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One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:12 am
by Theseus*
((Lenny and Elizabeth continued from Ratio Decidendi))

Lenny saw the hollow tree before him. It was a large old tree, and as he approached it he saw that no one was around. At least, no one visible. They were in the middle of the jungle still, so the chances of someone being here were slim. Though the tree was shelter from the rain, and that's exactly what Lenny wanted right now. A place to rest. A shelter from the rain.

He made his way through the brush and towards the tree, which he saw must have been cut out for vehicles to pass through judging by the worn path. Moving inside, he felt the burden of the rain lifted off him, as he looked around. There were sketches on the inside of the tree. All very interesting stuff. What was most interesting though was the dead girl right outside of the tree line. Lenny didn't know who it was, but part of her skull was missing.

Ah, so someone else was having fun.

It was only future competition for Lenny when he would be forced to kill to save his sister. Though that wouldn't be for a while. He would let the "crazies" kill everyone off for him. He would enjoy the opportunity Danya had given him.

Turning his attention back towards the jungle, he waited for James and Elizabeth to show up.

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:12 am
by Ciel*
(Continued from Kimmie Kimmie, Candy Eater)

Oh... Oh dear. This is not where I was planning to go at all.

Anna frowned slightly. She and the rest have been walking in one direction for about an hour and none of them complained but a large tree with a path drilled through it was definitely not something she saw. Yes, she could remember that she had never passed by this particular tree before. She looked down at her map, her eyes moving back and forth over the contents and found a similar looking tree on the map.... some ways away from where she was planning to go. Oh no... Did I go in the wrong direction? It appears I have. Shame really...

She looked behind her. No one had shown up yet. She smiled. They don't HAVE to know about such a trivial detail. If Anna never mentions that this wasn't the place they were heading for then there wouldn't be any problems. I suppose what they don't know won't sneak up behind them and break their backs... still, it is rather puzzling. I really thought I WAS going in the right direction. Oh my...

Anna's clothes were slightly soaked but nothing that a couple of hours wouldn't dry. Her hair was in a bad way but she could never know that (nor would she care to know). I'll fix it when I get the chance to sit down, she promised herself, rubbing her right arm with her left hand. No rush. We've got all the time in the world, it seems. A few hours staying in this tree would be good enough to dry my clothes off.

Besides this place looked good enough to house twenty people much less four. It was perfect, much better than her man-made shelter. It would all have been fine....

From the position she was in, sadly, she would have no idea that anyone else was there. Lenny was positioned at the side of the tree facing away from Anna and any noises he (or Anna for that matter) did make would be drowned out by the rain. Had she known that there was someone currently housed in the large tree it wasn't a concern to Anna (despite Lenny having a gun with him). She had more important matters to think about...

My, this tree is rather large. It looks almost unreal, like it isn't even a tree at all. I would have imagined this to have been made out of metal but it's actually real. Very strange. Never seen a tree this big before in my entire life. A woodpecker would have difficulty getting into this tree. That makes me wonder though; are there any woodpeckers on this island? Oh, wait. This is a tropical island isn't it? There probably aren't any woodpeckers around... hey, I wonder why woodpeckers peck wood? I should think their peckers would be twisted at a very discomforting angle after all the wood they would need to peck with their peckers... Oh, that sounds dirty doesn't it. Would someone call them beaks? They certainly don't look like beaks to me, they look like 'peckers'. That's just my opinion, someone would probably think I'm being stupid and I would liable to agree with them... where is everyone? Oh dear, I hope they haven't been hurt or gored or ripped in half? That would be most dreadful if that were to happen. I certainly wouldn't be a happy camper if some loon with a knife decided to kill me, gut me and use my skin as his fireplace rug. Oh, now I'm back to Lulu's hair... I wonder is she had that dyed. Probably not. Most likely it's natural but it's unusually nice. I wonder if she goes to a hairdresser....

Yes. Much more important matters.

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:13 am
by ZombiexCreame*
((James Martinek continued from Ratio Decidendi.))

James had been following Lenny for quite the distance. The walk had been more or less peaceful and silent. They had met no one during the transition from the caves to the jungle, much to James' disappointment. It wasn't like he was planning anything. How could he? Hinting that he was being taken hostage was just a death wish for him and anyone he told.

He knew it would be a better plan if they didn't meet up with anyone at all. James would get nervous if he did, and he didn't want to seem suspicious or nervous. No, not at all.

Finally, he caught up with Lenny, who had taken shelter inside a large, hollow tree. He glanced back to see if Elizabeth was still following, then walked inside. James immediately sunk to the ground, wiping his forehead and wringing out his clothing. "I'm tired of walking..", James complained, sounding like a whiny little kid.


((Lulu Altair continued from Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater.))

Lulu finally emerged from the thick jungle to a slight clearing with a large hollow tree. Lulu had never seen such a sight before and grinned like a child in a candy store. "Whoa! This is HUGE!", She exclaimed, her voice a little loud. "So this is your shelter, eh?", She asked with a slight giggle. Lulu hadn't caught on to Anna's mistake and had even forgotten that she had previously mentioned the shelter being made of tarps. This was way better though.

Brushing her hair away from her shoulders, Lulu took another glance around, then glanced back at the forest. Lauren and Carson still hadn't come up. Maybe they were just a little behind like Lulu was. By now, she had almost completely forgotten about the ordeal with Amanda. Good luck to her, Lulu thought. Some specks of rain flew onto her glasses. Carefully taking them off, she wiped the lenses of her glasses with the edge of her sleeveless sweater. Like Anna, she too was quite oblivious to Lenny and the others being in the tree, at the moment.

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:13 am
by Candescence*
(Liam Black continued from Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater)

What is this bullshit? Why is there no tarp yet? Why is there a massive tree with a path drilled through it-


Liam appeared into view behind Anna, looking at the massive tree. Holy crap. Screw the tarp, this was even more perfect! A good shelter from the rain, which he hated oh so much... Unfortunately, it stood out like a massively sore thumb. Others could seek shelter here. And if a person wanting to kill everyone with a shotgun showed up... Well, he guessed they would have to see what they could do in that case.

Liam walked up next to Anna, and nodded to her, as he walked towards the tree, and inside. He was all too eager to get out of the rain. But... What if someone was already inside? He armed his garroting wire... And then noticed the corpse in the center. Part of her head was missing. Nasty, but delightful to Liam. It meant that someone had been here, and had been making a killing.

Then he saw Lenny and James.

He quickly hid behind partial cover just in case theses guys freaked if he said anything. He then called out calmly, "Excuse me? I hope you're not the fellow who did that nasty thing to that poor girl. Otherwise I will have to strangle you. And we don't want that, do we? That, and my new friends are right behind me, and they'll be all too happy to shoot and cut you up, in that order, if you kill me. Can't we not kill each other and hide out in this lovely tree together?"

To be honest, Liam was wanting to sneak up and strangle Lenny to death, but considering his group, that would be a really bad idea. Still, he'd rather avoid trouble until he attacks the people he's REALLY gunning for. Attacking him now would be suicide.

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:13 am
by Sean*
Carson was right behind Liam. He was not amused. For one, this was not an area with a tarp over it as Anna had said. This was not the main thing annoying him, though, as a hollow tree would work too; hell, maybe it was even better than the original location.

He also noticed a corpse nearby, the apparent result of someone going FPS Doug on one of their classmates. This didn't bother him much either; he had been desensitized to graphic headshots long ago, and although it smelled awful, this was most likely a temporary location anyways.

The main thing bothering him was the fact that there was another guy in the tree. This was a serious problem, as the man visibly had a gun on him.

Fucking hell.


Here I was thinking I would be able to avoid killing for a bit, especially people who I have almost zero chance of living through a fight with, Carson thought grimly.

He then heard Liam calling out to the people.

What the fuck? Carson thought in total shock. Is Liam really this fucking stupid? He's just going to get himself killed, and possibly get the rest of us killed.

He cocked his head.

"Liam, you may wanna head straight for the strangling. These guys look like bad news, plus they have weapons we may need," Carson whispered.

He put his jacket back on; he had put it in his daypack before the group left for the hollow tree. Bloodshed was inevitable, and he didn't want to ruin his Year Zero T-shirt with some fuckwit's blood.

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:13 am
by Muninn*
((Lauren Howard continued from Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater))

For a brief moment, Lauren was afraid that she had gotten separated from the rest of the group. She had fallen back towards the rear of the group as they had traveled, so if they were really separated there was no guarantee that the others would notice. She kept going, though, and eventually was able to see the others off in the distance.

She went a little further. There was a huge tree... was this their new shelter? It didn't sound like what Anna had described to them back when they were staying in the jungle, but it would certainly serve as a good shelter for now. Why was everybody waiting outside? Were they waiting for her after all?

Were they unwilling to go inside? The tree was good shelter, after all. It wasn't unthinkable that people might be there now... or that people had been there in the past, and all that was left were the corpses. Lauren wasn't sure if she could handle staying in an area where she knew some of her classmates had died, especially if they were someone she knew. Still, there wasn't really much choice for the time being. Lauren walked forward to meet up with the rest of her group.

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:13 am
by Theseus*
Elizabeth followed closely behind James throughout the jungle trek. She had contemplated helping him escape off into the jungle. She could probably create a big enough diversion to have allowed that to happen. Though she was afraid of what would happen if it failed. She was even more afraid of what would have happened if it had succeeded.

So she found herself inside the giant hollow tree, standing next to her brother, who was standing next to James.

"Stop complaining. If you're tired of walking sit down. We'll stay here a while to keep out of the rain."

Lenny stifled a yawn and realized he was getting tired himself. All the walking the past seven days really took a toll on him. He found comfort in the hidden hatchet tucked into his jeans and his handgun in his hand. Despite his growing weariness, he felt powerful. As he should. He had himself a hostage, and really life was great.

Then people had to show up.

Liam Black's voice rang out, and Lenny couldn't tell where the boy was. He must be hiding, but he wasn't in the hollow tree which was good.

"No, I didn't kill that girl."

Lenny listened to the boy's comments about how he has a group of friends that would love to shoot him and his group and cut them up. Lenny would have to be careful on how to proceed. He didn't want to do anything that could get his sister hurt, but at the same time he didn't want to tip his hand any. He wasn't exactly sure where Liam was, or how many people he had with him.

"Listen. I'm here with my sister and James right now and I don't want any trouble. Though if you're little group you're with really enjoys shooting people then cutting them up I expect you go look someplace else. The reason being because I really don't have time for you or anyone's crap right now. I'm just trying to stay out of the rain. Though the minute anyone tries to interfere with that, I will be the one shooting and cutting up."

Lenny smiled, gripping his handgun, still inside the giant tree away from the rain.

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:13 am
by Candescence*
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a moment! I think you got the wrong idea."

Liam came out of hiding, smiling innocently. These guys were apparently not killers. This was a good thing. A confrontation now, in this good shelter, was a bad idea. These guys were just looking for a haven from the rain as well, what's wrong with that?

"Liam's the name... And my friends are not people who like killing people, though one is a goit, I do admit, but we're just trying to get out of the rain as well. I HATE the rain! I meant they'd shoot you if you killed me, ya know? Since we're on the same page, here... Let's not have anyone else die here, eh? It's been miserable enough with the rain and the corpses."

Liam sighed, and went over to the entrance. "Oi! Guys! Things are clear, there's three people here just looking for shelter like us! They're not killers, oh, no..."

He looked back at Elizabeth, Lenny and James, and chuckled. "I don't remember you guys. Then again, I suppose I didn't socialize much..."

Stay calm, and gain their trust... If they turn out to be bastards, I'll just kill them from behind.

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:13 am
by Ciel*
Anna frowned. It certainly seemed like Liam was jumping the gun, wasn't he? She didn't even know if there were people in there and she was the first one to arrive. She wasn't a happy camper after he wandered ahead without any foresight (or at least he was smart enough to hide himself but again it was impossible for her to ever see this). She looked over at Lulu, frowning. "It seems like we're the only ones with sense...."

"Oi! Guys! Things are clear, there's three people here just looking for shelter like us! They're not killers, oh, no..."

Anna looked back towards the tree, bit. Hmm... sounds like a rather strange thing to go out and say, but I'll buy it. Huh... I wonder who's currently in there. Three people... maybe we could have them join. She looked back at the two girls nearby, nodding towards them as though to say that it was okay to move forward. It appeared that Anna has become the new leader of the group which was both a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing because it gave Anna a nice feeling to know that someone actually thought she was a leader...

...the bad thing was that she had no experience of being a leader, and so she felt uncomfortable.

Anna sighed, making her way towards the hollow tree. She was still wondering how such a large tree was even capapble of growing in such a dense forest, where almost everything was damp to the touch. It never occured to her that she was thinking too much into it and that there were more pressing matters at hand, but Anna wasn't the type of girl who could ever take a hint without the hint being lodged right into her head. She had a smile on her.

She round the corner of the tree, taking a brief glance at the three students. She frowned, stopping in her tracks. She recognized one of them... two of them to be precise. Anna rubbed her eyes, staring deeply at the boy with the gun. Anna knew who he was, she heard his name on the announcement but she didn't exactly reacted. Now that she saw him, her face was conflicted between relief and confusion.

"... Lenny?" she spoke, staring. Was she... afraid? No, Lenny was nice. There was nothing to be afraid of. "It's... a pleasure to see you again."

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:13 am
by Theseus*
Lenny wasn't entirely comfortable with sharing his shelter with new people he hardly talked to in school, let alone trusted on an island where you had to kill each other. He had no choice though. James was getting tired of walking, and Lenny must admit the constant rain was getting to him. They would just have to risk it with the new comers, and everything goes wrong Lenny was still holding his handgun.

Elizabeth felt relief when the people came. Despite her instincts telling her that she should be wary of them, she knew that as long as they were around Lenny wouldn't try to do anything stupid with James. Elizabeth's mind floated to Shameeca. Where was she? Was she on her way or did she abandon James all together?

Her concentration broke when Anna spoke Lenny's name.

Turning towards the girl, Lenny looked at the girl and said, "It's nice to see you again too."

Kindness, something that Lenny and Elizabeth were rarely showed on the island. Ever since the first day they met horrible people. People who attacked them, people who cursed them, people who left them. Lenny could have killed so many, but he didn't. What was the point? There was none. Was the girl being kind? Or was it just a nice charade. Something to hide behind.

It was probably the latter. No one was genuinely nice anymore. No one genuinely cared anymore. There were no heroes. There was no good. On the bad and the soon to be bad. That was how Lenny saw it, and it was his job to protect his sister from it as long as possible. It had already consumed him in a way. Yet left him untouched in another way. It was a feeling, a thought process which could not truly be described.

Lenny looked down at his gun. He could aim it at the girl and pull the trigger now. Though, he didn't. He had no desire too. Where would that get him? What would he accomplish in the end?


"How has your seven days been?"

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:14 am
by Ciel*
Anna smiled. It seems that Lenny changed little over the course of the few days. From how he was holding that gun only a minute ago, Anna figured he had been beginning to get paranoid. For all she knew everyone but herself and Lenny were looking over their shoulders every five seconds. Anna was naive enough to believe that Lenny hadn't changed a bit, but was smart enough to realize that it didn't take much for Lenny to act normal. He was in the drama club so he must have known a thing or two about acting (an easy assumption to make), and this was what worried Anna. That worry was so microscopic that it didn't make her hesitate one bit in answering him.

"Uneventful," Anna said nonchalantly, as though she was at home. "I suppose it was to be expected. I was standing back, not trying to start anything with anybody. That's the best way to go, after all." she stared at Lenny, noticing his damaged state. She frowned then and only then. Ohh... he's... hurt. I didn't notice that. "I'm guessing you didn't have that luxury... it's... a shame. This whole situation is just a huge, damned shame..."

That was about the only thing she could force herself to say. Once again she was speechless but not because she couldn't speak, but because she didn't want to say too much that might make Lenny angry. That would be the last thing she would ever want.

I knew it. He can't possibly be a cold-blooded murderer. Most likely he was attacked... Then again he have attacked people. But that's just silly!

Lenny and Anna were never great friends but they knew each other quite well. Lenny didn't have many friends it seemed and that was a very sad to Anna. Her kindness towards him wasn't out of pity but because Anna was just always nice to people. It didn't really matter whom it was unless Anna really, really hated them. She shrugged her shoulders, cracking one of her knuckles. She recognized Elizabeth although they never really spoke and the other boy was someone she had never seen before.

Anna smiled again, her normal air of odd cheerfulness returning. "... how are you and you three holding up?."

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:14 am
by ZombiexCreame*
Lulu hadn't noticed the corpse until Liam said something. She immediately stepped back a few inches, hand covering her mouth. It was a horrible sight. Liam also made it known that there were others in the tree. Lulu hoped that no one hostile was in that tree. She wouldn't be able to withstand an attack. She wouldn't be able to attack anyone either.

When Liam told the folks in the tree that his friends would be willing to cut them up, Lulu's eyes widened. She'd never be able to do that to anyone, even if they were beating her in the head with a rock.

She glanced over and saw that Carson and Lauren had caught up with them and grinned slightly in their direction. She felt relieved they had finally showed up. It would have been awful if they had gotten separated or something like that.

When someone spoke from inside the tree, Lulu just stood and listened.

James felt childish when he was chided by Lenny to stop complaining and to sit down. He furrowed his bushy eyebrows and sat down on the floor, his back against a wall. He realized there were others outside of the tree and started getting a little nervous. Would he be able to act normally? Would he look too suspicious or nervous? What if he did look too suspicious? Would Lenny take the initiative and shoot down the innocent others? James dismissed such thoughts.

When one of the boys made himself known, James recognized him as Liam. Maybe seen him a few times in the hall. He cleared his throat and stood up, trying to stay calm. "Hey, I'm James..", He told Liam, trying to seem as calm and normal as possible. He started to sweat a little, wondering if that came out all stressed and awkward.

Lulu followed behind Anna. She didn't notice any of them, but that was to be expected. Lulu barely knew anyone, she kept to herself far too much. She just stared at them from behind her frames. She was relieved they weren't hostile, as far as she was concerned. She walked into the tree, wringing out water from her hair. It felt good to be in a dry area. As Lenny and Anna conversed, she realized they must have known each other. That was when she was reminded that they had been on this island for seven days. That was a lot! Lulu almost felt proud of her survival. Survived for a whole week. Little 'ol shy and weak Louise.

James took note of the others. They all seemed like good people but none of them were Bree, much to his disappointment. "We're holding up fine.", James answered. He motioned towards Lenny. "I'm glad to have grouped up with him, he's kept me relatively safe.", He told Anna, letting the lie slide through his teeth. It sounded so natural. Hopefully this pseudo-complimentary lie would score extra points with Lenny and make Lenny trust James more. Maybe Lenny would just let James go? Fat chance.

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:14 am
by Candescence*
Liam sat inside, watching the conversations that ensued. So Anna knew this Lenny guy. And they were apparently "good" people. Goody-two-shoes. Made him sick. Sicko. Sicky-sick-sick. Still, couldn't hurt to make some coversation. "Oh, my days have been SWELL. Being attacked by a bitch with a laser and an African-American guy with blonde hair is not good. Also, I want to burn that flower field sometime. I hate flowers as much as I hate the rain. Hate. Hate. Hate. Oh, and one of my friends, Wednesday, got her collar blown up thanks to Neil fucking Sinclair, and Clive ran off for no reason. HATE. Sorry, I kinda go overboard with this hate stuff. I am not in a good mood."

And rightfully so, he oh so despised this charade. Being nice sickened him. Sure, it was necessary, but oh so boring compared to hurting people. He wanted to think of the time where he cut off brakes of his dad's car and basically killed them via a collision with a semi. How many teens can attest to THAT? If only there weren't any cameras around, he'd reveal the secret to the next guy he is about to kill.

Oh, well, he might as well think about other things, such as...

Oh, yeah, Wednesday's katana. Might as well ask. "By the way, you guys seen someone carrying a katana? Someone nicked Wednesday's. I just want a weapon better than a garroting wire and a bloody stapler, as creative as killing people with those weapons can be... Not that I want to kill anyone in the vicinity unless it's in self-defense, of course."

Actually, he wanted to strangle everyone and staple them. Especially the testicles. That's always fun. But what he craved most was to cut off that guy's head, steal the gun back, and shoot him with it. And maybe rape the bitch, cut off her nerves, and kill her creatively and painfully. Very painfully. She deserved it.

Some might say it's not good to think such thoughts. Liam would just gladly ignore them and do as he pleased. Because making people suffer was something he loved to do, and he longed to do it ever since he stapled Clive's head. Oh, what fun!

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:14 am
by Theseus*
Lenny was glad that James was following the rules just fine. In the beginning Lenny expected James to be stupid and try to give the old "I'm fine" wink wink routine. That would have just ended up with Lenny using his nice best kill award and at least attempting to kill everyone he could. Though, where was the fun in that? There was none, and Lenny liked Anna. Not in any crush sort of way, but she was genuinely nice. Or was she? She had to be putting on a face. Everyone was putting on some sort of mask in this game.

Some bigger than others of course, but this late in the game, everyone was a liar. Everyone wanted to go home.

Elizabeth kept quiet, unsure of the scene that was unfolding. Everyone was putting on a friendly face, but could they be like Lenny? She was glad like Lenny that James put forth his lie. Though she was glad just because that meant no blood would have to be spilled. She was tired of violence and watching people die. Sick of it. So sick of it.

Liam's little rant perked an interest in Lenny. He was certainly in a hateful mood. How many people hated flowers so much they want to burn an entire field of them on an island where you're supposed to be taking care of more pressing matters? Maybe the boy was just stressed out like he said, but he was probably lying. Everyone was lying. There were deeper reasons he went into a rant. Just like Lenny wasn't here taking care of James, he had him hostage.

Lenny just looked around at everyone and said, "Well we might as well stick together in this tree until the rain stops. If it ever stops."

Re: One By One

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:14 am
by Ciel*
Anna sighed, remembering how hard the rain was pouring down. She liked the rain but not THIS much rain. The tree would be able to shield them from the chaos outside but only for a time, should this tree be unlucky enough to become a dangerzone. How unfortunate would it be that if they had to move, only after finding shelter. At least she was staying with people she could trust... or at least to a point. When she thought about it, Anna imagined someone killing her while she slept. It was possible... and she had a horrid feeling that 'that' person would be Carson. Not Lenny, surely. He wasn't the person who would be behind such treacherous tricks.

"By the way, you guys seen someone carrying a katana? Someone nicked Wednesday's. I just want a weapon better than a garroting wire and a bloody stapler, as creative as killing people with those weapons can be... Not that I want to kill anyone in the vicinity unless it's in self-defense, of course."

Anna noticed that Liam, once again asking about the ka-tah-nah that his friend Wednesday had. Anna was known to be very patient with others but even she found this slightly annoying. She turned to look at him. "Liam, dear, you're acting as though you are at risk. I don't know what a kah-tanah is but it certainly isn't as important as your own life. Besides, whether you'd like to believe it or not there are about hundreds of weapons on this island and most of them are owned by at least another person. If you happened to stumble onto a ka-tahna or something similar to... whatever it is and someone already has it, rest assured they wouldn't consider handing it over to you. They really wouldn't KNOW what you would do with it... whatever it is."

She motioned to Lenny. "Just imagine yourself asking Lenny to give you his gun. That's about the same thing you're suggesting. He probably wouldn't hand it over to you because firstly it's HIS and second he is unsure what you would be liable to do with it. So just try your best to not die and maybe, just maybe, you'll find a much better weapon. A weapon that's better than anything else."

Seems rather odd to base your number one goal on finding a weapon. It's not like he's at a rush to kill... is he?

Anna nodded towards Lenny, then turned to face Lulu. "Uhh... there was this other girl, Lauren. She was traveling along with us, wasn't she? Do you know where the rascal ran off to?"