Oh, crap, I'm so late ...
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 6:53 pm
So, I have two ideas, hopefully I can get friends and in one case, a twin:
So, I have two ideas, hopefully I can get friends and in one case, a twin:
- CHRISTINA RENNES: An intelligent and genre-savvy, but brusque, relatively unpopular student. The last name is actually from a movie, and her main motif (in-game) is from these quotes: Look around. Take a good, long look-see. 'Cause I got a feeling it's looking at us.
Identical twin sister of Jessica (not played by me), who will be her exact opposite (think Kevin and Brennan Edwards from V0). Sexuality: meh.I'm only bringing you along because I need you. You don't smarten up, I'm gone like that. (snaps fingers) No more talking. No more guessing. Don't even think about nothing that's not right in front of you. That's the real challenge. We've got save ourselves from ourselves. - JESSICA RENNES: Aforementioned identical twin. Bubbly, pretty and popular, but much less intelligent (as she's Christina's identical twin, this is more of a problem with effort rather than ability). Is the girlfriend of Stephanie McDonald (described below)Sexuality: dating Stephanie, so lesbian or bi/pansexual
- STEPHANIE MCDONALD: Charlie Norris 2.0, essentially. Will likely be dating Jessica Rennes, Christina's twin sister. The name is a portmanteau of what I was going to rename Charlie in SC1 and the last name of a popular actor. Oldest of four. Sexuality: dating Jessica, so lesbian or bi/pansexual
- MANUEL FIGUEROA: Holdover from v6. Likes baseball, film, and and folk dancing. A tad pessimistic and afraid of blood. Sexuality: straight
- Someone playing Christina's twin sister/Stephanie's girlfriend
- Friends, enemies, other relationsetc.
- Jessica Rennes: Twin Sister
- Lucas Abernathy: Friend in theater.
- Jessica Rennes: Girlfriend