
An open field, filled to the brim with flowers of every size, shape, and color. It's truly a beautiful sight, even though you won't have much time to be admiring the view. The flowers could use a little extra red to make them even more beautiful, if you've an eye for such things.
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Post by Crash* »

(Alexis Machina continued from The Threepenny Opera As Performed By Potted Plants)

Her sick sense of satisfaction from blowing James to pieces having long been quenched, Lex moved onto other urges she needed to satisfy; mainly the need to eat and drink. For a girl who normally had a fairly healthy appetite, having to manage on a few tins of crackers (granted, a few extra from the plethora of people she had now done in) and stale loaves of bread was taking its toll on her body. She felt weaker than usual, and no matter how much she ate her hunger didn't seem to be satisfied. In an attempt to make herself feel less famished she'd devoured almost half of her rations in her last sitting, but it only succeeded in making her feel sick.

Not drinking too much water in a feeble attempt to ward off the urge to vomit out her insides, Lex continued her trek across the island onward, growing dehydrated. The announcement had sprung to life a couple hours ago to urge her to turn towards the Field of Flowers for yet another prize, forcing her to make almost a complete 180 from the direction she'd been previously heading and make her way across almost a quarter of the island. Sufficiently irritated by Danya's convenient positioning of her prize, Lex found it almost impossible to be grateful for the fact that she'd won a portion of his sick little game in the first place.

For a guy who makes a living killing high school kids, he sure is easily impressed.

Mildly bewildered and barely flattered, Lex had changed her course some hours ago and began heading towards the Field of Flowers. Thankfully no sooner had she started feeling tired than she encountered the eyesore, the various colours in the morning sunlight jumping out at her like a bunch of care bears on crack. She scoffed audibly after taking in the spectacle, more disturbed by the sight of what a person with normal tastes would consider a serene atmosphere than the tainted smell of blood and rotting flesh in the air.

"Gross..." she muttered shortly, her annoyance directed towards the flowers rather than the corpses. She re-adjusted the daypack on her pack and proceeded with the sub-machine gun less cautiously than before. Having already received a prize she was now confident that there weren't any surprises waiting to jump out at her, save for the crate lying in the middle of the field.

Evidently the terrorists had a sick sense of humour, as the terrorists had dropped the crate right on top of Luis Chezinski's (not that she could recognize who it was anymore) mangled corpse. Lex couldn't help but let out a soft but low giggle.

Putting the impressive full weight of her body behind the crate, she pried the lid off and allowed it to smash carelessly against Luis' feet, wincing slightly as the wound in her bicep made itself more prominent. The pain from Nick's slash flared up as she dug the lid off the crate, but after holding her arm for a quick second and seething through her teeth it eventually subsided. Instead she looked inside the crate, and the sight that awaited her impressed her considerably more than the last weapon she'd received.

Eight concussion grenades greeted her eyes, glimmering in the sun as if to signify the glory of her discovery. She ignored the instruction manual that came with them and greedily snatched them up, replacing them into her pack. She was pretty sure it took an idiot not to figure out how to use a grenade, and having incorpoated the manual seemed like a deliberate insult to her intelligence. Her opinion of Danya dropped ever so slightly...not that it had been very high to begin with.

After finally (and extremely carefully) storing the grenades in her bag, Lex leaned back and took another glimpse at what remained of Luis body. She snickered again, and satisfied with the results of her detour set back out into the musty jungle.

(Alexis Machina continued in Everdreamers)
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