The Whole World is Against You

Once upon a time, the quarry was the source of many products on the island. Now, the large, jagged rock formation stands as a monument to the life that once thrived on the island. A large portion of it has been cleared, and the face is climbable. There are lots of indentions along the face from dynamite blasts, and who knows? Maybe they'd be a good place to hide.
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The Whole World is Against You


Post by Crash* »

(This death is also brought to you all by Yossarian.)

Calculation errors are bad.

If Sato would have won SOTF, he would have probably written down the sentence above somewhere, and never, ever forgotten about it.

Why? Because you should always learn from your mistakes, that's why. At the beginning of day 1 on the island, based on his calculations, Sato divided all his food into equal portions, that should be enough for everyday. He made a mistake somewhere however, because all his rations ended at the beginning of day 7, so basically Sato was out of the food for almost 3 days...

You know what can happen to you when you don't eat for 3 days, don't you? Your body is getting weaker, you don't have strength for anything, your mind can't concentrate on anything, and the rumbling in your stomach is driving you nuts...

And so, already in the state of human wreckage, Sato was wandering through the island in search for some food. Since he still had some dignity, he didn't even think about eating corpses of fellow students... He would rather die of starvation, than lose his last shreds of humanity. The dead students daypacks on the other hand... Who knows, maybe their killers forgot to take food from them? Bread probably would have been moulded already, but crackers should be fine...

Finally, Sato arrived with his search, at the Quarry. He searched the nearest area for some food... but only to find out, that only dead students here, were lying at the bottom of the Quarry, and he had no intention to go there. When he decided to go find some other place, where he can find some food, he...

Ok, let's stop here for a while...

Random fact about Sato Koizumi: He's scared of cats. Don't ask why, just believe it.

Now, having this knowledge, try to answer this question: What would have Sato said, if he would find a cat in the middle of this jungle?


Yeah, most likely... An what would have he said, if he would encounter a BIG cat?


Probably... and what about VERY BIG cat, also known as Bengal Tiger?


Bingo, that's exactly what he said, when he saw one staring at him. Of course it wasn't a real tiger, but simple hallucination of his exhausted mind, but how should he know that?

Unfortunately for Sato, he hadn't any place to run, because he was already standing at the edge of the pit. And the tiger was coming closer...

Several sweat drops fell on the ground, when Sato tried to find the way out of this situation. He took his designated weapon - a garden spade. Since he really had no idea how to react (his fatigued state of mind, and body overwhelmed by fear wasn't helping as well), he decided... to throw his spade right in tiger's direction. What was he hoping for? He had no idea, but certainly his cunning plan didn't work. The tiger got even angrier than before, and was still closing the distance. Sato could already hear the escalating growl of the beast. He considered all his options - letting the tiger eat him, or jumping down the quarry - and after a while he chose the second option...


"NOT YET!!!!"

Well, look at this... Actually Sato used his last strength to grab a rock sticking out... What is more, apparently his lucky streak continued, as stalking tiger began to fade away...



"YES! It's an illusion! Finally some good news. I'm saved! I'M SAVE..."


"What? No... Nooo... this can't be.. This is just another image in my head..."


Not this time... Apparently, the Fates decided to mock him one last time... Horrified, Sato tried to climb his way back to the stable ground, but after a few seconds of wild struggle, he realized that it was no use. Several tears fell down on the bottom of the quarry.

"It's not fair! IT'S NOT FAIR!! Why has my whole life been like this? Why did my parents deny my chance for a normal, careless childhood?! Why did Rio have to bully me whenever she had chance to?! Why is it always me?! Why? WH..."




It is said that there are two kinds of doomed people. The first kind is doomed by Fate. A person doomed by Fate is cursing his life constantly, and quite honestly, he has the right to do it. His parents are assholes, older siblings are bullying him, younger siblings are pampered, and he, the doomed, has to take the rocky road. In school, nothing is as it should be, and the teachers are even bigger assholes than the parents. Work is boring, and the Boss is probably the second biggest asshole in the whole Universe (right after Fate itself). Plus random unlucky events. Sucks to be him...

The second group, are people doomed by their own stupidity. And that's pretty self-explanatory...

Sato Koizumi WAS a proud member of that first group...

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