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Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:12 am
by Chase*
To think all I wanted was a nice vacation, some fun with my new entourage and all I get is a stupid contest! I did not want this! The bastards, they'll get theirs. I'll kill them, tear them to shreds.

Cleo Barston was not used to being denied her way, and her hands began to shake as they normally did when she grew stressed out. The hill wasn't much, rather open in terms of safety with the nearest trees being about a half a mile away. Her hands pressed into the grass as she tried to stop the shaking, the frustration of such an "inconvenience." The grass ceasing to help, she grasped her tiny handbag, with a book of famous quotes protruding from the top. Digging inside the rest of her things: makeup, floss, gold bracelets; Cleo finally grasped on to the medication bottle. Grasping the top with her left, she forced open the pill bottle and dug two pills out of the contents and forced them into her mouth. She swallowed them dry.

The effect was quick, affecting her to the point where she sat dazed and comatose for a few minutes. Her breathing became more rapid, and she closed her eyes in the high she got from the dosage. She never forgot the first day when she took this prescription, the power and energy she felt flow through her. It felt as though Sekhement herself had possessed her, her patron goddess guiding her. She found a stray cat on the streets, enemy to Sekhemet and friend to Bast, and she snapped its legs. Cruel animal, spiteing her blessed. After becoming more addicted, she learned to hide it better, after the initial moments of the high no one could tell she had taken anything. And the "power" she felt honed her talents at an irresistable lure.

Thought horribly spoiled, Cleo knew when to make the best of things when in a sticky situation. She carefully picked up the day pack she received from the soldiers controlling the game and glanced inside at the pistol once more. She had had no use for it so far, and she was hoping sooner or later to find someone to hold on to that would protect her from anyone who did have a weapon. Holding a gun out in the open not only prompted her to want to shoot it, but also made it hard to try to find an ally that might be worthy.

Which seemed to be no problem in her mind, she trusted her talents enough to get her through the game. If not, Sekhemet would help her to succeed. Now, the only thing to really do was to look intellectual for the time being. Till someone found her, then she would play scared.

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:13 am
by Kuze*
((Continued from: Drifting...))

Shinya slowed down from the dead sprint he had from the dirt path, that fucker on the motercycle, he shot that guy apperently in the finger. Tring to push the image of the kid on the motercycle out of hus head he came apon a girl who was apperentally in a drug induced stupor.

"Niiiice a sheep to the slaughter that is life"

Shinya chuckled as he walked up to the passed out girlsliding his guns in his bag and unsheathed his Katana. Leaning over the girl he lightly dragged the blade over the girl's shirt and skin in a large square. Peeling the skin and shirt away he saw something that he has seen before, the human innards.

Shinya sheathed his sword as he reached into the girls bodya nd dug around till he felt a round bulbus like object, he yanked on it, sucessfully dislodging it and pulling it out. On further inspection it has her Heart and a large pool of blood seeped onto the stomach cavity at an alarming rate.


Shinya dropped the heart onto the body and unsheathed his sword. Bringing the Sword down on the girl's neck, the force of the swing sucessfully decapitated the girl, sending blood spraying everywhere.

G27 - Barston, Cleo ELIMINATED

Sheathing the blood coated sword, Shinya reached over to the girl's bags and unzipped one of them, right on to was a gun a USP 9mm. Pulling the gun out he also grabbed another Box of 9mm ammunition and a good supply of USP clips. Sliding the Ammo into his own bag, he pulled out a manual for the gun telling him that the gun was a USP like in the game he was excellent in Counter-Strike.


Shinya muttered as he gripped the USP in his right hand and stood up. Waiting on something to hapen.

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:13 am
by MismatchedEyes*
((Continued from: Dude! FORTIFIED! Pt. 2))

A Cigarette had been smoked,weapons had been loaded and then polished.His bag has been checked for all materials and the map had been consulted before he would finally take steps from the lookout point.He had travelled through the trees finally coming out at the hillside cliff.Ingram slung over his shoulder with fingertips curled around the weapon,his finger gently stroking away at the trigger as he felt the cold wind of the nearby sea rise and slap gently at his pale features.

Dry red lips were beant up into a grinn as he heard that familiar voice call out "damn..damn...damn".Redemption and so quickly? divine act of god? No,he never beleived in god but he did belive in luck and his luck seemed to be ever improving with two weapons,one of them a semi-automatic.

Hesitant steps were taken as the road underneath him gave off the odd rumble, a pebble kicked here and there.Then finally the form of his "escaped" allie would become visible and the shining barrel of his weapon would be raised towards it.

Without a flicker of happyness or sadness the trigger would be squeezed and the weapon rattled into life as rounds tore through the air.A Short burst emptied from the magazine, the disepperance of rounds barely making a dent in the supply of them.

The sudden rattle of the weapon as it was brought to life bounced from the explosive weapon into the almost silent surroundings.

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:13 am
by Kuze*
Shinya had just turned to walk away when a burst of 9mm ammunition tore trough the girl's dismembered head causing the top of the head to go boom.

"Fuck! Peri! Peri's here!?!"

Shinya mumbled as he ducked away from the corpse holding the USP in both hands.

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:13 am
by MismatchedEyes*
"I offer you protection..I offer you friendship and this is how you repay me?" he called out towards the lush green surroundings that shielded his opponent.Oncemore his weapon rattled into life as a burst of rounds were sent at where Shinya had dived for cover.

This time he couldnt help but grinn as he heard the surprise in Shinya`s voice to find out that indeed peri was here and he was here for a reason.The weapon rattled and spat out those burning rounds in a couple stripes of bulletholes stretching and covering that cover.

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:13 am
by Kuze*
"You didnt offer me shit, and the resion i left was to collect more weapons and than come back."

Shinya said as several bullets tore through the bush two of them grazing his left arm and sholdier, seding out a trickle of red staining the sleave of both shitrts he was wearing. The graze hurt much more than he thought it would, his face contorted slightly from the pain. apperentally Peri wasnt going to stop till he was dead.

"And No I wasnt going to kill you and or Steven"

(theres the wound now its PLAUSABLE MUWAHAHA)

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:14 am
by MismatchedEyes*
"Lie all you want but I know what you aimed to do and I intended to do the same to you with the only diffrence being I dont intend to wait till you turn youre back on me" he said as he would approach her occasionally firing off a round into the brush near the hulk of cover that he was using as protection from the approaching doom.

"Tick after tock,Tick after tock,Tick after tock,Tick after tock" he said the three words coming with every step he took to her.Thoughts whizzing as he would try to count the rounds he had fired,who cared? he had fourty nine rounds with Shinya`s name on it not to mention the fifteen in his magnum.

"This is the real world.Not one of youre video games,Shinya.You cant expect to just win everything because you were the highest rated player on battlefield two or counterstrike.." He said as his attention flickered over the mutilated body.

"Pretty,very pretty" he murmurred to himself for a second before he fired off a round into the cover.

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:14 am
by Kuze*
Shinya dug in his bag for a clip for the USP after noticing that the girl forgot to load it. Sliding a clip in and pulling back the slide, loading the first 9mm round into the chamber.

"c'mon c'mon"

Shinya mumbled to himself as he raised the gun up aiming at his face level, whitch was at Peri's crotch. and pulled the trigger twice, Pausing after each shot because of the recoil.

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:14 am
by MismatchedEyes*
At the sign of shinya`s head appearing from behind cover the fire from his ingram would be focused,those two single shots rang out from the coward behind the cover.His own weapon flared as it spat out those hot rounds towards him continouslhy without bothering to take a breath.

The first shot whizzed past his leg embedding itself in the ground a step or two behind him with a nasty thud but the second one left a nasty gash on the inside of his thigh.The tip of the round tearing through the flesh and sending a surge of pain throughout his leg.

His constant battery from his weapon stopped for a second as he let out a cry and fell down to one knee.Eyes closing for a breif moment as he would touch the wound with worried fingers, a low angry vengful groan was given to his attacker.His coward.Shinya.

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:14 am
by Kuze*
Seeing Peri fall to his knees, Shinya thought he hit something that no man would want to get shot in.

"ow man now thats gotta hurt"

Shinya turned around and ran away from the now groaning Peri, because if he got up, might as well be dead already. Also he needed to tend to the wounds the fucker gave to him.

((Continued in: ??????????))

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:15 am
by Cactus
*slides into moderator mode*

Okay, Kuze...I've gotta level with you here. That fight, I just read it, and to be honest, you kind of GMed a little there. I mean, buddy's shooting off like a shitload of rounds at you and they ALL miss? I don't care if you're the most untrained shooter in the world, you're going to hit what you're shooting at at least once. And hey, Neo could dodge bullets and he even got hit. So...I suppose this time around - whatever, but next time around, I'd appreciate it if you'd try to avoid doing the same thing. Granted, he doesnt' need to die or whatnot, but regardless, odds are he's going to be at least scathed by one of the bullets.

You have any issues with this, please PM me. Thanks.

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:15 am
by Kuze*
(*looks over previous posts.* well ill be damned *goes off to edit*

EDIT edited i really only needed to edit two posts but hes now wounded so its PLAUSABLE!)

Re: Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:15 am
by MismatchedEyes*
The pain tore up his thigh and into his body and the groan would be cut short as the sound of the typewriter would oncemore be heard as the Ingram was thrust up and the trigger was squeezed spitting out a burst after the rapidly diseppearing form of his ex ally.

One hand was constantly held to the bleeding wound on his thigh while the other hand squeezed off rounds into the darkness until finally that dull metallic clicking was heard.Empty and the other student was gone.

Growling out a "Fucker" before he unslung his bag and set about reloading the magazine of his Ingram.The Colt in the back of his jeans fully loaded still but there had been no real need for it yet.The sight of the steely automatic weapon usually prompted a response of fear from the other students.

Mismatched hues were constantly flickering over the shadowey surroundings for a few moments as he would load the magazine.Minutes seemed to hang around him like hours as he sat there loading those small 9mm rounds.

The hand on his thigh would be withdrawn very slowely with a couple bloodstains now on it.What could a little more blood matter? His shirt was already blood splattered and he could feel his hair clumping up from where blood had sprayed into it from Umi.

Shinya would be found and Shinya would be killed but first these grazes of his needed to be cared for.

((Continued in: Like Lambs to the Slaughter))