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Owen Veveris

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:46 am
by Serpico*
Name: Owen Veveris
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Aurora High School
Hobbies and Interests: Camping, Hunting, reading short stories, thievery, motorcycle maintenance.

Appearance: Owen Veveris weighs 70 kilos (143 lbs) and is 175 cm tall (five-foot-eight) with an average sized build. He has a heart shaped face with close set eyes and pale skin. Owen sometimes has blemishes and pimples that he cannot help, he also has has very faint acne scars on his cheeks. He has thin lips and straight teeth because of the braces he once had, they were removed when he reached age sixteen. Owen has a strong jawline, aquiline nose and average forehead. His hair colour is sandy blonde and he often slicks it back. Owen has hazel coloured eyes and straight eyebrows. His body is the type suited for running and as such he is lightly muscled and toned. He normally wears a plain white T-shirt under a simple black leather jacket, blue jeans and black dress boots. His accessories include black metal ear cuffs with studs; he also wears a silver ring with a possibly fake sapphire on it plus a supposedly expensive silver watch.

Biography: Owen's family moved from Latvia before he was born, bringing with them only enough to make a start in America. He is the youngest of two sons. His grades were good from a young age, his English skills were quite good and he would come home with spelling trophies occasionally. His grades would drastically drop once he reached adolescence, a mixture of disinterest and hormones caused him to almost abandon studying altogether.

Around the age of thirteen he would begin to steal small items from his friends. Some would mistake it as kleptomania but the truth is that Owen is a greedy person. He has few friends due to his disagreeable personality and his tendency to steal only helps to drive people from him. Owen isn't an agreeable person and quick to start pointing out other people's flaws. This is most evident through his interactions with Naomi Bell, who is another student that he has clashed with over a group project. Neither could agree with each others ideas causing them to end up in a bitter and childish fight.

He has been caught thieving before but he often takes things unnoticed. During the few times he has been apprehended his father had expressed his disappointment and taken away his privileges at home. Owen is well known enough at the malls that he has stopped shop lifting, instead he chooses to steal from the customers. He is obsessive over his motorcycle, named Freyja after the Norse god of beauty and war. The motorcycle once belonged to his brother, Peter. Peter gave it to Owen because he never used it after he bought his car. Owen applied for his license at age sixteen, acquiring a M1 class license with his father's consent six months later. Owen can often be seen looking at himself in the mirrors of his motorcycle as he takes pride in himself and his bike. Any dents or scratches in Freyja cause Owen to get agitated. He will often take out any negative feelings on the nearest acceptable target. He has gotten in trouble for this before at school and he has a reputation for lashing out at people.

Even though he isn't the nicest person he still has respect for his father, a large but strong father figure. When Owen was thirteen his father took him out to hunt wild game. Owen has only handled guns of the long arm type a handful of times. Owen has killed a deer and two rabbits with his father's guidance and his aim isn't remarkable. The hunting trips were permanently cancelled after Owen's uncle who did similar trips was mauled by a bear, he survived but was disfigured. Owen's father has refused to go hunting since. He is very weary of bears, but he does not have a phobia of them.

Owen idolizes his older brother who has what he perceives as the perfect lifestyle. His emotions towards his brother are a mixture of jealousy and respect. His brother Peter has a great house, a gorgeous girlfriend and a hi-tech job. Peter sees Owen as someone who squanders his potential and encourages him to study more. Owen stays up until late at night reading short fiction stories, his favourite book by far is Stephen King's Everything's Eventual. If he had to choose a story it would be 1408, however he wasn't very pleased with the movie.

Owen is also very serious about English studies and it is the only subject which he will study for. He typically gets Bs in English but has been known to get As, the rest of his subjects average at a C or lower. Owen can be found in the library occasionally but he insists that he is only there for the fiction books.

He was in a relationship with Cassidy Kant at one point but the relationship ended badly, most likely due to Owen's selfish personality. Owen has a fierce rivalry with Naomi Bell and will do anything in his power to ruin her day. Owen is constantly putting odd things in her locker and bags and will attempt elaborate pranks in order to get her to scream in front of the student body and has yet to succeed. He also believes that if anyone were to damage his motorcycle it would be her.

He sees himself as fashionable and takes great pride in his appearance, even going so far as to apply makeup to cover blemishes - a fact that he hides from the other students. He is a known narcissist and this extends to not only himself but his handiwork too. For this reason he is good for group work as his pride will not allow him to submit sub-par work when others are involved in his handiwork. He will fight bitterly to have his way in group projects and accepts very little advice and suggestion.

He considers himself to be both good looking and intelligent, so romantically speaking he is very picky. He is verbally aggressive but does not see himself as a powerful person; he prefers to participate in arguments rather than to fight physically. Owen can be considered a little cowardly as he is quick to flee physical conflict; it is not uncommon to see him fleeing from someone he has gotten into a fight with. More than once he has gotten stuck in a tree with someone waiting for him on the ground. Despite being a good runner he refuses to participate in any sports or join any teams.

Advantages: Owen is quite quick on his feet and can also be considered good at climbing up trees. He also has steady hands and is used to taking things without people noticing. His brief experience around rifles also ensures that he at least knows how to use them without injuring himself or doing anything ridiculous. He is not familiar with every type of gun however.
Disadvantages: His disadvantages include the fact that he isn't very trust worthy and would likely have difficulty joining groups. His personality and tendency to steal also can attribute to the likeliness that he will not cope well in groups, especially those that already have an air of distrust. Due to his slender build he isn't as powerful as many of the other student and it is very possible that he could be out muscled and for this reason he wouldn't be good for hand to hand situations. He has also been known to get stuck in trees.