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What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:58 am
by CDYoung*
Ever since he woke up, Herman had ran. He didn't know why he was on the island, the blind panic he was in made him all but deaf to the world and he never heard the initial announcement of the game. However, he had been able to hear the others, mostly the declared kills and the news. And that made him even more panicked. He never bothered to check the day pack he was given, in fact, he hasn't eaten since he woke up either.

It was then, when he reached the large hollowed out tree, that he decided to rest for a bit. after walking into the carved out tunnel, he dropped his day pack, and his camping backpack on the ground and started to rummage around in both to find something to eat. Luckily, Herman quickly pulled out a loaf of bread, a bottle of water and a book, titled "Remington Handling," which confused Herman till he looked deeper into his day pack and noticed that there was a shotgun. Taking a further moment to look some more, Herman also found a flashlight.

And so, taking a second to check the area around the tree tunnel, Herman sat down on a pile of clothes, and with the flashlight, started to read through the user's manual to his new toy while having a somewhat bare dinner.

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:58 am
by Paranoia Man*
Since the first day of the "game", Jimmy Trejo's every waking moment had been filled with the same thoughts on continuous loop.

To escape, I need: a way out of the collar, the location of the island, a boat. To escape, I need: a way out of the collar, the location of the island, a boat. To escape, I need: a way out of the collar, the location of the island, a boat...

And so on. He resolved not to let fear get to him, not as long as he could make some sort of plan.

After going through the loop for the hundredth time, he settled on building a boat using the materials available on the island to be feasible, the location of the island being unnecessary since he was desperate enough to let the current take him wherever it would, and the removal of the collars to be impossible.

There's just no way. Maybe if I had more time and equipment and explosion proof skin...or, since I'm fantasizing, maybe if I hadn't been left on an island to die! Even if I could open up the collar, the circuitry would be too fine for me to see. But...I've seen dead bodies in areas that used to be dangerzones, and their collars hadn't gone off. Do they automatically shut off when you die, or does Danya do it remotely? What if I"died" for a little while, like if I could stop my heart for a while? I think I remember hearing about some monks that could do that...too bad I'm not one of them! And besides I don't even know if the collar would stay off after I "came back from the dead". It's an unfair game. Danya's already made all of the moves he needs to. There's no way to win. I can be killed or become a killer. By being chosen to enter SOTF, I've already lost...

Then, he let fear get to him.

He trudged aimlessly around the island, his new thought loop being the reading of his rifle's user manual every hour or so and the inspection and re-inspection of each minute detail of the rifle under the magnifying glass he kept on him at all times. Whether he came out of the game dead or alive, he had already lost, but he would prefer to survive. The rifle was the only plan now.

His loop was interrupted by rain on the fifth day. He didn't mind the rain, but he knew he couldn't afford to get sick. That's when he saw the large looming structure ahead of him. As he got closer, he recognized it as an immense tree with a hollow large enough to be used as shelter carved out of it. It smelled like dry rot, but it would do.

As he stepped into the entrance, JImmy noticed a moving bright spot in the tunnel.

I think I'm not alone.

A few clicks of his tongue directed at the bright spot revealed that he was most definitely not alone.

Here's hoping it's someone that only knows me as "blind guitar-player boy". And that I'm a better actor than I think I am...

Jimmy quickly pulled out the white cane he kept in his pocket as a memento of who he used to be and began tapping the ground in front of him. He ignored the spot of light and the person it was attached to, walked to the other wall of the tunnel and sat down with his back resting against it. He set the cane on the ground next to him and placed the rifle in his lap.

Jimmy sighed.

"Damn, Danya, you sure do have a sense of humor. Giving a blind man a rifle. Nice."

Come on, whoever you are. Come get me. Easy out...

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:58 am
by Mitsuko2*
((From: She Bop))

The tattoo of the raindrops against the ground that surrounded her gave the entire ordeal a somewhat fascinating sense of surrealism. It was as if she were floating on the air. As if everything here was just some strange demented dram she had cooked up in her mind one night during a particularly nasty storm. That in fact she had never killed Lance or Monique. She had never watched Heather, her supposed best friend, be gutted like a fish whilst she stood off to the side. She had never raped Jessa then convinced her and Renee to maul a boy. It was as if it had all been some concoction of her mind.

However… this wasn't the case. It was all real. And it was slowly eating away at the very thin fabric of sanity that Melina had been hanging onto all these years.

She sighed and stopped at the edge of a rather large clearing. Melina took a look at her surroundings. All that appeared to be in the clearing was a rather large tree with a hollowed out hole in it. From the hole, she could barely make out the sight of a soft glow. Flashlight. Which meant people. She grinned.

"Our first prey aren't too far from reach girls. We approach casually. We charm our way into their hearts, then rip them out. It's simple really. Renee, you wont need to be on scout duty for this mission. The tree line is much too far. We will approach as a group of pacifists. Hide all but one weapon. We go in." She said pointedly to her companions.

Melina hid her saw in the confines of her bag, and walked out of the bushes. In the rain and darkness, you couldn't see the spots of blood on her clothes, which worked in her favor. She approached the tree, and entered, only to see two boys. One armed with a rifle, the other reading some sort of book. It was the rifle that interested her.

"Oh…. Someone's already here? Im sorry to bother you boys…. But you see, me and my friends here need a place to spend the night…. You wouldn't mind holding us up would you?" She asked in the sweetest possible voice. Melina smiled prettily for the duo, and gestured behind her to indicate her companions.

"We wouldn't take up too much room. I swear it!"

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by laZardo*
((Renee Valenti continued from She Bop))

Renee Valenti didn't need to act tired as she trudged toward the tree with the other Poison Angels. She'd felt as if she were living on video-game-time, where a minute in real-life was actually an hour or two in the game, and at the same time she felt all the fatigue that came with it amidst the rain, which made her relatively light clothing heavy and soaked. She had to be thankful that her ponytail had still held together, otherwise she would also be brushing her once-fiery red hair out of her face as well.

Still, it didn't help her condition that she tried her best not to sleep. This was partly due to the fact that she knew her skanky redhead doppelganger would have her throat slit while she was very likely to have nightmares of or related to her past. And she didn't even want to think about the past or where said past might be at the moment.

Her quiver only had 6 arrows left in them, and since Jessa decided to give her blade to Melina as some sort of tribute, it was all she had apart from whatever fighting skills her shattered mind could remember at the moment. Not that it would have any chance against the rifle one of the boys already in the tree wielded. She stayed back a bit, more toward the entrance as she followed Melina, wondering why the hell she was still as cocksure as she was when they left the cottage where she slaughtered Monique. It wouldn't take a precise pointing of the flashlight for Melina's clothes to tell the whole story of what went on back there.

The nervous redhead unslung her bow but didn't draw an arrow just yet. No doubt things were going to get hairy again, but Reneé Valenti felt as if she were getting used to it. She just hoped this routine wouldn't be broken too quickly.

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by CDYoung*
When the first person arrived, Herman was mildly surprised, since he was focused on memorizing the gun manual in front of him, but the guy was apparently blind. Though it struck Herman as strange that such a deliberate joke would be played, so the chances that this "blind man" might not be so sightless was good. But then again, Hermey was also a major fan of tropes from fiction and video games so there's also a good chance that this guy really might be blind.

The sounds of others arriving made Herman raise his flashlight, from the feet up to the face, and along his beam's travels, he noticed the blotches of darkness that contradicted the light of her clothes. 'This one's...' Herman thought as he put his manual back into his bag. Since the other with him was apparently accustomed to the dark, he switched his light off, plunging the tunnel into shadow and darkness, as he grabbed up his pack and made a mad dash for the other end.

Herman might not be a fighter, but he knows an ambush by an amoral killer bitch when he can understand the tropes, cliches and fake acting in her words. 'The hell with finding out of she's nice or not!' Herman thought franticly as he dashed away, 'Dying to find out is not something I like doing.'

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by Namira
((Start: G57))

Dacey 'Dawson' Ashcroft was in a rather better mood than most people would expect, considering the circumstances she found herself in. Okay, sure, she was ultimately on a deserted island with a classful of others, at least some of which would be willing to kill her as soon as look at her, but it could truly be worse. For one thing, she'd already gone five entire days with nary a sight of others, and judging by the announcements, the rate of attrition was high. It was cruel and it was cold, but Dacey had only had about a year to get to know anybody at Southridge, and squandered it, now that she thought on that. Who, outside of the soccer team, was she even on speaking terms with? Her 'disguise' necessitated as little contact with others as possible, and what with her lack of going out due to her studying...

It was probably luck that Dacey hadn't ran into anybody else so far - since she wasn't really that stealthy. Of course, it helped that on even an inkling that there might be somebody nearby she had taken off at top speed, which, for her, was very impressive. Dacey didn't doubt that others had likely seen her and done the same. She did cut something of an imposing figure: 6ft 1" wasn't exactly small, and Dacey had had plenty of cause to be glad of her height. For one thing it helped her - a lot, in her charade, who expected a girl to be that size anyway? It was also of aid that... how to put this? Dacey wasn't that busty, went to show that taller didn't necessarily equate to chestier, which was useful to her.

Dacey didn't want to get into any fights, namely because a butter knife wasn't exactly what you wanted to be wielding in a life or death fight. It was made for slicing through dairy produce, not people. Not that Dacey would have wanted to start anything even if she had been given say, a gun. That she wouldn't shed many tears over her classmates dying didn't mean that she was willing to kill them herself. It was a line that she didn't think she would ever be willing to cross.

Emerging from the treeline onto a track of sorts, Dacey was caught offguard as she spotted somebody running straight at her. It was difficult to make it, what with the rain, but it looked as though whoever it was had a weapon in hand... Dacey stopped dead in her tracks, standing calmly in the middle of the track, dead in front of whoever the guy was - Dacey didn't recognise him.

"Trouble?" she called out, as he approached. Dacey wasn't really big on talking - she figured it was simpler to keep chatter to a minimum, it helped avoiding identification. After all, guys tended to have deep voices, so the less exposure to her softer tone the better.

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by Paranoia Man*
Jimmy could practically hear his heart beating as he stared at the person across from him and the circle of light produced by the flashlight in his hand. Jimmy waited for him to fall into his trap. Every minute or so, he heard a page turn.

Come on, you bastard. Here I am, easy pickings. You should be charging straight for me, but all you are doing is reading your fucking book!

Then, he heard footsteps sloshing through the mat of wet leaves outside. He couldn't tell how many sets there were, but it sounded like more than one.

No! This was supposed to be just me and him--or her, I suppose. Two-player! This was going to be a two-player game, and I was going to win!

When the first girl began to speak, Jimmy turned his head as calmly as possible toward the sound. After she made her request, his would be quarry took off.

He/she must of seen something she/he didn't like. For that, I'm drawing out this new girl's death as long as I can stand it.

Wanting to avoid any uncomfortable questions about his "companion" and his erratic behavior, Jimmy called after him, "Okay, I'll catch up with you at our meeting point!"

Jimmy was now left with a difficult decision. He could run like that unknown coward, or he could stay and make some new friends. He realized in retrospect that it had been a miracle that he had managed to traverse the forest without any explosive incidents, and he wasn't willing to press his luck unnecessarily. But the other option could be just as dangerous. But the girl did seem nice...

Wait, what kind of girl could genuinely be that sweet in a situation like this?

Jimmy's morbid curiosity had gotten the better of him and he had watched some of the previous season of SOTF. He knew no one could be that nice under such enormous pressure.

The girls that really were naive and innocent would become nervous wrecks and the girls that were looking to put a knife in your back would become little lambs. Or raving lunatics. I suppose it's better she's of the first variety. It's too bad--in an everyday situation I would give a girl with a performance like that whatever she wanted, but today, heh, today I'm not buying it.

Just as he was about to come to a final decision, he heard Danya's gleeful voice over the announcements. He squinted a little and saw that he could see the silhouettes of the girls becoming more defined in the rising glow of the morning sun.

Dang, I've lost whatever advantage the darkness gave me. I guess it would be better for me to give up the blindness act. Against one opponent, it's baiting the trap, but against three, it's suicide.

He committed the name of each killer to memory. When he heard of the SADD group and their plan, he felt a mixture of frustration and amusement.

Destroying the cameras? That was their plan? I came up with better than that! Did they forget about the fucking EXPLODING COLLARS around their necks? God...I just hope they take the hint.

As Danya finished his little play-by-play recap of the previous day's events, Jimmy gave his verdict in as close an approximation of the girl's cheery tone as he could muster.

"Sure, you can stay. I only want two things: All of your weapons and your names. No reason to be strangers. I'm James." He used his formal name in the hopes that none of the girls would recognize it. He wasn't even very well known as Jimmy but he was even lesser known as James.

He pointed the rifle at the silhouette of the first girl.

"Now let's keep this orderly. One at a time, you can walk up, drop your weapons right there," he gestured with the end of the rifle at a spot about two yards away from him next to his side of the tunnel, "and tell me who you are. Then you can have the other side of the tunnel all to yourselves. There's no reason for us to let this game turn us into savages, now, is there?"

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by Mitsuko2*
Melina groaned inwardly as the boy reading his book took off in a sprint at the sight of her. She was about to tell Renee to put an arrow into his back, but the other boy seemed to be his companion, and it was currently in her best interest to keep him from shooting her to death with that lovely rifle. She needed to be civil. Even in a game like this, there was no need for savagery. It was always better to be poised, in control.

Control was the very definition of Melina.

She smiled at the boy, who she soon noticed really couldn't see her that well. He was squinting at her. That made her grin inwardly. This might be easier than she originally thought. Perfect. She sighed. Then the announcements came on. That made Melina scowl. Danya told of both her own from the previous day, and Jessa's most recent kills. That wouldn't bode well. She hoped Renee was as good an actress as she claimed. This would take a bit of faking.

"Oh wow… thanks so much James. You have no idea how… how scared we've been." She let out a few tears and sniffles for effect, not that he'd be any the wiser. Some guys liked the poor victim act, and Melina played it quite well. "It's just been so horrible! A-and all the kills…. Oh god…. Why are people playing this game?! I don't understand! It's insanity! God! I just want everything to be normal again!" Actually, she just wanted him to put his guard down and that rifle away from her chest.

"I'm Melanie…. My friends are Rachel and Brandy." She was proud. She had just pulled those names out of her ass. No sense in giving him reason to shoot her. "My weapon's this big axe… I can't really handle it though…. Rachel has a bow… and Brandy has a knife. I-I'll leave them in between us, okay? I-I just don't really feel too safe anymore." She had the saw in her bag, so even with the axe gone, she could handle some blind kid. Easy pickings. She dropped it and went to sit down. Reaching into her daypack and taking a gulp of water, discreetly slipping the saw between her thigh and the bag, out of James' view. It would all be too easy. Melina was in control.

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by Ciel*
(Madison Conner continued from Battle of Epic Proportions)

Light was beginning to break, and while the rain clouds were making that light very dim, Madison Conner (Female Student no. 01) was thanking the lord up above for making it daylight. First of all, she finally found a place that she recognized: The hollow tree, the place where she woke up. Was this fate? Maybe, she really didn't know. All she knew was that she ran in a random direction, and she ended up in the one place she thought she'd never see again. There were more people here though. She couldn't see them clearly, but she knew there were a few people.

Wait... isn't this where I saw that guy... what's his name? Paul Smith? Madison grimaced, gripping her gun tightly. The fucker got what he deserved. He didn't even fight back, I didn't expect him to lose so easily. He proclaimed himself one of the best fighters in our school, but he got taken down by me. It proves everything! That anyone, ANYONE can die. I can kill just about anyone. I... I actually have a chance at winning. I can live!

Now... what was she going to do? Ahh, yes... it looked as though no one had a gun on them. That's all she could see, given her distance. To get a better look at the two (or was was it three? She could hear a voice that obviously belonged to a male, but none of the two figures that were standing near the tree looked all that manly), Madison crept forward as slowly as she could, trying not to reveal herself. She could see one of their weapons... yes, it was as clear as day. It was... it was...

...a bow?

No... is that?

Was this the perfect opportunity? Yes, it was. This was perfect. She smiled, putting the gun in the back of her pants, slipping out her knife-wrench and suddenly revealed herself. "Hey!" she waved, putting on her biggest smile. "Are you guys alright over there?"

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by Super Llama*
{{continued from To the Hounds of Hell}}

Lyn stood in the doorway, looking in at what would be her new room. The room was rather spartan: in it was only a bed and a small desk. Downstairs she could hear her aunt Meryl and uncle Joesph shouting at each other. She couldn't make out what they were arguing about, but she was certain it was all because of her. Neither of them were very excited about having to take care of her. It was only her first day here and already she felt alone.

The arguing reminded her of when her own mom and dad used to argue. She always used to hide in her room while it happened, as it could get pretty violent at times. They were always about the usual things, about how poor they were and how Dad couldn't seem to hold a job to save his life. Mom always threatened to get a divorce if he couldn't keep the next job he got. This one was different, though. Apparently Dad was an accomplice in a bank robbery and Mom was threatening to call the police on him. Dad kept trying to explain that he desparate for money so he could support them, but Mom just wouldn't listen. Finally, Lyn flinched in surprise as a gunshot came from downstairs, then nothing. Suddenly scared and a bit curious, Lyn left her room and slowly came downstairs.

What she found she could have never imagined in a hundred years. Mom was lying on the ground in the kitchen, a bloody gunshot wound in her forehead, and Dad was just across the room, trembling and holding a pistol at her, a look of horror and disbelief on his face, as if he couldn't believe what he had just done. Dad quickly looked over at Lyn, noticing her standing in the doorway, staring wide-eyed at Mom's body, then back at him, until Dad suddenly turned around and headed quickly to the front door, slamming it open and breaking out running. She never saw him again.

The arguing between Meryl and Joesph continued, when suddenly somebody from behind her gave her a hard shove, sending her stumbling for a bit before falling face down on the floor. "Ow..."

She looked up at the perpetrator, finding Anthony standing in the doorway now, a condescending and disgusted look on his face, as if he were looking down at a cockroach.

"A-Anthony. Why did you-"

"Listen up, shortstop." Anthony interuppted, his tone matching the look on his face. "If you're going to stay here, you'd better learn some ground rules. First off, I'm the top dog around here, you got that? You just stay out of my way and there won't be any problems, unless I want there to be problems, in which case you better just shut up and take it." He started to march off towards his own room, then stopped. "Oh, and second, stay the hell out of my room and away from my stuff. If I case you in my room or taking my stuff, I'll kill you." His eyes trailed down to the floor. "God, they wouldn't be fighting like this if it wasn't for you." He finally reached out, grabbed the knob on the door to her room and slammed it shut.

Lyn sat there on the floor for a few moments, the arguing continuing on downstairs. Feeling more alone than she ever did in her life, she finally climbed up onto her bed, curled up and cried.


Laeil scowled as that dream resurfaced in her head again, making her way down the trail slowly, keeping an eye out for anyone that might be lurking in wait. Earlier she had managed to find a small space dug out by a tree root that would allow her adequate shelter to rest her tired legs. Though it didn't protect her entirely, she fixed that by throwing the jacket she had pilfered from Anthony over her legs. Eventually, her eyes snapped open, and she realized that she was sleeping. She cursed herself for being so careless, not knowing how long she had been asleep (in reality, it was only about 30 minutes.) If she wanted to sleep, she'd have to find a better hiding place than this; anyone could've just walked up and put a bullet in her head where she was.

Deciding that she had rested long enough, she gathered her things and set off again, though it wasn't long before the dream she had resurfaced in her mind and refused to go away. That day she first moved into aunt Meryl and uncle Joesph's place. The utter lonliness she felt. The fact that one moment, she had two parents that loved her, then the next she had not a single friend in the wor-

Enough. She scowled again. Lyn is dead. Just forget about what happened then. All that matters is the here and now. A sinister smile crept across her lips. Then again, dishing out some karmic justice isn't out of the question.

She stopped as she began to hear voices, and immediately took cover, making her way slowly forward until she could make out what was going on. She could make out people in the distance, maybe about four or five of them. As she made her way closer, she found that she didn't really recognize any of them.

That is, except for one.


Laeil stared intensely at Melina as she recognized her. How could she forget her and her little posse, who's sole existence seemed to be just to make other people's lives hell? Somehow the fact that she had a reputation as a gigantic slut seemed like rubbing salt in an open wound as well. The fact that someone like that was still alive in a place like this made her burn with anger.

Well, then again, I wouldn't want you to die before I killed you, now would I? She thought to herself, feeling all of a sudden like it was her exclusive right to end Melina's life. She loved the thought of such an uppity, self-centered, vindictive bitch getting getting taken down a peg. She begin to tremble with excitement as she imagined her, cut up, begging for mercy...

Whoa. Hang on. She quickly brought herself back down to reality. Don't forget that she has company.

Laeil quickly scowled again. If only revenge was so simple. She decided to stay out of sight until she could assess the situation.

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by CDYoung*
Herman tried to stop. Tried being the operative word. Instead, he slipped in the mud, preformed a not very graceful forward flip and a face plant that let him roll for about five more feet, coming to a stop just past Dacy. After a very long moment, Herman moved, slowly getting to his feet while thanking every god he could remember for the rain and resulting softer then dry earth, wet earth.

When he managed to shakily get to his feet and put his hands to his knees, Herman took a deep breath. "A little." He managed to groan out. "Who are you?"

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by laZardo*
Renee followed Melina as the boy with the gun made the two redheads an offer to hand over their weapons for safety purposes for the time being. Melina was able to "cooperate," but Renee had a hard time figuring out how to "play along," seeing as how she only had one weapon...or did she?

She clumsily unslung the quiver and supply bag from her shoulder, and they accidentally tumbled to the ground.

"Heh...silly me...I'm so tired I can hardly...stand on my own two feet as it was," Renee said, forcing a smile as she walked toward Jeff. It was a 3/4-truth in retrospect, Renee could as well summon her second wind if pressed enough. She scrambled to put the arrows back before she gave the quiver a gentle toss toward his side, far from arm's reach but near enough in case she had to make a lunge for it. The announcements had already started playing, but she decided to pay it no mind unless she heard the name of a certain masked freak...a thought that was one of the few keeping her from falling asleep right now.

"I'll keep the use for it without its arrows, right? Oh...and I'm Rachel... Rachel Levantine." Renee stuttered as she held the bow close.

"Rachel" was currently about as good a liar as Melina was being right now. In fact, Levantine was a play on syllables based on her character from a teen TV show she did a year or so back that she did not have very fond memories of. She hoped that said TV show was not as big a hit as she suspected lest people recognize her weary mug from the TV screens without her makeup on. Neither Renee nor Melina were mentioned in the announcement...but upon hearing of Jeff's death she suddenly wondered where the third member of their merry band was.

She looked back the way she came in only to notice someone waving and shouting at them.

It wasn't Jessa...and in the light she couldn't tell who it was. It certainly didn't look as familiar as she feared...but she wasn't taking any chances.

Either way, Renee had left only two arrows when she "fixed" the quiver. The rest she had snuck into her supply bag.

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by Namira
"Dawson, Dawson Ashcroft," Dacey told Herman without a moment's hesitation. She was well accustomed to lying about her identity by now that using her pseudonym came to her instinctively. Indeed, if somebody asked her that question she would probably hesitate before using her real name.

"It looks as though you picked a good time to get out of there," Dacey said to him, looking beyond to the tree, where she could make out faint voices and a number of figures. "Seems to be getting quite busy," she tipped her sunglasses back and rubbed her eyes. Herman probably was rather confused to see her wearing the shades in this weather, but being considered odd was a small price to pay for the concealment they confered. Dacey had very long, feminine lashes, and the glasses were perfectly suited to maintaining her facade.

Of course, the disguise probably shouldn't really have been foremost in her mind at this juncture, not when people were out trying to kill one another. In consideration, being found out would be a minor sacrifice compared to simply being killed. Dacey had to priortise carefully, which meant going against the grain in some instances. After all... she'd been keeping this up for an entire year, a lot of things were second nature to her now.

Think carefully... there's more at stake than your gender...

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:59 am
by Mitsuko2*
Melina was happy to see that Renee kept up with her façade. She desperately wanted to trick this boy into a false sense of security. It made it all the more easy to simply pluck that lovely rifle out of his grimy little hands. She grinned on the inside. She'd been far too long cooped up in that cottage. She really needed a good scuffle to get her adrenaline pumping. She smiled at the boy, and subtly slipped the saw into her shirt, wrapping a stray piece of cloth around it, so as not to cut herself. She fixed it into place in the fly of her skirt, her shirt covering the blade from his view. She doubted he would see it anyway.

It came to her notice that Jessa, or Brandy as she'd told the blind kid, hadn't shown up yet. She was sure the other girl had been right behind her. That made her slightly angry. She quickly stood. No use stealing the gun from the boy with only a sassy redhead as backup. Three against one was much better odds than two. And even if he WAS blind, that thing could still take a good chunk out of her. The sudden appearance of another girl whom Melina slightly recognized told her it was time to count her blessings and take off.

"Rachel… let's go… Brandy isn't here yet, and I'm worried." It was a load of bull, but the look she gave Renee was explanation enough.

"Sorry. Thanks for letting us stay for as long as you did though." She said to the boy, and scooped up her axe. She turned and walked in the direction the boy had run in when she first arrived. AKA, away from Madison Conner. From what the announcements said, Madison killed Paul Smith. Paul was HER prey. That sniveling bitch would get what was coming to her, but for now, Melina wanted to first have her hands on a gun.

She made her way out of the tree, and soon found herself facing a duo. One was a boy who towered over her, and the other was the boy whom had sprinted from the tree beforehand. How enticing.

"Hello boys!" She called out all-too cheerfully. It made her teeth rot, it was so sugary sweet. "What a beautiful morning it is! Don't you agree?" She called, swinging the axe lazily in her hand.

"You know… I never really liked men. Do you know why? It's because they always WANT something. Did you know that? Well, obviously you do. Men constantly WANT. They want to hold you, touch you, kiss you. They want to make you THEIRS. But… I never really liked that you know. That's why, instead of letting them TAKE whgatever they want…. I decided to WANT and TAKE from them first!" She yelled gleefully as she ran at the two boys, knowing Renee was behind her hopefully fired arrows. She swung at the taller one, and then at the one from the tree. She giggled manically and swung again, this time with no set target.

Re: What a day, what a day, what a day.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:00 am
by Super Llama*
Rachel? Laeil blinked as she got close enough to make out the group better. But isn't her name Renee? Renee was one of the few students at her school that she even bothered learning the names of, mainly because of her eerie similarity to Melina. Finally, it hit her. Ah, they're bullshitting him, aren't they? Well, aren't you as tricky as ever? She watched as the duo took off, having already taken account of what weapons they seemed to be holding, and slowly starts to follow them. Her gaze turns to Madison and Jimmy for a moment. As much as she could use a gun right now, she didn't like her chances with the other girl there, noticing something in the back of her pants that also looked like a gun. Besides, there was a much better target waiting for her. Brandy, huh? I better keep an eye out just in case this "Brandy" decides to show up...

She snuck along through the trees, following after Melina, until she came to a stop in front of a couple of boys, watching as she suddenly starts to attack them. "Heh, the perfect distraction..." She says to herself quietly as she starts to think of an attack plan.