B67 - Moreland, Jimmy[/DECEASED]

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B67 - Moreland, Jimmy[/DECEASED]


Post by Kaishi* »


Name: Jimmy Moreland
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10
Extra Curricular Activity: Motocross
School: Madison Ridge, SoCal
Appearance: Slim and tan, he has boyish good looks and is playful in nature. He is about 6'0, and is slightly muscular
Biography: Jim was born and raised by two loving parents on the beaches of Southern California, and was the perfect definition of a beach bum, until about seventh grade. It was then that he discovered motocross. He became hooked, and started racing local tracks in his area. He became very good at it, and planned to eventually make the jump to pro.
Other:Jimmy is a very nice kid. He would probobly trust anyone, and is very naive. He also thinks every woman in the world would immediatly have sex with him if he asked, making him quite the chovanist. He is very impulsive, and gets in trouble some times by saying things without thinking. He has many friends, unfortunatly, none go to Barry Coleson
Number: 67
Designated Weapon: Billyclub
Conclusions: Death really depends on whom he trusts. I doubt he'll have trouble killing anyone, really, since none of his friends go to Barry Coleson Highschool. Still, his death depends on who he is going to trust.

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