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Megan Collins

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:58 am
by GameMaker*
Name: Megan Collins
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
School: Aurora High School
Hobbies And Interests: Megan loves to play soccer, and she plays it both in her school and in leagues outside of school. She also loves to watch rugby and football, and is a die hard Seahawks fan (she loves Marshawn Lynch), although she'll really watch and enjoy pretty much any sport. Aside from soccer, she likes to listen to music, go running, hang out with friends, drink, and hook up with guys.

Megan's 5'8", 133 pounds, and 100% Irish. She has spiky, cropped short red hair, and bright wide green eyes. She has a face that is able to appear both cute and seductive at the same time, with a cute button nose and sultry red lips. She has long legs, and an athletic build. Her extra weight goes to the right places, and she enjoys showing off her ‘assets' with low cut cleavage shirts and tight spandex or skirts. She's not a model in terms of looks, but she's enough to get a double take from almost any guy, and when she really wants to turn her sex appeal on she can.

Biography: Megan was born in Seattle in a home that, it appeared to her, her parents had simply tried to fit all of Ireland in. Instead of football, baseball, and basketball, soccer and rugby were the sports of choice; St. Patrick's Day, Christmas, and Easter were the biggest holidays for the Irish Catholic family, in that order. Megan grew up with two older brothers and two younger brothers, neither the older nor the younger more than two years apart from Megan. In so far as their political views went, all Megan remembered was them condemning the current president, governor, or mayor as a "stupid prick" or "fucking dumbass". It was the Collins's view that if you went through life just obeying every rule, you were either a coward or a fool. And the Collins definitely didn't raise either.

Megan, growing up, took tomboy to a whole different level. She hit her growth spurt early, being tall even for a girl, and she had an aggressiveness that always made her father smile when he'd see her playing with her brothers. Even her older brothers were afraid to play her in rugby. When they got the ball, she'd jump on their back and no matter how hard they ran or how much they tried to get her off of them, she wouldn't relax until she had gotten them down. At the end of the day, if there wasn't dirt stains all over her pants, sweat on her shirt and face, and a few bruises and scrapes on her arms and legs, Megan wasn't happy.

Megan started playing soccer when she was in 2nd grade, and quickly took to it. She was a natural athlete, and her size and aggressive style of play allowed her to overpower the other girls and become a star at that sport. She loved playing it, and more than that, she loved the sense of being on a team. She was a people person, and she loved talking to people and socializing with them. She loved the sense of companionship.

But as she got older, her personality began to develop more and more. She was an abrasive girl, not because she was a bully or even really mean, but because when she had an opinion about something, she'd let people know. She wasn't the type to agree with someone just to shut them up, and if she believed strongly in something, she'd make sure people knew it. She also cursed like a sailor that just stubbed his toe for the third time that day, which was a little hard for some people to get along with.

She matured early, and with her physical maturity came an interest in boys. She had feelings for them for an early age, and even early on she knew she wasn't like other girls. She didn't feel like she needed a boyfriend; she just wanted the guys, not necessarily a boyfriend. Does she want to have a boyfriend? Yes, of course she does, but she's not going to settle for the first guy that comes along. She wants a guy that likes her, that she likes, that understands her. Someone that loves her for every part of her, and someone that she can love back. She hasn't found anyone like that yet.

But, just because she didn't want the guys that talked to her as boyfriends didn't mean she couldn't have "a little fun". As a younger girl, she was the one who always suggested ‘Spin The Bottle' or ‘Seven Minutes In Heaven'. As a teenager, she was one of the first in her grade to lose her virginity. Whenever she's thinking about a guy, she keeps in mind her three cardinal rules- 1. He has to be cute, 2. He has to be funny, and 3. He has to be a good guy. If a guy meets her standards, and she wants him, she sees no reason not to go for what she wants.

And if you say one thing about Megan, you can say she's a partier. She was just as competitive with her brothers when it came to partying as she was with rugby when they were younger, and by 15, she was able to drink them all under the table. Quite an impressive feat, considering her oldest brother was 6'4, 255, and had been drinking since he was 12. She drank beer, she drank whiskey, she drank wine, she drank vodka... she'd drink motor oil if it'd get her drunk. Her parents didn't care, not after she had turned 15; in their minds, she was a woman now, and an Irish woman should be able to drink and party as she wants to, as long as she was willing to deal with the consequences. That's the one thing they warned her about- any mistakes she made drunk, she'd have to deal with. But she was good at avoiding making trouble when she was drunk, and was able to enjoy herself. Some of the best moments of her life were hanging out with her friends, getting smashed in their basements, making jokes and making out.

Other than her friends, she spent a lot of time with her family. Her family was always close, getting together all the time on vacations, playing a few annual extended family rugby games at least a few times a year. In addition, a tradition that she has with her parents and brothers is a hiking trip once every year during the summer. She loves the trip, and although she'll never say it, she loves having her brothers around her on the trip. She puts on a tough act all the time, and she is tough, but she always enjoys that around her brothers she can show a more vulnerable side to herself.

Megan isn't a straight A student, but she gets Bs and she's happy with it. She's not school smart, and she hates studying… if she looks at a textbook for too long, she'll get a headache. But she's not stupid, not by any means. She's smart when it comes to everything out of school. She knows how to get out of bad situations, and she knows how to defuse them when they get out of control. She knows how to make sure her sex is safe, and she knows how to avoid a bad guy. Just to make sure, as she goes to college parties, parties in other parts of the town, and basically does put herself in situations where things could get out of hand, she attended rape prevention classes with her mother, and carries a rape whistle with her at all times.

The rape prevention classes were simple tactics and techniques, and a lot of it was common sense, but it left her feeling more reassured. She knew where to hit a guy to stop him- other than the obvious location of testicles- and she knew the things to say to get people to notice what was happening. Luckily, she's never have to put any of it into practice. It almost happened once, with a guy who was getting a little touchy feely and couldn't take a hint, but Megan had gotten out of that one before things had escalated.

Megan is a girl, ultimately, who just wants to enjoy life. Whether it's playing on the soccer team, listening to some music, hanging out with a guy, or just partying it up with her friends, she just wants to enjoy life. There are people who dislike her, and there are plenty of girls who talk down about her. She doesn't care though, and as long as her family and close friends know the person she is on the inside, she can let the other girls say whatever they want.

Advantages: Megan is a strong, athletic girl, and she's good looking. She knows a lot of people in the school, and she's strong willed and used to being on her own. She's not incredibly smart school-wise, but she's got a large amount of street smarts and practical knowledge. Because of her hiking trips and her father, she has a basic knowledge of surviving in the wilderness.
Disadvantages: She's got an abrasive attitude, and she doesn't like working with other people if they think she's weak or vulnerable, or treat her as an inferior. Also, she's not the best planner; often times, she lets instincts and feelings take over when it would be a far better idea to sit back and actually think over the situation.