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Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:34 am
by Hollyquin*
[[Aidan Flynn continued from J'en Ai Marre]]

No matter how much Aidan stomped his feet, or gritted his teeth, or whinged and complained, physics steadfastly continued to be a thing. Not that he had tried any of those methods in a more-than-metaphoric sense, but he didn't have much faith in their sudden viability when acted upon. But goddamn, physics was not his thing, and he always felt like Aurora was cheating him with this fucking schedule- his two worst classes, right in a row, first thing in the morning? It was unfair. Cruel and unusual, even. He would file a formal complaint except that that wasn't going to work any better than all those other metaphorical coping methods and also it involved effort and whoa he was getting all deep here for no good reason and he was starting to get a headache.

At least both classes were on the third floor. Small mercies. Really small.

He wandered through the door to the classroom, his mind stuck on his conversation with Regan from earlier. Girl really needed to stop getting herself kicked out of class, it was a bad thing technically. Like, he wasn't that good at French and physics stuff but he tried, at least, and he was pretty good at not getting trouble, and when he did get in trouble that was usually because he was trying to pretend he wasn't trying (living a double life sure is weird!!), but like. Regan was actually a trouble-making machine. Or magnet. Or something that made trouble, anyway, she was that sort of thing and it was kind of bad and did he really owe her a song just because he made a stupid crack about Ruby being her girlfriend, seriously, it wasn't even that-

He heard a cough from the front of the room, and looked up.

"Yes, Ms. Lidd-"






"...Right. I'll"

Aidan heard Ms. Liddell laugh quietly as he scooted out of the room quick as he could. He'd had her for three years prior for science and he could never for the life of him remember that it wasn't her room he was in anymore.

He really had to break the habit. But addiction was a powerful thing.

He sidled into his own class about twenty seconds before class started and took a seat, hoping the embarrassment didn't show on his face.

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:34 am
by Courtography
(Enter Kelly Peterson)

Kelly really wasn't in the mood for physics. The math was easy enough when she had the equations in front of her. But trying to remember the difference between a bunch of equations and when they should be used was exhausting.

After all, the equations were very similar. Tons of them had velocity, gravity, height, and all that. It was really annoying. Almost everything was a variable and you had to plug tons of things into each other to get anywhere. She preferred more straightforward math. Where all she needed to know was how to solve. Not how to find all the magic numbers in a few sentences and plug them into the correct form of the equation that had all the same variables.

Needless to say, this class was never the high point of her day. But she'd deal with it. Just another mind numbing hour of her life.

Darn it physics...

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:34 am
by TheSSF*
(Enter Adam Finn)

Takka Takka Tak

Physics. What a bore. He got the application, sure, if you wanted to go into engineering. But why would anyone want to? The pay was pretty fair, he supposes. But the subject was just so dull. Watered down maths, bigged up to look tougher than it was. That was all.

Takka Takka Tak

Of course, at least it gave him time to relax. Maths was no biggie, and so long as he could remember the equations, he was set. He had a seat to himself at the back of the class, which suited him fine. It meant the teacher normally didn't pay him too much attention.

Takka Takka Tak

That was something he liked. Teachers who weren't too nosey. Who didn't ask questions just because the thought you weren't paying attention. He kept to himself, handed in decent work, and always past his exams. So why bother with all the other stupid stuff. However his physics teacher always seemed to break these expectations, it really bugged him.

Takka Takka Tak

Looking around the room, he would be surprised if half the students could even name him. But that suited him fine, he guessed. People kept out of his business, and for the most part, he kept out of theirs.

Takka Takka Tak

As per usual, he had his phone out, discretely, under the desk, making a soft 'tak' noise as he typed. He used to keep it above the wood, but he found it easier under. Less questions from teachers. He was on the internet, lurking a forum he frequented. He knew the people on here so well, it almost seemed funny to him they had no clue who he was. His phone was a nice model, shiny and black. His prized possession. His left hand was tapping and scrolling away on the device, while his right wrote, taking down the odd note to make it look like he was involved.

Takka Takka SQUEAK

... He hated the wooden stools in the Science classrooms. Why couldn't they have normal chairs, like in the rest of the school. He sighs.

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:34 am
by Chib*
[Generals of Elysium ==> Riley Moon]

Science. Physics, to be specific. Oh the joy. "Study physics!" they said, "Learn about light and shit and how your camera actually works!" they said! Well phooey, most of it was bullshit. Who needed to know about the circular motion of hypothetical cars going over hypothetical(ly horribly designed, might she add) bridges? Or precisely how electricity worked - squillions of electrons going backwards along the wire or something? - when it was good enough to just know that electrical energy + circuitry = sweet happenings go down?

Honestly, if it wasn't for the off chance that they might end up doing something awesome, or even diverting enough that it made the time go by faster, Riley wouldn't have much trouble justifying using the class to nap to herself. That and the subjects she'd actually been there for in the first place; lens equations were actually pretty interesting in the context of her hobby, and what sort of person could be disinterested by astrophysics? The Stop Having Fun Guys sort, usually. And the young Miss Moon wanted nothing to do with those people anyway.

Speaking of people, which background characters had shown up to set the scene for this latest decidedly uninteresting session in the overall mediocre campaign that was high school? Aidan Flynn, human bard, might as well be her if he wasn't such an ass. Kelly Peterson, better-than-thou Cleric of Catholicism, Sanctimoniousness and Student Council-ing domains. And... some other people. First-level commoners, pretty much. And at the head of the class, their Expert, Will Davidge. Interesting sort of teacher really, built like a Barbarian, acted almost like one too, if not for the fact that singing and playing sports that weren't "kill lots of people" were a little too civilised to fit the bill. Nice guy, too, hard to resent him for all the teacherly things that teachers, naturally, had to do.

Things they had to do like throwing a foam brain at her face to wake her out of the bizarre fantasy world she'd steadily been concocting for herself.

"Wake up Moon, you being up does not make it sleepy time!"

Ha. Ha. Fucking. Ha.

Okay, in fairness, she'd have laughed like the majority of the room did if the joke hadn't been at her expense, droll as it was. At least it was a pretty original pun, she hadn't heard it before. Had to give the man props for that.

"Yes, Mister Davidge." Kristus, why can't I just wait the class out and go home...

"Now as I was saying..."

Riley almost dozed off again, except the end of that sentence stopped her right in her tracks.

"...Miss Riley, remind us again why we should never ingest U238?"

YouTube three ate? Fuck the what? No wait, U two-three-eight, as in element U of isotope-y flavour 238. Which one was U again? Uranium? No that was too obvious. Davidge was looking at her expectantly. This was clearly supposed to be obvious. Maybe it was Uranium? Riley blew an errant strand of lime hair from in front of her eyes, and mustered the best answer she could make up on the spot.

"Uh... because it's... toxic?" Yup, radioactive shit is probably bad for you, nailed it.

"Close enough!" the teacher retrieved his bouncy brain ball, before moving back to the front of the room and continuing. "Not toxic in the classic sense, but close enough to what you'd call poisonous. Recall the unfortunate Litvinenko and his fatal Po210 cup of tea."

He carried on on that tangent for a little while, before getting back to fishing or something. Fission? Yeah that seemed more reasonable actually. Fishing didn't have much to do with physics, and alpha decay was one of the kinds of radioactivity, come to think of it. Yeah nuclear fission, that was it. Anywise, she wasn't really interested. And she could totes catch up if she just went through the textbook a couple times before the test. Probably. She had more interesting things to do, like pestering her favourite guild-mate to see if he was still up for harassing Stormwind later that night. Out came the phone, away went the focus.
[+] AIM
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]hey tankfag[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]hey[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]you still in class?[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]wake up fuckass![/font]

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:34 am
by TheSSF*
And wasn't it enough for him? He turned up to class, didn't he? He had his homework handed in, and it was even half way presentable this time! Yet, he still insisted on picking on him, on bullying him. He always made sure to ask him something...

And of course, since he was usually so quiet, most of his classmates rarely heard him speak, except the one or two words at the start of each class, announcing he was in fact present. That was something that ticked him off about physics. He was always making some excuse to get him to join in.

It wasn't even that he didn't know the answers to what she was asking, they were always fine. He always had one ear trained enough to gather what was going on. It was the way he asked the questions, as if he were asleep, or not following what was going on. The way he always made him elaborate... The way his voice always seemed so unusually dry, and weedy before clearing his throat, and flushing crimson.

Indeed, it was such a rarity for most of the class that a couple of them would even train eyes on him as he spoke, glancing at his notes more than he needed to in order to avoid eye-contact, found himself tripping over his tongue despite himself. Facts and figures so carefully filed in his mind would even disappear, not to return until after the bemused and scornful gazes left his position.

There was another thing. To most of his classmates, he was a name. Adam, or more often, 'that Finn kid. Begins with an A, I think'. He however paid as much attention to those around him as he did to the teacher, arguably not a lot, but at least he learnt something from them. Trivia about who was dating who, who was working where and bits and pieces about the latest T.V. shows, of these he was surprisingly well informed. And a lot of his classmates had a very visible online profile, requiring minimum effort to find out some rather personal information. It was always only a Facebook friend request, or a few blog posts away.

Of course, never under his actual name. Pseudonyms attracted far less attention.

Takka Takka Tak...

(Edit: I'm sorry! Lots of stuff came up recently and I've been really busy. I'll try and get a post out soon.)

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:35 am
by Skraal
((Timothy Abrams continued from Generals of Elysium))

It wasn't that Timothy disliked physics, but it still wasn't his idea of an enjoyable morning. He would much rather have been in one of his "good" classes, like history or geography. If it were up to him, then he would be taking all of social studies courses (and music). Unfortunately, it wasn't up to him. His parents were constantly badgering him to take courses that looked "good" on a college application, as if that would help if he didn't even know what he wanted to do after graduating anyway...

He yawned as he glanced up at the clock.

Forty-five minutes left of class...

Timothy looked around at the other students in the class, watching them type away on their cell phones. Timothy had received a cell phone as a gift from his parents the previous year, but he couldn't understand his peers' seemingly unending fascination with the devices. On the other hand, maybe the reason that his parents paid the bill for the phone was because he never used it...

He was startled from his thoughts by a sudden disruption in the teacher's tone.

"Wake up Moon, you being up does not make it sleepy time!"

He followed Mr. Davige's gaze to a girl with brightly dyed hair.

I remember her... She was at the Elysium yesterday...

As the Mr. Davige threw his ball to the next next person, Timothy didn't look away from Riley. His cheeks began to redden as he realised that he was still staring at her. He quickly looked away, toward the teacher.

I hope she didn't notice that...

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:35 am
by ThePureLight7*
[Kristian Sorenson - Start]

Kristian was never much a fan of physics, or any sciences for that matter. They were nothing but ridiculously easy math, but with all the pesky real-world application. Groan. Where was the challenge? Where was the excitement? The teacher was pretty bro, but when the thing being taught is pretty much Hell with more equations and lab coats, there was very little that a teacher's bro-ness could improve. "Damn," he thought, "I should've signed up for Chemistry... At least Chemistry is so inherently easy I don't even have to listen during class. I might've actually gotten some work done in that class under the pretense that it takes all of six seconds to do."

Every six seconds / My body starts beggin' / Your sweet thing is wreckin' me / Until you give me some!

And now that song was stuck in his head. "Thanks a lot, Brain," he sighed. Nevertheless, after a few minutes and thirty more internal repetitions of the chorus, Kristian started rocking back and forth to the beat. Thinking entirely of music and no longer of Pb(SO4)2 now, Kristian remembered his job at the station for later that night. Perhaps "remember" isn't the right term, though, since he had known from the moment he woke up that morning. He was just prone to dazing off for a moment and then suddenly snapping back into the thought-process of, "Holy shitballs! I'm gonna be on the radio!"

Sure, he was only going to be on the radio for about half-an-hour and just had to say a couple lines of what boiled down to "We're having a competition, dawg. Listen to our shit and own a telephone to win a prize, and remember that our shit is better than all the other stations' shit." But that wasn't particularly important. What was important was that his voice was finally going to be heard! Just like the last two times he had been in charge of the station's contests!

Suddenly, something from the front of the room grabbed his lack-of-attention. Mr. Davidge was throwing his brain at someone again. "Wake up Moon, you being up does not make it sleepy time!" he heard, as he looked up to see The Incredible Hulk looking down at the girl he easily recognized as Miss Riley Moon.

"Ha," he quietly smirked. He had always been a sucker for a well-timed lame pun.

Anyway, where was he? Oh, that's right. The radio. Important things.

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:35 am
by Courtography
Blugh, class was off to a boring start. Kids fell asleep, which wasn't that surprising. If Kelly had to sleep in a class she would pick physics, not that she slept in class. She didn't, but she wanted to sometimes. And of course there had to be an off topic question. Asking stuff about Uranium would make sense in a chemistry class. Oh well, she supposed the point was to wake Riley up, right?

It was stupid, she thought. Physics was confusing enough on its own without having to remember chemistry stuff from the year before. Whatever, didn't matter. It wasn't like she had to answer the question. Little blessings she supposed.

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:35 am
by Hollyquin*
[[OOC: wow hey guys I'm back and alive and stuff and should hopefully be able to post reasonably quickly henceforth! The post order got seriously screwed up at some point so I propose we reset it from the beginning? So after this post it would be bacon--->TheSSF--->Chib--->Skraal--->ThePureLight7--->me again, with skipping allowed if people are away? Everyone cool with that?]]

Aidan settled...

Settled in isn't really the right phrase. Settling in implied being comfortable and even if these old chairs weren't rickety as hell, which they were, Aidan was never going to be exactly comfortable in a science classroom. The discomfort was multiplied by the ever-increasing chance that he'd be nailed in the head with a brain-ball, which was never fun and always resulted in a bunch of extremely unsexy stuttering. At least he could sort of speak French. He could not speak math, regardless of how much time his teachers spent telling him it was the "universal language", whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean. And physics was full of math. Lots of numbers and letters and shit. It was enough to make a grown man cry.

"Wake up Moon, you being up does not make it sleepy time!"

...Okay, laughing at that would have felt undignified, puns are the lowest form of humor etc etc, but he couldn't resist a sort of "pfffft" sound at the expense of Riley. He'd seen her around before- she seemed to dislike him for no discernible reason (not that I can blame her, really) and he...didn't particularly return the favor, but she wasn't exactly the sort of girl he was meant to be seen around anyway. So it all worked out in the end.

He scanned the classroom. Faces he knew well after four years of high school, names he was still iffy on. Riley stood out- girl changed hair colors like Ramona Flowers- but the rest were a bit more...normal seemed like the right word. He caught one of them- what was his name? Tom? Tim? something like that- looking at Riley and then suddenly looking away. He grinned. Oh, young love...

It was around then that his phone buzzed, and he was plenty glad for the distraction, though when he actually looked at his phone he both smiled and groaned inwardly. His guildmate was ridiculously obnoxious, but she was a hell of a lot of fun, and the two of them were quite close in an extremely vitriolic sort of way.

It was nice having more than one friend who he could actually be himself around, anyhow.
[+] AIM
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]hey tankfag[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]hey[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]you still in class?[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]wake up fuckass![/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]Oh god.[/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]There appears to be an obnoxious fuckass talking to me.[/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]It keeps happening.[/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]Anyway yeah I'm in class life sucks etc etc[/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]Have I mentioned how awful your sn is and how embarrassed I am to know you recently?[/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]Because it bears repeating.[/font]
Yep. Friendship.

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:35 am
by Courtography
Things weren't improving to say the least. Sure, there were only a couple months left in school, but physics made it feel like it was years. Lord help her get through it all. Teachers were insane, trying to fit in stuff that they had meant to do in the previous months, but hadn't. Sure, stuff like that happened every year, but she was just so close to being done that it just felt worse.

Especially physics.

The rest of the class was boring, as usual, but it was over. Only a lot painful. But it was done and she wouldn't have to think about it until...tonight. With homework. Darn it she did not like physics homework. It had to be God's way of punishing high school students. Not that she had done anything worth punishing for, just that it would have been.

(Kelly Peterson continued in After Practice)

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:35 am
by Skraal
Embarrassed, Timothy looked up at Mr. Davidge.  He seemed to be wrapping up with the day's lesson. With that finished, Timothy looked down and started on the day's homework. However, his thoughts were elsewhere. 

Why do I keep thinking about that girl?  

He looked up at her again, then nervously looked away. All that he could hear was the scratching of pencils and the quiet whispering of those in the back row. Finally thinking of something else, he began to concentrate on his work. 

Question One... A small truck and a large truck have the same kinetic energies. Which truck has the greater momentum? Justify your answer.  

Well, momentum is tied to velocity, and velocity is related to mass, so...  

His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the bell. The sound of shuffling papers and excited chatting resounded throughout the room. Timothy packed his bag and stood up, giving one last glance at Riley before he left the room.

((Timothy Abrams Continued in Nevermind))

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:35 am
by Chib*
(Gosh have I been a lazy type lazy person about SotF lately, got so used to waiting for TheSSF to post I forgot to even keep checking back... anyhow, proactiveness! Probably not a real word!)

Joy of joys, radioactive decay could take a back-seat, the Grand High Poobah of snarky cleverer-than-you-ness was in a particularly cheery mood. He'd even taken the time to point out yet again that Riley was a bad person for being so enamored with the blood elves, and probably that sexy, sexy Kael'thas too, despite not directly saying it. Which took some nerve, coming from someone that played a b-elf too. Of course he always had an excuse; he'd been an orc before Burning Crusade, tauren only got to be paladins as of Cataclysm, he didn't want to waste money on a race change or start a new toon to play the exact same protectadin build, arcane torrent is actually a pretty good skill for melee types, etcetera, etcetera, blah blah blah. Might as well humour him and make him pull out yet another excuse, so as to pass the time until the class ended. What time even was it any more? Davidge's head appeared to be in the way of the clockohwait Riley was holding a phone in her hand already the time is right there, a-durp-durp. Barely a minute or two left. Oh well.
[+] AIM
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]Oh god.[/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]There appears to be an obnoxious fuckass talking to me.[/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]It keeps happening.[/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]Anyway yeah I'm in class life sucks etc etc[/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]Have I mentioned how awful your sn is and how embarrassed I am to know you recently?[/font]
gambrinousshenanigans: [font=courier new]Because it bears repeating.[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]a durp durp durp i r hamsteak look at my trolltag chumhandle dealie THE DEALIE LALONDE THE DEALIE[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]IT KEEPS HAPPENING something about stairs[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]thats you that is[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]look how awful you are[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]and yet i still put up with it i am such a good friend gosh[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]anyway i gotta relocate some so like we should talk in the future[/font]
silvermoonsuperstar: [font=courier new]cause were fuckin time travellers hell yes[/font]

[font=courier new]silvermoonsuperstar[/font] is Away
Riley felt a brief pang of guilt at the abuse, but it was awfully brief. GS was really no better, and it was all in good fun, they didn't really hate each other. Or at least, Riley didn't really hate him. Maybe he really did dislike her, and only tolerated her often-caustic attitude because she was a damn good tank-healer? Huh, that was a sobering thought. Sobering nonsense of course, how could he not like her?! The two might as well have been siblings the way they got along 99% of the time! Riley dismissed her worries, flicked her status to Away, shoved her phone into her pocket, caught about half of what the homework assignment was, and high-tailed it out of the classroom just as soon as the Big Friendly Giant gave the ok.

Heheh, "high-tailed". English sure had some funny colloquialisms.

[Riley Moon ==> Hallway! Returns! (ft. DA-PUMP)]

Re: Passing Slowly Through the Vector

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:35 am
by ThePureLight7*
Kristian spent the rest of class shuffling through a playlist of songs in his head, as usual. He thought of songs he would play if he were ever given the chance to actually DJ at the station - maybe some Motion City Soundtrack, the radio ain't got enough of them. Maybe his boss would let him pull out Jenny by Walk the Moon. He doubted it, since it wasn't a single, but if that fell through, he could always fall back on Anna Sun. That was a great song. For some reason, it made him want to buy a trampoline.

Oh, hey. Class is over.

He stood up as most of the other students were already filing out of the room. He thought he saw Riley quickly making her way out of the door. Dammit, he thought, I wanted to tell Riles about my spot at the station tonight. Why does that girl always seem to get away from me? It really riles me up. He groaned aloud at his own joke. He quickly decided it was better to leave all Riley Moon-based puns to the experts, like Mr. Davidge.

He grabbed his stuff and quickly made his way towards the door. If he hurried, he figured he'd be able to catch her in the hallway. Gotta go fast. Sonic X.

[Kristian Sorenson - Continued in Hallway! Returns! (ft. DA-PUMP)]