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Welcome to the Madhouse

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 3:13 am
by Muninn*
((Candice Banks continued from This time I might just disappear))

If at first you don't succeed, try again.

Candice was pretty sure that that was a common saying.  She had probably said it herself countless times.

Just because circumstances weren't in your favor the first time, doesn't mean you'll fail the second time.  Even if your odds are only one in a hundred, it just means you have to try one hundred times.

If you had asked the Candice from one year ago what the Candice in the present should be doing, her response would probably include that saying.  If she had known that the advice was for herself, it probably would've included some variant of the phrase "Stop slacking off, dumbass".

Even though the group with Jonathan and the others had split apart pretty much right after they had gotten together.

Even though she and Mia had failed to come up with any sort of meaningful plans.

Even though the only real decision she and Mia had been able to make, the brilliant idea of "let's split up to see if we can come up with something separately," had probably been what got Mia killed.

Try again, huh?

Well, one could say that if it was common wisdom it must have passed the test of time.  It must be true.  Then again, a surprising amount of the "common knowledge" that people think they know turns out to be little more than bullshit.

Besides, wasn't there another common saying?  The one about trying the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result being a sign of insanity?

Re: Welcome to the Madhouse

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 3:14 am
by Muninn*
Night passed uneventfully.  While given the general circumstances this sounded on the the surface like a good thing and upon closer examination was still probably a good thing, it was a bit of a double-edged sword.  "Uneventfully" meant no gunfights but it also meant no epiphanies.  In short, Candice still had no idea what to do.

Honestly, she was beginning to wonder if it might be an improvement if somebody were to just start shooting at her.  At least then, "Shoot Back" was a pretty obvious course of action.

Well, it wasn't like her chances of coming out ahead in a gunfight were particularly attractive.  She wasn't exactly Annie Oakley.

In the end, it looked to be back to plan 404: Plan not Found.  She set out for elsewhere, keeping an ear out for the morning "news report".

((Candice Banks continued in We Are Monsters))