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William Crawford

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:28 am
by Caporacolo*
Name: William Crawford
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12th grade
School: Aurora High School
Hobbies and Interests: Philosophy, Politics & Geopolitics, Soccer, Debating, Science, Revolution

Appearance: William is 5'9'' tall and weighs 154 lbs. Since he played soccer since he was 8, his body is well trained and very athletic. He also has large shoulders towering a robust and toned torso. Being partly of Russian descent, as his mother was born in Russia and lived there for many years, he has small ice blue eyes and short blonde hair. There are no signs of facial hair on his face, since he shaves regularly in the morning. He has a small nose, which pairs well with his eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek. His very pale skin completes his Nordic appearance and he may be easily confused with a Scandinavian guy by people who have at least a bit of knowledge of European ethnic looks. His clothing style may look typical compared to the average american teenager's wardrobe, but Williams avoids wearing clothes of common brands. He always wears hoodies and t-shirts with strange images on them, a pair of jeans and sneakers in different colours.

Biography: William was born in Seattle seventeen years ago by Robert Crawford, a big man from New York City, and Katrina Sarachenko, a Russian woman born in St.Petersburg. His parents met at Seattle Pacific University where they were and still are working as professors. His father teaches Theoretical Physics, while his mother teaches German Philosophy, specializing in Hegel. He has no brothers and sisters but he has 3 male cousins, by the side of his father, in New York City, and 2 cousins, a male and a female, in St. Petersburg. However, he his not so close to them, since he hardly sees them.

William was a smart guy since he was a child, being very curious about the environment and showing good memory and logic abilities. As he grew up he never had problems at school, even though the amount of study he needed was very small.

He was always attracted to his parents' jobs, and although he wasn't certain, he thought he'd like to become a university professor as well.

By the age of 14 he started approaching Western Philosophy. Amazed by Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Epicurus and Eraclitus he began reading divulgative books about them. He liked how sophisticated philosophical problems were analyzed and given a solution in a such elegant way. This eventually brought him to more recent intellectuals such as Hume, Descartes and Kant. Philosophy also was the connection path to politics, in which William became very interested.

In all that time, he didn't put aside his other interests, such as soccer. He has attended soccer lessons since he was 8, and he eventually started playing in a small soccer society. He also played for his elementary school but he needed to stop playing for his school, since the training with his main team became harder and more important. As soon as he started to attend Aurora High School, he became a fundamental part of the school's male soccer team.

In the last three years, the main aspects of his life became: politics, soccer, philosophy and science.

The first aspect took a fundamental side of his life and was strictly connected with his philosophic passion. He clearly felt that Hegel was the most important philosopher in western history. This thought led his attention inevitably to Ludwig Feuerbach and Karl Marx which completely shaped his views and hate towards religion and the capitalistic system.

Both of his big passions, politics and philosophy, allowed William to start debating with other students about many important themes in life, especially religious and political themes. Although he liked debating and expressing his thoughts to anyone, it was sometimes very stressful. His involvement as a striker in the team of the school helped him relieve the stress.

William is a very controversial guy. Being a very cynical person, he has strange thoughts and points of view about most of the subjects which people consider "hot". He developed a strong passion for explosives and bombs. One of his secret dreams is to move to Russia, China or Iran, the main counterparts of the American capitalistic and imperialistic system. He would like to partecipate in some nuclear programs and would like to have a big role in the making of nuclear and h-bombs. He also got a bit knowledge on these bombs given by his father, but nothing that couldn't be find on the internet.

Despite all this, he never has problems fitting into the most groups of friends he met during his life, but enemies weren't missing either. Some people may dislike how he tends to debate and criticize everything he doesn't agree with or that just dislikes. His friends are much more than his supposed enemies, and other than his soccer team, he has strong friendships with people from the Reading Club, some nerds and many cute girls all around the school. A lot of the girls he associates with seem to like him, but for now, William prefers to stay single and just take parts in short-terms flirts.

He his a regular weed smoker. He buys the drugs from a guy, Anton, which leaves in front of his house. Anton sells stronger drugs too, but Williams dislikes synthetic and chemical drugs and isn't an alcohol addict, allowing himself just some beers with friends. William seriously hates the police department and the army, which represent the authority of the State, although he does nothing to express his hate.

Advantages: Thanks to his persistent training he has got a strong and fit body and his stamina is pretty good, even though he continuously smokes weed. The good amount of friends also makes him a fairly popular guy in his High School. His good knowledge of general science and culture may help him in many situations. As a good debater, often able to convince other people, he can be a great leader. He won't regret to use other students for his own advantage.
Disadvantages: Some parts of his personality, such as the opposing and debating one may be disliked by some people. Also, these aspects may cause problems with other charismatic and stubborn personalities. He may have problems deciding to trust someone. Exploiting other people's abilities for himself may put him in bad companies.