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I flow wherever the wind takes me

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:48 am
by Mitsuko2*
((Continued from Who Can Say What the Day Will Bring?))

There was a loud crashing sound as a figure entered the now broken window of the green house. The figure moved quickly and quietly, attempting to not draw any attention to herself, just incase anyone was outside. She made her way to the house's bedrooms and searched through the draws. Nothing. The draws had all been emptied of any semblance of clothing. She cursed to herself. She knew green wasn't her color today.

The figure of G#25, Mariavel Varella, scoffed at the thought. How dare they? They expect her to be able to sneak around in this? Green isn't a sneaky color. She sighed and made her way down the stairs when something crossed her line of vision. A baseball bat. How ironic. She's just murdered the girl whose father she murdered with a baseball bat similar to that one. She felt bad. The girl didn't deserve that. She should've at least given her a quick death. It can't be helped though. She sighed again and sat on one of the couches in the house's living room. She took the knife from her pocket and examined it.

"Very nice. I guess that's one thing good that came out of her death. This kickass weapon." She laughed at her own hypocrisy. One minute cursing herself for the murder sand the next praising herself. Hilarious. She needed to REALLY fix her head on straight one of these days.

Re: I flow wherever the wind takes me

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:49 am
by V2 archive bot
Li-Jen heard a large crashing sound of a nearby window. He had been on the fritzes of his nerves since the start of this entire dreadful matter. An imaginary dagger drove through his nerves when he heard the crash. He silently went in the direction and while grasping his knife, stepped over the window and into the living room. He entered in the kitchen, and slowly crept his way into the living room, seeing a figure on the couch with another knife.  He yelled from the darkness.

"You! Who are you?"

Re: I flow wherever the wind takes me

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:50 am
by Mitsuko2*
Mariavel turned to the sound of a masculine voice. So someone DID follow her. Crap. The kid had a knife, but it didn't look to sturdy. She really couldn't care less about the kid. What a frickin bother. She pushed herself up from the blue couch and looked at the kid.

"The name is Mariavel. Now, who are you?" She snapped right back. The blade was still drawn, so she could defend herself if needed. She also had the tomahawk secured in the back of her jeans. She really hoped this kid would leave. He was bothering her. She rather enjoyed quiet time.

Re: I flow wherever the wind takes me

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:51 am
by V2 archive bot
The boy with a olive Eisenhower jacket stood up. He took his knife with him. He saw she had a knife as well, and he remained wary.

"I'm Jin Li-Jen."

He than took a very sarcastic tone.

"Lovely day isn't it?".

Re: I flow wherever the wind takes me

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:51 am
by Mitsuko2*
Mariavel chuckled at the boy. He was sassing her? What an idiot. She REALLY hated this kid now. She wouldn't give a second thought to slicing his neck with this blade. Actually, the thought rather appealed to her. She suppressed the urge and spoke in a very sarcastic tone.

"For murder? Why, there's no better time!" she spat. Moving ever so slightly closer to the boy, she giggled a bit. This kid had no idea who he was messing with. He was obviously scared of her. That was good at least. She could get this kid to do her every wish if she wanted. Oh yeah… time to get an ally…. Well… a meatsheild that is.

"Jin, right? How about we go together? Hm? I have some people I need to kill. Wanna help a girl out?"

Re: I flow wherever the wind takes me

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:52 am
by V2 archive bot
Li-Jen smiled. He thought to himself that this girl was obviously scared of him, and was trying to partner up. He obviously didn't trust her, and looked at her with an incredulous look.

"Why bother? They'll wipe themselves off anyways? But it depends on who that person is."

He smiled when he ended his sentence.

((A Note to the Reader: At this point in the story Jin Li-Jen becomes inactive.  His rights are given to Slayer, who roleplays him from here until his death sequence.))

((Continued in Stopping for the Night))

Re: I flow wherever the wind takes me

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:52 am
by Mitsuko2*
"I doubt you could possibly know them. You didn't go to the same school as me, did you? I went to Bathurst." She was only leading this fool on. She wanted a bit of help, but it didn't look like this kid was willing. A meatsheild would've been so nice too. She walked over to the fishbowl. No fish. Just the sand at the bottom. Perfect.

The boy had let down his guard. It was time to strike. Suddenly Mariavel turned on her heel and ran at the boy, grabbing a handful of sand as she did so. When id range she let the sand fly and him, and she took off in the other direction. She found the window she used to get in and hopped through it. She jumped the fence (as the window was in the backyard) and sprinted down the street. That was a very unneeded engagement. She didn't feel like killing the boy. He should thank her for that. Now… to find her targets.

((Continued in: Memories and Revelations))