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This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:25 am
by Zabriel*
((Takeshi Yoshikawa - Start))

Takeshi's day was coming to an end. He'd reached the last class of the day; band. He retrieved his flute case from his band locker and slid into the classroom, making a beeline for his seat within the flute section. While he was the first to arrive, he still needed to assemble his flute. Once he had that done, then he could relax. Snapping open the case, he surveyed the silvery parts briefly before beginning to put them together. It was almost automatic. He'd done it so many times before. His hands knew just what to do, and the task was finished before he had realized that it had started. Takeshi raised the instrument to his lips and played through the scale once to warm up. Everything sounded right.

Class wouldn't start for another few minutes. While he was putting his instrument together several band members had entered and set about doing the same. More students were pouring into the room. The teacher was around somewhere. Not in the room. Perhaps in her office. Perhaps on her way. Then again, it had been fajita day in the Cafeteria. It was entirely possible that their instructor had made the mistake of eating school food that day and found herself suffering horrible bathroom death. Takeshi had taken a bento box lunch every day since he started school; a fact which had embarrassed him as a child and which he had since come to regard as quite possibly the best thing ever.

He looked around the room for his friends, wondering how close to the bell they would cut it.

You're not tardy if the teacher hasn't finished attendance yet! He shook his head at the remembered catchphrase of a friend that frequently entered class after the bell. No matter how much Takeshi protested this viewpoint his friend insisted that life worked just like that. He finally stopped arguing. It was easier that way.

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:25 am
by xylophonefairy*
((Phoebe Cho continued from her profile))

Days that ended with Band were always good days. In her opinion (an opinion that she generally kept to herself), it was like school finished early because this never felt like a class. Arriving a couple of minutes before the bell with her violin case slung carefully over her shoulder, Phoebe pushed the door open. There were a fair few people already in the room, Band geeks weren't generally characterised by their lateness. She ambled over to the violin section and set her bag down on her chair, contorting herself strangely to get the violin case off her back without touching it with her hands. This was a skill she had perfected in her sophomore year, and she felt a strange pressure to do it every so often. As if she were entertaining the class or something, even though unless there was a new kid nobody was really impressed by it any more.

Putting the bag on the floor, she set the case on her knees and unzipped it, removing her violin tenderly and looking at the strings for any signs of wear or tear. Taking up her bow she played a few quick notes, a staccato version of the Simpsons theme tune, and satisfied that everything seemed to be functioning correctly, set about the other great dimension of band practice. Socialising! She wasn't sure how many of her bandmates looked upon this as a great opportunity to have a laugh, but she firmly believed that there wasn't much worth doing in life is you couldn't gain a little bit of enjoyment out of it.  

Looking around for someone that didn't seem to be otherwise occupied, her eyes fell on Takeshi. He was a fellow violinist, though played flute in band, and both sets of grandparents had pointed him out to her as a "nice Asian boy" at various times in the past. And every time she had to remind them that he was gay and probably not going to be going after her any time soon. She didn't even know him all that well. Still, there was always time to get to know people better.

"Hey, Yoshi," Phoebe said brightly, taking the still empty seat next to him. She'd had a moment of debate over whether she knew him quite well enough to call him by his nickname, but his first name seemed far too formal for the situation. Anyway, Yoshi was a fun word to say. She resisted the temptation to say it out loud multiple times in succession. Yoshiyoshiyoshiyoshiyoshiyoshiyoshiyoshiyoshiyoshi... "How's the flute? Still inferior to the violin of course."

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:25 am
by Zabriel*
He heard his name and turned his head. His eyes were met by one of the school's other Asians. He knew all of them on at least a casual basis. Most of their parents had been conspiring to get them together since middle school. Coming out of the closet hadn't changed that too much. It wasn't like he was the only gay Asian boy at Aurora.

Parents, what can you do?

"Hey Phoebe," he smiled and waved. He shrugged as she jabbed him about the flute. "It can't all be strings. And besides, you can't exactly march with a violin. The flute is much more versatile." He raised the flute to his lips and played the first few notes of the Final Fantasy victory fanfare. He wasn't really much of a gamer, but he knew a few of the games and music from the games he hadn't played. It also didn't hurt that the song had gone memetic long before the internet.

"Although, if you ever want to pick up a few tricks on your violin, stop by my house after school sometime." Takeshi liked to tease. He was good on the violin, but he would never presume to say that he was actually better than another musician. Except of course when he implied it. He gave her a bit of a grin, enjoying their little banter.

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:25 am
by Pippi
((Owen Kay continued from Where Is My Muse?))

Unlike the majority of the band members of Aurora High, Owen was slightly late to band class. In fact, this was an annoyingly common occurrence; there always seemed to be something that held him up or slowed him down. The time however, the delay had been entirely his fault; he'd left his clarinet in the previous classroom, and had only noticed when he had reached the music rooms. He knew he should have just left it in the band locker, but he'd passed by it at lunch, and figured he'd save time by picking it up then. Welp, that sure worked out well, didn't it?

Owen was still breathing slightly heavily when he pushed his way through the band room doors. Not for the first time, and certainly not for the last, he cursed his lack of stamina. Sure, he could run fast enough, but it always seemed that at the most vital moments he'd be completely exhausted. Still, at least I'm not in midfield in football… God, that'd be torture…

Looking around, Owen was surprised, and rather relieved, to see that their teacher hadn't arrived yet. Well, that was certainly fortunate. Not only did it let Owen look as if he had arrived perfectly on time, but it also allowed him to talk with some of his friends in band.

First though, of course, he needed to assemble his clarinet. Owen flipped open the one catch, and opened the case, brushing aside a couple of flyers and letters he had stored inside. Taking out a number 3 reed, and holding it in his mouth, Owen quickly put the clarinet together, reminding himself that he needed to add a little bit of cork grease in the near future. He then removed the reed, placed it on the mouthpiece, then screwed the clamp… thing… tight. What is that bit called again? Ah man, I know it has a name!

Shrugging, Owen quickly played the Fire Emblem theme, pulling a face at the wrong note he made at the end. Scanning the room, Owen saw a couple of people he recognised, Phoebe Cho and Takeshi Yoshikawa. Phoebe was a good friend of his, friendly and smart, although kind of a doormat. Takeshi he knew less well; he was gay and played the flute. That was it really.

Owen strolled over to them, resting his clarinet on his shoulder. From what he could tell, the two were having a friendly argument over whether the flute or violin was better. "Now, that's just crazy talk" he said, grinning, and removing the clarinet from its resting place. "Everyone knows the clarinet is the king. It is the manliest of all the instruments." Owen then put the reed to his lips, and played the second part of Together We Ride.

"Manliest. Instrument."

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:25 am
by Zabriel*
From time to time Takeshi wondered how many students decided to learn instruments in order to play music from their favorite shows and video games. Not that is was really much different than deciding to learn in order to play favorite classical or baroque pieces. One just allowed a person to claim cultural superiority over the person who took the other road. Takeshi never really cared to differentiate between the two. Video games and television shows had talented composers working on them, and many of those pieces were fine works of art by their own virtue. Just because it was used in a video game didn't mean that it wasn't a good piece of music.

He looked over at the clarinet player that had come to join their debate. Takeshi laughed out loud and waved his hands a little. "Oh, it's very manly. It's so very phallic that it couldn't be anything but the manliest of all instruments." He cocked his head and tapped his lips while making thinking sounds. "Hmm, what does that say about clarinet players though? Putting an instrument that looks like that between your lips, hmm?" He grinned wickedly before laughing out loud again. He shook his head and waved his hands.

"Only teasing. Your clarinet is very nice. I enjoy the tune as well. Very nice."

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:25 am
by Casey the Undead*
((Cody Dorsey, start))

Cody really needed to spice up his routine. School was boring. Home was boring. The end of his senior year was boring. The sax? Well, the sax was fucking awesome, but even that would get boring after awhile. Boring, boring, boring. Where was the excitement? He was an 18 year old boy in a big city, on the verge of adulthood! Life could not actually be this boring.

But, here he was, in band class, waiting for the teacher to arrive, trying his very hardest not to fall asleep. Band was one of his favorite classes, too. He shouldn't be falling asleep in a class he liked. That was just cruel and unfair.

Right, there were ways to become un-bored. There had to be. After all, what was he doing? Sitting on his ass and complaining. That was never the solution; that was generally the problem. Don't complain, do something about it, he'd always said. Cody rolled his shoulder back, listening to the satisfying pop as he did so. Right, the teacher wasn't here, which meant that talking was totally an option.

He glanced around the room, looking for a suitable conversation to join. His eyes fell on Phoebe, Takeshi, and Owen. All good people, and apparently having a conversation Cody could get behind. Yes, perfect.

"I don't know man, I personally find the clarinet to be the third sexiest of all instruments. The first, of course, is the saxophone, and the second is the French horn. Because, hey, nothing sexier than French things, right?" He smiled at the group, setting himself down next to them. "Of course, there are good arguments for the violin as well, but it's always got to compete with it's hot older sister. The viola, man. That girl's got curves. But the flute man, the flute is gorgeous. And we can't forget the bass, or the trumpets, or the marimba-"

Cody paused, frowning a bit at himself. "I think I might be hindering this conversation more than helping it. The point I'm trying to make is that the classical-jazz-rock combo of the sax is unmatched by any instrument, ever." He nodded at Owen. "But that tune was wicked. Where'd you learn that?"

Suddenly, Cody clapped his hands together. "Oh, man, if we had a play off! The violin versus the clarinet versus the flute versus the sax- the greatest showdown to ever occur in the history of music." He grinned. "I am drooling just thinking about that."

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:25 am
by xylophonefairy*
Smiling as Owen and Cody joined them, Phoebe let the conversation continue. It was a never ending source of discussion among band geeks, and rivalries between the instruments were invariably rife. But friendly. Her cousin on her Mom's side was at a private school in northern Seattle and would regale Phoebe with tales of the cattiness that went on in their band. Private school wasn't worth it if everyone was mean, and Phoebe suspected it had something to do with the all female intake.

"Firstly," Phoebe said in response to Cody, "the viola is just a slightly bigger violin. Too big, I'm way too small to hold one of them comfortably!" She mimed holding her violin at arms length and pretending to play it with her bow. Shaking her head in mock disgust at the very idea of a viola, she put the violin carefully back on her lap. I'm sorry, that was reckless. Shouldn't manhandle my baby like that!

"Secondly, how would we do it?" she said, becoming intrigued by the prospect. "Best adaptation of a classic maybe?" Even she wasn't sure what she meant by classic. It could mean classic in the most classical sense of the word, perhaps a piano concerto seeing as that wouldn't benefit any of them, even if it was often difficult to get the multi tonal layers that pianists had to play with onto the one chord at a time that she had. Or would a modern classic be better? Best adaptation of the Star Wars theme or something like that. "Ooh! And we could get people to judge them! Like Battle of the Bands, only Battle of the Instruments. And I guess the skill of the people playing them," she added with a grin. Shrugging as though it was inevitable, "so no sweat guys. I'd go easy on you!"

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:26 am
by Pippi
Owen wasn't too sure what to expect when he joined in Takeshi and Phoebe's conversation. His entrance hadn't exactly been the most normal, all things considered. What he most certainly had not expected was for Takeshi to burst out laughing straight away. Owen was more than a little confused, but it turned out Takeshi hadn't finished.

As the guy spoke, Owen realised just where the conversation was heading towards. Really, he should have seen it coming. His choice of words had kinda set him up for something like that. A wry smile replaced Owen's look of confusion, and he rolled his eyes. "Well, uh…" How exactly did you follow up from that? Owen's train of thought, dangerously close to crashing as it always ways, had been completely derailed by Takeshi.

"…Points for originality, I'll give you that." Owen's smile turned into a grin. "Glad you liked the tune, too."

Before he could say anything else, Owen heard another voice from behind him that he recognised. Turning to look at him, Owen saw Cody Dorsey, one of the sax players in the band. Owen had always been slightly envious of the saxophonists. There was just something inherently cool about the instrument, and although he did love playing the clarinet, it didn't really have the same effect.

Cody seemed to appreciate the clarinet though. And, of course, the saxophone. And also every single instrument in the world, apparently. Owen wasn't entirely sure that Cody himself knew what he was talking about exactly. And he couldn't exactly agree with the whole French thing. French in his mind was more "Cheese-Eating-Surrender-Monkeys".

Cody seemed to have realised he'd gone off track a bit, before complementing Owen on his clarinet playing. Owen's grin turned rather sheepish. He tried to mumble something about how it wasn't that great and that he knew better, but Cody had launched into another topic, something about a violin/saxophone/clarinet/flute showdown. Owen was intrigued, but let Phoebe speak up first, although she first started talking about the viola comment Cody had made. Her words reminded Owen of the fact that back in England, people kept on asking him whether he played the flute, even after he'd got the instrument out of its case, put it together and played it.

Owen tuned back into the conversation just in time to hear Phoebe mention something about judging their performances in a Battle of the Bands style contest. Owen unintentionally grimaced at the thought of judges.

"Ugh, I could do without judges. I just know I'd lose my cool in front of them, and that just wouldn't be pleasant for anyone. Maybe one judge at least." Owen then turned to Cody. "As for where I learnt that? Turns out all that time playing video games was worthwhile after all." The normal grin was back on Owen's face. "I just listened to Fire Emblem's music, and played it by ear. Kinda lame, I know, but whatever works, right?"

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:26 am
by Zabriel*
Takeshi tapped his lip  at the idea of a competition. "Hmm. Maybe. Though one judge would be a problem. Competitions have more than one so they will be fair and impartial. Though...I'm not sure how well it would work. Some instruments don't play as nice alone. I suppose it would be fun though, to get together and play around sometime."

He heard the door to the classroom open over everything. The hinges squeaked very loudly and were in bad need of a little oil. The students didn't care so much, as it gave them some warning when people were entering, so they could stop whatever mischief they were up to at a moment's notice if need be. Which was the case at that moment. Their teacher strode through the door and made her way to the front of the room. The tardy bell rang shortly after and she directed everybody back to their sections so she could take roll and begin.

Takeshi looked at the people around him and grinned. "After class then?"

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:26 am
by Casey the Undead*
Cody grinned at Phoebe, laughing as she defended the violin. "Okay, fair point about the size thing. After all, I don't know what I'd do with a tenor sax. That thing is massive!" He decided it would be best not to mention that he once tried to play a soprano sax and wound up making a complete fool of himself. As far as he saw it, violins were the soprano sax of the string family. Violas were altos (especially considering the whole alto cleft thing), and cellos were tenors, naturally. Still, a violin girl was always going to be a violin girl. No way to sway them this late in the game.

He frowned, furrowing his brow as he thought about this not-so-made-up competition anymore. "Well, we could do more of a talent show and less of a legit competition. Like, if we held a small concert, let students in for free, had them vote for their favorite piece. That way there's no real judges to get nervous in front of, and if you lose, you can always blame it on being a popularity contest." He chucked at his own joke. "But, yeah," he continued, "best adaptation of a classical piece, or something. Give everyone who wants in a sign up sheet and two weeks, host it one night. It'd be fun!"

After his slight ramble, he turned back to Owen, grinning. "Fire Emblem, eh? I've heard of it, never played though. Aren't those guys in Super Smash Bros?"

The teacher, unfortunately, chose that moment to waltz into the classroom and interrupt. Damn learning and it's getting in the way of decent conversations. Cody nodded at Takeshi, glad to have plans for after class.

What could he say, he just really loved band kids.

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:26 am
by Zabriel*
((Jumping queue to move this along.))

The nice thing about everybody surrounding Takeshi to talk was that he didn't have to move to get to his section. He was right where he was supposed to be. As the class shuffled back to their own sections, Takeshi stretched out his fingers and prepared himself for practice. The day was nearly over, and then he had a nice block of time after school to do whatever he liked. In this case that meant organizing a soloist competition, but that did seem like it would be enough fun. He enjoyed playing, and he was confident in his abilities.

As class went on, he thought more about his after school plans. His fingers moved automatically as the band practiced pieces they'd worked on for several weeks. He didn't even need the music for most of them. His fingers knew what to do, which left the rest of his body free to be distracted.

Before he realized it, the bell rang, announcing freedom for all. Until the morning at least.

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:26 am
by Pippi
Well, this was odd. And intriguing. Cody's imaginary all-out instrument showdown was all of a sudden becoming a whole lot less imaginary. Takeshi in particular seemed to be thinking hard about how to make the whole thing suitable for everyone. Owen hadn't entirely been exactly serious about only having one judge; he'd had to perform in front of a whole group of teachers and parents, as well as his music class and the sixth form music class before. He'd cracked some joke before performing, and everything had gone smoothly. Owen kept quiet though. Takeshi seemed like he knew what he was doing.

Cody suggested making it more like a talent show than a Battle of the Bands thing. In a way, that wasn't too much better. Kids were always much more critical than teachers and adults, and not exactly constructive, either. Then again, it was much more worthwhile to impress a friend or peer than a teacher, in Owen's opinion. Cody also suggested that the competition thing be "best adaptation of a classical piece" or something. Owen smiled at the thought. If there was one thing he knew he could do on the clarinet, it was make something a hell of a lot jazzier. Add a few more slurs, change up the time signature, add a bunch of rits and generally play around with the song. Yeah, this could definitely be fun.

Cody then went on to enquire about Fire Emblem, asking whether they were the Super Smash Bros. guys. Owen shook his head slightly, grinning. "Oh man" he said. "You might regret asking me that." He cleared his throat before going on.

"You've got Marth, Ike and Roy as playable characters. Marth's been the main character of four games, Ike's been in two and Roy's only been playable in one. There's been twelve games, with a thirteenth one coming out, so I-"

Unfortunately, Owen's speech was cut off by their music teacher deciding that now was a good time to actually turn up. Owen shrugged, in a "what can you do" sort of way, before heading over to his seat with the rest of the clarinettists. Man, and I hadn't even got onto talking about Lyn yet…

Band practice was same old, same old. He enjoyed it, as usual, but his mind kept wandering, which wasn't exactly new. The teacher actually had to call out to him to bring him back down to earth once.

When the bell rang, Owen balanced his clarinet on the bell, leaned back in his seat and stretched his arms out behind him, hearing the bones in his back crack. He did the same with his fingers, before picking up his clarinet and wandering over to Takeshi.

"So, I believe we were talking about a competition that a certain English clarinettist is going to win hands down?"

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:26 am
by Casey the Undead*
((Sorry sorry sorry sorry))

Cody sighed a bit as class ended. When was Senior year going to be over? This was getting old. He rolled his shoulder, cracking his bones a bit. He stood up roughly, walking over to where Takeshi and Owen were standing.

"I'm sorry, you think you're going to win this thing?" Cody scoffed lightly. "I think you mean, "That competition that the sexy sax is going to sweep", right?" He smiled a bit to himself.

"Yeah, I still think it's a good idea. I don't know when or how we'd do it, though. Still, if we could advertise to the band kids, get them to tell their friends- it might be a nice turn out. You know, a fun end of the year sort of thing." He grinned a bit. "I'd be all for it."

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:26 am
by Zabriel*
Takeshi laughed at the two boys insisting they would prevail, but did not comment. He listened and nodded as Cody suggested they advertise their little contest.

"That could be very fun. Speaking of end of the year, is anybody going to prom? I haven't decided yet whether I want to go or not. Not like I have a date or anything anyhow." He started dismantling his flute and putting it back in its case. "I guess the next question is where  and when we want to do this. And where we should plan it all. Can't stay in this room all afternoon."

Re: This One Time At Band Camp

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:26 am
by xylophonefairy*
((Definitely did not go inactive. Am back now, promise.))

Phoebe finished putting her violin delicately back into its case, chatting to a couple of fellow violinists in the grade below. She glanced up to see Takeshi, Owen and Cody talking together and was immediately reminded of their previous discussion. Zipping up the case and stuffing the music sheets into her bag to practice from at home, she collected her belonging and went over to join them. In her head she was already imagining what she might play in their imaginary contest. Some kind of classical arrangement of modern pieces? A medley of some kind! Like in glee! Except violin instead of singing. Violin is better than singing, anyway. Maybe songs from when we were younger, we're nearly at the end of school, nostalgia will get everyone! The nostalgia thought was interesting, and Phoebe found herself getting excited about this contest that was, at present, only an idea.

"Hey!" Phoebe said breathlessly as she reached the other three, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet with a sudden burst of energy. She caught the end of Takeshi's comment. "You should come to Prom, I reckon it's something we'd always regret if we didn't! Who needs a date, anyway?" she said, nudging him gently with her shoulder. Phoebe was a bit believer in 'rites of passage' and that Prom is one of them. The question about when to organise and hold the event was a more difficult one, there were a lot of things coming up over the coming weeks and if they wanted it to be something that people other than Band people went to, and she was all for that, then it had to be on a relatively free occasion. And probably after school. And if they were going to get people to come to something after school then there would need to be something to draw them there.

"I've got a couple of free periods tomorrow if we wanted to plan something then?" Phoebe said. By then she might have come up with an idea about place and time, maybe.