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Prom Bingo?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:41 am
by General Goose
Hi guys! So this is a mindless little distraction that could be quite fun for the people-watchers, gossips, and low-key shit-stirrers of George Hunter High. Basically, it'll be a prom bingo sheet run by Camille Bellegarde and Lucas Abernathy, with a bottle of wine as a prize, as they discussed in this thread.

So this thread is basically looking for participants - I will say that Camille will purposefully not be approaching people who she sees as likely central characters in prom drama, but if they approach her, she'll shrug and let them join in. It's also looking for suggestions for items on the bingo sheet - I've fallen way too behind with pregame to make full sheets myself (whoops), so yeah, feel free to make suggestions here or elsewhere, either IC or OOC.

<3 you all

Re: Prom Bingo?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 1:38 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Cam could join in the fun, figuring it's something to do at prom besides awkward dancing.

Re: Prom Bingo?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 3:54 am
by KamiKaze
Bree and Roxie are both up for this. ;D