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Adam Finn

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:49 am
by TheSSF*
Name: Adam Finn
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12th year
School: Aurora High School
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Writing and Running. Not in any clubs. Often tries to find new hobbies, rarely sticks at them. He likes to be active but generally he is happy so long as he's by himself.

Appearance: Adam is as short as he is slim.  He's just hitting 5'3" and weighs around 105lbs, with a little muscle, thanks to his devotion to physical activity. His hair is a shock of ginger-blonde, messy, usually in a bed-head fashion. It frames a narrow and very pale face. He usually does very little with his hair except occasionally run some gel through it in the mornings. His skin is unusually pale due to the large amounts of time he spends indoors, only really travelling around in the dark. Faint pink splotches quickly accent his pale complexion if he spends too much time in the sunlight. He has what looks like a small red scratch under his left eye, his birthmark. He has greeny-grey eyes that always seem to be squinting; while his vision is fine he gets irritated by bright lights. His ears are rather prominent and his nose slanted, having been broken in a fight a few years back. Since he cares little for his appearance and appreciates practicality over aesthetics, he normally wears weather appropriate clothes- Bland thick jumpers in the winter or thin plain shirts in the summer- or an outfit that fits the activity. Caucasian, he gets his height from that of his diminutive parents. He's still waiting on that growth spurt he was promised when he was in his pre-teen years.

Biography: Adam was born out of wed-lock, never meeting his dad. Indeed his father walked off a few months in to the pregnancy, not to be heard of again. He's never bared any particular ill-will to his father, simply harbouring a mild disinterest to the facts of his birth. At present he lives with his mother and three year old sister, a result of another failed relationship. He's never felt any particular attachment to either of them in the way one is expected to feel for their family, but does have a respect for his mother. Between working long shifts, having a decent social life and occasionally a new boyfriend he has never really had much time with his mother, but tries to reciprocate the care she has shown him in kind, always a helping hand around the house.

For the first few years of his life, Adam was bumped around crèche to crèche as his mother transferred jobs on a rather regular basis. He would sometimes be passed off to his grandparents, cousins or his mothers friends when one was unavailable. As his mother worked long shifts to provide for the two of them, in low paid jobs, most of her time at home was spent asleep in her room. After his sister was born, Adam became a convenient carer, and she would often be placed under his watchful eye. While he was good at looking after the girl, she was simply too young to interest him, and most of their time would be in front of a T.V. screen.

The problems started when he was ten. Kids picked on him for not having a dad. He had never really seen it as all that unusual but to many of the kids in his class it was all that they needed. So he was teased, picked on and excluded. The abuse didn't seem to phase him, but it did make him feel awfully lonely. One day, one of the kids in his class was showing off and took a swing at Adam. Not one to take it lying down, he met the challenge and a fight sprung up. The fight did not go in his favour. Ever since that day however, he started putting stock in his physical capabilities. Kids didn't want to play football with him, so he played by himself. He looked to other forms of sport that didn't require another to join in such as swimming, running and practising martial arts from books and DVD's at his local library. He lived for the surge of adrenaline exercise gave him.

As with most kids with little going for them, he fell to the internet. His time was taken up with a mixture of games, books, music and watching videos online. He even turned to a few chatrooms and forums but was never really able to integrate himself. He ended up just observing, watching the inane chatter of friends who lived across the world.

Upon entering middleschool he already had quite a reputation. While one of the shortest in his year he became cocky and arrogant. He'd do what he could to stick to himself, but if anyone rubbed him up the wrong way he'd end up taking them on. Despite his physical strength, he usually ended up picking fights with kids much larger than him. He had a far from clean win record to say the least. Indeed, he was nearly kicked out of the school once or twice but his good grades always kept his nose just above the water level. While he managed to stay in the school, he also spent a good lot of each day with the school councillor.

The man always annoyed him, with a stupid looking goatee and glasses that seemed too big to be practical. His pretentious attitude and the condescending tone he always took while dealing with Adam only proved to irritate him further. He never had any profound effect on the boy, but his teachers sent him there anyway, with the futile hope it might do something to improve his attitude towards his peers.

Coming home bloodied and bruised, with notes and phonecalls following him like gnats was always a problem. His mother responded like any mother would, sitting him down and effectively telling him he's got to stop fighting. At that time however, stopping was not an option for Adam. If he didn't start the fights, he would end up the victim. And so, after a while his mother simply gave up, deciding it best to just let him work it out on his own.

Adam's good grades and general good behaviour just managed to keep him from being expelled. Many detentions, threats of suspensions and even having the police involved goaded him into trying harder to keep his cool while on the school grounds, the trouble continued, but often on weekends. The school were able to wipe their hands of his problems, and he stopped having to take counselling sessions.

Just after middle school, in the first week of summer, he got in a particularly brutal brawl. One of the other kids in his year who had been expelled caught up to him in an alley near the school grounds. The aftermath of the fight left Adam bruised and broken, and it was over an hour before someone found him. You could say the event knocked some sense into Adam, for as soon as he entered Aurora High School he became a model student.

The bullying, and inability to make a lasting relationship took a toll on him, and while he did his best to calm down and keep his nose clean, as a result he became exceedingly shy. Harsh taunts from other students from long back still bothered him, so that any time he would even imagine approaching someone the harrowing doubt of being rejected, and tormented as he once was would come back to him. He would content himself with simply accepting he was better off on his own.

His highschool career was largely uninteresting. Class time was spent at the back of the room, usually with his phone, and an earphone in place. He also has a handy notebook, which he spends most of his time doodling in, as well as taking brief notes. He was always polite to his fellow classmates and teachers, but conversation was always strained. He went from extroverted-borderline-bully to introverted and quiet in the space of a few months. His reputation quickly faded away.

While he does pay a fair amount of attention in class, the normal make up of each bores him. As such, he often ignores the teachers when they're repeating themselves, or going over something he knows by playing games and browsing the internet on his phone. In fact, even when he isn't familiar with the topic, he often only half pays attention. Comfortable with his ability to multi-task, he can generally manage to understand what the teacher is saying, even while reading off his screen. The famous question of, 'What was I just saying, Adam?' often gets flung his way, yet he is rarely without a correct answer.

He tried out a few new martial arts, as well as sports like darts, practising parkour around town and occasionally goes bowling by himself, but it's rare for him to stick to such an enterprise for longer than a few weeks. He still visits some social hotspots, such as the castle, from time to time, but always by himself. His delving into martial arts only really provided some exercise, as he did not stick at any long enough to learn any solid fighting skills. He took to reading at a young age, and has had a passion for it since, practising it as a form of escapism, allowing him to whittle away hours seeing the world from someone else's point of view. As he grew older, he also took to writing his own stories, complicated fantasies which would all be assigned under creative titles on his laptop. However, as with many of his other projects, he would give up, normally after only a few chapters. He had thought about self-publishing his work over the internet, but decided against it, not wanting to receive the same harsh criticisms he read on many other peoples pages.

He still maintains an exercise regime of stretches, weights and other activities he finds on the net. He often goes out jogging at night, as the cool air relaxes him, as opposed to the obtrusive bright sun. While he does go out on occasion, it's usually just heading to catch the bus to school. He only really goes out to the shops on overcast, cloudy days if he can help it. While he doesn't actually have a problem with the sun, he just feels more comfortable on cooler, cloudier days or late at night. Especially as there are less people about.

Secretly, Adam still cherishes the idea of being close to someone. He often watches people talking in class and wishes he too could have friends like that, or even a partner. However the idea of trying to integrate himself into one of the many social cliques of the school is too much for Adam. After all, he know's he'd just be shot down anyway. As such he just spends a lot of class time staring wistfully around the room.

Since Adam's only real conversation with kids in his middle school was confrontational, he doesn't really know how to talk to someone normally. Not having time to talk to one person in his early days, and being bullied right back in his elementary school, he had never made a proper friend as to speak. As such, he is incredibly underdeveloped in the way of communication skills, and is very much more of a watcher, and a listener than a talker.

Sometimes it all proves too much for the boy, and he ends up locking himself in the room and just laying in his bed, staring wistfully into space. He imagines a world where it had all turned out different, where he was calm, confident and collected. He'd have many friends, be one of the coolest kids in school. Sometimes he would even make up a girlfriend or boyfriend for himself. Without this escapism he becomes upset, and ends up just laying and crying into his pillow, thinking of what could have been.

There is nothing that terrifies him more than the phrase 'Group-work'.

Advantages: Thanks to the mixed sports and exercise he is rather physically fit. He is kind, and quite a nice person, just too shy to let it show. He's definitely rather clever as reflected in his grades, and he has a fair working of technology. He has a history of fighting.
Disadvantages: Adam is deeply shy and nervous. While introverted, given the opportunity he is likely to become dependant on another person. Adam is rather hesitant to approach people and is quite unskilled when it comes to social interactions.. He also has a habit of getting upset on occasion, due to loneliness.