "What happened? Here! We got to clean the wound fast, get out a water bottle! Hurry man!"

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by Ciel*
It was pretty obvious that Simon had no clue about how to treat a wound. Madison could tell this from a mile away, but from the surprise that she had when she had first saw him in almost two days, she didn't seem to care at all. She wanted to smile, but every muscle in her entire body ached violently and she simply didn't bother with it. She simply did what Simon had told her to do, and took a seat on the sand. Madison tilted her body to one side, so no sand would seep upwards and enter the wound. Simon had fixed her up the time when she had sprained her ankle, and it seemed to heal... although...

The sprain ankle still felt sore from time to time, but luckily it was working perfectly fine during her time on the island. Anyone would have figured that her ankle would be in a serious condition from all the walking she had to endure, but at least it wasn't acting up at all. Still, the fact that her ankle hadn't healed all the way filled her head with doubt. At least Simon was trustworthy, so she would try to help her faithfully... as far as she could figure. They'd get to spending more time together later. He was trying to patch her up, and she couldn't go fixing herself up. She was able to overlook his lack of experience.

Madison closed her eyes, the cold air from the ocean blowing against her wound. "I-I'm so glad to... see you Simon..."

"What happened? Here! We got to clean the wound fast, get out a water bottle! Hurry man!"

Hmm... that certainly didn't sound like Simon...

Madison opened her eyes to see two people, running down towards them. She had seen some bushes move in the background when Daniel had attacked, but she didn't put much thought into it... but she wasn't exactly in the best mind of her own life. She wasn't in the mood to think things thoroughly, and her mind began to make assumptions... plus, the saw in the girl's hand made her feel slightly nervous.

"W-Who are you?" Madison squeeked, crawling backwards slightly. "W-Where did you come from?"

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by Namira
"Never mind that," Simon told Madison as another two of their classmates arrived on the scene. "Another helping hand is welcome in any situation," he had found the bandages, but according to the new guy, they had to clean the wound out first. Of course, that was fair logic, but he was far too scattered at the moment to think straight.

"Right, water bottle," Simon went into to his pack again, thankfully managing to locate his water rather more quickly than he had his first aid kit. Simon glanced at his girlfriend. "Sorry if this hurts Madi," Simon quickly unscrewed the cap from the water bottle with his teeth, then tipped it up and allowed water to begin dribbling onto the gorey wound in her side. Hopefully this wasn't merely closing the stable door after the horses had bolted.

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by Theseus*
Lenny watched as the boy poured the water on the girls wound. Lenny dropped to his knees and threw his pack to the ground. Opening it up he pulled out the first aid kit and opened it up. His eyes quickly searched through the contents. What was useful? What did he learn in health class to do? What did he always see on those 'how to survive stranded' shows?

Lenny heard the comment the boy made to the girl about it hurting her. Right, painkillers. There were some small packets of painkillers in the first aid. He took one out and ripped it and 2 pills of Aspirin fell into his hand. He handed the pills to the boy and said, "here give these to her. It'll help with the pain."

Lenny then pulled out some bandages and said, "Here we're going to have to wrap this around her wound tight to help stop the bleeding. After we do this we got to move fast someplace safer around the beach. The sun's going to be coming down soon and we don't want to move her too far, but I don't trust staying out here in the open all night."

He turned to his sister and said, "Elizabeth, find a good place we can hold up for the night on the beach! Hurry!" Lenny turned his attention back to Simon and Madison.

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by Ciel*
The painkillers would do their job, and the pain Madison felt while Simon was pouring water against her wound would start to subside. Even though Madison felt a shock run throughout her system as the water was being splashed against the hole on her side, she tried to act like it wasn't anything to make a huge deal about. She bit down on her lip, trying to hold back the temptation to squeal loudly. Holding that back seemed like the hardest thing she's had to endure up until now as her whole body shook violently.

Though Simon was very willing to trust someone that he's never met, Madison was not nearly as trusting. In fact, the only reason why she wasn't raising up her axe again was that the boy came from almost nowhere, and she had no idea that he (as well as his twin sister) had been watching her for almost a half-hour. She pushed her doubts to the side, figuring it might be best to just focus on not crying like a little baby. The pain... was almost overwhelming. Eating her from the inside.

Was... this what Izzy felt like when I shot her?

There she went again, thinking about the past. Madison wanted to roll her eyes, but she couldn't. Honestly, it wasn't like she didn't feel guilty about what she had done. Anyone would feel guilty, but... she had to move on. She'd think about how to redeem herself later. It didn't matter whatsoever.

Or did it?

Probably not.

What if it did?

Madison wasn't sure, but she let out a loud yelp before she could think about it any further. "H-Hey! Be careful Simon..." she closed her eyes, trying her hardest not to squirm around so much. "That really hurts!"

It appeared as though it was going to be one very long night.

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by Mitsuko2*
((Continued from Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures))

"Aww… Isn't that just so heartwarming?" Melina chuckled from the foliage. She looked at the girls behind her and smiled darkly.

"It's so sad… how foolish they are. Helping each other where everyone can see them… It's as if they have a death wish!" She giggled. "If so, I'm sure we can oblige!" She kept her eyes trained on the group of four. Melina wanted nothing more than to eliminate all four of them from the competition. But she had to be smart. Monique still wasn't quite with them, and thus she had to be very careful of how she played this. She had told Monique that they were only to hunt the Men on the island. This group had two girls. That was problematic.

"Listen well my Angels. Even though we have two of our own with the men, we must realize something. Any woman who allies herself with them can be considered one of them. As such… they will also be hunted down, and killed. We have no other choice I'm afraid." She awaited the other girl's reactions.

"If you're both ready, then we'll begin the hunt." She smiled. "Renee… I want you to stay here, out of sight. Monique and I will attempt to lure them into a trap you see. Once the trap is sprung, take out one of the males with your arrows. At that point, Monique and I will attack." She grinned. "Sound like a plan then?"

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by laZardo*
((Continued from Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures))

The "Poison Angels," as Melina had called it, much to Reneé's not caring that much, had made it out of the quarry and toward the shoreline relatively unscathed. This relieved Renee quite a bit, but not entirely, of the suspicion that even though they were traveling as a group, that a certain freak in a smiley-face mask - presumably possessed by the spirit of another freak she once knew - might suddenly jump out of the bushes and behead her or have some kind of elaborate trap planned (which might be a much worse fate than the former option.) Still, The "follower" redhead had used the opportunity to keep her bow and arrow at bay and take some nourishment in (if plain bread and water could have been considered as such.) Eventually, they had come to the shore, where Renee observed what was going on whilst safely concealed behind some strategically-placed jungle foliage.

There appeared to be a group of students on the shore, who appeared to be bandaging themselves up after a recent fight of sorts. It was impossible to tell what weapons they had from this distance, but it seemed Melina was going to take that risk, when she started to give her rousing battle speech (of sorts) and a plan of action.

The deja vu of a fiery redhead leading an aggressive clique aside, Renee's clique in Gilroy consisted mainly of men, but she never actually held a grudge against men in general even after they'd proved themselves fairly incompetent in battle. Even her chief suck-up had failed to realize in time that there was a factory collapsing all around him, thus letting her primary mental scourge roam around just for that much longer and get him that much closer to exacting his revenge. The sight of what was going on out there seemed to be the opposite of what she and her less-than-merry band of cohorts did so long ago...and at least from this distance it reminded her of a fate she could've chosen.

At least until she snapped back to attention. Compassion or not, this was a game she was pretty much fated - nay, doomed? - to play, and even that group (and even the Poison Angels themselves) would savage each other apart when the time came. It was that basic survival instinct telling her that she now had to save herself, and if she was doomed to die let it at least be with her dignity and a sense of closure. Renee was a lady far from divine, but she was not going to allow herself to be damned.

"Yeah..." Renée gulped as she took out another arrow and prepared to arm it, "Sounds like a plan..."