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Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:50 am
by backslash
This is a poll to determine George Hunter High's prom king and queen. Like the student government elections, these votes will be in character. You get one vote per character of yours who is currently approved or in the queue. Post with the name of your character and the person they voted for (characters may vote for themselves). All votes are write-in; anyone currently approved or in the queue may receive a vote.

This poll will run for a few weeks.

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 12:49 pm
by Frozen Smoke
Faith C. Marshal-Mackenzie: Votes for Ivy Langley as Prom Queen and Bret Carter as Prom King
[+] IC
Faith had pondered, for just the briefest moments, whether or not she'd have a chance at winning. This ponderance had passed quickly, as she realised that actually trying to get the votes would very quickly reach the ears of a certain someone who she'd promised her vote to, in return for help picking a dress. Quite frankly, she was going to need the help there, so with a resigned motion she placed in the names of the two she was fairly sure were going to win anyway.
Parker Green: Votes for no-one as Prom Queen and Nathan Coleman as Prom King
[+] IC
Parker had debated for possibly longer than was necessary on whether or not he was going to vote in an actual, unironic high school popularity contest. From a simply objective point of view, it was petty, pointless, and just gave people who valued the least important and surface level things in life validation. And, yet, he'd decided to partake a little, so he supposed he was no better after all. It seemed likely that Ivy would win the Queen spot, which meant the question was who did he want to pair with someone who had a silver spoon rammed so far down her throat that it probably rattled when she blew Bret. There was consideration for Gaelan there, after all, they had history. But, ultimately, he'd decided that the most entertaining future would be watching Ivy try not to Lucas herself as she had to share centre stage with someone who was just as socially protected as her, even if she couldn't realise that. A dash representing a non-vote went in the first option, and in the second, ink spelling out the name of "Nathan Coleman" was spilt.
Luca Thomas: Votes for Arizona Butler as Prom Queen and Connor Lorenzen as Prom King
[+] IC
Luca chewed the lid of her pen nervously as she looked at the little piece of paper that they were expected to vote on. She had no idea who to put forwards, or even what this whole thing meant. Was it supposed to be who was the best looking, or the most popular, or the biggest contributor to the school? She couldn't piece it together, and now she was finding she couldn't even bring any names to the front of her mind. He Dad had suggested voting for herself and her date, but that seemed so self-centred, so here she was, still thinking.

Screw it.

She was just going to put her friends up for it. Who knew what would happen?

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:31 am
by MethodicalSlacker
Violet Schmidt: Votes for Meilin Zhou as Prom Queen and Nathan Coleman as Prom King
"Meilin is really sweet, and it would be super fun for her if she got prom queen. Same goes for Nathan!"

Lucas Diaz: Votes for Beryl Mahelona as Prom Queen and Lucas Diaz as Prom King
"Let's fuck the establishment as hard as possible. Let's burn social order to the goddamn ground. Let's say 'Fuck You' to the Carter brothers, and Ivy, and Madison, and all these preppy asshole who think they have it made. Their time is done."

Max Rudolph: Does not vote.
"Prom Queen? Prom King? Eh."

Bert Wren: Votes for Ivy Langley as Prom Queen and Max Rudolph as Prom King
"Ivy deserves to enjoy it, Max deserves to suffer through it, and I know he's going, I have sources!"

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:57 am
by Jilly
Abel Zelenovic votes Max Rudolph for Prom King and Ivy Langley for Prom Queen.

Kayla Harris votes Declyn Grayson-Anthis for Prom King and Apollonia Karahalios for Prom Queen.

Desiree Beck does not vote.

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:11 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Meilin votes Declyn Grayson-Anthis as Prom King, and Violet Schmidt as Prom Queen.

"Woo! You go you two! Don't stop being amazing!"

Camilla votes Julien Leblanc as Prom King. Faith C. Marshall-Mackenzie as Prom Queen.

"I already regret this."

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:21 am
by Endellion
Julien Leblanc votes for Camilla Bell as Prom Queen and Nathan Coleman as Prom King.

"To the two I feel deserve it most... And if it should come to pass that everyone's favourite tiny cunt gets crowned queen, here's hoping she won't get to grandstand."

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:02 am
by Tonyksin
Lorenzo Tavares votes Declyn Grayson-Anthis prom king and Sierra Cook prom queen

" If Declyn wins he'll be so embarrassed it'll be adorable. And if Sierra wins Faith will be so pissed, haha."

Regina Petrov votes for Valerija Bogdanovic for prom queen and Abel Zelenovic for prom king.

" I didn't really know who to vote for, so I figured voting for my friends would be best."

Jackson Sullivan votes for Connor Lorenzen for prom king and Madison Springer for prom queen.

"It was a tough choice between them and Bret and Ivy. Good thing these are anonymous."

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:21 am
by backslash
Myles Roux votes Ivy Langley for Prom Queen and Myles Roux for Prom King.
If you didn't see this coming, I don't know what to tell you.

Dolly Upton votes Marceline Carlson for Prom Queen and Declyn Grayson-Anthis for Prom King.
Couldn't think of another girl to vote for, so she picked the cutest girl in the room. Overheard somebody else talking about voting for Declyn and thought that he was nice enough to deserve it.

Andy Silverman votes Mikki Swift for Prom Queen and Axel Fontaine for Prom King.
Brownie points for the gf, shits and giggles for the best bro.

Siyanda Nagi votes Beryl Mahelona for Prom Queen and Dean Puchero for Prom King.
Panicked and picked the first two people ze thought of.

Mercy Ames votes Ivy Langley for Prom Queen and Jonah Heartgrave for Prom King.
Be the bigger person (and pick the nicest boy).

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:37 am
by Cactus
All right - let's do this.

Ross Miller votes for Ross Miller and Ariana Moretti.

"It's not like we're going to win, but fuck it - I never expected to be in a relationship in high school, let alone going to prom, so why not!"

Ariana Moretti votes for Ross Miller and Ariana Moretti.

"... I feel like a fucking fool doing this, but Ross thinks it's kinda cute or some shit, and it's not like I want to vote for any of the other dumb fucks going around. While I would give my left tit to see Misty Browder up there with some deformed fetus, maybe they'll elect Ivy and the school council president and I'll get a laugh either way. I'd better be drunk by the time all this shit goes down."

Connor Lorenzen votes for Connor Lorenzen and Madison Springer.

"I'm no fool. Be nice to see any of the gang win it, though."

Claudeson Bademosi votes for Tyrell Lahti and Ivy Langley.

Claudeson writes the first two names down that come to mind, and he walks away from the voting booth with a smile, as though he's privy to his own private joke.

Morgan Dragosavich votes for Michael Froese and Mercy Ames.

"When in doubt? Vote for your pals! And a cute girl whose number you probably should have tried to get. Stupid push door."

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:42 am
by Fenris
Dante Luciano Valerio votes for Charelle Chernyshyova for Prom Queen and Aurelien Valter for Prom King.
I dunno, man. I just picked my friends. This whole thing kinda seems like too big a deal to me. Like, all it seems like is gonna do is make some people sad?

Ivy Langley votes for Ivy Langley for Prom Queen and Myles Roux for Prom King.
Obviously. ... Don't tell Bret.

Axel Fontaine votes for Mikki Swift for Prom Queen and Declyn Grayson-Anthis for Prom King.
Was gonna vote Hel for Queen but they would've killed me probs. Mikki's not gonna win or anything but like, she's cool, that's good enough. Declyn's got a shot, though. He'll get real flustered about it, too. ... It'll be cute.

Artem Fyodorov votes for Dolly Upton for Prom Queen and Alexander Brooke for Prom King.
This doesn't matter, does it?

Zen Alicea Feliciano votes for Lyra Doyle for Prom Queen and Lyra Doyle for Prom King.
Have I mentioned recently... that Gender... is a Meme????? Also Lyra is cute and good and deserves everything that is my extremely accurate take on this whole silly prom royalty situation!!!

Nia Karahalios does not vote.

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:57 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Sierra Cook votes for Sierra Cook for Prom Queen and Connor Lorenzen for Prom King.
This is all pointless bullshit and we all know that bitch Ivy is gonna win anyway, so fuck it, why not vote for myself? Not like I'm gonna win. I couldn't really think of anyone off the top of my head who'd be funny as Prom King, so I just defaulted to Connor since he is most likely to win.

Lucas Abernathy votes Camille Bellegarde for Prom Queen and Lucas Abernathy for Prom King.
"Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the Prom Queen."

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:07 am
by Ryuki
Ned Jackson votes for Lucas Abernathy as Prom King and Charelle Chernyshyova as Prom Queen.

Yuki Hayashibara vote for Lucas Diaz as Prom King and Apollonia Karahalios as Prom Queen.

Zachary Beck votes for Lucas Abernathy as Prom King and Ivy Langley as Prom Queen.

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:49 pm
by Kermit
Michael Froese votes for Michael Froese for King, because he is the blacklight king. He votes Arizona Butler for Queen because her name has "Arizona Butt" in it and he finds that mildly amusing and also he thinks prom is lame.

Larry McLarryface doesn't go to prom B-)

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:03 am
by Cicada
Demetri Futscher -
King - Max Rudolph
'Scary thing is, this is almost an unironic suggestion.'
Queen -
Conspicuously left blank.

Camila Cañizares -
King - Cecil Salazar-Loveless
'I can afford to waste this vote.'
Queen - Camilla Bell
'There's talk she has a chance. This vote counts.'

The rest of my characters did vote but only as background events, they won't be formally noted.

Re: Prom Royalty Voting

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:35 pm
by Malloon
Joey Quintero votes for...

Joey Quintero for Prom King.

I know I'm not in the running, and I'm not what you picture when you think "Prom King", but damn, I'm not going to sabotage myself. Game on.

Nobody for Prom Queen.

Prom king and queen are usually the most popular people in school, by virtue of being the most attractive. Yeah, some schools break the trend and vote for someone who wouldn't have a snowball's chance in the Sahara otherwise, just be be nice, but GHH isn't like "some schools". It's like most schools. And to be honest, choosing which of these girls is the prettiest isn't something I can do. It wouldn't be genuine, it wouldn't be fair. Usually I'm all for voting, even if only to keep the other guy - heh, or gal - out, but in this case, I think we're safe no matter what.

Chloe Bruges didn't vote. - I'll be happy for whomever wins, but voting for someone is just saying someone is better than someone else. Not better at one thing, just better in general. Or usually, more popular. Well, we already know who that is. So why bother? Let's just have fun without getting at each other's throats.

Keith Rogers didn't vote. Nobody asked him for a comment.