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Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:24 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
((Jaquilyn Locke continued from Little Red Reaper))

You can't catch me... You... can't... catch me...

She stared down every camera she passed. She locked her jaw and pushed her brows forward. She wasn't going to let anybody believe she was afraid anymore. She had to be brave now. Even if she didn't know what exactly might be ahead, it wasn't anything that Jaquilyn Locke couldn't handle. Fuck no. After the shit she'd endured so far, there wasn't much else to fear. Even if nobody had even attacked her and Joachim yet, they'd been faced with the possibility of death ever moment of every day on the island. She was a victim, too. People forgot that. Did anybody realize how a person feels when they are digging a knife into another person's throat? Did they think she enjoyed that? Fuck them.

She wasn't a monster. She was fucking scared. Terrified. In-and-out of being totally petrified by fear. She was seven-fucking-teen years old. No shit she was afraid of death. What healthily minded teenager had ever been forced to contemplate whether or not they were ready to die? This was survival. This was clinging to...


The woods thinned and a parking lot appeared. The Ferris wheel and abandoned amusement park were probably the most ominous things she could have  possibly run into at this point. The giant roller coaster towered over her, and the spirits in the haunted house were beckoning her to join the. It didn't look like any other students was around. Why the hell was it she couldn't find anybody now that she was actually looking for people? There were bullet marks all over a few of the game stands. No corpses either, but a couple of giant stuffed animals were spilling out fluff. It looked like the perfect setting for an evil clown movie.

Run. RUN!

Her heart was beating out of her chest. The fear was coming back again. This placed screamed "SHITTY PLACE TO DIE."


She started to run, then stopped. Then again, then stopped. She couldn't, she needed to stick around. She couldn't pass up the chance to find somebody. She needed to get the news of Grace's death out. She needed to put a stop to the killing. A temporary stop, but a break from the literal chaos would do the whole student body good.

The word "body" sent an unfriendly, cold rush up her spine. Grace was just a body now. Adonis was just a shell laying in a doorway in a pool of his own blood under some towels. Carmina was sprawled out in the woods. None of them were going to get up, talk, or smile...

Jaq pressed her hands against her ears. She was getting scared again. Her mission was seeming less and less possible.

"HELP MEEEE-Heee-eeeee!" Her voice cracked, then shattered, then drowned into a sob.

She couldn't do this on her own. She needed somebody to help. Anybody. Everybody. J-


She fell to the ground and wrapped her arms around her legs. Her face buried itself in her knees as she tried to squeeze and rock herself into comfort. She was scared and she knew it. Shit was catching up to her really quick.

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:24 am
by BetaKnight
((Iselle Ovalle-Vandermeer continued from The Usual Suspects))

Iselle tried to hide her grimace as she listened to Kathryn's litany of complaints. It's not that she wasn't accustomed to her pitcher's occasional fits of prima dona-dom.  In fact, for a pitcher, Kathryn was low maintenance.  Plus, she was mostly bark.  Well, she was mostly bark at Iselle since Kathryn knew full well that Iselle bit back.

As she squelched along, Iselle kicked herself for the brilliant decision to leave the parking garage.  It had been dry, fairly quiet, dry, and was full of cushioned places to sleep.  And dry.

It wasn't as if leaving had helped them reach their intended goal.  More softballers were gone.  Their group strength diminished with each passing announcement.  The loss of each girl weighed on her.  What else was she supposed to be doing?  How could she keep them safe.

An unfamiliar voice caught her attention.  Iselle stopped abruptly, swiveling her head to try and pinpoint where the voice was coming from.  She looked at Kathryn.  "You hear that?"  

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:24 am
by Arscapi*
((Kathryn Nguyen continued from The Usual Suspects))

"Remind me again," Kathryn said as they walked through the forest. "Why did we leave the parking structure? It was dry there and there wasn't any trees. Did I mention that I woke up in a forest? Along the bike trail. Do you even know where we are anymore?"

Kathryn knew she was probably annoying Iselle, but she also knew that her friend would let her vent without much comment. The catcher was there to support her pitcher and Kathryn needed some support right now. Since waking up in the woods, Kathryn felt like all she'd done was wander around this island. And this time, this time it was worse because this time she was wet and miserable. She paused in her complaints to readjust the rifle onto her other shoulder.

Before she could start her complaints again, she heard something. Kathryn turned to Iselle just as her friend turned towards her. She nodded in confirmation and listened as the voice rang out again.

"Sounds like someone's in trouble, maybe we should check it out. Although quietly, don't want to attract too much attention," she said. Kathryn stepped forward so that she could see around one of the stalls. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw a girl sitting on the ground rocking. Kathryn didn't immediately recognize her, but didn't see anyone else in the area.

"Hello," she called softly. "What's wrong?"

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:24 am
by VysePresident
((Chase Rodriguez continued from: Wild Goose Chase))

The first thing Chase saw through the thinning trees was the ferris wheel, looming ominously in the grey sky over the desolate grounds of the park.  Earlier, he might have wondered at the intelligence of approaching the abandoned old structure, acting as a beacon to anyone in the vicinity, let alone what the point would even be, back when such things still mattered.  Now it was simply where he was heading, a temporary endpoint in a series of mechanical steps that kept him moving.  He didn't know what came next, or how he could possibly find the answer to that question there, but it was forward, and that was enough.

Empty tents and abandoned attractions were noted briefly, a small token of caution he still felt compelled to pay, and then promptly forgotten.  The old fears he'd once imagined hardly troubled him anymore, indeed, he would have almost welcomed anything at this point, even if Max were jump out of the shadows at him, or any of the island's other killers.  Being alone meant facing wounds that went far deeper than those the imagination could inflict.  

Anything turned out to be a very real scream, and a girl crying on the ground.  A little life seemed to spring back into him in the moment, as previously dulled eyes scanned frantically for signs of an attacker.  The stands made it hard to tell, but he saw nothing at first glance, and so his attention turned towards the sobbing girl.  

Hey!  Are you alright?"   His voice was quiet, hopefully soothing, and he stayed near, but not too close.  She wasn't anyone he recognized right away, and he didn't want to alarm her.

All in all, there was something uncomfortably familiar about the situation.

But even before he had even finished speaking, two girls were coming around the corner.   The pieces seemed to be falling into place now; both were armed, and he was all too keenly aware of the rifle the smaller one was carrying.  For a moment, he was ready to bolt, ideals discarded and forgotten, because he didn't want to face that gun, now that he knew what it could do.  

What stopped him was the simple fact that the gun wasn't in the girl's hands, at least not yet, and there was the figure still huddled on the ground, a stark reminder of the girl who he'd watched die.  There might still be something he could do here, if they hadn't already decided to kill.  Glancing between the two, something seemed to click, a choice was made, and he took that extra step into the open, hands open, nonaggressive, and spoke with a wavering voice.  

"What happened?"  Two words, a simple question, because it was up to them to decide what happened next.  If they weren't determined to kill, there was any room for talk, then maybe he'd even survive.  

Was it still naivety if you knew that you were doing something stupid?

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:24 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
A voice called out to her, and she quickly broke from her fetal position. Her hands felt the gravel around her, searching for her weapons. Somebody had found her, and she'd been unprepared. Her fears multiplied as she remembered leaving her gun to Joachim and the knife with Grace. Nauseating regret filled her, and she felt herself heave dryly.

She was going to have to hope these people were all friendly. They sounded non-aggressive so far. Maybe it was best she'd been unarmed, it kept her from holding strangers at gun point yelling frantically.

Her hands raised at her sides. She showed her empty hands to whoever was around. She didn't have any tricks up her sleeve or her partner hiding in any bushes. She was alone and unarmed now, which meant she had no choice but to trust these people.

She slowly got up, using one hand to push off the ground while keeping the other raised. She stumbled to stay upright on the turning and rotating ground. She tried to look around for the sources of the voices, but only got dizzier.

Her stomach knotted up as it tried to vomit, but there wasn't enough substance in her system to be vomited up easily. The creepy shadows on the gravel seemed to be getting longer, she'd completely lost all sense of time.

She grabbed the edge of the low counter near her. She stumbled over to the "wack-a-mole" game machine nearby to sit on. Her teary vision slowly refocused itself on her shoes, she had no idea who was around or where they were. She kept staring at the ground, nervous to look at whoever's mercy she might be at.

"What was wrong? What had happened?

"Guh-...Grace is dead."

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:24 am
by BetaKnight
The sound of a second, male voice made Iselle stiffen before she followed Kathryn.  This place had made the guys of their class completely retarded.  There was no way she was letting her friend face one of them alone.  Gripping her walking staff tightly in her right hand, Iselle stopped next to Kathryn.

The crying came from the dramatic girl wailing on the ground.  As the guy talked to her, Iselle looked her over.  She couldn't see anything obviously wrong with her.  No serious injuries or deformities other than her sad sack attempts to get up and dry heave.  Iselle wasn't sure if it was legit or an act.  

Given the over-the-top nature of this chick's reaction, her athletic frame, and that rat's nest of semi-permed hair, she would put even money that the girl was Jaquilyn Locke.  And as anyone who'd run into Jaquilyn before could attest, that bitch be cray.  Iselle wondered where her slutty little hench-monkey Bianca was.

Who was Grace?  She elbowed Kathryn to get her attention.  "Hey, do we know a Grace?"

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:25 am
by Arscapi*
As the girl climbed to her feet, she realized that it was Jaquilyn Locke who had been trying to catch pneumonia by sitting in the rain. Kathryn shook her head and realized that if she hadn't said anything they probably could have snuck right past Jaquilyn. They still might be able to, there was another person here and it wasn't like Jaquilyn was looking at them anyway.

Kathryn was still debating on whether or not to say anything else when Iselle's elbow dug into her side. Turning her attention from Jaquilyn she focused on Iselle. "I don't know, do we know a Grace? I don't think we do."

She shrugged and then focused on Jaquilyn again. "Ummm, isn't your best friend's name Bianca. At least 25 of our classmates have died, why are you all shaken up over Grace's?"

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:25 am
by VysePresident
Chase had taken a small step back, as the other two approached, managing a polite nod but otherwise staying out of the way.  By now it was obvious the other two were simply innocent passersby wondering what had happened, much like himself, and he needed a moment to step back and register what was going on.  Thinking was like trying to see through a fog, to face a brightness he wasn't ready to handle yet.  It had been so much simpler, when his goal had just been to keep walking.  

He started a little as something hit his ear, shocking him briefly out of his daze.  He brushed the stray raindrop off as it ran down his cheek, and realized his clothes were already slightly damp.  Had it been drizzling like this for long?  

By now, the girl had managed to stand, and it was at least possible to put a name to her, disheveled as she looked - Jaquilyn Locke; she was into cheerleading he thought, not really someone he'd spent much time with.  She was also sick and ready to fall, holding onto a counter for support, and her next three words said all that really needed to be said.

"I'm sorry for your loss."  That was all he managed to mumble, but clearly the girl with the rifle had no difficulties launching into a full interrogation.  He couldn't help but resent the implication that one person couldn't matter, fresh as his own wounds were, and trying to do so in the steadily increasing rain seemed thoughtless at best.  And what the heck did she mean by asking about someone else entirely?  Was there a one person mourning limit he didn't know about?  

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but why don't we get out of the rain before we start pressing?" His tone was quiet, almost apologetic; she did at least seem to mean well, and there was no reason to come off overbearing.  It was just common sense. "The pavilions don't look like much, but I figure it beats out here in the open."  

It was hard to offer comfort when he had so little of his own, but this at least might buy them all some time.

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:25 am
by Latin For Dragula
((Alda Abbate continued from The Usual Suspects))

"Crazy bitches...leaving me behind...skipping through the fucking woods..."

Leaving the parking garage made sense. They weren't going to find Paulo or any of the other girls sitting around in a car, running patrols and waiting for someone to sneak up on them in the dark. But it beat the hell out of this dank, slippery forest. Still, she wasn't gonna complain. Kathryn was doing plenty of that for her, from what she could hear.

Not that she had anything but hearing to go on. She ended up lagging behind and the two of them had pushed on. Maybe they didn't even realize she wasn't right with them. She just kept following their voices and footsteps to try and keep up. From sound of it though, they'd stopped walking, and someone was wailing up ahead.

She crept up to stand behind the pair of softballers. The sobbing was coming from the girl ahead of them. The lashes on Alda's cat dropped free from her hand as she saw who it was. She leaned closer to Iselle and whispered as quietly as she could, trying to make sure Jaq and whoever was consoling her didn't hear her.

"Hey. Notice anything missing from this picture? The announcements the other day said Jaq was running around with Joachim, killing people. I see Jaq, but I don't see that other asshole, and I sure as hell don't see a weapon."

Her eyes shifted around the surrounding woods, looking for movement, or a sign of someone hiding in the background. Maybe she was being paranoid, but they'd lost too many of the other girls already. If someone tried to jump the team, she'd make sure they didn't get a chance to be sorry about it.

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:25 am
by BetaKnight
((Pushed it absolutely as far as I can.  Sorry for the handler skip.))

Iselle grunted, her only response to Kathryn as she tried to picture who Grace was.  Memories of Kelly, Lauren, Sven, and the other people she knew flashed through her mind, but 'Grace' elicited only a blank spot.  She shrugged, trying to dismiss the uncomfortable feelings thinking about Sven brought to the surface.  The sound of footsteps behind her let her know that Alda had finally finished dragged her ass and caught up.  

'She shouldn't have been such a laze-ass during all those hours of conditioning,' Iselle thought until she realized what Alda was saying.  Her eyes narrowed as she performed her own survey of the scene. Chase and his seemingly benign offer of finding shelter suddenly took on a more sinister shade.  Any number of dangers could be lurking in the gloom, just out of sight.

"Hey, yeah, that's right.  Where is your new bff, Jaquilyn?  Where is Joachim?"  Iselle tightened her grip on her walking stick.  Something about this whole scene read wrong.  There was something they were missing, and that might be what picked off the next softballer.  Lauren and Kelly got taken while alone.  That wasn't going to happen again.

"Anything you want to tell us, Chase?  Like if you've seen Joachim? Anything we need to know so there wouldn't be any 'misunderstandings'?  I would have for *anyone* to get hurt in a misunderstanding."  She bared her teeth in an unfriendly grimace.

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:25 am
by Arscapi*
((Sorry, but I need to skip as well, it's getting way too close to deadline for me.))

Kathryn was getting tired of this. No, correction, was tired of this. She'd already trudged through the woods and now she was standing here getting wet.

"Seriously, this is getting us no where and making us wet," she said. "I'm with Chase and finding a place to get out of the rain. Then if Jaq wants to ignore us; at least we'll be dry while she does it."

Looking around Kathryn picked one of the nearby carnival games and headed towards it. She hopped over the low wall and dropped her stuff on the other side, before turning and looking at the rest of the group expectantly.

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:25 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
((holy crap sorry for delay))

Jaq blinked a few times. Between the tears and the rain water, he vision was was becoming more and more blurred. Questions from every direction seemed to bombard her. Yeah, she was friends with Bianca, was that really that important now? Did the social circles and friend groups really seem that important now?

"Yeah..." Bianca, she hadn't been in the announcements. That at least meant she was alive... and probably sane. A few more girls appeared, and it became clear why cliques were still important. A couple of softball lesbians were had gathered... one of whom was especially one of them. Wait, that was Chase Rodriguez, and he was actually a dude. The girls must have known Bianca from her single softball season.

Jaq choked on her breath as she prepared to field the questions about Grace. She'd sat through their interrogation wordlessly in the rain for a few minutes now, wasn't this what she wanted?

"Grace is dead and that means nobody else should die today!" She sounded defensive. She was defensive. She started to stand up, after that little outburst it it was probably time to go. She shook her head as Chase suggested they relocate before continuing conversation. She looked up, her frustration having become too much to contain. She took a deep breath and lifted her hands to show she was unarmed.

"And I fucking left Joachim. I took off when he went to get his best kill prize!" And killed Grace along the way. She pushed her wet hair out of her face.

"Nobody else needs to die today... I took off after Grace to..." She was getting dangerously close to the truth. Her voice cracked, "Nobody else needs to die!"

"Can you help me tell everyone?"

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:25 am
by VysePresident
"Excuse me."

Chase was trying to be patient, he really was.   He'd nodded polity when yet another student appeared, apparently lagging behind the other softball people.  He restrained himself when the girl with the baseball bat - Iselle, wasn't it? - got in his face and started demanding answers to questions he hadn't previously realized existed, before Jaquilyn had rendered the point moot with her interruption.

But it was all moving too quickly for him to handle, his brain was still refusing to function fully, and he had a splitting headache.  He wasn't stupid, it was obvious something was very wrong, but he wasn't sure to what to make of Iselle's aggression, or even Jaquilyn's sudden defensiveness, beyond the fact that that it was all just too much.

"I don't mean to be a bother, but I don't think you're going to find a lot of people running out in the rain.  Personally, if nobody minds, I'd rather we weren't, either."

Right now, all he wanted was a moment's peace to sort through it all, and then, maybe, possibly find an answer in all this mess.  

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:25 am
by Latin For Dragula
Jaq went from helpless damsel to crazy fucking psycho in record time. Everything about her response was making Alda more uncomfortable. This wasn't right. Where was her weapon? Where was Joachim? Who the hell was Grace?

The name froze in her mind. It didn't mean anything, but the way Jaq was acting about it sure did. That phrasing was the worst part. Nobody else had to die. What was that supposed to mean? The fact that Chase seemed to be completely ignoring her hysterics made the whole thing seem more suspicious. Had Jaq picked up a new partner? Neither of them looked armed, but Chase seemed insistent that they go somewhere else to get out of the rain, almost like he was trying to lead them somewhere.

Her face went hard as she stood beside Iselle. Kathryn had already abandoned them towards whatever trap Chase and Jaq had planned, and that was fine. At least she was in a place to back them up if something went wrong. Right now, all her attention was focused on the pair in front of her.

"Shut up Chase. Nobody goes anywhere until she explains exactly what happened to this Grace she keeps babbling about. In case you forgot, she's a fucking murderer." The cat rocked back and forth at her side as she glared down at both of them, watching for the slightest sign of hostility. Reach for a weapon, she challenged silently. Run. Move a goddamn inch. I fucking dare you.

Re: Do You Know Who I am?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:25 am
by BetaKnight
Iselle tried to ignore Jaq's histrionics.  It was hard not to reply, especially Jaq's moronic question. Tell everybody what?  That Jaquilyn Locke decided nobody had to die?  Well, whoop-de-fuckin'-doo.  If Jaq said it....

That bitch could run off with that stupidity all on her own.

Instead, Iselle turned her attention to the other, non-brain damaged people around her.  Kathryn seemed to be doing okay in that booth, and as much as she was loathe to admit it, maybe Chase had a point.  

"Nah.  They've got a point.  Let's get out of the rain and talk like civilized people.  We'll let the drama queen sit in the rain until she .... I dunno, sobers up or whatever."

Keeping a careful eye on Chase, Iselle made her way over to Kathryn.  "I swear to God, I'm going to beat your ass like you walked in the winning run if this ends up being a trap," she promised in a low voice.