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Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:38 am
by RC*
((Desiree Beck Start))

Desiree hates her school. She hates this math class. She hates her classmates. She hates Mr. Terrance's incompetence.

But most of all she hates the gum under the table she accidently touched with her hand.

As she disgustedly rubbed her hand against her jeans, she reminded herself that soon she would leave this hellhole. Soon.

After she looked at her hand to see that it was dry she looked back to the front to listen to the boring voice of Terrance.

Probability calculations.

eZ as usual.

Thought it felt like she was the only one paying attention to it. Still looking forward Desiree slighty looked around to see what all these other fuckers were up to.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:38 am
by Primrosette
((Violet Quinn - Start))

Maths was still a difficult subject to Violet Quinn.

She wasn't going to lie to herself. She did always pay attention to the lessons she was taught but for some reason she found herself struggling to cope with it. She was good at her other classes so she would at least have a weakness. And it just turned out that that was Maths. It wasn't as if she hated it. She actually had a very neutral feeling towards Maths. No love/hate relationship.

She was started to lose a bit of focus on Mr. Terrance's words that were coming out of his mouth. She always found it easier to pay attention to Maths when her tutor was teaching her over the weekends. Not that she didn't want to get better at this, she really did. However, she preferred one-on-one sessions. They made her feel more at ease and relaxed.

Her eyes suddenly wandered onto her other classmates, wondering what was on their minds right now. Did they want to escape? Did they want to learn?

Who knows. Violet wasn't going to guess.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:38 am
by RC*
Someone in the classroom coincidentally looked at her.

Desiree looked at Violet looking at her looking at her looking at her looking at her.

It was awkward.

Desiree stopped looking at Violet. Broke the eye contact.

But then looked back at Violet to look if she still looked or if she looked away. Desiree didn't know much about Violet other than she was a goth. And goths are weird people in general.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:38 am
by Primrosette
Violet hadn't meant to look at Desiree. She honestly thought that she would be the only one to be glancing around the classroom. She didn't even know why she continued to stare at the girl who was staring back at her. It was a bit awkward for her. So she was glad when Desiree was the one to break eye contact with her first.

Violet looked back towards Mr. Terrance. Trying to concentrate on the lesson. But for some reason, she couldn't. Desiree was suddenly on her mind. She wondered if the other girl was looking at her again. It was an odd thought.

She did not look back at Desiree. She fiddled in her pen in her left hand. She was getting distracted. Even if she didn't want to be distracted by someone staring at her.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:38 am
by RC*
Desiree watched Violet writing down stuff for herself.

She continued looking at Violet. Then she decided to look back forward. Then she looked back at the girl again.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:39 am
by Cactus
"Dr. Terrance, please contact the office... Dr. Terrance, please contact the office."

Oh, thank the Lord. An interruption. Connor wasn't going to be able to stay conscious much longer if he had to listen to the math teacher's droning buzz.

((Connor Lorenzen continued from Hell You Talmbout))

Mumbling instructions to keep working on a few pages out of the math textbook, Dr. Terrance quickly checked his phone, grumbled something to himself, and quickly excused himself from the room, leaving a classroom full of mostly relieved seniors behind him.

Rubbing his eyes at the interruption, Connor Lorenzen sighed with relief. Mathematics was actually a particularly strong subject for him, and so it was often within math class that he found himself zoning out, already well-versed in the material the teacher was covering. His tutors over the years had been so much more engaging, so much more dynamic, and Dr. Terrance by comparison... wasn't.

As the classroom naturally started to stir, left to their own devices, Connor glanced around the room. At least a few other students seemed to be coming to life, the math teacher's spell having been broken - at least temporarily. Stretching his arms and hearing a soft pop from some of his joints, he exhaled with relief. There wasn't really anyone of particular note sitting around him, but the last thing he felt like doing was burying his head in his phone until Dr. Terrance got back, so conversation seemed like the way to go.

There were a couple of girls who seemed like perfect victims sitting nearby him, so he leaned back in his chair and looked at the two of them. They seemed to be staring at one another, saying nothing.


"You know, if y'all wanted to have a good ol' fashioned staring contest I'd be more than happy to serve as the judge."

He flashed a smile at the two girls. Always the smile, practiced but perfected. Kind but sly.

Ladies loved the smile.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:39 am
by jimmydalad
"You know if you aren't careful Connor, Madison might think you're flirting with other girls and lose her shit. Nobody wants that."

((Lukas Nielson: Start))

A dry voice came from the boy behind Connor's seat, a bored look on his face as he surveyed the scene before him. Math was always a boring class for Lukas. Words held infinite possibilities and were open to many different interpretations. Numbers were inflexible and lifeless. There was only one answer most of the time and the formulaic steps he needed to take provided no stimulation for him. It didn't help that the teacher was the equivalent of white noise either.

He had hoped to spend some time working on his next epic in his journal when Dr Terrance left but instead was immediately compelled to butt in the conversation in front of him. Partly because he legitimately didn't want Madison to have one of her temper tantrums that she was oh so infamous for and could see the potential train crash coming from a mile away. He also just felt satisfaction in completely shutting down Connor, who seemed to be doing his best to throw his charm at anything that moved.

Maybe he was being a bit too harsh on him. While others in his social group treated him with general disdain and went out of his way to make his life miserable, Connor mostly just ignored him, which Lukas obviously preferred. That didn't mean he liked the guy, far from it. Mere association alone was enough for him to develop a healthy weariness for him as he certainly didn't do anything to make his life easier even though he was in a perfectly good position to do so. Plus, he dated Madison, and anyone who was able to date Madison set off warning bells in his mind.

He shot Connor a small smirk before turning his attention to Violet and the other girl. He gave a warmer smile to Violet, waving at her while lightly tapping on his journal.

"I guess we're stuck here until Dr Terrance gets back. Hopefully, he'll be out for the rest of class. I'm not sure how much of his droning I'd be able to take today. You guys aren't planning on doing the task he set us, right?"

Well obviously they wouldn't do the random pages he set them, but he wanted to facilitate at least some conversation that wasn't about awkward staring. His eyes instinctively fell towards Violet, her striking fashion and makeup Lukas found aesthetically pleasing. He raised his eyebrows slightly, trying to indicate her to pick up the conversation. He'd rather not be left hanging dry.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:39 am
by Primrosette
Violet stopped what she had been doing and all she could do was now stare at Connor. She knew him. He was an okay guy. But his girlfriend was another story. Violet always tried to avoid the other girl with good reason. Violet really didn't want to deal with that kind of drama. She wondered why Connor was with Madison. But she never asked. Maybe their relationship didn't make sense to her but maybe it did to them. Besides, she was an outsider and their relationship was none of her business.

"Uh..... Thanks, Connor?" She raised an eyebrow and give him a disapproving frown. "....I'm not very good at staring contests. So, I have to pass on that."

Then Lukas spoke up. Violet's eyes widened a little in surprise. Flirting? Connor? With her? She didn't know what to think about that. She wasn't even interested in boys. But she wasn't going to say anything to embarrass Connor. As long as the flirting from him was harmless, she had no problem with it.

Lukas was talking to her about the task. Oh, he wanted her to continue the conversation. Did he not know that she didn't like to talk a lot? She preferred to be more of a listener than a speaker. Still, she didn't want to come off as rude for saying nothing to him.

"No, not really."

Great. She was very good at this.

"I mean.... Who really likes a robot who drones on and on all day?" Violet felt herself cringing as soon as she said that, her face was getting red and she stared at the paper in front of her. She started to scrabble some doodles on it to distract herself and from embarrassment.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:39 am
by RC*
Desiree rolled her eyes at Connor's comment but then smiled friendly to him as a respond to his nice smug arrogant smile he showed. But in her head she kept rolling her eyes. Jerk.

That's who Connor was. Connor seemed like an alright guy, always charming. He was one of the better ones in maths as well and was able to talk better than her about math. But he's still a jerk. Makes eye-roll worthy lines. Dates Madison. Madison, known for dating jerks. That's who he was.

Suddenly another male voice intruded the conversation. Lukas, who was this weird kid infamous for his mother. She felt sorry for him, her parents were awful, but she simply couldn't imagine living the life of Lukas Nielson even a day. Well, a day in the shoes of Lukas Nielson would be interesting. It has to be, obviously, with being the son of a celeb. Let's say a year. Nah, that's too much. A month. A month is awful enough, she'd imagine. Desiree would not want to live the life of Lukas Nielson over 29 days!

She smiled at his verbal attack on Connor. She didn't comment on his comment about the task, however. Normally she would do the task, but since now she had the opportunity...or rather was forced to chat with her classmates, she couldn't say no and just do the task and ignore them. So she boredly simply shook her head in response to whether she would be up for doing a task Terrance himself didn't give a damn about.

Then Violet babbled something about robots and drones.

Desiree looked at Violet and smirked at her embarrassing comment in a friendly way without saying anything. Inwardly she rolled her eyes. Inwardly she was confused by Violet's nonsensical comparison. Inwardly she wanted Terrance to come back as soon as possible.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:39 am
by Cactus
There were things one could always count on in life. Death was one, Taxes another. The next, Connor Lorenzen mused as he slightly raised an eyebrow, was Lukas Nielson sporting a holier-than-thou attitude. He wasn't a terrible guy, but Connor never really found much of an excuse to talk to him. The whole "dominatrix mother" thing gave him a reputation, but the only time Lukas' name ever passed through his mind was usually when Wyatt or someone was making him the butt of a joke he'd never hear about.

Dominatrix. Wyatt. Butt. There was a joke in there somewhere, but he was way better than that.

Turning away from the girls for a moment to face the handsome senior, Connor couldn't help but concede that he did have a point. Madison had gone off on him before for purported flirting with other girls, but he'd always seen it as southern charm. Of course, he didn't want to have to have that particular fight with her again. Dear Lord, no. He kept the smile on for Lukas, but it was more conspiratorial than charming.

"Aww, come on now Lukas. I'm just being friendly with y'all. A staring contest might be more interesting than Dr. Terrance today, anyhow."

A twinkle flashed in his eyes.

"Besides... if Madison were to think I was flirting with these fine ladies, y'all know who I'd tell her put me up to it."

Connor winked at Lukas and shot a finger-gun at him. It was a genial gesture, but as he did it and laughed, he shot Lukas a knowing glance. He wasn't stupid - he knew exactly what kind of a reputation his girlfriend carried around school, and it wasn't one of being sweet and quiet.

Though he'd seen that side of her.

Turning back to the girls as the one stumbled over a reply and said something about the banality of math class (and by extension, Dr. Terrance), Connor found himself nodding and agreeing with her. She was blushing, and he couldn't help but wonder if he'd missed something. The other girl had said nothing but smirk at the comment. Weird.

This was still better than listening to Terrance, though.

"Y'know, I half expect him to put himself to sleep sometimes. We'll just look up and he'll be leaning against the whiteboard." Connor glanced down at his textbook. "This is just busy-work anyhow. Y'all know he assigned the same thing last week, right? Or at least, the pages right before it."

Math being a particular strength of his, Connor had indeed done the assigned work the week prior, but had then worked ahead a little bit, hoping to buy himself a bit of extra time before the next week's football game. Besides, it never hurt to be prepared.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:40 am
by jimmydalad
It didn't take long for the smug smirk to get wiped off his face. Would Madison be dumb enough to believe that Lukas had that much influence over Connor? Of course, she would. It was his word against Connor's and there was no way Madison was going to spend a second listening to his side. He really didn't want to be a scapegoat at the end of one of Madison's tirades. He was already getting it bad enough from Wyatt that he didn't need a psychotic bitch on his tail. In the end, though he probably could've come up with a retort of some sort, he quickly decided it wasn't worth it. Lukas responded to Connor's devious smile with an unamused scowl before sighing.

You win this round, Connor Lorenzen.

In any case, at least Violet was carrying on the conversation. Lukas focused her attention back towards her, eager to move on from the mini battle that had just occurred. Was she ok? With how she stumbled through the conversation, Lukas was starting to feel bad about passing the burden of conversation onto her. He was mostly focusing on Connor to fully pick on what she was saying, but from the sounds of it, she was just saying what everyone thought about Dr Terrance. Maybe it was the other girl smirking at her.

Before he had a chance to talk, Connor managed to sweep in with comments of his own effortlessly. In a way, it was enviable how easily he made everything look. Still, the facts that he brought forward were certainly intriguing. Just to make sure, he quickly flipped open the textbook and went back to the tasks they were assigned last week. Then to the pages that he just assigned.

"My god, he's right." He commented to himself, almost offended by the laziness of his teacher. It was no wonder Dr Terrance was so boring. The content he was giving out was especially uninspired. He thought it was bad enough with it just being math, but the dawning realisation of the depths of laziness of Dr Terrance sent his mind into a minor tizzy. Was he really just this lazy? Or could it be that he's so busy with life that he just doesn't have time to come up with anything more interesting? Did he even have a life outside of school? He hadn't really seen him anywhere outside of classrooms and assemblies. Maybe he really was a robot that was created by the school to stifle creativity and use hypnotic suggestion to influence the student body?

Ok, that last idea was a bit over the top, but it was certainly an interesting idea for a plot. Quickly picking up his pencil, he flitted his own journal to the next free page and began hastily scrawling down his idea before it left his mind completely. Even if it was a terrible idea he was going to scrap later, it was better to write it down and muse on it at a later date than letting the thought escape and lamenting at the loss of a possibly good idea.

"No wonder his classes are so boring. It has about as much life in it as a robot's. I mean, are we sure he isn't a robot? For all we know, he could be one designed by Mr Cromwell to have students be compliant with him through sheer boredom. With how much Dr Terrance is equivalent to white noise, it would be a pretty effective scheme."

Once he finished his supposed ramblings, Lukas kept a close eye on his classmates to judge his reactions. While most of the time he'd have to rely on just his own judgment on a potential plotline, the situation that unfolded before him seemed like as good a time as any to see how others felt about it. Worse comes to worse, he could just pass it off as a bad joke following off Violet. If they liked it, well, maybe it'd be the start of his full dive into the science fiction genre. He leaned forward, resting on his right arm as his gaze moved between Connor, Violet and the other girl. At the very least, this was turning out to be a much more interesting lesson than he anticipated.

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:41 am
by Primrosette
Violet was listening to Lukas and Connor talking to each other. She noticed that the other girl wasn't saying anything to engage in their conversation. Maybe she just preferred to listen to the other like Violet did. Violet didn't know and she wasn't going to ask in case the girl didn't want to be dragged into it.

.....Lukas just said something that was pretty funny to her about Dr. Terrance.

Violet glanced back at Lukas, the corners of her mouth were forming into a slight smile. She covered her mouth lightly to not smudge her lipstick to try to cover the small giggle that escape from her. And she tried to recover by clearing her throat awkwardly. She barely even knew Lukas and she was already intrigued by him.


Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:41 am
by RC*

Now the boys were just trying to outwit each other and were trashtalking math and their teacher. It's them being them. Immature.

Haha, Terrance is a robot, we're hilarious comedy geniuses.

Desiree couldn't stand this stupidity. She wasn't going to Lukas' and Violet's level of humour and engage in this conversation that would result in killing off her brain cells.

She ignored her other classmates to focus on doing the assigned task.

((Desiree Beck continued elsewhere))

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:41 am
by Cactus
Connor glanced at the two students in front of him. The one girl had seemingly buried her head back in her assignment, choosing not to comment on anything that had been said. Lukas was giving the other one the googly eyes, only giving Connor a cursory glance as he tried to initiate conversation with the quieter girl.

He got it - absolutely. Some guys were in to the gothy types. It wasn't his cup of tea, but if Lukas wanted to flirt away, Connor wasn't one to stand in his way. Besides, he noted as he looked at the clock on the wall, there was only about fifteen minutes left in the period. Dr. Terrance had been gone for about ten minutes now, and Connor was getting restless. There didn't seem to be any point in sticking around.

It wasn't like he needed the extra time for homework.

Quickly packing up his textbook and zipping up his binder, Connor stuffed them both into his knapsack, and looked around the room. Everyone was either working on the assigned pages or talking among themselves. What a joke of a class.

Standing up, he grabbed his knapsack, nodded to Lukas, and crossed the room, slipping out of the classroom without a further word.

((Connor Lorenzen continued in Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown))

Re: Future Loves Me

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:41 am
by jimmydalad
The response he received from the group was less than exhilarating. At least Violet seemed to enjoy it, though.

"Hey, don't worry about apologising," Lukas reassured, the laughter becoming infectious as he found himself giggling with her. Violet really seemed to be a chill girl. He knew she was a member of the anti-bullying club, so she had to be a decent person. She certainly stood out from the crowd from looks alone, almost a complete contrast to her quiet nature. Maybe her outfits were her statements to the world. Or maybe he was thinking way too much about this.

He looked over to Connor just as he was getting ready to leave.

"You know, for once, I think Connor has had a good idea." He whispered to Violet as he left, giving her a cheeky wink. Class seemed like it was going to end relatively soon. As exhilarating as it was to sit in a classroom for 15 minutes either doing the task or doing anything but the task, Lukas knew he could spend his time in more productive ways. As he started to pack away his things, he quickly wrote down his name and number in the corner of one of his pages. Ripping his details out of his journal, he gave the little piece of paper to Violet, flashing a friendly smile as he did so.

"We should totally hang out sometime. I normally hang out with Gaelan and his crew and they're all good people. You're more than welcome to come chill with us if you want. Or, if you're not comfortable with that, I'm happy to chill with you. You seem like a cool person. Just give me a text and I'll keep you updated on when we're hanging out next. Or, if you want someone to talk to, just text anyways. I'm cool either way."

After giving her a thumbs up, Lukas swiftly left the room, peering down the hallways to make sure Dr Terrance wasn't there before taking his leave. Maybe he could work on the mind control idea. Or maybe it'd be best to workshop that with the rest of the writing crew before he went too deep down the rabbit hole. Yeah, he probably should go with the latter.

((Lukas Nielson continued in and i know i need to feel relief))