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Lars Alvar Nylund

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:07 am
by Acidic*
Name: Lars Alvar Nylund
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Aurora High School  
Hobbies and Interests: Tennis, Smoking, Philosophy, Reading, and Hanging with his friends.

Appearance: Lars stands at five feet five inches, and weighs 119 pounds. His physique is fairly small, thin, and plain with only some muscle showing. His skin has a gold tint to it. His fingers and toes are abnormally long for his size, but it is not something he minds. His arms are thin, and usually covered in pen inked notes to remind him of homework, to meet his friends, and other things.

His face is diamond shaped, and has some acne around his chin. His eyes are thin, far apart, round, and a dark grey-green color. His hair is an ash blonde, thick, and straight. It goes down to the bottom of his neck, and he usually just combs it until it looks nice. He also has a small amount of body hair that is difficult to see. His eye lashes and eyebrows are blond like his hair (it is hard to see these eyebrows at times), his nose is also slightly bigger than it should without further oddities, and his lips are nothing noticeable. Lars is usually clean shaven, but he is decided to grow a soul patch on his chin.

Lars usually dresses without any particular look in mind. He shops at department and thrift stores not caring how inexpensive his clothes are. His closet, dresser, and floor has a combination of t-shirts (plain and otherwise), button up shirts, and jeans. At the time of the abduction he was wearing a dark grey button up long sleeved shirt (with the buttons undone and sleeves rolled up to his elbows), a plain forest-green t-shirt under that, dark blue jeans, and black tennis shoes.

Biography: Lars (an only child) was born to Marko and Anita Nylund on May, 20th, 1993. Marko works in construction, and Anita works as an office manager. Lars a hundred percent Finnish, and has lived in Seattle, Washington for his whole life.

In elementary school Lars was a cautious and shy child, always over-thinking everything he was doing, to the point most people thought he was spacey or had ADD (the latter he was not diagnosed with). These days his friends will have to occasionally snap him out of trails of thought. His parents and him had a pretty good relationship, the family is normally laid back, but mostly they are working so Lars learned to take care of himself from an early age. Making himself dinner, cleaning, and is used to entertaining himself for hours while he is alone.

When Lars was in middle school he joined the tennis team out of boredom and curiosity, and found that he loved the sport and has remained in it. Over the years he is improved becoming one of the better players on the team, and wishes to keep playing tennis in college. In middle school Lars also found his passion for reading. At first he would read mysteries and thriller he is found himself reading mostly philosophy books. They fit his over thinking nature perfectly. He tries to read as many philosophy books as he can, but can't decide which one is his favorite. Preferring to take out the parts he agrees with, and make them work together.

His transition into high school was eventless. He took to the heavier and harder work easily keeping around a C average. Lars even made some new friends, but is still shy and cautious. Just less than he used to be. His favorite classes are Math and English classes. He likes writing essays and avoids creative writing since it never feels right when he does it.

While Lars is doing okay in school he is very unorganized. He got into the habit of writing homework assignments and other notes on his arms, since he has lost and forgotten planners and notebooks. While caught up in other thoughts his room is messy and he often loses homework and other items. He can't decide what to major in in college, so he plans to attend a community college to get some credits for cheap while he figures out his goals.

Lars also started smoking in high school. His parents have both smoked since they were teenagers, and even when they caught Lars smoking they just over look it. He took it up hearing about how it relaxed people, and since everyone in his family smoked he decided it was worth a try. After a few attempts Lars has been hooked since, and gets his cigarettes from older friends. Another bad habit Lars has is swearing. Marko and Anita never bothered to clean up their language around their son, so he often does so without thinking about it. He has gotten in trouble for it in school, and has learn to watch his language around teachers for the most part.

While Lars is shy he is not a loner, but it takes him some time to open up to people which means he has a small, close group of friends who have been his friends with since elementary school. Most of whom Lars trusts deeply. He will listen to all their problems, trying his best to help while minimizing and dismissing his own problems, and when his own problems get too big or many he usually goto his parents for help. Those who are patient will find him to be a quiet, kind young man who is understanding.

Advantages: Lars is active in tennis and is in good shape, his small size makes it so he can hide, and he is cautious so he unlikely to take senseless risks.
Disadvantages:His smoking has made it hard for him to be active for long periods of time, and he also over thinks which can lead to him missing opportunities. Also, his shyness could be a problem. Finally he could space out at the wrong moment.