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LeslieFranc’s Relationship Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:06 am
by LeslieFranc
So here’s Cecil again in the new board and he could still have some more relationships with other people!

Cecil Salazar-Loveless is a perfectionist, overachiever, and teacher's pet.

Rich kid who was raised by a lesbian couple. Mom came from a family that focused on healthcare businesses, while Ma is a successful lawyer on her own. He’s clearly East-Asian in descent, but he actually has no idea what his specific ethnicity is. (’s Korean.)

He'’s probably that other kid your parents kept comparing you to, since he'’s the perfect angel when in the company of adults. Then he'’s left alone with people his age, and he'’s suddenly cold and distant despite acting all serene and mild-mannered, all the while failing to hide his frantic exhaustion from the demands of his workloads, activities and his life in general. And he'’d still report you to a teacher if he sees you doing something you really shouldn'’t in school grounds. Loves his adopted family very much, but that doesn''t stop him from having inadequacy and identity issues.

Acts serene, clearly a mess. Asocial and usually oblivious to social cues. Has a droll and self-deprecating sense of humor. Polite enough at first, but it comes to a point when he stops bothering to lie and say it how it is. Despite a relaxed front, he has a troublesome and shameless side he rarely shows to anyone. Usually unfazed by everything else, but push the right buttons and he will make sure to retaliate tenfold. A family-oriented person to the very core.

Planning to be a doctor and then also take over the family business. He swims, plays the piano and collects jewelry. Very much into East Asian pop culture. Caffeine-dependent. Bisexual, but he doesn't go out of his way to inform everyone about it. Never been in a relationship, but doesn'’t really make a big deal out of it.

He used to be fairly social up until his latter middle school years, where he was preoccupied into finding out about his biological parents. By the time high school starts, he was then more focused on his studies and being the best, getting more and more miserable everyday. It wasn'’t until senior year when he suddenly changed just a little bit, joining clubs nobody knew he was interested in (anime and Kpop club) and weirdly enough, genuinely smiling.

Looking for:

- former friends during elementary and middle school that he ignored and drifted away from, but he could start reconnecting with
- troublemaker students he had probably ratted out to teachers before, and are not very fond of him after
- or anyone who just doesn''t like a teacher's pet or him in general
- some acquaintances
- fellow club members who have their own opinion about him. He'’s in the swimming team, academic decathlon, Doctors Without Borders, Biology club, school band, volunteering/interact club and in the yearbook. He also joined the anime club and Kpop club in his senior year, so that’'ll be interesting.
- anyone with shared interests
- maybe academic rivals to be valedictorian?
- anything else, really. Suggestions?
[+] Relationships
Declyn Grayson-Anthis (Kotorikun) - Casual friend. He’s a nice guy. But going on a party? Hm. Not yet, at least. So I do like him. Now what?

Drew Woods (Primrosette) - Prom date. I went to prom with him, and he was cute! But, well…

Camila Cañizares (Cicada) - Highly reluctant close friend. Pesky pool invader. Family loves her, so he has no choice but to accept her in his life. Why and how am I friends with her again?

Charelle Chernyshyova (Yugikun) - Kpop club friend. Comfortable to talk to. Makes him laugh from time to time. She’s funny, I guess.

Ned Jackson (Ryuki) - Anime club friend. He’s really nice.

Mercy Ames (backslash) - Friendly acquaintance. We’re good, I think.

Beryl Mahelona (Cicada) - Acquaintance. Odd, but mostly tunes her out. Interesting to talk to sometimes though. I’ll admit, the things she says or does are pretty amusing.

Bree Jones (KamiKaze) - Neutral. Tries to get along with. Defers to as his captain. She’s doing a fine enough job.

Kayla Harris (Jilly) - Respects her enough. Thinks she’s cool for the clothes she makes. She’s okay…

Camilla Bell (BlizzardeyeWonder) - Acquaintance. Comfortable silence is the best. She’s quiet. I don’t mind that.

Abel Zelenović (Jilly) - Former friends. Mutual polite disinterest at the present. He didn’t seem to have changed much.

Siyanda Nagi (backslash) - Academic rival. Fellow school band member. Nothing much against her.

Blake Davis (Super Weegee) - A friendly academic rival. Although, there are some things Cecil has some suspicions about... There’s something about him I don’t trust.

Samuel Avery (Abacada) - Acquaintance. Barely frenemies. We have some good discussions in music, less good discussions on other stuff.

Faith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie (Frozen Smoke) - Disinterested. Couldn't be bothered. I have better things to deal with.

Demetri Futscher (Cicada) - An irritating person. Doesn't like following him as Yearbook President, but whatever. I dread those moments when this idiot starts to open his mouth.

Myles Roux (backslash) - Former friend. Noisy. Fine with ignoring him. Mostly anyway. He’s one of those people that aren’t worth considering about after a while.

Wyatt Carter (MK Kilmarnock) - Distasteful and dangerous. Try to avoid.

Desiree Beck (Jilly) - Caught her cheating on a test before. Couldn’t produce evidence. Not very fond of her afterwards. She got away with it, and made me look like I wasted everybody’s time.

Parker Green (Frozen Smoke) - Academic rival. Also caught this one cheating. Dislikes him. A lot. This one tried to get away. Tried to fool me. Threaten me even. Fuck him.

Re: LeslieFranc’s Relationship Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:06 pm
by Kotorikun
Okay, we briefly talked about this so here are some thoughts:

Cecil and Declyn don't seem to share many interests except their ~love~ for studying, a good fashion sense (East Asian streetwear is on Declyn's list of inspirations), and science to some degree. Cecil is a type of personality Declyn is very much into and interested in in an analyzing way and "I want to get to know you better and see what happens" way. They probably worked on a project or two together and Declyn would ask him for help and while doing so, he'd try to have a more casual chat with him and ask him if he'd like to join him to a party at some point or something like that. I can see them having an interesting dynamic.

If you have more ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Re: LeslieFranc’s Relationship Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:45 am
by LeslieFranc
To me, Declyn seems rather apt to be someone that could get Cecil to go out there and do something else other than study or stay in his home. With Cecil’s more open mindset in recent time, I can see Cecil just slowly getting comfortable enough with Declyn, gradually showing another side to him besides the exhausted perfectionist. Declyn could’ve talked to him enough that he’d stop trying to be so detached and be more straightforward.

Now I don’t know about Cecil agreeing to join him to a party, maybe at one point there is a sliver of chance he might, but other than that, he could say yes to anything else (that’s a little tamer than a party) Declyn might ask him.

Re: LeslieFranc’s Relationship Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:13 am
by Kotorikun
Alright, I'm so down with all of that. Declyn pretty much sees him as a casual friend after Cecil got more comfortable with him.

Re: LeslieFranc’s Relationship Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:46 am
by Abacaba
I can see Sam considering Cecil a reasonable acquaintance and conversation partner, due to their shared interest in music and similar lack of social understanding. Of course, the mutual asocial behavior may preclude interaction, but I could see them connecting via intellectual music discussion. He might also come across as an unwitting academic rival, depending on how things play out.

Re: LeslieFranc’s Relationship Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:06 pm
by LeslieFranc
I can see the both of them to be acquaintances that have intellectual discussions when they have the chance, and generally just having respect for the other.

It’s also possible for the rivalry thing, Cecil might have some really minor resentment if he’s not the first or the top at something, although it’d mostly be directed to himself rather than Sam. It might even be one-sided.

Nonetheless, it might work as a sort of “frenemy” thing, except they’re not really friends and not really that much of enemies. However, I’d thought that the two of them might clash if a conversation got past the intellectual music discussions. Sam’s disapproval of caffeine and Cecil’s dependence on it, Sam’s weaker emotions as opposed to Cecil’s emotional sensitivity, etc. It’d be interesting if that came up, that’s what I think.

Re: LeslieFranc’s Relationship Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:55 pm
by Abacaba
Yep, sort of frenemies in that respect sounds good. Sam's a bit resigned to everyone else using coffee, so he probably won't press the issue beyond when it's first brought up. Same's pretty much true for emotions, except he'll point it out more often.

Also, I like the idea of one-sided rivalry, especially since Sam will definitely be oblivious to it.