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B19 - Niniko, Kishinawa[/DECEASED]

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:23 pm
by Kaishi*

Name: Niniko, Kishinawa
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade: 10th
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Barry Coleson High
Appearance: Long black hair with normal everything. He basically looked like Kazuo, and was a stand out among students, with his hair constently changing. He has scars all among his face.
Biography: Above all else, Niniko is deaf, but he can read lips. He has made numerus charges against the goverment.He has formed gangs to take down certin goverment officals. He has failed in every attempt. He is also classified as Crimonly insane, and tries to kill everyone in his sight, without regard for his personall safty. He knows how to work a gun, and his gang braws will help him later on. He attacks the goverment, becuase his brother, Jinitchi Kishinawa Is trying to take the goverment down, and the goverment killed his mom and dad.
Other: He is basically trying to kill everyone else, and he is deaf.
Number: Number 19


Designated Weapon(s): Boxing Gloves
Conclusions: One insane kid. There's not much else to him, really. He'll probably get the first kill, seeing how insane he is. He'll get the SOTF ACT really running. Shame he had to get the boxing gloves, though.... If he is as crazy as he seems, he might be lucky enough to get his hands on a gun and be the SOTF ACT's top dog.