Creature Comforts

Overlooking the cove are the northwest cliffs that possess paths which offer tremendous views of the horizon and sea. Unfortunately the paths themselves run alongside sheer drops to the jagged rocks and water below. Following an accident with an escaped inmate that caused the death of one of the staff during a nighttime walk a large fence with razor wire at the top was installed to discourage anyone from trying to descend the cliff faces. The fence appeared to do its job as no more deaths relating to the cliffs occurred, the fence itself is still standing even now the effects of time are clearly visible but it seems very stable and there are no visible holes present.
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Creature Comforts


Post by Zetsu »

((Asuka Takahara continued from Driven and Derided by Vanity))

It'd been a long time since Asuka wanted to believe in a higher power, and even longer since she actually believed in one. Recite from memory: Theodicy. Russell's teapot. Something about how the presence of divinity robbed everything else of meaning.

((placeholder, sorry :/))

(Asuka Takahara continued in Ship's a Goin Down))
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