Accept Our Ring and Join Our Fight

The final building in the utilities area is easily the largest. Many jeeps and trucks sit outside of garages that were formerly used to store vehicles in case of emergency. The garages themselves show signs of work that was taking place soon before the abandonment of the island. A jeep is elevated so that repairs can be carried out on its chassis, while a car sits with smashed windows and dented bodywork following a crash. There is also a metal staircase leading up to an office that contains a desk and filing cabinets filled with documents keeping track of various services, part changes, and repairs that had to be carried out, as well as a window that gives a view of the whole garage floor.
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Accept Our Ring and Join Our Fight


Post by Imehal* »

[G045: Bernadette "Bernie" Thomas: Game Start]
Bernadette sat in silence long after the echoes of the depot's shutter doors closing had faded away, staring up at the nearest camera with burning intensity. The AK-47 lay at her feet with its strap half-wrapped around her left ankle, the first aid kit open to the left of her with an open bottle of water.

Breathe in, out. In, out.

The fingers were clasped firmly around the ring and its chain so tightly that it was going to leave a little string of circular indentations. It would not be the first time. God she hoped it was not going to be the last either.

Only when she was sure she was alone in the depot did she speak, gathering up the first aid kit and putting it away as she did so. "Mum, dad. I love you. Don't let grandma and grandpop watch any of this. Don't let anyone talk to them about it."

It felt like it was about time to see if she could stand. Moving would be the next challenge. Baby steps, deep breaths. The anger would help, but it would also make life fucking shit at times.

This time she could not risk anyone coming across her so vulnerable. Here it was weakness. Here…

She hoped that outside was at least beautiful.
[Bernadette "Bernie" Thomas continued elsewhere]
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