See with Eyes Unclouded by Hate

Behind the school are some open spaces for sports events. Aurora High has a nice football field with bleachers, smaller baseball and soccer fields, and a tennis court. All of these areas are secured by fences and locked gates, though they are left open during daylight hours.
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See with Eyes Unclouded by Hate


Post by Laurels »

((Sophie McDowell continued from The King of Limbs))

Sophie closed her eyes. Her legs were crossed, her bare legs feeling the cold steel of her seat. Her hands were resting on her lap, clenched together. She breathed in, then exhaled.

Photosynthesis. The process in which plants receive energy from sunlight for nutrition and to fuel their biochemical processes. Breath in, breath out.

She was seated on one of the bleachers near the football field. It was free period, and she decided she would use her time to clear her mind and try to work on her art. Sophie discovered that regular meditation could help her stay calm and allow her to be able to focus on her artistic endeavors.

You are a small seed, swathed in the cool earth. The earth is cool and comforting. It helps you grow. Breath in, breath out. Feel the roots emerge, pushing you towards the ceiling. Breath in, breath out. It's warmer closer to the ceiling. Push. Breath in, breath out.

Sophie straightened her back.

Clarity. You have broken the ceiling. Isn't the sky lovely? Silence has vanished, replaced with the music of Terra. What do you hear?

Sophie listened to the area around her. Cars were passing by the football field. Some boys were running nearby. Did a bus just pull up? She inhaled.

Remove the distractions.

Sophie exhaled. Everything suddenly became muted. That's when she saw It.

Inspiration. I found you.

She remained stationary. She needed to become familiar with Inspiration. Her sketchpad was resting next to her, with a sharpened pencil resting on the cover. The time would come to pick it up, but she needed the solitude first. Everything would be clear soon.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

((Adam Morgan continued from A Breath of Fresh Air))

Adam was outside again during his lunch period. Today, he was avoiding the gazebos. There was too much chance of running into the guys there again, and he just wasn't feeling up to that sort of energy expenditure right now. He'd been up late last night, trying to do some more English homework that had sort of gotten away from him. It had looked so small and easy, but had just spiraled out of control once he realized he didn't quite grasp the theory behind it in the first place. Then, of course, there had been the distractions, the internet videos and the music. All told, he'd fallen asleep at about four in the morning, just in time to have to get up for school a few hours later.

He'd probably get the five points or whatever for the assignment, but it really didn't seem worth it. His head was throbbing, his eyes itched, his vision was a little bit blurred, and he thought he might be a bit more congested than usual. A cold would be the absolute perfect reward for actually putting a bit of effort into school for a change. Adam decided that if he got sick he'd just say fuck it and take his Cs without complaint. No reason to sacrifice health and happiness for a bit of useless education.

The athletic fields weren't usually very populated, which made them a good place to ride out his homework hangover. The bleachers made for pretty nice seating, assuming that water hadn't pooled in the grooves to soak his ass. They looked dry today, so Adam got headed up them. He stepped from bleacher bench to bleacher bench, taking a perverse bit of enjoyment in the noise his shoes made as they struck the metal.

He knew somebody else was there, but he hadn't really paid much attention until he got going. He'd gone about five steps before it struck him that she might be enjoying the quiet. Adam glanced up, squinted until he could focus on her, and tried to make her out.

Sophie McDowell. He didn't know her super well. She was pretty chill, right?

Adam sure hoped so. He didn't need another headache.
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Post by Courtography »

(Jessica Murphy continued from Debates and Discourse)

A free period was awesome, at least in Jessica's opinion. It was a chance to work on some of her homework, or at least it was most days. Today she didn't have any that required her immediate attention. Her paper on Fahrenheit 451 wasn't due until next week anyway, plus she had forgotten her flash drive at home. So there went any attempt to go the library and try to work on it there.

So the athletic fields were the best place. Her friends didn't have free period right now, or at least she didn't think they did. She was almost completely positive that they didn't. So sitting outside, it was a pretty nice day, and reading her book would be a nice change. Watchers, she'd heard the author was good. The story was interesting enough so far. Although the dog was obviously something else, although the guy in the book hadn't seemed to figure that out yet. Although that's normally how things went, because if the author just went out and said it there wouldn't be any mystery and it wouldn't seem as important.

She spotted a couple of others already on the bleachers. Adam Morgan and Sophie something. She knew she'd had a class or two with each of them at some point, although she couldn't remember in what year or even what subject. She was pretty sure it wasn't English, but that didn't really mean much, there were plenty of other classes. She gave a polite wave before finding her own place on the bleachers. She dug the battered book out of her backpack, realizing the bookmark had fallen out.

"Great, now where was I," she wondered as she flipped through the first part of the book, trying to find her place.
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Post by Laurels »

Okay, you have it. Open your eyes slowly, adjust to the light.

Sophie slowly opened her eyes. After keeping her eyes closed for several minutes, it was difficult to adjust to the light. It didn't matter that much though. She found that it was similar to waking up from a dream, as it forced her to immediately try and remember the dream while being forced to focus on the day ahead of her. Every so often, there would be a phrase or an image that would stick with her. If it was powerful enough to stay in her mind for a few hours, it would soon materialize on a canvas or sketchpad.

She had an image, or at least, she thought she did. Sophie realized that some classmates had appeared on the bleachers. First was Adam Morgan. Sophie heard he was involved in fighting and gymnastics, and he seemed like a pretty nice guy. Then there was Jessica Murphy, a cheerleader and swimmer. She had the kind of positive and jovial personality that Sophie preferred to be around.

Jessica gave Sophie a wave before sitting down to read. Sophie waved back and gave a smile. Jessica was allowed to read, so Sophie let her. She then turned to Adam.

"Hello, how are you?" she asked.

Inspiration, you might have handed me something great.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Another girl wandered up. Adam recognized her as Jessica, but couldn't get any further than that, not with his headache and lack of concentration. She seemed to be talking to herself or her book, but she also didn't seem to be inclined to talk to him so he didn't really pay her any mind. Sophie, on the other hand, gave a polite inquiry about how he was doing. It appeared like he hadn't bothered her with his rather loud ascent of the bleachers, unless maybe she was being sarcastic. Adam was pretty out of it, but he didn't think she sounded sarcastic. He wasn't even sure she was the sort of person who had the capacity for sarcasm.

"I'm doing okay," Adam said. "Wait, no, actually today sucks. Homework sucks. How're you?"

As he spoke, he sat down on a section of bleacher about three steps lower than Sophie and a half dozen feet to her right. He ran his fingers over the metal grooves, lettings his nails catch in them and produce a quiet sort of zip sound. The metal was cool against his fingertips, and the sensation helped him focus and drag himself kicking and screaming back to a more conscious state of mind.

Going off about how his day sucked wasn't, he realized, actually a very inviting and diplomatic way to enter a conversation. Sophie probably didn't give a damn about his headache, or his homework woes, or any of that stuff. She was probably only asking because growing up her parents had always told her that it was nice to pretend to be interested in how other people were doing, just like Adam's parents had told him it was nice to tell people things were great unless they were good friends or would otherwise actually care.

Whatever. He blamed the headache for that slip of the tongue.

He ran his fingernails along the bleacher seats again. Zip.
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Post by Courtography »

Jessica finally found the page she had left off on while Adam and Sophie were engaged in small talk. Adam's homework sucked apparently. That wasn't good, but then again, that'd be over in a short while. Well, unless Adam went to college. She had no idea if he was or not, but she didn't want to assume one way or another. But her book was really good, hmm, she'd read for now and then if she still felt like talking she'd join in.

She let out a yawn. It always took her a few moments to get back into a book after she left it. She absentmindedly skimmed the few paragraphs she'd read before she'd stopped before. Okay now she was going again. Now if only metal bleachers were more comfortable it would be perfect. She shifted a little, trying to get comfortable, a long shot but it just might work.
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie raised an eyebrow at Adam's response. Clearly, he wasn't having a good day. She didn't blame him. Even she was feeling the stress of the last days of school. Everything was building towards finals, and everyone was focused on studying, partying, and doing everything they had to before graduation. Even she stressed out trying to determine what should go in her portfolio to send to schools like Washington State and Seattle University. But everything was out of her control now, so she decided to simply focus on what was next in school.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Adam," she responded. "Don't worry, I'm in the same boat."

Sophie studied Adam as he sat down on the bleachers. He seemed pretty stressed, so Sophie figured he wanted some peace and quiet. Then again, that's why she and Jessica were there: they wanted a quiet place. The bleachers at this time were pretty removed from everything else, and so it made sense to seek solitude there.

Sophie noticed how Adam's hand moved over the bleachers. Bleachers made such interesting sounds, something she noticed while meditating. Sophie's eyes widened.

A muse!

Sophie quickly analyzed her point of view. Adam was at a pretty good angle, and the distance would allow her to fill in with other details. This is what she was supposed to draw.

Alright, Adam probably doesn't want to talk right now. I should attempt this without being suspicious. Oh! I know.

Sophie pulled her cellphone out of her vest pocket. After quickly muting the phone's volume, she held the phone in front of her. She had a great view of the school. She pressed a button, and the phone snapped a picture of the school. She took a few more pictures of the area around her before turning towards Adam.

Okay Adam, hold that pose.

Sophie kept the phone at a low level. She could still see the image on the phone, so she was certain she could get it right. The picture didn't even need to be perfect. His long hair, his eyebrows, his lean cheeks, the expression on his face, that was what she needed.

Sophie snapped the picture. She exhaled quietly.

That should do it.

Sophie held the phone up. Perfect.

Thank you, Adam.

Sophie set the phone on the bleacher and picked up the sketchpad and pencil. She had work to do, so she began to draw the phone image on the pad.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Everyone went quiet after Sophie gave her sympathies. Adam didn't particularly care. He sat for a time, spacing out and not really paying attention to his surroundings, the steady movement of his hand on the bleachers the only thing keeping him from drifting off to sleep. Come to think of it, a nap wouldn't be so bad, except that he didn't trust himself to wake up in time for his next class and didn't want to go through class drowsy even if he could make it there alright. Adam hadn't fallen asleep in school in a long, long time. He wanted to keep the trend up.

He glanced over at Sophie. She'd taken out a sketchpad. Jessica was reading.

Maybe he'd take a nap when he got home, if he couldn't think of some better use of his time. There was probably more homework to do, but a few missed points wouldn't change his grades that much.

He sighed and stretched and rolled his shoulders. It really was hard to keep awake.

Thirty seconds later, his hand slowed to a stop and his eyelids drifted closed. He told himself he wasn't going to sleep. He was just resting his eyes for a second.

The next thing Adam knew, he was jerking upright again, a fresh burst of adrenaline running through him. He'd fallen asleep, just for a couple seconds, and had started to tip over backwards before the change in elevation had caused his sudden reawakening. He took a quick glance at the girls, trying to see if they'd noticed, but he couldn't really tell. Damn. That was an embarrassing loss of composure.

Adam tried to come up with some way to stay awake, maybe pinching his arms or something, but usually he needed something to focus on to avoid drifting off. There wasn't anything to pay attention to here, except for Sophie and Jessica, and neither was doing anything interesting right now.

"You getting excited about graduation?" he said out loud. He figured at least one of the girls might answer, and if he could get a conversation going, that would give him something to pay attention to instead of how heavy his eyelids felt.
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Post by Courtography »

She got a few more pages into the book. She just wasn't feeling it, maybe it was being outside. She normally read inside so maybe the outdoors just had too much going on that distracted her. She would probably go on for another page or two just to make sure that she wasn't in the mood. After all, what else would she do?

That's when Adam spoke up, asking about whether she was excited.

The book could wait. "Well yeah, I mean, it'll be fun, going to everyone's graduation parties, and then there's college. It's great."

And it would be. Of course, her mom had started planning her graduation months before. Heck, it felt like only a few days since she had sent out graduation announcements, but it had really been a few months. Time was moving fast.
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie continued drawing on the sketchpad. The was still trying to get Adam's basic body shape and posture down on the paper. Only then could she go into the details such as his clothing and hair. Still, she could see the progress, and hopefully the final result would look great.

You getting excited about graduation?

Sophie looked up. Adam looked like he spoke aloud, hoping someone would speak. Fortunately, Jessica responded first, saying she was excited to graduate.

"I'm excited too," Sophie said. "I've sent my portfolio out, and I should be hearing from some schools soon. I'm really excited to study at the university level."

"Are you guys doing anything fun between graduation and college? Like, any trips or events?"
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Oh, great. Jessica and Sophie were both excited about going to college. Adam wasn't so sure about that. Academics largely blew, and he was rather afraid he'd be one of those guys who just flunked out after three years of futile struggle, ending massively in debt and with nothing useful to show for it. He didn't even have a major picked out.

Luckily, Sophie gave him an opening to avoid talking about college at all.

"Yeah, it's gonna be fun," he said. "I mean, I think all the guys'll still be here this summer. I'll have time to hang out, get some action in."

Adam rubbed his temple for a second, closing his eyes and then opening them again.

"No real events, though. Maybe some bullshit family trip."

He couldn't let on he liked family trips. It'd just wreck his image.
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Post by Courtography »

Sophie was going to school for art. Which that made a lot of sense, she could see that Sophie had a sketchpad out. Of course some people just did that as a hobby. Adam mentioned there would probably be some family trip for him, although he didn't sound too excited about it. "Oh but family trips are fun." She remembered her family's trip to Yosemite the year before, that had been fun.

"I don't think we're having one this year so I'll just be working." That would be fun though, well kinda, lifeguarding could get boring, but she supposed that beat when it wasn't boring.

"I think my grandparents might be coming up from Oregon though." That might be fun. It really depended, her dad's parents, they could be a lot of fun, but other times they got almost too involved, trying to get her to introduce them to her friends and stuff.
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Post by Laurels »

Adam was going to just hang out over the summer, and Jessica was probably going to see some family.

"That sounds really nice," Sophie responded. "I'd love to take a trip this summer, but it probably isn't going to happen. Too many other things to worry about, like shopping for school supplies and moving."

"But at least I have some leisure time. I'm probably going to wait until I move to school before finding a job, so I'll spend my summer working on more art. I'll probably play guitar in public if I need some petty cash though. I have a lot of fun playing in the park and other places in town."

Sophie quickly stretched her arms in the air.

"It's nice to relax every so often, especially on days like today. Let's you really think about your life and whatnot."
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Adam shrugged. Both the girls liked family time. Good for them. Adam wasn't about to agree, not with his image on the line. Sophie discussed her plans for earning money, which sounded to Adam a lot like what homeless people did to pay for cheap whiskey. He didn't share that thought. Sophie could get her booze money wherever she wanted. It was cool if she found that better than asking her parents for cash. It wasn't like Adam's dignity was on the line. He'd've taken Jessica's track of working a real job over Sophie's choice any day, though.

"That sounds fun," he said to the girls, even though it sounded like both of them were going to be having really boring times. Adam couldn't wrap his head around school shopping taking more than a single stop at the Office Depot on Fourth Avenue. Maybe it was different for artists. Maybe they needed strange specialty pencils and shit.

"And I dunno, thinking about life isn't that great," Adam added. "I mean, like, why think about it when you could be living it, you know?"

He'd sort of veered off on a tangent here. Maybe it was that Sophie's moment of philosophy didn't really make full sense to him, and this was a better way of saving face than admitting that. Life was life. What all was there to ponder, besides the future? And, more than that, why would he want to think too hard about the future when it was so very uncertain?
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Post by Courtography »

Jessica was rather surprised to hear Sophie say that she'd play guitar in public rather than work. She'd always assumed that the people playing instruments were homeless people looking for money, or people who had at least tried to find something else, or professional musicians who were having trouble or something. Not teenage girls looking for a handout. It wasn't her problem though.

She snorted at Adam's comment about life. Like seriously, what were they supposed to do right now? They couldn't go out and do things because of school, and they couldn't not go to school because that could screw up their lives if they failed at the last minute. At least she figured that's what would happen. From what she knew, you couldn't get very far in life without a high school diploma.

"We're at school. Not that much to experience, y'know?" She cracked a smile.
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