All Time Low

A solitary cottage that sets off by itself, away from the main settlement. It's a simple place of only four rooms, and it was probably the island home of one of the higher-ups on the military base at one time. Outside sits a small well that it's hard to see the bottom of, even in the middle of the day. Overall, the place has a peaceful atmosphere... one that begs to be destroyed.
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All Time Low


Post by Theseus* »

((Lenny Priestly continued from Hold Fast Hope))

Lenny was running out of time.

No matter where he went, it seemed he couldn't find Elizabeth. He wasn't even sure where he was now. He had found something within himself though over the past day.

Lenny Priestly knew he had hit an all time low. A low that couldn't be beat. He was a man on a mission, a killer on a mission. He would kill everyone he had to if it meant he would get his sister safely back to him. Though now, he felt the heavy weight of reality pressing in on him.

What if he couldn't find her?

No! He would find her. She would be found. She would.

Lenny came into the clearing, unafraid. He approached the cottage at a slow walk. Sure, anyone could shoot out right now and kill him. Anyone could, but no one did. Maybe Lenny Priestly had finally snapped. Maybe....

There were bodies, and smashed cameras. Lenny smiled at the destruction.

He made his way to the door and opened it, his gun ready to shoot anyone he saw, and once inside he searched the small cottage, and when he saw that no one was in there, he dropped his pack on a table. He had to take care of his wounds.

Slowly, and without any real precision, Lenny bandaged up his left arm, and when he was done, he sat in a chair, still shirtless. He held his handgun in his right hand and thought.

Elizabeth dear, where are you? Are you still safe? Know I'm coming for you. I swear Elizabeth I'll rescue you.

He reached up with his left hand and ran it through his long hair.

Everyone would die. Everyone would pay.

A smile formed on the lips of Lenny Priestly as he sat in a chair, surrounded by destruction.

His paradise.
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((Bobby Jacks continued from: Falling Down))

What in the hell had that all been about?

Bobby hadn't recognised the guy who had attacked him; Michael Anders. That was nothing strange, since he hadn't tended to pay attention to many people at school. No, the odd part was that ... actually was there anything odd about it? One of the other eight people Rob had killed since the start of the game was probably a friend of Michael's and he'd made an ill-advised attempt to exact revenge. Ill-fated too.

He didn't really want to dwell on it, but it was a simple confirmation of what he had been thinking all along. Seemed that no matter what he did, he just wound up being the killer all over again. What was the point going around with good intentions and attempting to redeem himself? One good deed was immediately wiped out, to be followed by even more transgressions. Nine times a murderer? There was no point even bothering to try to claw back a little clemency. He'd called himself damned before, and it was no less true now than then.

"If I'm the villain though, I'll make sure I'm remembered as more than just some lunatic with a body count,"

Lenny... I'm on your trail still, I'm sure of it. You have to pay for what you've done, just as I do. Don't think you can get away with that... massacre.

As Bobby approached the cottage, his grip tightened on his SIG Sauer, and his free hand went to the hilt of his claymore. After his last close-quarters encounter, he knew he'd prefer to have a weapon to hand rather than having to resort to either his fists or his gun at unreasonably close range. He stepped inside, his pistol out in front of him, then he stopped. A sort of smile came and went on his face as he saw who was inside.

"Never thought I'd run into you again so soon Lenny,"
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Lenny looked up, a little startled at the new appearance.

Bobby Jacks.

"Still following me?"

Lenny looked at the gun in Bobby's hand and looked at the one in his. Without any real threat, and while sitting in a lounged position, Lenny aimed his gun up at Bobby.

"Where's that girl you were with? Get rid of her? Smart choice if you did, she would have slowed you down." Lenny Priestly smiled at him.

"Look Bobby, what's the point of this? You can shoot me, I can shoot you, needless violence and deaths. What happened at the beach is history. Let me clarify though, that you shot first. I had no intention of shooting anyone. I just wanted my sister. Your friend attacked me, and even then I didn't shoot until you fired. So why don't we sit down and talk this out?"

"You know...from one killer to another."

Lenny winked at his adversary and motioned towards the chair opposite of him.
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"Looking? Yes. Following? No," Rob's own pistol was levelled. At this range, it would be next to impossible for either one of them to miss. "Don't overinflate your own importance." Who was Lenny? He was just some kid who didn't have it in himself to be honest. He could try and fool everybody else that this was all about his sister all day long, it wasn't the truth. If it came right down to it, the twins made it to the end of the game, there was no doubt in Bobby's mind what Lenny would do. Boom. Elizabeth Priestly deceased. Besides... the girl was probably getting twice the guilt of Lenny himself. It was murder being commited on her behalf. That had to make it even worse.

Rob blanked the question about Shameeca. He didn't know where she was and didn't want to concern himself with it. He wished her all the best as she continued about the island, but Rob had seen firsthand what complications groups brought. ... He'd just wind up getting her killed anyway. What Lenny said next, though, pissed Bobby off.

"Will you ever man up and take any responsibility Lenny!? It's never YOUR fault is it? There's always a reason that conveniently prevents you from taking any blame. It's always 'Oh, I'm doing it for my sister' or 'They started it!' you convince yourself that it's anybody but you that is responsible!" Perhaps the most disconcerting thing was that whilst Bobby was talking, he remained almost still, his aim never wavering despite the emotion in his voice. "Yes I shot at you, boo-fucking-hoo. If you hadn't kidnapped James in the first place then none of that would have happened. So in summary: fuck your excuses, it was your fucking fault,"

He has no right to act the innocent. It was just as much his instigation as mine.
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"Yeah yeah, I get it. It's my fault, I'm a killer, yadda yadda yadda. Last time I checked you had the bigger kill count. Am I right? I know I am. Yeah, I've killed people. I'll do it again. I won't stop killing until I get my sister off this island. That's something you'll never understand Bobby. You have no one to care for. More importantly, you have no one to care for you. You're just a big boxer looking for more people to pound in. This is your big shot right? I mean, you've already killed so many, why stop now? Come on, let's shoot each other up right now."

Lenny felt the cold steel of his handgun on his finger.

"No, that wouldn't benefit either of us to die here. You still want to live, and I still got to get to my sister. So you want to kill me, I'm actually flattered. The biggest most feared killer on the island, after me? I really don't even feel deserving of your attention, but I'll take it."

Lenny thought of where this was going to go. There was no cover here, and they were too close to miss. If someone pulled the trigger both of them would be pulling their guts back in, or something like that.

"I'm not here to hear you tell me who I am. Got that?"

Lenny thought. Who was Bobby to tell him who he was? Here was this killer, standing before him denouncing his own actions! It was hypocrisy if Lenny ever knew it. The anger boiled in him, and Lenny let it out.

"I'M NOT HERE TO HEAR YOU TELL ME WHO I AM! You're a killer Bobby! I'm a killer! We both got blood on our hands! Now shut up! What happened at the beach doesn't matter. What matters is here and now! Are you going to pull that trigger? Am I? Are we going to blow each other away right now? Is this how you want it to end Bobby? Do you want your life to end in some small house, on some jungle island, surrounded by your classmates?"
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"THAT'S NOT THE POINT! At least I admit to what I've done! You masquerade around justifying yourself being a sick piece of shit by claiming it's for someone else. That doesn't make it right!"

Bobby clenched the gun hard, his expression cold.

"Apologies for mentioning the goddamn beach, though I recall you're the one that brought it up in some pathetic excuse to shift the blame from yourself." his tone was heavily sarcastic and he frankly didn't care whether or not this sent Lenny over the edge. As far as Bobby was concerned, he could fire at least as quickly as Lenny; even if he was going to die, he'd take the other guy with him, which would be a reasonable enough exchange. Also... Bobby had weighed up his chances and found that he had much better chances of surviving a gunfight than Lenny did.

"You know what though? You think this person you care for returns your feelings? If somebody was commiting murder on my behalf I sure as hell wouldn't be grateful for it. I'd probably hate myself for it. So, do you think your sister feels the guilt for your actions? Do you think, then, that she's the one that this blame falls on. Because, you know... if you're killing people for her that makes Elizabeth the one responsible for all of the deaths at your hand. Does it make you proud to think about everything you're pinning on your sister? The... anguish she must be suffering, knowing that because of her, you, her brother has become a murderer. And it's all... her... fault."
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"You'll never understand the bond I have with Elizabeth. So don't even begin to tell me how she feels. You wouldn't know how she feels. You wouldn't know how anyone feels."

The announcements sprung to life, and as Lenny listened, he took heart in the fact that Elizabeth was not dead. She was still alive. There was still hope. The list of names was long though, and Lenny knew things were becoming even more narrow.

This place wasn't a danger zone. Good enough.

"Look, I'm done with this fighting."

Lenny stood up, keeping his gun aimed at Bobby.

"I'm going to go find my sister, and when I do, I will come and find you. Got that Bobby? I swear I'm going to kill you. I'm going to do it for fun too. I will enjoy every moment of it. From your first scream til your last breath. So watch your back. Please, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you until I come along."

Lenny Priestly waited there, not yet leaving, waiting to hear what Bobby would say. Lenny was anxious to move on to his sister, he had no intentions of staying here any longer with this boy. Truth be told, Bobby scared Lenny. Here was a boy that had killed many, who was bigger and stronger than Lenny. Lenny didn't like the thought of fear, it was like a nagging bug. The only thing he was supposed to fear was for his sisters life, yet here was a boy that made him question his own mortality. Would he even life to see his sister again?
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"There's better men than you that have tried and failed Lenny. Getting killed by you would just be... embarassing,"

Bobby stepped back, the announcement still running over through his head. It was sick enough when Danya was describing just how each student had died, but somehow, the list was even worse. Perhaps it was just the sheer number of people that had died over the previous day. Still... at least Shameeca was alive. Much as their alliance had been temporary, it would hurt to hear that the only person he'd been approaching friendly with... well, ever, had died. There couldn't have been more than fifty of them left... and Adam Dodd was dead.

Heh. Now that's just weird. Would have thought if anybody could handle themselves it would be Dodd. But then... I guess your luck has to run out at some point.

Just like mine will.

Bobby turned away from Lenny and quickly took the couple of steps needed to get him to the door again. He paused in the doorway as a though occured to him. Sure, he could just walk away from this place without any violence, but was that the right thing to do? Lenny might not want a fight right now, but that didn't mean that it was fine for Bobby to just up and leave? He hadn't forgotten what the other had done at the Northern Coast. Three people.

That makes me the one to dispense justice? I killed three at a stroke once already. I'm not superior to him in any way.

But at least I teel the truth.

"Oh Lenny... I forgot to tell you..." the distance was much better now, Bobby aimed his gun again and pulled the trigger. He wasn't going to let Lenny leave without a fight.
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In the small cottage, the sound seemed to be all that there was. There was nothing but that loud, noisy bang. Such a simple sound, yet one that always brought death and destruction with it.

Lenny didn't even have to check. He knew he was hit before the pain hit him. Of course, they weren't too far from each other too, so it wasn't like Lenny was going to get by with just a graze to his arm. No, Bobby Jack's bullet hit Lenny Priestly in his side, tearing through him like a knife through butter, exiting him with equal force.

Lenny didn't look down as he pulled his own trigger with his gun aimed at Bobby. It happened in a split second. He heard the bang he fired.

Lenny wasn't thinking nothing.

Single cohesive thoughts couldn't be put together when you are shot and in the middle of a gun fight, only emotion. Lenny's emotion was rage.



Lenny was the color red.

Lenny was the blackness inside everyone.

Lenny Priestly was full of hate.
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Bobby had been taking it for granted any torso shots would be more or less ineffectual for so long that he was surprised, to say the least, when Lenny's shot resulted in a burning pain to his side. What had happened, of course, was that the bullet had snuck to one side of the bullet proof vest, burying itself tidily somewhere in his stomach. That there wasn't a second pain more or less confirmed to Bobby that he'd taken a bad, bad wound.

See, he wasn't a doctor by anyone's standards, but even with his rudimentry knowledge Bobby was sure that the lack of an exit wound meant, in layman's terms, that he was in deep fucking trouble. It meant that the bullet was still hanging around somewhere in his guts, which hardly needed an expert to tell you was bad. Nevertheless, he shoved the wound to the back of his mine, it was something to worry about later.

Bobby gritted his teeth but resisted the reflexive urge to press a hand to his side, firing off another couple of shots in short order and quickly stepping back. Now, he was standing on the threshold itself, and after a moment, Bobby took cover behind the door, outside. He popped around the door frame one last time and fired yet again, hoping to force Lenny to keep his head down at least. Then, judging that now would be the best time, Bobby turned and headed for the treeline, as fast as his injury would allow him. Sure, he wanted to take Lenny down, but getting himself killed too wasn't on the menu.

Yet... I think the damage has been done...

((Concluded in: Victory))
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Post by Ciel* »

((Continued from Death and All of his Friends...))


Anna knew those sounds. How couldn't she ever forget them? She certainly wanted to, if she could but it wasn't so simple. Anna could remember vaguely that the certain gunshot was familiar but then again all gunshots sounded the same to her, unless if you're comparing a pistol and a shotgun. The sounds going through the air made her wince as she carried the wounded girl along with her companion Lulu. Wincing was about the only reaction that the sounds were going to get - at least on the surface. Anna eyed the path in front of her cautiously, trying to think her next move out.

"Uhh... pardon me for a moment but I think we should be very careful."

Yes. She couldn't tell where the sounds were coming from, at least the general direction. Maybe it was just because she was tired. Maybe Lulu and Elizabeth had a better idea of what was happening than she did. What use was a leader when he or she can't lead? Useless was what Anna was, just dead weight. But she kept it to herself. This certainly isn't the time to start cutting my wrists... If I want to make it another day I have to keep positive...

Anna looked down at the drunk-like female staggering along. Her dufflebag had the name "MADISON CONNER" written on it, and she had a class with the girl but in terms of familiarity there was nothing else she knew about the girl. Other than the fact that she was very, very quiet. Anna pursed her lips, forcing a smile.

"Umm... M-Madison, are you alright?"

The girl looked up a bit, a confused look on her face. "W-Who... are you?"

Anna sighed. The girl had repeated the question about seven times after they had left the storage garage and every time she repeated her own name. This eight time however she didn't say anything. She was just so damned annoyed that she didn't even bother to look down at the girl. She only kept walking, looking over at Lulu every once in awhile.

Lulu. She was such a trooper. Always listening to what Anna asked of her even when they never spoke to one another in school. They were acting like old friends, like they've known each other for years. Anna couldn't ever remember when she last thanked Lulu. It made her feel even worse... if it weren't for Lulu, Anna would be dead for sure.

Anna stopped and looked over at Lulu, not making eye-contact right away.

"Lulu... I have something to say..." She looked up and finally met her eyes with Lulu's. "This is slightly hard to say but... there's something I think you need to know. All my life I haven't had anyone who's done things for me. Yes, my parents provided everything for me but as far as teaching me what is expected... that was all me. I love my parents dearly but... they didn't teach me much. I'm just glad that I was able to do it all myself. And it was always like this... I always did everything myself, and if I couldn't do that I let someone else do it for me. And if that wasn't possible then I would just assume that it isn't worth doing at all, so I would just leave it to the side and just move on.

"And that unfortunately was the case with you and Lauren... I was dumping the hard work on you two because I really couldn't...handle doing it by myself." Anna sighed. "Listen, I don't want to make this a huge speech that repeats the same points over and over again. What I wanted to tell you is... yes, I've said this before but... you have been the biggest help anyone could ever ask for. You are just so kind and... and when I say this I mean... EVERYTHING.. I would be dead without you. I really owe your life to you..."

Anna smiled. "So, in short, I have to thank you for all that you've done these couple of days... I don't think I could say it enough times and get you to understand how grateful I am."
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

((Lulu Altaire continued from Death and All His Friends))

Lulu followed quietly beside Anna, continuing to drag Madison along. She was starting to get a little tired, but was relieved to find that they had come upon a building. It looked like a little cottage. Of course there was the inevitability that someone was lurking behind a corner or hiding inside, but for now...she was relieved just to be away from the storehouse, which was now a danger zone.

Then she heard gunshots. Anna appeared to hear them as well. Were they coming from inside? Lulu tensed up a little bit, not wanting to be in the middle of some gun fight.

As they walked, Lulu looked down at Madison. She hoped that they could keep this girl safe, since she was incapable of defending herself. Madison, as it appeared was her name, was probably counting on them to help her.

Suddenly, Anna stopped. Lulu stopped as well, glancing over at her. She listened as Anna spoke, hanging on to each word carefully. Was Anna...thanking her? Lulu felt her cheeks immediately turn a shade of red.

"Wh..wha? N-..No I haven't been..that much of help!! Really!" she said modestly, waving her hands at Anna. But Lulu really was thankful for this thanks. It made her feel as if she could continue to go on. As long as she had a good friend like Anna, she would continue to fight and try to survive.

"Well..I could say the same thing about you. Really. I mean..I've never had many friends at school y'know..and back in the jungle..well we clicked almost instantly! It was cool, ya know? I feel like we've known each other since preschool.." Lulu said with a laugh, looking at the area around her. She adjusted her glasses. "If I hadn't of met you, then..I would probably still be wandering around the jungle, too afraid to even leave.."

Lulu would have given Anna a big hug if it hadn't of been for the fact that they were supporting Madison.

"No matter what happens, if we die or split up..or even turn on each other..we'll still be together somehow. At least...that's how I see it.." Lulu rubbed the back of her neck, vaguely wondering if what she just said sounded too lame or cheesy. But it was how she felt, not to mention she was so tired that she might as well be saying anything and it would make perfect sense to her.
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Post by Theseus* »

((Elizabeth Priestly continued from Death and All His Friends))

Elizabeth made her way along, struggling to keep up. She hated the feeling of not being able to move as fast as the others, but knew there was no use complaining. She was wounded. Elizabeth didn't say anything as the girls ahead of her bore their emotions to each other. This island brought out the worst and best in people. Any secret you had, any deep desire, any thought would come out. Just watching the girls talk about how they'll always stick together made Elizabeth realize just how some people needed this to truly live.

What a sick thought. Elizabeth would never wish this terrible ordeal on anyone. She was happy for Anna and Lulu though for being able to find some small amount of peace during this storm.

The gunshots did frighten Elizabeth, but it seemed so commonplace now, she was expecting it. Though the shots were terribly close. Elizabeth saw in the distance, in the clearing the shape of a house. Elizabeth made her way to Anna, Lulu, and the wounded girl and said, "I think maybe we should avoid that house..."

Elizabeth didn't want to take any chances. Yet, they needed to rest. They needed to tend to wounds and think of a plan. They couldn't just merely run on their will to survive. Their luck would run out soon enough.

Lenny Priestly was lucky for the second shot missed him. With Bobby gone, Lenny fell back into his chair and pressed his hand against his side. Pulling his hand back he saw the blood on it.

I hope this doesn't mean I'm dying...

Lenny Priestly let out a small chuckle.

"Die. Ha, that's a thought. Not yet Lenny, you still got a mission to take care of."


Lenny, through great pain managed to take off his shirt and toss it to the side. He had no need for it anymore. He looked at his bandaged arm and wondered how much longer he had. He was no doctor, and while he did his best to treat his wounds already, even if he took care of his new bullet wound, without proper medical attention he didn't have too long.

Lenny didn't think about that though. More reason to find Elizabeth soon. More reason to make sure she won.

Through a slow and painful process, Lenny managed to clean his wound as best as he could, and bandaged it up. The white gauze quickly became red, Lenny's new favorite color. It was the one constant he could rely on. It brought both pain and happiness.


The color of victory and defeat in this game.

Done with his side, Lenny took out a wrinkled black wife beater from his pack and put it on. Leaning back in his chair, he let his right hand which held his handgun rest on his lap.

I'll see you again Bobby. I promise.
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Post by Ciel* »

Madison really wasn't counting on anyone to save her, especially since she really wasn't sure if she was alive. Everything felt so numb end everything was just shaking so much that it hurt her eyes and pretty much the rest of her body. She heard someone speak and she lifted her head. She felt like she was going to vomit.

Anna smiled gently towards Lulu. "Well... to be honest, if something bad were to happen it wouldn't be unexpected..." Funny. Anna wanted to say that completely differently but it came out like that. She felt slightly guilty for saying anything at all. She opened her mouth to say something else but it was Elizabeth that spoke next. Anna looked over at the girl and then frowned slightly. While Elizabeth did have a good point - after all someone with a gun was somewhere - Anna couldn't carry Madison any further. She had carried Elizabeth all the way to a storehouse and that had tired her out, but Madison was much heavier. Even though it was going to put them at risk, Anna couldn't consider going anywhere else.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth but that's not going to be possible." She said bluntly, slowly beginning to carry the down and out girl again. "I'm serious. You're hurt, this girl's hurt, Lulu is tired, I'm tired, you're tired. I think we should just take our chances inside there. If there really is someone in there then... then..."

Anna wanted to realize the possibility of them being able to overpower one person, but the thought disturbed her. Anna made it a point to never hurt another person, never attack them, never kill... She had to harm someone out of self-defense that was understandable but Anna would never forgive herself... could she? Could she get over her fear and kill someone? Kill someone like Lulu had? Did Lulu, the girl who would do anything Anna told her, have more willpower than she? Did she have more reason to live than Anna?

She shook her head, slowly walking past Elizabeth. "L-Let's just go..."

Anna carried Madison forward, past the fence that looked in horrible condition. It looked like a very nice house, a place where they could finally get some peace and quiet. A shiver ran down Anna's spine just thinking about it. But as she got closer to the cottage she saw a figure through a window... wait...

"Shit." Anna stared. "Lulu, stop. For the love of god stop..." She looked over at Lulu. "I... think... HE'S... in there..."

Oh... jesus, I think we should run...
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Lulu nodded at Anna. "Of course. Nothing can be unexpected in this game.." she said while trailing off a little. Her arms felt so weak and tired and she just wanted to rest.

She glanced back at Elizabeth. Lulu had a hunch that she was right. The cottage had this ominous feel to it, probably because of the gunshots that they had just heard. But Anna wanted to take a chance and go inside. Rest. Rest sounded very tempting right now...

Getting shot did not. But maybe the shooter had fled and the cottage was now empty. It was a possibility, but a part of Lulu didn't even want to go look.

Lulu followed beside Anna, carrying Madison as they approached the cottage. Sweat was streaming down the sides of her face and she just couldn't wait to place Madison down and stretch out her arms and wipe her face clean.

But Lulu noticed there was something wrong. Anna had stopped and was staring into the window.

"Wh..What? Someone inside..?" she asked, trying to look into the window as well. "He?!" Lulu was so tired that her head was spinning with all the possibilities of who this "he" might be. Liam Black back from the dead? She shook her head, realizing that she was still caught up on his death.

But maybe she was simply preparing herself from the worst. That the guy inside the cottage was the same guy that they had kidnapped his twin sister from. The same guy who probably wanted them dead. "Ooookay, let's go.." Lulu muttered nervously.
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