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Tonyk's Relationship Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:39 am
by Tonyksin
All Characters Accounted For updated 2/24

Color Chart: Romantic/Sexual Best Friends Friendly Acquaintance/Neutral Dislikes Hates

Lorenzo Tavares : Lorenzo is a punk rock rebel without a cause. He tends to be very brash and has very little tact when he speaks, and that tends to rub a lot of people the wrong way. He acts tough and is stubborn to a fault. He tends to get himself in trouble often and has had plenty of experience with defending himself physically and verbally. Underneath all this however, is a kid who spends most of his time with his family or by himself, only really seen by his peers at parties where he’s getting drunk and/or high and sleeping around, or in school where his attitude keeps people away. He doesn’t have many close friendships or relationships in general. Most if not all of his “friends” are that on a surface level only, and he finds it hard to open up or connect with other people, and that extends to his many sexual encounters, which are very much only physical.

Other kids who go to concerts
Other kids who go to parties
Other skaters
Other weed smokers
Guys he’s hooked up with/will hook up with
Kids who dislike him

Andy Silverman (backslash) - “Andy’s a great guy. I wish he’d let me in his pants sometime. (Laughs) No, but honestly a cool dude, I like hanging out with him.”
Siyanda Nagi (backslash) - “Don’t really know them that well, only seen ‘em around here and there.”
Demitri Futscher (Cicada) - “We were friends, once. A long time ago. I don't wanna talk about him.”
Charelle Chernyshyova (Cicada) - “She’s my kind of bitch. We chill at the skate park sometimes. She just gets me.”
Wyatt Carter (MK Kilmarnock) - “No. Fuck that yeti motherfucker.”
Faith Marshal-Mackenzie (Frozen Smoke) - “Ahh, what can i say? I love to piss a dumb cunt off. So sue me.”
Parker Green (Frozen Smoke) - “Sometimes I cop weed off him when my sister is dry. He’s an alright dude. I’m a fan.”
Camille Bellegarde (General Goose) - “I like hanging with Camille. She’s always got some sexy new story for me to read. The girl’s kinda freaky, and I love it.”
Nick Ogilvie (General Goose) - “Nick’s pretty cool. I like hanging with him sometimes. Once in a while it can get hot and heavy, but he’s definitely more of a bro.”
Declyn Grayson-Anthis (kotorikun) - “My Pastel Prince! This kid is great, both in the bedroom and out. Top of my list of people i like being around.”
Adonis Cohen (Primrosette) - “I don’t know him very well, but he’s a cute guy and I’m always about cute guys.”
Axel Fontaine (Fenris) - “Red and Green is a great combo, especially in the bedroom. I can’t help but tease him, he makes it too easy. Plus the angry sex later is very much worth it.”
Zen Feliciano (Fenris) - “I love this little ball of happy fluff. I don’t really know why, but they’re the one person i feel like i can count on.”
Ivy Langley (Fenris) - “Pepto Bismol looking bitch. Her face pisses me off.”
Blake Davis (Super Weegee) - "I love making guys like this snap. I really can't help myself."
Julien LeBlanc (Endellion) - "This kid can really pack a punch. Jules ain't one to mess with. (Laughs)"
Meilin Zhou (BlizzardeyeWonder) - "She's a bit too sugary sweet for my taste usually, but I can't help but enjoy her. She even drove me home from a party once when I was shitfaced. She's good in my book."
Myles Roux (backslash) - "There are things even I wouldn't put in my mouth."
Kayla Harris (Jilly) - "She's a little odd, but in a way I enjoy. We're gonna make some heads turn at prom, that's for sure."
Tyrell Lahti (Shiola) - "The dude is a friggin tank! I wouldn't wanna be on his bad side. Good thing we get along."
Kayden Brockman (Brackie) -
Erika Stieglitz (Shiola) -


Regina Petrov: Regina is a kindhearted girl who loves to bake and runs her own YouTube channel. She’s very happy-go-lucky, and likes to be friendly towards pretty much everyone she meets. She’s not necessarily a very good judge of character however, as she always assumes the best of people. She’s very much an extrovert who will talk to anyone about anything, and as such, has a wide range of acquaintances and friends from all walks of school life. She doesn’t really belong to any particular “clique”, more-so wandering from one to another picking up random friendships along the way. Gina is a cheerleader for her friends, and someone who will always push them to do their best and be as supportive as she can with whatever they’re trying to do.

People who enjoy her YouTube Channel
Friends from separate cliques
A few close friends
Others who enjoy baking

Camille Bellegarde (General Goose) - “We’re best friends. She even offered to help with getting my YouTube channel on track. I don’t know what I'd do without her.”
Lucas Abernathy (TheLordofAwesome) - "He's a sweet guy when he wants to be. Plus him and Camille make such a cute couple!"
Matthew Hunt (Super Weegee) - "Matt's such a softie once you get to know him. He's always been a good person to talk to, and he's always willing to give me advice on my channel when I need it."
Blake Davis (Super Weegee) - "Blake is a really stand-up guy I think. His dedication is impressive and makes me want to be my best self too. I really admire him."
Camilla Bell (BlizzardeyeWonder) - "We like to swap recipes sometimes, and she's very easy to talk to."
Meilin Zhou (BlizzardeyeWonder) - "We're like two peas in a pod! Somehow we always end up the designated adults at parties."
Bree Jones (KamiKaze) - "We work together at the animal shelter. I think she's a very nice girl."
Meka Gibson (Laurels) - "He's an amazing writer! I wish I had even half of his talent in that department."
Abel Zelenovic (Jilly) - "Abel is probably one of my closest friends! We grew up together after all!"
Valerija Bogdanovic (kermit) - "She's leader of the Slav Squad. She's really is the one who holds our group together."
Jordan Brankovich (Brackie) - "People think she can be difficult to talk to, but that's just because they don't know her. Her heart is always in the right place."
Aleksandra Prudius (Aura) - "It's very easy to feel comfortable around her once you get to know her."
Artem Fyodorov (Fenris) - "Artie's such a cute kid! And his hair is so pretty! He sure is quiet, but once you get to know him a bit better he really opens up!"
Sierra Cook (LordofAwesome) - "She's spunky, but we get on just fine."
Dolly Upton (backslash) - "She's very protective of her friends, and that's really endearing. I'm happy to ca"
Tyrell Lahti (Shiola) - "He is an amazing cook! I keep badgering him to do a dinner party with me so he can cook and I can provide the dessert!"
Henry Sparks (Shiola) - "He asked me to help him learn Russian, so we've been having lessons once a week after school. Все идет хорошо! (It's been going well!)"
Adonis Cohen (Primrosette) - "He's a sweetie! We get together and bake a lot. He's always good for when I need to bounce recipe ideas off someone."
Forrest Quin (Deamon) - "
Claudeson Bademosi (Cactus) - "You have to respect someone who holds true to their faith the way he does. He's a kind soul."
Wyatt Carter (MK Kilmarnock) - "
Lavender Ripley (MurderWeasel) - "
Reuben Walters (blastinus) - "
Ariana Moretti (Cactus) - "
Marco Volker (ItzToxie) - "
Andy Silverman (backslash) - "
Emmett Bunnell (Primrosette) - "
Juliette Seargent (MurderWeasel) - "
Yuka Hayashibara (Maraoone) - "
Teresa Rojas (Yugikun) - "
Tanisha Abbey (Laurels) - "
Caroline Ford (Shiola) - "
Morgan Dragosavich (Cactus) - "
Mikki Swift (Brackie) - "


Jackson Sullivan: Jackson is a top-tier wrestler who is a bit on the short side and tends to be a bit sensitive about it. His home life is very stressful, and as such he has a lot of anger issues that he does his best to keep under control. He’s a prime example of a dumb jock, not doing very well with his schoolwork, with the exception of his English and creative writing classes. He uses creative writing as a way to deal with his anger issues, but has never shown his work to anyone except his English teacher. Jackson also has a bit of a drinking problem, and it’s started to put a strain on his relationships with other students. Jackson’s family is also in a bad financial situation, so his clothes are made up of mostly hand-me-downs and thrift store buys. He does his best to try and hide this hardship from others, but his clothing tends to give it away. For the most part though, Jackson is an all around good guy. He tends to hang around the more athletically-inclined students, but doesn't really discriminate when it comes to friends. He also works at the bookstore in town part time.

Other Athletes for friends/rivals/enemies
Other creative writing kids from his class
Regulars from the bookstore?
Maybe some girls he’s dated in the past?
Anything else anyone wants to throw out there

Luca Thomas (Frozen Smoke) - "We dated for a bit in Middle School, but eventually decided we were better as friends. She's probably one of my favorite people."
Ross Miller (Cactus) - "We grew up together. A stand-up dude if there ever was one."
Ariana Moretti (Cactus) - "She's... Well she's pretty hard to put into words, I guess. Ross really has his hands full with this one."
Mercy Ames (backslash) - "
Demetri Futcher (Cicada) - "
Beryl Maheleona (Cicada) - "
Ericka Stieglitz (Shiola) - "
Kayla Harris (Jilly) - "
Tyrell Lahti (Shiola) - "
Mackenzie Baker (blastinus) - "
Juliette Seargent (MurderWeasal) - "


Amelia Fischer: Amelia is a bit odd to say the least. She was raised by her grandparents and is convinced her mother and father were abducted by aliens. Her grandparents raised her to be a Wiccan, and as such she is very connected to her spirituality and has firm belief in the supernatural. She is obsessed with outer space and aliens, and also practices tarot reading on the side. Amelia is also a superb artist, but doesn’t think much of it outside of a hobby. She works part time at her grandparents Wicca/occult shop on 34th street, and is pretty well-versed in everything the store has to offer. As she is rather odd, she doesn’t have too many friends outside of a small few, but in her mind she gets along rather well with everyone. Her oddities have garnered her the attention of some bullies over the years, but they usually lose interest quickly as she don’t really understand that they’re bullying her. Amelia is not very book smart, but when it comes to astrology or the supernatural, she could give a Ted Talk.


People who find her very odd
People who get along well enough with her
Other artistic kids
Others interested in the occult/wicca/aliens
Bullies who try to torment her
Anything else you can think up

Declyn Grayson-Anthis (kotorikun) - "HES A TIME LORD! Let's go Alien hunting!"
Artem Fyodorov (Fenris) - "Summon a demon? Like the Horned God? Okay maybe after school."
Dolly Upton (backslash) - "They were being mean to me? I didn't notice. Why can't I read this book about Xenu? He's an alien, right? Oh well, you're always right Dolly."
Marceline Carlson (VoltTurtle) - "
Roxie Borowski (KamiKaze) - "MAKE ME LOOK LIKE AN ALIEN! They'll be easier to catch that way!"
Erika Stieglitz (Shiola) - "I have lots of incense at the shop that could cover that smell for you. It works for my grandpa."
Dean Puchero (Pippi) - "I wanna look at the stars with you again soon!"
Violet Schmidt (CrossBowPig) - "

Re: Tonyk's Relationship Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:35 pm
by Tonyksin
Added Regina to the main post. Need to start her up on some relations.

Re: Tonyk's Relationship Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:34 pm
by Super Weegee
I doubt that Matthew would know Lorenzo a whole lot, but I can see Blake keeping his distance from him at school and parties, assuming he doesn't do anything to get on Blake's bad side. It's up to you, but I can see Lorenzo doing something to piss Blake off, and Blake would attempt to "report" him to his parents as a result.

Matthew and Blake would certainly be friends with Regina, what with her friendly personality and being supportive.

Re: Tonyk's Relationship Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:04 am
by Tonyksin
Lorenzo is a bit of a troll, especially when he's drunk, so I can see him rattling blakes feathers a bit. Plus, a taller-than-him millitary boy with a delinquent streak? Lorenzo has DEFINITELY made a pass at him at least once during a party.

I feel like Gina would get along very well with Matthew and Blake both, being the bubbly social butterfly she is. If not friends at least friendly aquaintences. Especially with Matthew's movie making interests, maybe he helps her work on making her youtube channel better.

Re: Tonyk's Relationship Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:37 am
by Super Weegee
Tonyksin wrote: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:04 am Lorenzo is a bit of a troll, especially when he's drunk, so I can see him rattling blakes feathers a bit. Plus, a taller-than-him millitary boy with a delinquent streak? Lorenzo has DEFINITELY made a pass at him at least once during a party.

I feel like Gina would get along very well with Matthew and Blake both, being the bubbly social butterfly she is. If not friends at least friendly aquaintences. Especially with Matthew's movie making interests, maybe he helps her work on making her youtube channel better.
Even though Blake is planned to be bisexual, I doubt that he’ll be impressed by Lorenzo, due to being an aforementioned troll.

Re: Tonyk's Relationship Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:39 am
by Tonyksin
A troll but a thirsty one. Plus he isnt afraid to use his assets lol

Re: Tonyk's Relationship Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 12:24 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Camilla and Lorenzo have basically no reason to talk, but Meilin could. She doesn't judge others easily, and may have given him a ride home once.

Meanwhile, Gina could easily be friends with both Camilla and Meilin. She has plenty of common ground with Meilin so perhaps they could be good friends, and is nice enough that Camilla wouldn't mind talking to her, plus their shared interest in baking.

Re: Tonyk's Relationship Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 1:07 pm
by Tonyksin
yeah i think Gina would get along swimmingly with both of your girls. Since Camilla likes baking, maybe Gina's had her on her YouTube channel as a guest baker before? And i could see Meilin and Gina being good friends too, as they both are good at science and I could totally see the two of them playing mediators at parties where other people get a bit out of hand.

As far as Lorenzo and Meilin, I could see him not minding her so much since she's super nice, and maybe interacting with her here and there at parties and in passing.

Re: Tonyk's Relationship Thread

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:16 pm
by Tonyksin
Added Jackson to the main post! Anyone who wants to be connected to him let me knowww :)

Re: Tonyk's Relationship Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:03 am
by Tonyksin
Added Amelia to the main post. Now all my children are present and accounted for. Please throw possible relationships at me.