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The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:39 am
by Aura
((Matt Masters continued from The Gift of Giving))

Matt sat on a bench in front of the school.  He had gotten to school about twenty minutes early, which was quite a feat considering that he had walked to school.  He always walked to school.  He found that it gave him a good amount of time to clear his head before he started his classes.  On this particular morning, he decided to start walking early because he wanted to take advantage of some very convenient cloud cover in order to make the walk cooler than usual.  As a result, he ended up at school far earlier than usual.

As he sat and waited for school to begin, he began to think about all that had happened to him recently.  Sure, he had been watching Raw and SmackDown as usual, and he had been helping out at the center and the construction site, but another thing also came to mind.

That thing was Cassidy Kant.

He had only really gotten to know the girl about a month prior, but they really seemed to hit it off.  They had talked multiple times since then, and he felt as though they were good friends by this point.

Matt also thought about the upcoming prom season.  He had already cast his votes for king and queen, but he didn't have anything else planned out.  He didn't have an outfit, he didn't have a ride, and he didn't have a date.  He wasn't surprised about being dateless.  After all, who would want to go to prom with a giant freak that doesn't even own a car?   He began to wonder who he could ask, maybe even...

No, no... Cassidy probably has a date already.  I mean, why wouldn't she have one?  She's beautiful and everyone likes her.  Besides, a girl like her would never go for a guy like me.  I'm just some freakishly tall wrestling fanatic.  She could do so much better than me.

Matt tried to think about other things as he continued to sit and wait, not having much success.

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:39 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Enter Cassidy Kant

Cassidy took long, slow strides as she wandered around the campus. She'd come early to see if the library had "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close". Of course, they'd all been taken by whichever bookworm had seen the movie trailer before her.

She sighed and continued her directionless walking. If only she'd gone earlier. Of course, that would have been even more stressful though. She had just finished "Brave New World," and having a book others were itching to read would give her anxiety.

From her sigh came a genuine smile.

I guess it worked out. I'll just buy my own copy and lend it out when I'm done.

With that problem resolved, she came back to the one at hand.

What to do for fifteen minutes until homeroom...

The campus felt so strange without the sea of faces. She looked around at the walkway, which looked barren and almost unfamiliar. Her head rotated as she gazed.

The rotation stopped and jerked back upon seeing a familiar, gigantic lifeform. Cassidy muffled a malicious giggle as she crept up behind Matt. She tried to come up with a way to suprise him as she tiptoed.

I just hope he doesn't go all MMA on me if I freak him out. Covering eyes and jumping on his back are out... I'll just poke him in the sides!

She held her breath as she neared and extended her hands.

Hehe, I could pants him if I wanted too!

She silently smiled, clenching her teeth to contain any potential sounds. She was still getting used to just having such a hulk of a friend. Even sitting, his bigness was apparent.

Her finger tips found their way into his sides, and she herself burst out laughing.

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:39 am
by SOTF_Help
Quick continuity reminder: Due to the way the SOTF Universe works and the chronology of the actual SOTF game, The Hunger Games do not exist in the SOTF universe. The same is true of Battle Royale. Just a reminder to make sure any references make sense to the universe.

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:39 am
by Aura
Matt had actually managed to get his thoughts off of Cassidy and the prom for a few moments by remembering some Botchamania clips he had watched last night.  Scott Steiner's nonsensical mangling of the English language and brought a smile to his face.  He continued to remind himself of various clips when he felt a small touch on his sides.  He wouldn't have noticed it as much if it hadn't been accompanied by a fit of laughter coming from behind him.

"Wha...?"  Matt turned his head to see a familiar blond-haired cheerleader behind him.  "Oh, Cassidy, it's you!  I didn't know you were here!"  He fully turned around, sitting on his knees and resting his arms on the back of the bench.

"So what are you doing here so early?"

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:39 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
"Well I came to get a book from the library, but they didn't have it. B-"

She stopped herself. He didn't need to hear her rant about how it was actually a relief.

"But yeah, somebody took the last copy of "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" so I'm just gonna get it somewhere else. Or I'll just see the movie.

Of course, she wouldn't let herself see the movie first, but she was trying to keep the conversation normal. Matt was a good listener, but her pet peeves really weren't anything worth sharing.

"So now I'm just wandering. What are YOU doing here early?"

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:39 am
by Aura
Apparently, Cassidy came early to get some book from the library, but someone else had taken the last copy.  She sounded like she really wanted to read it, too.  Well, at least she was willing to wait for it.  Patience is an admirable quality, after all.

"So now I'm just wandering. What are YOU doing here early?"

Matt looked at the sky for a moment before looking back at Cassidy.  "Well, there was some really good cloud cover earlier, so I decided to get a head start on walking to school.  I ended up getting here a little earlier than I usually do, so I was just sitting out here and waiting for the bell to ring."

Matt stopped talking for a moment.  He wondered if now would be a good time to ask her to the prom.  His mind was going back and forth between asking and not asking, but eventually he made his choice.

"By the way, I'm glad you're here, because there's something that I wanted to ask you."

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:39 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
"Oh, wow."

Oh, something unexpected. Funny how things workout. He just happens to b ere, and then I just happen to be here, and then he just happens to have something to say. Freaky. Maybe it's some real big problem he only trusts me to help him with? Maybe he-

She cut the brain rant and inwardly rolled her eyes at herself. Suspense was too much for her, even in regular conversation.

She thought she sensed apprehension, so she continued in her cautiously concerned voice. A little quieter, a little softer, a little closer to show she can keep a secret. But never too much to make it seem too serious.

"What is it?"

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:39 am
by Aura
"What is it?"

Cassidy leaned in a little closer to him, her voice becoming quieter and softer as she did so.  Matt felt even more awkward than he already did.  How was he supposed to ask her to prom now?  He took a moment to regain his composure, took a deep breath, and began to speak.

"Well, um... you know that prom's coming up soon, and, well... I know that someone's probably asked you already... and it's totally okay if you don't want to... but maybe..."  He knew that this was going badly, but he had already laid the cards on the table, and there was no turning back now.

"Would you like to go... with me?"

Wow.  Way to go, Matt.  Five stars.  Totally not awkward or uncomfortable at all.

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:40 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
"Well, um..."


"you know that prom's coming up soon, and, well..."

Oh, he's going to ask somebody. He need advice?

I know that someone's probably asked you already..."

Well, no, but I can still give you ideas.

and it's totally okay if you don't want to... but maybe..."

...wait, what?

Her face backed away. Not out of disgust, but suprise.

"Would you like to go... with me?"

Her jaw started to drop, but she clenched it back up. She was speechless. Words weren't coming, thoughts were coming. She could only focus on the cute puppy-like innocence in front of her.

The tall handsome boy in front of her sounded so hopeful. She couldn't say no if she wanted to. He was so sweet, so genuine. He didn't put on airs or puff out his chest. And what was she doing now? Staring at him with some dumb, happy expression.

"YES!" Whoops. "Yes, I would love that."

She smiled. She had a date. And had an AMAZING date. She grinned and nodded, just in case.


Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:40 am
by Aura

Wait, what?

"Yes, I would love that."

She said yes!  She really said yes!

A grin immediately appeared across Matt's face.  "Really?"

Matt felt a bit strange, however.  Cassidy was a kind, beautiful cheerleader, and she had decided to go to prom with a giant freak like him.

She could do so much better... Why would she choose me...?

Matt's grin disappeared for a moment, replaced by a confused look.  "Why?"

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:40 am
by umop-ap!sdn*

She nodded. She'd been shocked, but in a wonderfully surprised way. Matt was cute, Matt was nice, and he was modest.

And now he too was grinning. Maybe he couldn't believe it either.



Apparently it was possible for a kid so much bigger than everybody else to have an inferiority complex.

"What do you mean?"

Before he could list his flaws and make things any more uncomfortable, she interrupted.

"You're cool, you're nice..."

Just say it Cass.

"you're cute..."

and now something else so cute doesn't seem like such a big deal.

Her smile grew bigger. "And I can defintely wear heels without being taller than you."

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:40 am
by Aura
"What do you mean?"

Did Cassidy really not think that it was weird that she was actually going out with him?  Matt might've said something, but Cassidy continued speaking before he could open his mouth.

"You're cool, you're nice..."

Well, I try to be a nice guy, and I guess-

"you're cute..."


Matt couldn't believe it.  Cassidy actually liked him for who he was.  She thought he was cool, nice, and even cute.  His smile returned to his face and he let out a small word of gratitude.


Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:40 am
by umop-ap!sdn*

She smiled. If he needed a self esteem boost, she was glad to provide it. He didn't seem to be fishing for compliments, he'd been genuinely surprised by her affirmative.


She tried to come up with a new way to take the conversation. Sure, Cassidy wasn't above judging people, but she didn't compare them to herself. She didn't consider herself and Matt on separate "tiers," of popularity, she just knew they were friends.

Out of words to convey her appreciation and excitement, she raised her arms and wrapped them around his long, strong body. It would be a brief hug to keep things from getting any more awkward.

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:40 am
by Aura

Cassidy's happiness was infectious, and Matt just couldn't stop smiling.  He seemed a bit surprised, however, when Cassidy suddenly hugged him.  Feeling a need to return the favor, he gave her a little hug in return.  It was a nice moment, all things considered.


Oh, crap.  How long have we been talking?

Matt released his hug and looked at Cassidy.  School was about to start, and he had to book it to first period.  He was blushing slightly as he picked up his backpack.

"So... I guess I'll see you at prom?"

Re: The Most Awkward Question

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:40 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Matt lightly touched Cassidy's back.


She flinched.

"So... I guess I'll see you at prom?"

Cassidy's lips pulled back from over her teeth like a curtain. She backed away and nodded.

"Yeah. Or even before then!"

She got to pick out a dress and get all pretty, she got to show up with a sweetheart on her arm and dance. She got to be a princess for a night. Her stretched smile widened.

The movement of people arriving and bustling around her dragged reality back around her.

"Okay! I'll see you!" She stood and turned away and tried to replace dreams of prom with directions to biology.

(Cassidy Kant continued elsewhere)