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Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:46 pm
by Kris*
((Continued from Friends? What are friends?))

Night has fallen onto the island, and it has not been a pretty time so far. The day was fufilling in its own ways, Paris was a couple steps closer into salvaging himself from the cold grips of death. It was a touch that he just wasn't accustomed into thinking about. It was dark, and now the shadows would be his shield from other students. But it still wasn't much of a defense, but it can definatly be used for his advantage.

The boy shuddered as he entered the residential district of the island. Houses lined up forming a acre of neighborhoods. This would be the perfect place to get some rest for the night, especially after the tiresome day he had. A flash of Preston and Brittany went through his mind making his shudder again. Why did he have to kill these two? Wh was he forced to kill for his survival? The fact of murdering someone else just sickened him, he felt dirty and disgusting soon after he killed Preston.

It felt sweet for about a couple hours but than it transformed from a sweet feeling to a inhumane feeling. Killing was not the Gossip Kings form of hurting people who got into his way, instead of butchering people he would start rumors and talk about them to everybody. He would make them suffer in their own pathetic little lives they lived but he wouldn't killed them. That was just wrong.

Although people portray Paris as an evil person spawned from the devil he did have his values and morals. His was brought up to look at killing as a grand sin that would send someone straight to hell. So did that mean Paris would be condemed to an eterinity of hellfire? What was he supposed to do?  Just sit there and wait to be butchered? There was no way that he'd let anybody kill him without a fight, a King was not supposed to be killed after a reign of 16 years.  

But no matter how wrong murder was Paris had to do it, he needed to get over this feeling that was holding him back. He rembered at the start of the day when he planned Brittanys death inside of his head, he hesitated way to much which made him screw his precise caculations on how it would be done. Not only that but the fact that he has never killed before and having engraved in his mind that killing is wrong also was a benefactor in his hesitation. Paris was just not used to killing, the only way he went through killing Brittany was to think of the rage he felt toward Garry and Adam. To become angry and filled with hate was the only way he went through killing Brittany.

The same thing happened with Preston however he didn't feel as bad afterwords. The fact Preston was a peacemaker made him already annoyed, but what set him off was when he duped him with the squirt gun. His dreams about Garry hanging off his ceiling fan flashed thorugh his mind as he slammed the knife into his crotch. Paris made it an necessity to take the time it needed to get over what bits of pathetic sentimental value he had so he can carry on his future deaths without hesitation. The only way to survive was to kill, it was Survival of the Fittest, he would let anybody stand in his way. Paris was a person who didn't see death as an option, he saw himself alive and would be putting a nerd into his place before he knew it. A good thing about winning this contest is that Paris will gain fame which is what he always wanted. He wanted to be an actor and have his name all over the latest headlines. Becoming the winner of SOTF will grant his wish.

Paris entered one of the lonley houses that stood in one of the residential neighborhoods. It was a two stories high, not a bad place to live in; Inside the house was a different story, the person who lived here was definatly a master at matching. The whole living room was a sea blue color; Everything in the room was decorated with a different shade of blue. The next room over was the den which decorated with all shades of red; The kitchen was decorated in all shades orange, the tile and the countertops all matched togeather. The Dining room was decorated in violet and purple, even the chandilier looked like it was made of amythest. Upstairs were a couple rooms, one was decorated in green and another was decorated white. Each bathroom had their own corresponding bathrooms which of coursed matched the rooms color scheme.

Locking the door behind him Paris closed all shudders and blindes and curtains. He didn't want to be concealed in anyway. Paris wanted a good nights rest after what happened to day. He didn't want anybody to interfere with his meditation and train of thought, he needed to get rid of all sentimental feelings he still had within him. After securing the house Paris took a shower and trying to cleanse himself of pure thoughts. The water felt like he was on his way to Heaven, nothing mattered in the shower. At this moment he tryed to purify himself of kind and nice thoughts. Nice thoughts won't acheive victory, as they say nice guys finish last.

After the shower Paris dressed into the pajamas he was supposed to have for his trip. But instead of spending the night at a nice hotel in the Bahamas, he would be spending the night at an abandonded house on an island filled with killer students inm the middle of nowhere. Paris wore plaid green, blue, red, and violet pajama bottoms and a long sleeved Hollister shirt. The long sleeves and the shoulders were maroon  while the rest of the shirt was white. Hollister Surf Co. was in curly sea blue letters. A comfortable fit for the night.

After making his preperations for bed, Paris decided to settle himself in the white room, he personally liked this room the most. It was the only room in it that had a combination of white with a small amount of light teal. Locking the door, Paris removed the decorative pillows and climbed into bed. It felt like he was floating; After the stress of today this bed was another piece of Heaven just like the shower he had. The Gossip King was tired, and he needed to rest up for tommarows activites. As he drifted to sleep he started to think of the beginning of today, where it all went wrong.

Flight No.77 was reserved for all Hobbsborough students. Today marked the end of another dreaful, long, boring, and unecessary school year. Mrs.Saranna directed her class to follow her throughout the airports terminals. The sounds or roller luggage can be heard as the group of Sophmores traveled through the busy airport. Employees walked everywhere trying to help as many people as they can to direct them where to go or answer an questions they ask. Paris was with his many popular friends, he carried his bags of luggage while he yapped away on the latest rumor he spread around about Mai Oshinari.

Paris loved the feeling of the airport, it was a place he has been to many times. Mostly because his mother was an employee here, they would often take vacations to Europe where most of the persphone family was. The airport was busy, it was inhabitated by people all over the world, and best of all it was the gateway to the outside world; At least the world outside New Jeresy. This feeling made paris feel important, like he was on a buisness trip or something. Going to the airport always made him feel happy, he actually enjoyed himself. Especially traveling to new places, Paris has been to London, England and Barcelona, Spain but he has never been to the Bahamas. Which was the destination for Mrs.Sarannas Sophmore class and every other Hobbsborough student.

"Alright students, hurry along now. We need to be at Gate 45 no later than 9:15." she said as she walked swiftly toward security. As she talked with the security guards students started to load all their luggage into the machines that screened them. Its not like any student would carry a knife or sisscors with them, but that was not the case according to the rumor Paris had spread about Ernest Decarteret. "I actually saw him slip a box cutter into his shoe, I knew I couldn't put anything past him." Minor gasps arose from his various popular friends.

"Its true, I mean I wouldn't be surprised he worked for some terrorist organization. After all he did kill Kim, for all we know he could hijack the plane." said Paris quietly not wanting to cause a to big of a commotion. His numerous friends nodded, some had mouths that hung in surprise, and some looked nervous. "But I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm pretty sure we have an air marshal flying with us. I'll be sure to drop him a hint before we get on the plane." he said. At the top of the line the boy loaded his luggage into the machine and took any metal onto the plastic bowls. After passing the white gateway to limbo, he took all of his luggage and things and continued on with the rest of his class to Gate 45 rambling on about Ernest, secret terrorist organizations, and hijacking airplanes.

"You know I've never been to the Bahamas before, I'm too busy vacationing Europe. I was supposed to go to Paris this summer until this school trip came up. I'd do Europe than the Bahamas anyday." he said was they finally reached Gate 45. "Your so lucky Paris, your mom works for the airport so you can like go anywhere!" "I know, and the best part of it is that I usually fly 1st Class. And beleive me, thats the place you want to be in. The meals are way better than that disgusting plane food they serve in Economy. Its 'real' food." he bragged. "Ugh, how disgusting." said another popular. "I think we have Buisness class for this flight." said another. "Buisness class isn't as good as 1st Class but its do-able." he said.

Mrs.Sarannas passed out boarding passes, meaning her class started to board Flight 77. Paris turned back to get a glimpse of the airport he would soon return to once again. He loved this airport more than any other airports he's been on. It was a part of his heart, this airport opened new doorways for him into the real world. As students continued to board his expression of happiness and of grand importance faded into a look of surprise. "Oh goodbye mijo!" Maria Persphone who was out of breath gave Paris a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Stunned by this act of affection Paris' cheeks flushed red as he hugged and kissed his mother back as fast as possible. He could already feel the slight giggle from some of the populars around him. He cursed his mother in his mind for doing this, this trip is supposed to be parent free.

"I was able to get a few minutes from working one of my flights to come say goodbye to you. Oh I love you so much." she said with a happy look on her face. "Yes and I love you to Mama." he said quietly to her, still embarassed by this whole situtation. "Behave yourself and have lots of fun okay?" Paris nodded his head. "Thanks Mama, I'll seey ou when I get back." he said. Tears started to well up in Maria as she hugged him once more. "I love you." said Paris. "I love you more." "I love you infinity and beyond." he said with a smile. Maria nodded and let go of him. "Goodbye mijo!" she said as she started to get back to her terminal. The relationship he had with his mother was actually a decent one; before Paris would go to bed when he was little he would say "I love you." to his mother. But his mother would counter with "I love you more." however the whole 'I love you' tag ended when Paris said "I love you infinity and beyond." It was a special kind of quirk he had with his mother that he valued deep inside his heart. However he'd never let this side of him show. Deep inside his heart was the sentimental feelings he had for his mother, it would show when he was alone with her. But when he's with his friends that part completley shuts off and he becomes cold and distant. However no matter how cold he got he still felt at least a little nice and kind toward his mother.

After putting some people in their place about the embarassing scene his mother made Paris took his seat. He cursed his mother even more for what she's done, the Gossip King would now have to do major damage control in order to evade rumors and other insults to be directed at him. He would just have to start some other rumor that will take the heat off of him. "Thank the lord that I won't be dealing with any parents on this trip. I can actually relax for once." said Paris dramatically to Daisy Fitzegerald (one of his popular friends) sitting next to him on the plan. Daisy was a good friend, she didn't take any crap from anyone however Paris thought she was a lesbian due to the amount of sports she plays. He had an aisle seat and leaned back into the comfy cushioned seats. More conversation entailed, after a while of gossip exchanging Paris wondered what was going on. It didn't take this long for a plane to get set up for take off.

Leaning his upper body into the aisle he wanted to see what was going. Two men who looked like some kind of airmarshals but his thoughts immediatley melted to mush when one of the pulled out a gun and started shooting off bullets onto the nearby flight attendent and the girl sitting behind her. Paris' upper body snapped back into his seat not beleiving what he just saw. What the hell had just happened? Who are those people? Fear started to sink into paris as students who sat near himstart to panic and scream. A boy who stood up for some reason was suddenly forced to sit back down by a hail of oncoming bullets. The boy didn't sit far from Paris which made him freak out even more.

"W-Whats going on!?" cried the Daisy Fitzgerald sitting next to him. Paris just stared at the blue colored seat infront of him. Daisy started to shake Paris by the shoulder demanding for an answer but no words came out of his mouth. Kids continued to panic, they were powerless to do anything but stay in their seats and pray they won't get shot. Everybody was scared out of their minds, Paris felt the plane start to move as the commotion started to rise. The plane continued to move and started to go faster as it continued to speed down the runway.  The planed went faster and faster and rumbled as the students of Hobbsborough trembeled in their seats. "On the topic of life being a bitch, I'm here to tell you that you guys have been selected for Survival of the Fittest version 2!" said the man loudly with a smile on his face. The plane started to take off, and Paris did the sign of the cross.

Everytime a plane would take off Paris would do the sign of the cross, as if asking for a safe journey to his destination. Once again this is another trait he takes after hsi mother and therefore always does it when he's on a plane. Of course Paris wasn't really dedicated to his Catholic religion but he still practicied it when he really needs it. The Gossip King was actually speechless for once in his life, Daisy who was trying to get an answer from him stopped and also became silent wondering what will become off her.

Not paying attention to what these terrorists or whatever they are were saying he suddenly heard gasps and gagging sounds. Looking up his eyes almost sunk pulled back in his skull at the horror of the sight. Mrs.Saranna was being molested by the other terrorist which almost made Paris vomit himself. Is this for real? Is this just an awful dream? Wake up Paris! Wake up! But no matter how many times he screamed inside his minde the madness continued and did until the terrorist put a bullet into her brain.

Silence dominated the aircraft  until he once again broke the silence. "Alright guys, now to begin. Having a good time on this trip, I presume, right?" Someone vomiting in the back of the plane was heard, Daisy had her mouth wide open. She too like the many others on this plane did not comprehend what exactly was going on right now.  "Alright, everyone bring down your T.V.s, we're on our way to the island and I got a little in-flight movie planned... and Louis will be sure to bring you guys water."

The man known as Louis was the one who killed the flight attendent and the girl started to serve cups of water to everyone. Paris was motionless so Daisy took out both of their T.V.s, the screen suddenly went to a scene where a boy was running. The movie was not a Hollywood Blockbuster, it was like one of those forbidden X rated movies however they replaced the pornographic materials with drastic violet actions. Daisy looked even more shocked as before, Paris just looked cold and lost as he stared at the screen.
Only the fit shall survive. So play, and see if you truly are fit to live, or not.

Those last words flashed onto the screen after the movie ended. Daisy couldn't beleive what she was hearing, she covered her ears in an effort to stop hearing those same words over and over again. Paris continued to stare as the screen turned black once more. As soon as that happened commotion started up once more. You horrific bastard! I won't let you do this to these kids!" the man named Louis pulled his gun on the other. Daisy opened her mouth wider, hoping this man would be her salvation. Paris also too looked on with extreme intrest. Please please! Kill him!!! But then Paris' expression of hope twisted into one of shock. As if he's just been double slapped; "Jesus Christ, shut up already." An explosion rocked the airplane as the man known as Louis' bottom half exploded into  a fountain of blood. He fell to the floor, dead like the flight attendent and girl he killed.

"You guys will end up like him if you don't do what you're told. NOW DRINK SOME FUCKING WATER!" Daisy in a mindless rush of an extreme case of anxiety grabbed the cup of water and gulped it down, a couple drops splashing on her blouse. Paris who didn't want to end up with half a torso also took the cup but before he drank it looked at its contents. The water was crystal in Paris' eyes, but water that looked so pure couldn't be that pure. Choosing to go down the rabbit hole Paris drank the water, it tasted normal. The water slid down his throat, and within seconds finished it.

Daisy started breathing heavily, the minutes passed and suddenly students around them started to drift to sleep. It was poison! They were all going to die! This was the end of the line! Daisy's eyes bulged from the sockets as she say students dropping like flies. With a silent scream Daisy also fell into the depths of her seat. Paris started to feel exhausted, as if he'd been through a rough day at Disneyland. Walking from attraction to attraction. This was the end for him, he was doomed to death by this horrific game that they must take a part of. As Paris' eyelids closed an image from this inevitable day flashed into his pupils, they projected a picture of white letters that assembled to an order to form words. These were the last things Paris' saw before drifting into the last peaceful sleep he will ever have for the rest of his life.

Only the fit shall survive. So play, and see if you truly are fit to live, or not.

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:47 pm
by baby_g*
((Continued from: Nessy Guthrie...))

Tired, and mostly on egde due to her lack of a weapon, Nessy decided to walk from house to house, instead of out in plain site. Her plain from before in the house where she had woken up was deyaded. Since it was already dark, she decided to nap. It was morning now, and she was on the move.

Nessy came to a two story house that she assumed was empty. She didn't see anyone walking around, nor did she hear anyone inside. quietly she opened the door, walked in quickly and closed the door behind her. As she took a gander around, she could tell that the person who lived there last must have been a huge Martha fan of sorts. Everything seemed to go together.

She decided to walk around, and take it all in. It looked so pretty. It made her think of home, and how her mother would always buy the newest things to make their house look amazing. They were also always in debt thanks to that. Nessy saw it more like a mask. Her mother didn't want people knowing how she really felt or what their home life was really like, so she covered it up in fancy paper, dishes and matching rugs. It's not that she had a hard home life, or that someone was horrible... in Nessy's mind, it seemed more like her mother was ashamed of her, because she had no friends and was a loser. Though a mother wouldn't come out and say it to her child, it was the look in her eyes that told it all.

As Nessy continued her walk around the house she came to one particular room... instantly she got a bad vibe. She tried to open to door, but it was locked.

Nessy turned around and walked down to the room with greenish coloured walls. She closed the door behind her, and sat infront of it, upright, and in the fetal position.

She was too afraid to walk out of the house, and to afraid to stay in it. Quietly she began to sing and old song her mother used to sing to her as a kid to herself.

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skys are gray
You'll never know dear
How much a love you
So please dont take
My sunshine

"So much for the sun."

Nessy closed her eyes, allowing herself to rest. She was asleep just enough to have her body ease up a bit, but awake enough to hear when her guest would start walking around. She'd be waiting for him.

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:47 pm
by Jotun*
((Continued from Barbie Girl))

Darren had been aimless in his wanderings around the island, searching. He needed a person, and what he would do in response to that person was to be decided then. Therefore, Darren was not so much searching for a person as he was searching for an oppurtunity. Other than 'not die' Darren was not at all sure of his real objective. He was certain that another person would be  involved, as other than people this island had nothing on it.

People lived in houses. Judging by the sprawl of houses Darren was now walking through, people that were not trying to kill each other had once lived on this island. It was not unreasonable to assume that the new arrivals would use the old shelters.

Darren had no way of knowing who was in which house, however. As of late, he'd been thinking very straightforwardly, and so he came to a straightforward solution.

Darren went up to the nearest house and knocked. No answer. Darren proceeded to the next house over, and continued, waiting for any one of them to show signs of life...

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:48 pm
by Kris*
'X-Mas Decorations' is what the box had said. Filled with colorful and oddshaped trinkets used to decorate ones household. Items in the cardboard box included a set of christmas lights, garlands, many Christmas tree ornaments that included glass globes painted with velvety and festive colors. Little porcelain figurines of buildings, trees, and people that looked like it belonged in their own minature porcelain city. A outdoor wreath with a simple elegant red ribbon tied to it; But the ornament that shined the brightest was the star. The golden five pointed object which was hung at the very top of the Christmas tree. The looked like it was made of real gold as it gleamed in the days sunlight. Paris touched the point of the star, it wasn't sharp but the points were long and narrow. You could easily lose an eye if used the wrong way. Objects like those made Paris shudder and put it down with the rest of the objects he found. Eyes are organs that Paris would never ever touch, eyes being touch, or stabbed or whatever made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. The mere thought of losing your eyes made Paris nervous and scared. It was something that was just plain gross.

Taking his mind of pointy objects and eyes Paris thought of the way his mother would decorate the house every Christmas. Usual parents didn't even bother putting up lights ro decorating the house until a few weeks before Christmas Day. But Maria Persphone would rise early in the morning to decorate the house on December 1st. The longest it took her was three days to complete decorating. However one thing was missing every year since they got the house re-done and that was the tree. Ever since they redid the house the persphone family had no gotten a tree which was a disappointment to Paris. His mind drifted from trees to the feeling of staying up late and tearing the nice wrapping off of presents. Christmas was a time of year where even Paris softened a little, the festivites, the snow, and everything else gives him a pleasant feeling.

Paris had been searching the house the whole morning ever since he awoke to the announcments. He stopped in mid-search for breakfast which wasn't much. There was a box of nearly stale cereal in the cupboards which he ate along with his canned bread. While searching the attic he found this box of Christmas objects which he looked through down in the living room. Apparently last night didn't help paris to loose his sentimental value, it was getting worse. He was gaining more 'feeling' and 'emotion' with every memory of his mother. Realizing this Paris shook his head trying to snap out of it. This morning he spent the whole day remebering his home; This was not a good thing. How on earth would Paris survive if he still had feelings. With a sigh he layed back once again annoyed by the fact of being trapped on an island. Annoyed by the fact that he couldn't control his fate anymore. Annoyed by the fact that he still could not kill without hesitation.

He felt like giving up but he just couldn't. What would he do if someone saw him like this. "There goes Paris, the 'Gossiping Wimp'.. paris tried to take his mind off of Christmas by looking at the list of dead that Danya announced earlier today. Nobody he recognized was on that list, so that meant that his greatest enemies were still out there. Unfortunatly people from his Sophmore class know of Paris and the murders he has committed yesterday. This was a bad thing on his part, if he came across with anyone and a gun. Especially someone like Mai Oshinari, Jack Russell, or An Linh he'd surley be done for. He decided to hang out at this house until he thought of some sort of game plan. But his thoughts were interuppted by the doorbell.

Paris' senses sharpened as he slowly crawled on the floor and looked through the corner of the window by lifting the curtain up slightl.y There he could see some student looking for shelter from the dangers of being outside. Paris wondered what he should do, should he let him in? Was he feeling hospitable? Paris who was Catholic didn't want to go to hell and remebered that sheltering the homeless made people lambs. He remebered that from the Beatitudes or something like that. Paris wasn't too keen on prayers he was forced to memorized. he knew some bits and pieces of the Catholic religion but the important thing that stuck in his mind was that being nice meant not going to hell. What was the point of winning the game only to end up dying and go to an eternal realm of suffering? I don't think so.

Getting up Paris opened the door and tried to make a genuine smile to welcome his guest. "Uh hello..." he tried to sound kind. Hopefully this student will actually beleive this to be a true gesture of kindness. It is rare when Paris did infact act like this, he was glad that it wasn't anyone from Ms.Sarannas class or he would be done for.

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:49 pm
by baby_g*
She wasn't sure what time it was, but there was someone else in the house now. Her luck was against her as she thought about the worst. Nessy figured that the boy from before had found something good, because he wasn't rummaging around for to long. She opened her door just a tiny crack so that she'd hear what was going on better.

What am I going to get out... alive?

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:49 pm
by Jotun*
"Uh hello."

The boy who greeted Darren was fairly unimpressive. Then again, at the same time, Darren was sure he didn't look like much himself. At a loss for what to say in response, Darren returned the greeting.

"Hi. Can I come in?"

Violence was the first instinct, Darren's host seemed hardly capable on his own, but Darren had resolved to avoid violence for the time being, as so far, it had not worked out too well for him.

A girl and an unarmed little kid.

That thought had been repeating through his head all night and day, and it caused Darren no small amount of distress every time.

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:50 pm
by Kris*
Equal greeting, everything good so far... "S-Sure." he said allowing Darren to pass into the front room. he closed the door behind him and walked to wear the Christmas decorations were layed out and scattered. Paris wasn't sure what to say next, he couldn't muster up anything kind or nice or happy to say. It made him nervous in the prescence of this person but continued to try to be a good host.

"Please sit down." he said not beleiving the words coming out of his mouth. All this muffly comfy Christmas feelings started to make the boy queasy as he tried to concentrate in welcoming his guest with hospitality. "Any complications so far during your stay here?" he asked not bearing to look at the student. It was obviously someone from a different school, Paris didn't even bother trying to see if his face was recognizable.

The Gossip King decided on some kind of ice breaker, hopefully this will get the ball rolling and the ice melting. Paris tried to become good, the good guy for once. Maybe being nice and kind will get you far? Then again so far acting like a goody goody made paris persphone the King of Mean positivley sick.

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:04 pm
by AtomicWaffle*
((Continued From: Treskington's End))

Still covered in blood, Garry wandered into the residential district. The sais had taken somewhat of a beating from the impact on Lester's bones, but they were still intact. Garry's head hurt, and the blood from the side of his head clotted, but aside from that, he was intact as well. After the long walk down the expressway, it had became darker, and Garry seemed to have almost come to terms with brutally murdering Lester Treskington. Garry had been thinking, it was in self defence,
But you didn't have to kill him...
No, he did. Lester tried to kill him, twice, and nearly did.
But you tore him in half...
"Shut up concience, with what I just did, you shouldn't even exist."
Even in a time like this, he still talked to himself. Who else could he talk to?

As he walked into the island's abandoned residential district, he saw that a house beside him had it's lights on. Well, let's hope whoever is inside isn't playing the game. He thought he heard a familiar voice, but shrugged it off as a tired hallucination.

His hands shook as he opened the door to the house, a nerve-racking moment for him. It could be anyone in that house.
His feet left bloody prints on the floor of the house, and he had only been able to wipe the blood off of his hands, the rest was soaked into his clothes. Upon entering a room in the house, he realized who the familiar voice was.

Paris Persephone. He had gotten into a fight with him back at a stairwell at Hobbsborough. He had won the fight, and made a fool of Paris by dragging him across the hallway, before leaving him in the office and storming off. Upon visiting the so called "Gossip King" at the hospital, he had a lamp and drawer thrown at him, even though he had attemped to apologise. Garry often acted on impulse, before thinking things out. Like he had done with Lester. Paris and Garry avoided each other during the proceeding weeks, although they occasionally traded insults. As far as Garry knew, Paris had not tried to spread gossip and rumors about Garry, but he would never know for sure.

Garry stood in the doorway, covered in blood, with scratches and the stench of death about him. He was certainly a sight to behold, with bloodshot eyes, and upon a glance, he was clearly shaken.

"Well, Paris Persephone, the King of Gossip. We meet again."

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:04 pm
by baby_g*
You know they're just going to end up finding you and kill you... no one would care because it doesn't matter. You're just a waste of space anyways. And with all the space you take up, you could probably fit 3 people to replace you! God, you're smell awful!

"I'm in a frickin warzome here, what do you expect?" Nessy whispered under her breath.

I bet you didn't even pack soap with you. Could you atleast change you're clothes or something? You're pathetic!

"Go Away!"

Nessy was used to talking to herself. Infact, she'd even come to know the other side of her as Vanessa. You see, Vanessa was basically what Nessy wished she could be. She was slim, goodlooking, long red hair, and everything she wanted to be. Vanessa though, had a habbit of coming to visit at the more awful times.

One time, Mrs. Carlson came and invited Nessy to her church's youth group that they held. "You'll meet alot of nice people." She said. Well, that was until the whole place was quiet and they were all in prayer when Vanessa thought it well to pay a visit. Let's just say, she was prayed over, accused of having the devil live inside her, and Mrs. Carlson didn't come over to visit anymore.

"...We meet again." Was all that Nessy could really hear from the crack in the door she had made from opening it just a tad. She couldn't really see them, nor hear them all that well. If worst came to worse she could always throw herself out the window that was in the room. That could work.. somehow.

You're fat would be sure to catch you...

"Oh shut up!"

Quietly, Nessy waited and tried to get a better view of what was going on.

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:05 pm
by Kris*
As if his kindness hasn't been stretched enough, Paris was too busy concentrating on being a good host he now was in the prescence of one of the most hated people in his heart. Garry Dodd stood in the doorway of his 'home' breaking the ice with a line as classic and original as "We meet again..." Paris could not get into another fight right now, Darren would probably team up with Garry if he even attempted a move.

Now Paris would have his greatest audition of all, the audition for the role of Survival of the Fittest Winner. He would have to use his best skills in order to surpass this audition. It was necessary for him to be kind and nice to Garry and than later on to hit him where it hurts and finish him. However a big guy like Garry will be a bit difficult to take down. It won't be easy........Brain.......Use your brain.

"O-Oh hello Garry.......Come in. This is Darren..." he said sounding nice and hospitable. He ushered Garry inside and motioned for him to sit as he closed the door. The rage boiled, he remebered how he was completley humiliated him. After a large beating in the stairwell Paris has to this day plot vengence against him. He was supposed to burn his house down, however that plan turned to scrap when he was sent to this god damn island.

He noticed his injuries; Looks like Garry here couldn't help himself... thought Paris as he went to the kitchen to get a paper towel. "Run into some trouble?" Paris handed Garry the paper towel to use to stop the bleeding. "I was going to decorate the house for the Christmas season.....Just because were stuck on an island dosn't mean we can't celebrate the holidays..." Paris turned back toward his scattered Christmas decorations. Son of a bitch, I left the knife up in my room. That and the fact he sounded like a total lunatice. Plan B. Play it out until I make up a better plan.... Paris gave both of his guests a smile as he tried to think of something else.

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:05 pm
by AtomicWaffle*
Garry was shocked. He half expected Paris to tear his eyes out after what he did to him in the stairwell.

"Run into some trouble?"
Paris asked. Trouble? No trouble, I just tore someone in half, nope no problem with stabbing someone to pieces. Wait till' Paris hears the announcements.

"I was going to decorate the house for the Christmas season.....Just because were stuck on an island dosn't mean we can't celebrate the holidays..."

He pinched himself just to see if he was really hearing this, or he was stuck in a coma.  Paris seemed so calm. And why did he think it was Christmas? It was June...  "Not real...."
There was no possible way Paris could forgive him. He'd seen the rage in his eyes at the hospital, and there was no way that Paris would ever forgive him. Not after what happened.

"Well, I actually ran into this horde of ravenous island cannibals and... Ah, you wouldn't want to hear about it."
He waved his hand jokingly. Blood dripped onto the floor from his hand. "No, actually, I stabbed a kid to death. Funny story. Hehehahah." He burst out Laughing manaically. Maybe that blow to the head with the branch had done some damage to his  his brain. That, or he had stopped accepting reality. Either one meant that he is losing it.  "You should have seen it, really, there was blood everywhere, and when it was done, I tore the kid in half! Hah-ha!" A sad look crossed his face. There was something seriously wrong with Garry. A feeling of glee, in a place like this. Not something you would generally feel in a wide-scale fight to the death. He cleared his throat, with a more serious expression on his face.

"Give it up Paris, I know you want to kill me. You tried it with a lamp, and I have the feeling that, heh, you want to cut my throat with a Christmas star. I'm sure to you that sounds like a good idea.. but I have a slight-" He stressed the word,  "Disagreement with having me bleed to death. It is awfully messy." Smiling at the ground, he put his hand to the side of his head. It hurt like mad.

"What are the odds I'd run into you? Small island eh?"

A lone tear dropped off his cheek. Lester's corpse hung in his mind.
Little did Garry know, something from far above the island was about to crash into his reality.

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:06 pm
by Kris*
Paris didn't care what perdicament Garry has been through, he was a major problem. He almost couldn't bear when the large monstrosity tried to be funny. "How unfortunate..........But your right about the small island part....." Paris decided to be slick, it was time to finally make a move before this bloody mess starts his unstoppable rampage. Getting up he grabbed a couple of the colorful glass orb ornaments and walked to wear Garry was sitting. He directed his eyes at the large tall plant that hung next to the sofa.

"How disappointing, I don't have a tree this year......I suppose I'll just have to use this plant as a substitute....." Paris braced himself for the move he was about to make. Wait, for it........ The boys mind raced with sweat but in reality he looked smooth and sounded completley crazy. Hanging one large green orb on the tree he tilted his head and peered at it. "Of course, nothing can make up for a Christmas tree, but I suppose this will just have to do..."

Hanging a blue orb next to the green one he peered at the tree as if deciding if that was the right place to position the ornament. Shakingh is head he took the blue orb and placed it on a higher firmer leaf vine. Looking at it again to make sure it was the right place he started to find the right position for the red orb. Paris' eyes pointed toward a semi-high leaf vine and extended his arm to hang it when it suddenly made a sharp turn, smashing the red ornament into the side of Garry Dodds face which was apperently slightly scratched. Of course it would've been better if he had hit the major bleeding side but not all wishes can come true on Christmas.

Kicking Garry in the chest he layed back on the couch apparently unconcsious. His 'undamaged' side of his face was now a bit slashed up by the glass. The red blood siletnly ran off his chin dripping onto the monsters clothes. Quickly Paris looked at Darren, a couple second flashing by before he snatched up the green ornament and dived to smash into the boys face. The boy tried to ride the wave of the moment and see if he can take out Darren as well. There was no time to feel......Only react.

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:06 pm
by AtomicWaffle*
((I'd like to point out to admins/moderators that we had previously made a deal for that to happen.))

Oh no... *SMASH* Garry was knocked unconcious by Paris' assault to the side of his head. Thoughts swirled about his mind as drifted away...
I want to go home...

On the other side of the house...
((Continued from Free-fall))



Derrin landed upon the roof, crashing through the old shingles and rotten wood, into the attic. Luckly enough, the previous inhabitants of the house had stored old blankets and matresses in the attic, as well as a ripped up sofa. Still, Derrin's landing could be heard throughout the house.

Derrin opened his eyes. Looking at where he was, he realized he was very lucky. Beside the sofa and pile of blankets where he lay, there was a open box of fondue skewers and all sorts of silverware. It was rusted and destroyed from the water. Obviously the attic was not in good condition.
Derrin yelped as he saw another box, it was filled with corpses of rats, as well as quite a few happy insects.
Derrin was always intrested in insects. They fascinated him with their perfection, and ability to survive. Sometimes the simplest of creatures are the best ones.

"Congrats bro, you survived."
Derrin looked up to see a all-too familiar face.

"What are you doing here?"
"Before I explain, look in your pack."
Derrin hadn't seen the pack that the terrorists had left him until jeff pointed it out. It was open, with a brave beetle crawling ever-closer.
He was terrified of what he might find in there. He made a point of making sure to know where his pills were at all times. If he lost them...

He sighed, and picked up the bag into his shaking hands.
"Oh no. Please no. Shit!"
The lid of the bottle was open, with only a lone blue pill sitting inside.
"I guess I might be finally freed soon Derrin, won't I?
"No... LEAVE ME!! I don't want to play this stupid game!!"
Derrin was scared by his choice of words. We would be set free. The only freedom Derrin had was from Jeff, not with him.
"Oh, but I do. And when we are set free, NOBODY CAN STOP US!!" Jeff nearly screamed at Derrin, his fiery red eyes making him all the more intimidating. As quickly as he had become enraged, he became more comfortable, sitting down on the sofa.
"Well bro, I hope to be on good ol' green Earth again soon." Musing, as he looked at Derrin's collar, then his own neck, which was free of any explosive devices.
"Why do you have to torment me like this?"
"Why do you think?"
"Can't you just leave me be, for the rest of what may be my short life?"
"No, because then I would cease to exist, and I like my existance, thank you very much.
Derrin was angered at the fact that Jeff was toying with him in a situation like this. His eyes loomed towards his bag, and he saw his weapon.

"A PAPER FAN? A FUCKING PAPER FAN?" Derrin was more angry than ever before. They stuck him on a island, with no pills to control his evil split-personality, and they gave him a paper fan to defend himself. No, not even a paper fan, the fall had torn it to shreads. "GO AWAY!"
Derrin lunged at Jeff, but hit nothing but air. Jeff was nowhere to be seen.

Back at the other side of the house...

When Garry had just came out of the hospital, he ran into a problem. He was ambushed in a alley, and the thugs took all of his money. In his weakened state, there was no way to defend himself. So, on a permit by the police department, he was allowed to install a prototype tazer inside his cane, keeping him safe if anyone tried to burglerize him. It proved quite effective, and his father put it into production for his security company. However, upon being chosen for SOTF, a tech-savy terrorist had made some "Adjustments" to the tazer. Now, upon pressing the green button at the top, all of the energy inside the batteries was released, melting the batteries and causing a massive bolt of electricity to come from the end of the cane. 85% Lethality.

At the present moment, the cane was on the table, the end pointing towards Garry's damaged leg, and a ornament hanging precariously over the button.


A two-hundred fifty million volt surge of electricity zeroed in upon Garry's partially metal-grafted leg, with the batteries melting in a spark-filled explosion. Garry awoke with a start. His leg was numb, and the couch was on fire. "Jesus!" *BA-BOOM!!* The crippled teenager was thrown off the couch and into the adjacent wall.

Now, medically, any doctor would say he would be dead now, but that is far from the truth. In the hospital, they had grafted metal to his nearly-destroyed arm in order to fix it, and that it did. However, they could not do the whole procedure on his leg, simply because the small amount of metal they had grafted was close to a major vein. The heat from the shock solved the problem of having to attach the metal completely to the bone. And, aside from a minor burn,  he was fine... Relatively.

((To anyone questioning the reality of surviving a 250 mil volt shock, I did survive one from my tesla coil that I built, albeit at a loss of hair on my arm.))

Back at the other side of the house (last time)...

Derrin heard the faint cry of terror coming from another room, and the resounding explosion.

"Do they give participents explosives I wonder?" Derrin asked himself while flinching at the sharp sound of a electrical explosion. He had found the exit to the attic in a small wooden cover, and proceeded out of the rotting attic where he made his dramatic landing.

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:07 pm
by Kris*
The smashing of the glass ornament hitting Garry Dodds face wasn't the only thing that was being smashed. Paris slammed the green ornament into Darrens face, the broken sharp shards cutting up the skin of his facial area. Of course Paris didn't stop there, he had no time to stop and think about what he was doing. It could give Darren a chance to retaliate, and one move can cause Paris his life and that was something he didn ot want to risk.

Grabbing a mass of wire of Christmas lights he quickly threw the load upon Darren as he struggled to get up and fend of the enemy. Paris quickled seized random wires and wrapped them around  his neck hoping to choke the life out of him. The boy tightened his grip trying to make the process of death as smoothly as possible. But in this dire moment of concentration Paris' mind wandered to one of his many Christmas'. The abandonded house he was occupying morphed into the his house, the smell of baked goods filled the air as he looked around his home.

Maria Persphone would go into overdrive when it came to the first of December. She would take out all of the X-Mas Boxes from the garage and start the process of transforming her household into a classy winter wonderland. Of course this process started with the easiest job which was the interior decorations; First of all she would dress the chandelier in golden garlands, and replace the candalabras of the marble dining room table with golden figurines of raindeers decorated with pine needles, holland, and silver laces. The fireplace would be decorated with garlands of pine and four stockings pearing the names of the members of the Persphone family in golden letters.

Francis was the name on the first stockings. The father figure of the Persphone family who defines a good time watching a soccer game while drinking a beer. Maria was the name on the second stocking. The mother who still lives in the days of manners and will always strive to have a problem free family. Paris was the name on the third stocking. The boy who actually warmed up a bit during the Christmas holidays however just because its Christmas time dosn't change Paris' frosty tone he has during the December monthes of giving. And the last red stocking had the name Andy imprinted on it. The boy who currently resides in paradise due to a moments hesitation.

Above the stockings hunge a large wreath with a light up angel in the center of it blowing a trumpet. Diagonal of the fire place is a long table and upon it is a small little town made of porcelain, cotton acted as snow, and glass acted as the ice which figurines of skaters ice skated upon. Holly decorated the curtains and large red ribbons illuminated the family room. All this was an easy job, however the most difficult job of them all is the Christmas lights. Every year Maria would break nails and teeth in order to get her lights work. When they actually do work the entire Persphone property turns into a shining golden light.

"Mama, I don't want to go to Cindys house for Christmas. I don't want to spend another Christmas being by myself doing nothing!" Paris stated as his mother baked a pumpkin pie for an upcoming dessert. "You have to go and thats that, they always invite us every year and so you have to attend." she said. "Do you realize that I have no existence when I go over there? Its completley pointless. I'm tired of doing the same thing every year! Why don't we go to the mountains and ski or something? Besides I hate Cindys husband and her little damn kids as well. I don't know why Cindy married that piece of white trash in the first place." he asked, trying to keep his volume to a minimum. "Watch your mouth or I'll break all your teeth off. I said no, now go get ready..." "Ugh! You get on my last nerve!!" Paris turned and marched to his room Estupida, who gives a shit about Cindy and her family.... he thought as he slammed the door.

The slamming of Paris' door snapped him back to reality. He remebred the bad of the Christmas season. Forced to go to that annoying womans house and dealing with her annoying family. It pissed the hell out of him, he started to feel the stubborness of his family; Paris couldn't beleive how he survived so many Christmas' with them. It was like living in the prescence of some wound up psycho who wanted to please everyone. News flash, you aren't perfect mama. Neither is your family. So just forget it!

A trip to memory lane did have its price, Darren pushed Paris off of him as he tried to remove the mass of Christmas lights off of him. Paris of course was a bit stunned at letting his guard down but didn't stop moving. Just as Darren detached himself from the last bit of tangled wire he reached for the slim, pointy Christmas star and slammed and roughly slammed it down onto the side of his head with all his might. Darren immediatly ceased his actions and fell to the floor with a thump. Paris gazed at the metalv Christmas star gleam in the air, it was amazing how beauty can be so deadly.

Paris shook his head and made up his mind to leave this house and to a place where he wouldn't be discovered with two dead bodies. the boy immediatley forgot about Holiday cheer and grabbed all of his stuff togeather trying to make a smooth exit out of a double murder. The boy climbed up the stairs, went into the bedroom and grabbed his bolo knife along with the rest of his belongings and headed down the stairs toward the front door. Even Christmas that was meant for happiness he was forced by his mother to waste every Christmas at Cindys house doing nothing. Fuck Christmas. Fuck everybody.

The boy made his way for the front door but turned to to Darren before he left. He gazed the the golden Christmas star that was stuck at the side of his head a now permenant part of his anatomy. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe, releving all positive feelings about Christmas time. Theirs was no positivity in this enviorment, and one shred of it can end up destorying him. Christmas made him weak, it was his most vulnerable time of the year. Now on this island, playing this game he couldn't afford to get soft. Especially when half the people here have gone crazy and butcher down any living thing they see. Leaving all good feelings behind  Paris decided not to waste any more time and left the house closing the door behind him never to look back.

"Christmas can go to hell for all I care......"

((Continued in La De Da))

Re: Natural Disaster

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:08 pm
by Jotun*
Garry's entry into the house shortly after Darren's was fllowed immediately by hostility between him and Paris, and Darren quickly got the feeling looking for other people to keep him company was a grave mistake. He didn't think so fast enough, though, as the conflict between the two escalated into physical violence that landed Darren a glass bulb to the face. As he attempted to react, Paris had somehow moved fast enough to start choking him.

Darren struggled his best but felt his strength fading as he was choked. He felt his strength start to fade, oxygen not reaching his brain.

There. This is it, you're going to die. That voice was vaguely his, but it again was similar to the voice of his younger brother as well. No bullshit hallucination this time. Three strikes and you're out.

Paris was distracted, his grip on the cord faltered.

Take it if you want, The voice said of the oppurtunity. but you're still a failure.

Darren did take the oppurtunity. He briefly wondered why he subconciously abused himself into action. Darren elbowed Paris in the gut and threw him off, then unwrapped himself from the wire. One more mistake he was cleared of. This time, though, he'd finish what was started. Darren was determined not to fail again. Before he could act on that determination, however, something sharp stuck into the side of his head.

Told you. Even when you thought you were having a self-revelation, you still took your eye off the prize. That voice in his head was his. no illusions at all, Darren was talking to himself, this time. You fuck-up. That's what you've been worried about all along, isn't it? Even when the Stevonson's took you in Max in, all you wanted to do was prove to them it was worthwhile. Now you look after your surrogate dad and your younger brother. Darren caught himself talking in second person. It was stupid. He moved his hands, he was still alive, that star wasn't THAT deep in his head. Maybe he could still gut Paris.

But what's the point? I'm dead. I always have been. I -have- been worried about failing, and that fear has been holding me back. I haven't been myself, I've been overthinking this whole stupid game. Maybe I would do better if I just be myself, instead of worry about what'll happen if I fail here.

Darren pushed himself off the ground. Maybe he could recover. His vision was only getting more black, though. He lost control of both arms and feel back down.

It was wroth a shot...


Fear of failure.