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Wiping All Out

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:16 am
by Espi
[[Theodore Fletcher continued from Joy]]

Theo generally enjoyed World History. It was a lot like a strategy game, which Theo liked. Alliances, backstabbing, tactics, all these things were fascinating to him. Plus, it had the culture aspect, which Theo found interesting, if not perpetually enthralling.

Mr. Connor was nice enough; Theo was fond of him, though he'd never dare try and bring up anything with him, lest he get in over his head in an argument he was doomed to lose, Theo thought he was a nice guy.

What Theo didn't enjoy about History was group projects. Heck, grouping in general was not something he liked. Sure, it was supposed to build trust, and teamwork and stuff, but it also sucked and made it harder for achievers when they had to work with slackers.

Theo visibly slumped in his chair when Mr. Connor quietly announced that there was going to  a group project. Plus, he didn't even get to pick a partner! Theo's eyes narrowed at the papers Mr. Connor was handing out.

The project seemed reasonably simple, as Theo gave it the project requirements a quick scan; use the textbooks to research 5 rulers who's actions contributed to the fall of their society. It explicitly said to use the textbooks!

At least, it would be if Theo didn't get a partner who would be useless.

Re: Wiping All Out

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:16 am
by Maraoone
[[Juhan Levandi: Start]]

Juhan didn't really have any problems with Social Studies. The topics were usually interesting enough and even captivated his attention at times. There were also the small debates they had in his class every now and then, which he always avidly participated in. The problem with his class, however, was trying to stay awake. Mr. Connor's voice was quiet and had the same effect on him a lullaby would. Juhan always tried to stay wide awake, but often ended the class struggling to keep his eyes open. He started thinking about what else he needed to do.

Hmmm... practice for choir, edit that article in the newspaper, study for the quiz tomo- did Mr. Connor say something about group projects?

One of the things he always dreaded about Social Studies was the group projects they'd have occasionally. In theory, they seemed nice. Divide the work among teammates and cooperate in order to pass. However, the reality went something like this. He'd be picked the leader of the group, then his other teammates would pile all the work on him and he'd work his butt off while his teammates would simply lie back and watch. The fact that he didn't ever try to fight back didn't help. At least the project seemed easy enough. He waited for his partner to be chosen and hoped he or she would actually try to work with him.

Re: Wiping All Out

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:16 am
by Sansa


The definition of breathe is "to take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process."

A regular enough occurrence, and a simple one at that. So why, now all times, had such a thing been lost to Maynard?

He tugged again at the lapel of his freshly starched collar. It had started to wilt, both through the heat and the constant dripping of sweat from the nape of his neck, but still remained uncomfortably stiff. He gasped suddenly, as air returned to fill his lungs. One word. One word had started that somewhat melodramatic palpitation. One word, as it emanated from Mr Connor's lips.


Hoo boy.

How do I loath thee? Let me count the ways...

Maynard didn't mind working in groups. He liked splitting up the work and getting to focus on one area in particular. What he did mind, however, was the formation of teams. As much as he found working with the more gregarious members of his class to be somewhat intimidating, that wasn't too awful either. It's just...if they were allowed to choose, he would seize up, and suddenly become fascinated with the intricacies of his ball-point while the others made curt nods at each other. And when he did eventually get a partner, Maynard would make it as awkward as possible by blurting out "Ooh, a new pair of moccasins" or something to that effect. He tried to stop it, but it was difficult not to. Perhaps that was why girls were so repulsed by him. That and everything else, and-

Maynard, you're going on a tangent again...

Okay, assigned partners this time. Not too terrible. No latching onto someone and insisting that they were "totally always together." here comes Mr. Connor. Mr-I'm-So-Smart-It-Petrifies-My-Students Connor. A nice enough man, but

Oh, jeeze. Don't fuck this up, Maynard. And for the love of God don't say something stupid again!

"Sir, is it okay if I do this by myself?"


Mr Connor raised an eyebrow as he approached Maynard's desk. "Really, Maynard? I've already sorted the teams...don't you think it would be a bit unfair on the other students?"

Maynard diverted his eyes onto his ringbinder as he mumbled a reply.

"Yeah....I'm...I'm sorry, sir."

Re: Wiping All Out

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:16 am
by Solomir*
((Ben Ward continued from Variables...))

History used to be one of Ben's favorite subjects. He got to learn about awesome people doing awesome things like winning wars. Also, he didn't have to put up with Connor's habit of making class discussion a regular event. No, Ben didn't want to hear all of the idiot ideas his classmates wanted to speculate about. And of course, Connor would keep giving inane responses just to keep the discussion instead of actually doing his damn job to teach.

Ben had thought luck was on his side today. Over half an hour, and no random class discussion in sight. If it could last for maybe about fifteen more minutes, then he'd have made it out the week without a single discussion cropping up.

The universe was probably conspiring against Ben at the moment though, because instead of getting a class discussion, he got something much worse. A group project.

"Fuck," Ben muttered. Connor tried to give him the evil eye for swearing in class, but Ben just stared back. Connor was smart, but he wasn't very intimidating. They held their gaze for a moment before the teacher broke off and continued to give details on the project. Turns out it would just be done in pairs, which wouldn't be so bad as long as Ben got to partner with one of the keeners in the class. Which he wouldn't be able to because Connor was going to be a royal jackass and assign partners instead of letting people pick.

Ben sighed and rolled his eyes. The chances of him getting paired with a bucket of a classmate was a lot higher than getting paired with somebody competent. Maybe his luck hadn't run out today.

Re: Wiping All Out

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:16 am
by Espi
Theodore sat patiently. He looked around the room, determining who he'd like to work with best. Maybe  it would be kind of fun if he was paired with-

"Theo, you're working with Ben today."

Oh. Well then.

Ben Ward, AKA the guy you see in 1980s movies that always bullies the main character. Usually owned at least one Letterman jacket. Theo was aware that Ben actually did wear a Letterman jacket. How interesting. Theo wondered if Ben had ever seen any of those movies. He shifted anxiously in his seat.

Joy. So after all the students were paired up, Theo had no choice but to move over to  stand by Ben's seat and offer an awkward smile. "So, uh, partners?" He said, sounding nervous even to his own ears. Great. Just great. This was going to be "interesting" to say the least.

Re: Wiping All Out

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:16 am
by Maraoone
"Juhan, your partner will be Maynard."

Thank you Mr. Connor thankyouthankyouthankyou!

Juhan was having a mini-celebration in his head. Maynard was.. to be frank, a nerd. He wore clothes that looked more fitting for a dinner party than school. He usually spent more time writing sonnets and reading A Song of Ice and Fire than actually talking to people. He was the kid who always raised his hand at every question every teacher asked and eagerly listened to their lectures most of the time.

In other words, he was perfect for Juhan. They were friends and had the same interests. Also, Maynard actually seemed like a kid who could actually do stuff.

Although it was a bit troubling that Maynard actually requested to work by himself, it didn't seem like anything too bad. Juhan was sure that they'd get along just fine. Besides, the project seemed incredibly easy and something they could finish without breaking a sweat. He decided to wait for his partner while retrieving his textbook for Social Studies.

Re: Wiping All Out

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:16 am
by Sansa
Juhan? Yes.

But...Maynard was really starting to regret awkwardly asking to work by himself, now. He hoped Juhan didn't hold it against him. He was a nice enough kid, studious and quiet, and Maynard was yet to find a member of the school's book club that he didn't like. This project should be easy.

Just to be sure that Juhan knew that Maynard was perfectly willing, he picked up his canvas backpack and shuffled towards the boy, textbook and papers in his free hand.

"Hi, Ju-"


Maynard really had to take more notice of where he was going. One of his boating shoes hooked around the edge of his table and he stumbled, throwing sheets of loose refill and pieces of stationary from his half-open pencilcase across the floor.

As a few of his classmates looked up to see what had transpired, Maynard hurriedly gathered up his dropped items in a poor attempt to regain his composure and scurried over to wear Juhan was sitting.

"Um...yeah, hi Juhan! Partners, huh?"

Re: Wiping All Out

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:16 am
by Sansa
Just as Maynard reached his seat, a sharp vibration emanated from his jeans. Attempting to slide his phone out of his pocket without Mr. Connor noticing, he glanced briefly at the message that had appeared on the screen:
'Nard, I'm in the carpark. Ready to go? - Dad

Oh, jeeze. How could he have forgotten? It was a thing with his father...every year, on the same date, they had to go to the local dentistry for a routine check up. Maynard didn't really see the point; sure, his teeth weren't the best in the world, but he brushed and flossed daily, and didn't drink too much soda.

"Uh...Mr Connor...I kinda...I have to go. Dentist town."

He glanced over towards Juhan, who'd just retrieved the textbooks from his schoolbag. "Uh...I'm so so sorry, Juhan. It slipped my mind. Text me later and we'll sort it out, 'kay?"

Picking up his backpack in one hand and slinging it over his shoulder before tentatively grasping for his bulky ringbinder in the other, Maynard exited the room.

((Maynard Hurst continued in The Anime Nerd and the Band Geek))

Re: Wiping All Out

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:16 am
by Maraoone
((Also breaking post order to leave thread))
Juhan winced when he saw Maynard fall. He'd tripped himself up so many times that he'd already lost count.

Juhan was about to start discussing the project with Maynard after he recovered from his fall when suddenly, Maynard's cellphone buzzed.

"Uh... Mr. Connor... I kinda... I have to go. Dentist appointment... in town."


Now he'd have to work by himself. After Maynard apologized and left the room, he read over his textbooks. He had only come up with Louis XIV and Mehmed VI before   Social Studies ended.
[[Juhan Levandi continues in Quixotic]]