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Annika Sillen*

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:46 am
by chibinanashi*
Name: Annika Sillen
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Aurora High School
Hobbies and Interests: fashion, photography, Vogue and other fashion magazines, school newspaper, dancing

Appearance: Standing at about 5'11 and 135lbs, Annika has inherited her height from her mother. Her body shape is very straight like a rectangle and her body type is that of a willow tree. Annika has cyan blue eyes from her father's side of the family. Annika wears her long ebony black hair down to her mid-back and takes pride in it, never doing anything cosmetic to it such as straighteners, curling irons or coloring it. She has bangs that hang and inch above her somewhat arched eyebrows and are parted in the center. Annika has long lashes that she often uses mascara on to lengthen then. Besides her hair, Annika prizes her face; especially her high cheekbones and delicate upturned nose. Though she is a fan of all types of makeup, Annika favours pastel shades of colors for her cheeks, lips and eye shadow.

Annika has the natural body of a model, thanks to her mother's genes. She has small modest B-Cup breasts and small shoulders. Her skin seems to be adjusting out of the puberty stage she had been in and aside from a few unwanted beauty marks on her shoulders, Annika survived puberty with little teasing. Her skin is fair and free of freckles from great care she has given to it.

Because her mother works for Vogue magazine and her father a manager for H&M, Annika has a very high standard for herself when it comes to looking put together. She will often be found wearing whatever is the latest in magazines or even her own creations. Her favourites though consist of thigh high boots, leggings and long sweaters.

Biography: Annika was born to Sophia and Dean Sillen in Seattle. Throughout her life, Annika was flown with her mother to different parts of the world as her mother did photography for various fashion shows to be shown in Vogue magazine. This happened throughout the year up until she was in junior high.  At this time, Annika was homeschooled by a tutor paid by her father. Once she was in junior high after being homeschooled, she only went with her mother during the summer. So far, Annika has been able to travel through most of Europe and the United States, her favourite places being Paris, London and Greece. Though she was a quick learner and was able to pick up on some of the common phrases of languages she encountered, Annika cannot speak or understand the languages as a whole. At most, she can ask for the locations of restrooms, restaurants and common tourist needs. There were also trips to visit her grandparents in Sweden. Annika was fascinated with her mother's work and the models she met with. As she grew up, Annika was convinced by several models that she should attempt to be one too.

Sophia pushes for her daughter to become a model. When she was five years old, Annika was put through pageants and dancing classes when her mother didn't have her travelling with her in her hometown. Once she was ten and not travelling with her mother as much, she was enrolled in modelling classes. She excelled mostly in the dancing and modelling classes but showed little to no interest in the pageants. She never came in first place, so she learned to be humble about whatever places she got, the highest being runner-up. However, Annika has earned medals for her dancing achievements. She has more silvers than gold or bronze.

Annika though was simply content with going to school and having a wide circle of friends. In her group of friends growing up, Annika was perceived as the moderator. She was always good at seeing both sides of the argument. Her goal was to become a fashion designer and so she excels in her home economic classes. At home, Annika sews and works on clothing for at the most two hours a day, unable to do more due to schoolwork. Besides working on clothes her friends needed mended, Annika worked on replicating clothes she's seen in magazines. This gradually evolved into creating original pieces. She has enough material though to work with that she operates a fashion blog online. Often, she writes for the school paper talking about trends in fashion, such as current celebrity trends, tricks to use at home and style tips.

Once she was in middle school and her freshman year of high school, Annika had various crushes on boys in her class. Annika went on small dates with a few, but nothing came out of it. However, she did have one serious boyfriend Taylor in her sophomore year. To Annika, she felt wonderful knowing that someone thought of her as she thought of him. The relationship was rocky as Taylor was more concerned with sports and drinking while Annika had little to no interest in Taylor's hobbies. Upon ridiculous advice from friends, Taylor suggested to Annika that they have sex to strengthen the relationship. It backfired horrendously as the experience was awkward and uncomfortable at best. Neither of them knew what they were doing. Consequently, their relationship suffered and they were broken up by the onset of summer. Annika still dates, but she's commitment phobic. At most, she's never had more than two dates with one boy and at the first glimpse of a present, Annika heads in the other direction.

Aside from being easily scared off of a relationship with a boy, Annika is pretty sociable. She dislikes being partnered up with another boy though and prefers group work rather than partner work. It's hard to tell what Annika is feeling, but her tell tale sign that she is frustrated is that she will tug a little piece of her hair and sigh heavily. She can be very impatient in wanting things to happen right away and will often whine about it. She's not as smart as other students may be, but she's still very sweet to every student she meets. This does lead to a few airheaded moments though.

Advantages: Annika is very charismatic and can make a good attempt at diffusing arguments. She can also sew and mend clothing easily. She's a quick learner evidenced by her learning different tourist phrases in other languages in places she's been in. She's very flexible and graceful from her dancing.
Disadvantages: Though she's been through dancing class, Annika can only jog a 1.5 mile in 45 minutes. She doesn't have the strength other athletic students may have.