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Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:04 am
by Rhys*
((First topic for Liam. Xaldien gave me permission for his char's entrance.))

Liam was angry. Of course, a boy like Liam was always an angry fellow, but now he was raging more than ever. He hated the rain. He hated storms. And he most definitely hated being stuck in one, searching for a dry place to shack up in. The keeping guard for his life was not a worry on his mind. Fighting would do him good for the pent up anger.

It only helped that he was stuck in a frilly field of flowers. Colorful despite the rain that was beating down upon them. He hated flowers. They made him sneeze, and caused his gag reflex to act up. Flowers were pathetic.

Sure, he could have used the map he was given to find a better place, or at least the quickest route away from this sickening field, but Liam didn't do maps. He relied solely on instinct, and more commonly, trial and error. Damn maps.

Trudging through the rain, kicking flowers out of his path with a growl, he wrapped and unwrapped his weapon around his fist. He took comfort in the cool metal of the garroting wire, thoughts of how much damage he could cause flowing through his mind with ease. He grinned then. It was not a nice grin, but more of a savage baring of teeth. He couldn't wait for a chance to use it. Violence, after all, was the best release for anger. Sex, was a close second, but then again, that was also quite the violent act for him. What fun.

The rain was so heavy that he could not hear the footsteps of someone approaching, but Liam had always been a paranoid fellow and he'd been checking over his shoulder every few seconds just to be careful. Who knew who was out there in these times?

So it was when he turned around that his grin froze in place. His dark eyes narrowed, scrutinizing the latest intruder upon the field. Upon realizing just who it was, the frozen grin twisted into a grimace.

"Oh, it's you," he snarled. His voice was deep and raspy, for he rarely spoke in public. He was not talented enough to keep his more sadistic leanings from his voice. "You're just everywhere aren't you?"

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:04 am
by Xaldien*
"I just managed to get around fairly easily."

Clive made slow motions towards the incredibly dark and handsome Liam. In all the time that he was here, he never once thought of catching up with his... friend, so to speak.

"But, you should know all about that."

Clive put down his bag, and went towards Liam in a very friendly manner, while still keeping the devil's smile on his face.

The boy didn't seem at all phased by this whole program, not that Clive had honestly expected him to be. There was always something about Liam that Clive never quite got. A subtle madness seems to dwell within him, that only someone as cruel and evil as Clive could have possibly picked up on... and enjoyed.

It's what made their previous encounters at school that much more enjoyable.

He pat Liam on the shoulder and gave him an almost congratulatory nod and smile.

"How you been, Liam? Enjoying yourself thus far?"

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:04 am
by Rhys*
Liam did not trust Clive as far as he could throw him. And of all their encounters, that hadn't been very far. So the pat on the shoulder, as well as the smile, did nothing to appease his current mood. In fact, it only made him more paranoid.

Shrugging the hand off, he held his ground, tensed. "As a matter of fact, I have yet to enjoy myself," he replied tightly. He found it only partially amusing that they were sharing more words now than they ever had throughout their encounters. In fact, Liam had not spoken a word before. "It's raining. There's frilly flowers. And I've had no chance at competing in this little game as of yet. I'd say this is a bloody failure. And I hate the bloody rain! It's wet!"

Okay, so Liam was acting a bit like a petulant child right now. The fact that he was drenched, surrounded by what he liked to call weeds, and oh-so-very angry always caused him to act out inappropriately. If Clive had a problem with that, then power to him. Liam would be happy to put his wire to good use.

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Xaldien*
Clive simply chuckled at Liam's near childlike madness as he thought about how much he seemed to hate the flowers. I mean, it's a fucking flower garden, what else was he going to expect. Not to mention that now that he's heard the kid speak more than a simple sentence (that didn't include the words "Oh, fuck yes"), and it was already apparent that the kid was quite batshit fucking crazy, and also in need of letting out some violent anger.

"If it makes you feel any better, you at least got a better weapon than me." Clive said as he slowly made towards his bag and grabbed the stapler that was assigned to him, making sure that the gun was out of sight. There's no real reason to bring it out at the time anyway, as he was sure this encounter wasn't going to be all that bad... depending on whether or not Liam was as crazy as Clive thought he was. Or worse.

"As for the rain... well, it's certainly an easy way to get rid of the blood."
Clive's shirtless chest still had a slight amount of blood from when he shot Lilah, and his gunshot wound had dried blood all over the immediate area.

Clive then looked at Liam, still acting like a psychotic infant at the fact that he hated the rain and the flowers. It was almost comedy gold to him.

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Rhys*
Liam raised an eyebrow in a look that clearly said Clive was crazy as well. "Stapler?" he drawled, going from petulant child to taunting maniac in an instant. "Ah, but that's such a creative weapon. I could find many uses for that."

Not that he couldn't find uses for his own. He had an exceedingly long list of exciting plans to put to use. As of yet, he still was waiting, though.

Eyebrow still raised, his eyes traveled down Clive's chest to the wound. Fancy. Bloody. He loved it. He had the fleeting urge to reach out and poke it, just to see how much it would hurt. He found pain in others quite the riot. Hell, even his own pain was a fascinating thing to him. But somehow he resisted the strong urge. He was still calculating whether he should make a run for it or fight Clive for a one-up in the competition.

Liam had to force his eyes away from the bloody mess of the wound, focusing back on Clive's face. "Another reason for me to hate the rain," he muttered darkly. "Why would I enjoy washing away such prime evidences?"

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Xaldien*
Clive smiled. He felt like a kid at Christmas once he heard about the fact that Liam wanted blood shed.

He slowly moved towards Liam. His sudden urge to have violence inflicted on him was emerging once again. The gunshot wound was exciting enough, but being at the mercy of Liam and his extreme bloodlust could be near intoxicating for him.

He handed him the stapler. A rather useless weapon, but Liam said he could find very healthy uses for it.

"Care to have a little fun, Liam?"

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Rhys*
Liam had the sudden urge to laugh maniacally. He was just so ecstatic at being handed the stapler. Oh, there was no doubt a catch at some point, but he did not care. He had a stapler, AND a garroting wire.

Ah, screw it. He'd laugh anyway. A long, and raspy laugh that would send chills down any sane person's spine. He really liked Clive right now. He knew how to feed the sickness. The stapler was his!

"Fun? FUN?!" Liam said through his peals of laughter. He just about doubled over he was laughing so hard. "Oh, I plan on it!"

He paused, suddenly quiet, staring off into the distance with a nearly blank expression. There was still a trace of amusement around the corners of his eyes, but other than that his expression and composure was the exact opposite of seconds before. He looked... distracted. And entirely too innocent for him to actually be so.

And then all of a sudden, he flipped the stapler in his hand so that the staple end was free to... staple, and struck at Clive's forehead. Oh, he could dodge if he would like, but the suddenness of Liam's move was what he'd been going for over actually hitting his target. He just loved surprises... but only if he was the one giving them.

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Xaldien*
Well that was unexpected.

Clive was expecting to get hit by the stapler, but not when he was actually getting staples, and especially not into his fucking forehead.

After reeling from the painful sensation of the blow, Clive took the two seconds to take the staple from out of his forehead.

"You know, it's usually common courtesy to warn someone you're going to hurt them if they give you PERMISSION to."

He then proceeded to crack his neck a little and turned his complete focus towards Liam himself.

"Like this: WARNING!"

With a charged up motion, Clive ran in Liam's direction and went in for a tackle.

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Rhys*
Liam had been tempted to yell a 'take this for warning!' and then do a running tackle, but Clive had gotten to him first. Bloody genius. He was beginning to hate him a little... okay, maybe not. But still!

Liam toppled to the ground, gritting his teeth against making any surprised noise. He laid there for a moment, glaring up at Clive, before a sudden consternated look passed over his face. He tensed, his eyes darkening and then looked to the side. And there, right before his face, were a clump of flowers.

In the sudden horror, his arm collided hard with the side of Clive's head and he began to struggle with every bit of strength he had, trying to get away from them. "Bullocks, IT BURNS! Oh, God, why?!"

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Xaldien*
Clive couldn't help but continue to laugh as Liam's uncanny and moreover hilarious insanity displayed itself in the form of him bitching about either his arm, which painfully struck Clive's head, or the flowers in front of him.

But, either way, this was supposed to be a fun exchange of blows, so Clive was more in the mindset to provide the intended entertainment, as he got up, quickly picked Liam up by the shirt, and turned the kid around to face him.

"You really are a psychotic, you know that?"

Before he could give the kid time to respond, Clive aimed a right hook directly at his face.

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Rhys*
Liam stumbled back quite a few steps from the punch. "Bloody hell!" he snapped, rubbing his jaw and glaring murderously at Clive. "Didn't your mum ever tell you not to hit the psychotics? No? Really? Well, she should have WARNED you."

That was best he would get in way of a warning, for he suddenly jumped at Clive. Yes. Jumped. He bent his knees and jumped horizontally lie some sort of human frog. But he did not try to grab onto Clive with his hands. No, no. He was much too into fighting mode for such a civilized action. Instead he tried to grab on with his teeth.

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Xaldien*
"Are you fucking ser--""

Clive was interrupted as the psychotic leaped towards him and managed to bite him squarely on the neck. While it was meant in the spirit of an attack, Clive couldn't help but feel the bite in a mostly sexual manner, trying hard to resist asking Liam to bite harder.

But rather than that, Clive pulled Liam off of him and fell back square on the floor, taking many gasping breaths as he recovered from the pain/sensation that had just been inflicted on him.

He couldn't tell if he should get Liam back as a punishment or a reward for such an action.

He rubbed his neck while giving Liam an almost sexual look as he smiled at him.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to bite a masochist?"

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Rhys*
Liam took a moment to ponder those words, with a self-satisfied smirk upon his lips all the while.

"I knew there was a reason for all those locker room incidents," Liam said through a laugh.

It did make sense now. Liam would have scared off anyone else by now, for one. And it would give reason to the whole unspoken attraction and attacking.

"So, since you're such a masochist, and I'm such a sadist," he added in a smug way, "Does this mean I'll be the one calling the shots in our next endeavor? Or are you just going to try to drop-kick me again?"

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Xaldien*
Clive couldn't help but laugh heartily and got up on his own two feet, although considering the sensation running through his neck was still throbbing and exciting to him.

"Now, that just isn't going to happen, my friend... well, we're not really friends, but you know what I'm getting at."

Clive was slowly walking towards his bag, which unbeknown to Liam, but known to us, had the Sig Sauer pistol that was left behind by Lilah Morgan, god bless her tragic, bleeding hearted soul.

"You see, you never were the dominant one. And while I am a masochist, you know first hand just how sadistic I can be... and how much you enjoyed it."

He managed to reach the bag, which was just below his feet. He quickly reached in, got the pistol, and aimed it directly at Liam.

"You were a lot of fun, too. Unlike most people who would have been terrified by such an experience, you always invited me for more. It's quite an endearing and sexy quality one has."

He kept slowly moving closer and closer towards Liam. You could almost hear the Jaws theme playing with each step, and each awkward silence, until finally all the string instruments came to the dramatic finish as Clive finally stood directly in front of Liam, with the gun pressed right under his jaw.

"Well, then..."

Devil's Smile.TM

Re: Battle of Epic Proportions

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:05 am
by Rhys*
Again, Liam let that maniacal laughter loose as the gun pressed into his jaw. What was it with Clive bringing out the psycho in Liam? Usually, Liam was the quiet one, never bringing attention to himself, or letting his control on the crazy slip. He supposed madness called to madness, or something of the sort.

"Are you going to kill me, Clive?" Liam asked with a laugh in the edges of his voice. "Just when we were starting to have some fun? Really, and to think I thought better of you.

With a shrug, he knelt down a bit in a seemingly submissive manner, causing the barrel of the gun to position on his forehead instead. He leaned into it, grinning and spreading his arms out in an inviting manner. "Well, if you're going to go straight for the kill, may as well do it right?"

Of course, Liam wasn't just going to let himself get killed. He had plans. Many plans. But the game was just so much fun to play.