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Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:13 pm
by LordB*
((Veronica McDonald continued from Respite))

((GMing of James Wade approved by LordB))

Veronica had spent the past twenty-four hours resting, so her stamina had been mostly restored from her initial runs around the island. However, her and James's mad dash from the barn depleted it again as the two ran blindly in the rain, escaping the danger zone. She couldn't even see James half the time; all she saw was a figure in the rain that she trusted was him and not a fellow classmate. Veronica doubted that he could see her either, but the two ran alongside each other nonetheless. Sometimes James would lead, sometimes Veronica would lead.

They had been running for roughly half an hour when they stumbled into an expansive meadow. Probably a former golf course, judging from the abandoned golf carts strewn around. Veronica didn't think much of the area until she spotted a building not too far off; potential shelter for them. James seemed to have noticed it too, as he turned back and motioned in her general direction to follow him.

Following James, Veronica found herself in front of a large Victorian-style house overlooking the golf course; maybe a resort of some sort before this place was abandoned. Out of the corner of her eye Veronica spotted a couple of corpses, but she willfully ignored them as she watched her partner fling the door open and duck inside the house. She followed him in as she slammed the door behind him.

"Whew!" Veronica gasped, dropping her bag and weapon on the floor. "Thank god we found this place," She took a fistful of her hair and wrung it out, making it less soaking wet than the rest of her. A pool of water was forming around them, and Veronica was getting antsy. "Ugh. Let's get dry, shall we?"

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:13 pm
by Aster
((James Wade continued from Respite))


James stood there for a few seconds, panting. They'd been running for ages and the rain only seemed to get worse as time went by. He dropped his bags to the floor, and unzipped his jacket. He'd put his Clue box under there for safekeeping when he'd left the barn, though the cardboard was still fairly damp from the rain. James' long hair hadn't been too badly drenched due to his hood, though he had to wring out the ends, wishing for the umpteenth time that he'd had a haircut before all this started. While he was partly dry in some areas, his clothes were still wet.

"Well," he began, throwing his soaked jacket to the floor by his bag. "Looks like we're safe for now."

He sat down by his bags and took off one of his shoes. Sure enough, water poured out and pooled on the floor nearby. James sighed. If those bastards hadn't made it a danger zone, he and Veronica would probably still be in the barn, safe and dry. But no, they had to run through that damn monsoon to find shelter. Still, it could be worse. They could still be outside. Or dead. Veronica was probably just as annoyed as he was, but at least she'd trusted him enough to follow him all this way. James pushed his hair back out of his face and attempted to wipe the soaked lenses of his glasses.

"I guess we're staying here until-"  He clasped his hands over his face just in time as he sneezed loudly. James groaned. Please, please don't let me have a fucking cold. He shook his head and sniffled before continuing. "So yeah, we're here until the rain stops, I suppose."

James sniffed again as he emptied his other shoe of rainwater. His day had just got a tiny bit worse.

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:13 pm
by LordB*
James sneezed as Veronica bent down to check her bag. She hoped that he hadn't caught a cold out there; being sick on this island was disastrous. The two had unanimously decided to wait out the rain in here, while Veronica's objective was just to get dry. She wrinkled her nose and groaned loudly as she pulled out a soggy loaf of bread. Everything was soaked; her food, map and anything loose she happened to have were wet. Hell, even her clothes were wet; the sweater she had on clung tightly to her form, and she was itching to get out of it.

Veronica swore quietly. "Dammit." She dropped the bread back in the pack. "My stuff is soaked." She took in her surroundings as she picked up her weapons. The building was as ornate inside as outside, and seemed to fare better than the rest of the island. The entrance hall itself was pretty fancy, and the building was bound to have something of worth deeper inside.

Explore the building, get dry. Seemed like a good plan.

Veronica hoisted her pack on her back again, picking up her tire iron with a spare hand. "Wanna explore a bit? There's gotta be something in here."

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:13 pm
by Aster
James sniffled again as he checked his pack. It wasn't as bad as it could be; one loaf of bread was still fairly dry and his remaining ration bars were protected by their wrappers. Still, he'd have to throw away some stuff, which made the food situation even worse in the long run. He threw his soaking wet jacket to the side by his drenched shoes. His clothes were all still fairly damp from the rain, though James preferred a little discomfort to having to walk around naked while they dried. He turned back to Veronica.

"Some of my stuff is okay, I think. Should be able so salvage some of the food."

He glanced around the building they'd ran into. In his mad rush to get out of the rain he hadn't really looked around much; it must have looked beautiful once, though years of abandonment had probably taken their toll. Still, it seemed fairly safe for now. He stood up, grabbing his Clue box as he did so. While he reminded himself for the hundredth time that it was useless as a weapon, it  did make him feel a little safer. If anything went wrong though he'd have to rely on Veronica and her tire iron to defend the pair of them, since Cluey the Clue Box wasn't going to transform into a gun any time soon. He shook his head, and Veronica asked if they wanted to explore the building. He'd begun to feel a little unwell, but accepted anyway.  

"Sure, let's look around. Might be something useful in this place."

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:13 pm
by LordB*
James appeared to want to explore the area as well. Motioning for him to follow her, Veronica stepped into the nearest hallway and began to walk.

Her first priority was to find something to dry off with; the building was clearly some sort of resort, and there should be some paper towels in an abandoned bathroom at least. Best case scenario there was a sauna with some towels.

Next priority was probably an empty room. Veronica grimaced and fingered her wet sweater. She hated the feeling of wearing wet clothes, and what she wanted most was a place to dry them out. As much as she wanted dry clothes, though, she wasn't going to strip in front of James any time soon. Maybe if they could find a quiet corner of the clubhouse to hang their clothes to dry (separately, of course) she'd be able to, but not at this exact moment.

She'd have to wait. For now, Veronica kept her eyes peeled for anything remotely useful, turning around now and again to make sure James was following her.

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:13 pm
by Aster
As he walked through the abandoned building, ignoring the discomfort of his damp clothes, James couldn't help but feel a little happier about his situation. Sure, he was on an island filled with murderous classmates and wearing a collar that could blow his head off, but on the bright side, he'd made a friend. Or at least someone willing to trust him and not beat him to death. He hadn't had a panic attack since his night sleeping alone on that golf course, either. That was good, too.

James looked around, trying to work out what on earth this place had once been. He hadn't had the chance to check for signs as he'd ran to escape the rain, but if he had to guess it had been a club of some kind. In any case, it had been abandoned for a while by the looks of it. James sneezed again. Well shit. Definitely a cold. Getting sick on the island would really reduce his chances of staying alive; worst case scenario would be Veronica abandoning him in case she caught his cold. At least she didn't know about his panic attacks. He'd keep that private for now. James groaned and sniffed before walking after Veronica.

"Hey," he began, stifling another sneeze. "Look, I think we've got to sort out our clothes. I'm not feeling great and these need drying out. We should find separate bathrooms or something because, well, y'know."

James hoped he'd made his point without sounding like a total idiot. Since he'd woken up on the island he'd only gotten himself into more trouble every time he'd opened his mouth. That said, he could hardly go back to being the really quiet kid if it was just the two of them. He shifted uncomfortably in his wet clothes, looking back towards his bag where he'd left his soaked socks and shoes. Better grab them before I hang these up to dry.

So he almost certainly had a cold, and needed to get out of these clothes. Once that was out of the way, James could go back to working out how to stay alive.

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:13 pm
by LordB*
Looks like James had the same idea. Veronica let herself smile a little bit as she spoke to him.

"Yeah, I know. That's what we're looking for right now." She replied, not turning back. "Keep an eye out, will ya?" Veronica looked around some more, trying to find any rooms that could help. Nothing around them at the moment; just some rooms with nothing useful to them at this point in time. She shook her head and muttered something about going in deeper. No resort was just a maze of hallways, after all. There had to be something interesting or useful lying around.

"C'mon, there's got to be something in here," She thought aloud frustratedly. Veronica walked a little faster, itching to dry off. James had caught a cold out in the rain, and somehow Veronica didn't. Guess she had a strong immune system or something like that. However, she was still vulnerable, given her soaked state. She needed something.

Luckily, they found their best case scenario; a spa in somewhat decent shape. If the fucks who ran this death game cared enough to leave some towels abandoned somewhere, she'd gladly take it. Thankfully, it only took a little poking around to find some towels tucked away in a corner of the room.


Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:13 pm
by Aster
The pair of them had made a lucky find in the spa: Towels. There seemed to be enough for both of them, so James took a couple for himself.

"Right, that's that sorted out. I'm just gonna grab my stuff and find a bathroom."

James turned and walked towards the Clubhouse's entrance, sniffing once more. He'd been unlucky enough to catch a cold just from that rainstorm, but with any luck it would go away soon. Or he'd die. One or the other. James picked up his bag and shoes, the latter of which was still too soaked to wear, and carried them back towards the Spa. While he couldn't immediately see any toilets, he came across a side room that would do as well. Judging by the wooden benches placed around it, he guessed that it had probably been a Sauna. James called to Veronica as he stepped inside, one hand on the door handle.

"I'll be in here for now, just call if you need anything!"

He closed the door, and set the towels out on a nearby bench. Get dry, sort things out. James glanced down at his weapon; the useless, slightly weathered and damp Clue box. He kept it close by at all times now, more for some kind of comfort than for any practical use; he had repeatedly wondered why he hadn't just thrown it away at the start. As he began to take off his sodden clothes, James gently pushed it aside and grabbed one of the towels. He was just glad to be safe for now.

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:14 pm
by LordB*
Veronica grabbed some towels as James went off to grab his stuff. After he left she immediately let her hair down and began vigorously drying it, covering her head with the towel. Maybe afterwards Veronica could slip into the sauna and let her clothes dry out in pea-

"I'll be in here for now, just call if you need anything!"


Veronica turned around just in time to see James shut the door, taking the sauna for his own. Swearing under her breath, she went over to the spa entrance and gingerly shut the door. Since she couldn't take the sauna, she had to make sure that someone didn't try to catch her off guard. For good measure, she dragged a few chairs over to barricade the door. It should hold up and keep the two safe for a little bit.

She didn't hesitate to take off her sweater and hang it to dry on a nearby chair. It was quickly followed by her other clothes, and soon enough she had turned a few surrounding chairs into makeshift drying racks. To make up for her lack of coverage Veronica had wrapped a towel around herself; if anyone walked into the room, she didn't need them seeing her in her undergarments.

She felt somewhat accomplished as she stood there, her clothes drying and James probably doing the same thing in the sauna. Now that she thought of it, it was kinda strange, stripping with someone else nearby...

...No, it wasn't going to happen. Veronica chuckled to herself and shook her head. James wasn't that type of person, and Veronica wasn't looking for that sort of encounter. Besides, if she was looking for that, she'd have to find Ruth first.

Stretching, Veronica laid herself on the nearest chair and kept the tire iron in her hand, keeping watch on the door. All she needed to do was wait for her clothes to dry and they were good to go.

...and her mind was still wallowing in the gutter. Veronica groaned inwardly and tried to ignore it. When that failed, she felt like she needed to get it off her chest.

Veronica sat up and turned towards the sauna door. "Don't get any ideas, James!" She said loud enough for him to hear.

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:14 pm
by Aster
James sat on one of the benches, wrapped only in a towel. He'd spread his clothes out around the other benches to dry by the time Veronica called out. What the hell does she mean by 'don't get any ideas?' All he was really concerned with right now was getting dry. So does she think I'll steal her weapon, her food or-



He wondered why she felt the need to tell him that. With everything going on James would rather not risk losing his one friend on the island for something stupid like that. Besides, now really wasn't the time to be ogling at women. Still, it was certainly a strange situation. He'd just have to concentrate on what he planned to do to stay alive, and not... other things. He coughed and  shifted in his seat slightly. Hrm. The sauna room felt strangely warm all of a sudden. He leaned towards the door and shouted back to Veronica.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything."

James lay back on his bench, trying to get comfortable. He felt very vulnerable wearing just a towel, though at least Veronica was outside with her Tire Iron, just in case. Clothes or no clothes that thing would probably deal with anyone who posed a threat. He was glad he'd found a good ally here. Maybe she'd... Nah. Never. James sighed, and sniffled. He'd slept a lot in the last day or so and wasn't very tired, so for now he'd just have to wait for his clothes to dry. He'd just daydream and try his hardest to keep his thoughts clean. He smiled to himself, then sneezed.

Wish this damn cold would go away.  

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:14 pm
by LordB*
Veronica yawned, stretching her arms. She wasn't exactly sure when she fell asleep or how long she had been asleep, but somehow she found herself taking an unexpected nap as she waited for her clothes to dry. Looking around, it didn't look like she had missed anything. All of her stuff was still scattered around, and the barricade remained unchanged. Glancing towards the sauna door, she saw that James probably hadn't stirred either.

It looked like a lot of time had passed while she was snoozing. It was fairly dark inside the spa, and Veronica groped around for her bag to retrieve her flashlight. Thankfully, her clothes had dried completely since then. She quickly changed back into her old clothes as she absentmindedly stuffed the towels in her bag. They would certainly come in handy later.

Veronica picked up her tire iron again and strolled towards the sauna door, rapping against it loudly.



Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:14 pm
by Aster
He'd been having such a nice dream.


James woke with a start at the loud noise, falling off his bench with a crash. Once again, he'd fallen asleep, though this time his awakening was worse. He grabbed his glasses from the floor, sighing with relief when he found that they were unbroken. Once that was out of the way, James had to sort out the whole 'naked in a pitch black room' problem. He'd probably slept for a good few hours, since the Sauna hadn't been well-lit before; he could barely see a thing now. If Veronica was calling him then something might have happened outside. Right, find clothes.

Please don't open the door, please don't open the door, please don't open the door.

He groped around in the dark, knocking his legs on the benches until he found his bag. It took a few seconds, but eventually he found his flashlight and clicked it on. It lit up in his face. James reeled back from the glare and blinked a few times before looking around for his now-dry clothes. He called out to Veronica.

"Hold on, I'll be there in a sec!"

Hoping that his partner wasn't being assaulted by a classmate-turned-murderer out there, James hurriedly got dressed, with only the little flashlight's beam to illuminate his surroundings. After slipping into his shoes and grabbing his Clue box, he straightened his glasses and ran for the door, his long hair flying behind him as he threw it open. If there was some kind of bloodthirsty psycho in the room, he hoped that the sight of a guy bursting through a door holding a board game would be threatening. Luckily for him, there were no murderers, Just Veronica and her tire iron.

Okay, false alarm. The island had definitely made him very jumpy. He glanced left and right, then back to Veronica.

"Sorry, fell asleep again. What is it?"

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:14 pm
by LordB*
James was bumping around in the sauna as Veronica waited outside. He exited, looked around bewilderedly and spoke.

She smirked as she replied. "Eh, just wanted to check if you were awake." Veronica looked around. "It got pretty dark while we were napping." All this time had passed, and yet the two of them remained safe. Nothing had happened to either of them while they were vulnerable, and they seemed pretty safe at the moment. We're incredibly lucky, Veronica thought to herself thankfully. I doubt anyone else on the island is.

She thought of her friends. She didn't know anyone she was particularly close to (bar Ruth) attending the trip, though there were certainly some unpleasant people running around. Mara, for one. Miranda was dead, along with several others she didn't like. As bad as it was, Veronica couldn't bring herself to feel sorry for them. They weren't close before the trip, for one, and then they went of playing the game. She had no sympathy for murderers at this point.

Sighing, she glanced at her partner. He seemed fine, though Veronica knew about his cold. She just hoped he was alright. It looked like the rain had stopped, though it was too late in the night to venture out.

"We might as well camp out here..." Veronica muttered under her breath.

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:14 pm
by Aster
False alarm. Of course it was. James smiled back, shaking his head at his own foolishness. If someone had attacked then Veronica could've probably handled herself; she seemed capable enough. Still, he couldn't believe that he'd fallen asleep like that. Again. Sure he'd had a bit of difficulty getting to sleep for his first couple of nights on this island, but this was the one place that James couldn't afford to be caught napping in. It was already dark outside, and Veronica's suggestion sounded like a good idea.

"Sure, looks like we're here for the night."

At least the rain had stopped. It wouldn't be safe to leave the Clubhouse in the dark, though. James placed his bag and the Clue box on a nearby chair, and sighed. Since the rain had soaked through most of his stuff the only food he had left was a few pieces of salvaged bread and his energy bars. There goes my rationing plan, I suppose. He'd share with Veronica if he had to; the pair of them would need to keep their strength up if they were staying together while on the island. There were a few things he'd have to discuss with her first though.

"Just wondering, what are you going to do-"

James turned aside for a moment to cover his mouth and nose as he sneezed. Oh right, my cold. Awesome. He sniffled and shook his head, glad that he'd turned away in time; James doubted that Veronica would be pleased if he sneezed right in her face. He straightened up and began again.

"Sorry about that. Just wanted to know what you plan to do about others if they come our way. Players, I mean."

It was a fairly straightforward question, he hoped. He hadn't declared himself a devout non-killer like he had a few days ago, whereupon he'd ran off in fear of being murdered by the damn softball team. Since she hadn't murdered James straight away he could cross out 'I'm a psycho who wants to kill and eat everyone' from the list of possible answers, but he had to know what she had planned. As long as they were stuck here in these collars, the pair of them were part of the game. Sure, he'd entertained the idea of him and Veronica going across the island doing some Bonnie and Clyde crap and getting out alive, but he had to be realistic. James would be content to sit back and let everyone kill everyone, but he wasn't stupid. Sooner or later someone would find them and he certainly wasn't going to lay down and die so some loony could build up their score.

Don't go looking for trouble, kill the fuck out of trouble if it finds me. Sounds like a good enough plan.

He just hoped that she had a similar idea.

Re: Dry Oasis

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:14 pm
by LordB*
James sneezed again, which wasn't a good sign. There was no doubt in Veronica's mind that he was sick. Being thrown into this game was bad enough, but being sick the whole way through? That's terrible. She looked at James pitifully as he asked her that question.

It had to be that one.

To Veronica, James was just a scared guy; easily spooked by anything. If she told him about her somewhat willingness to play the game, James would most likely be afraid of her. She doubted that he wouldn't even stay. But they had to defend themselves.

Sighing, Veronica tentatively answered his question. "Well, James, I guess we'll have to fight fire with fire." She looked him in the eye. "If you know what I mean."

Well he would obviously get it, but even then they probably couldn't fight. Veronica only had a tire iron (which did jack shit against a gun but was better than nothing) and James had that Clue box. It was deathly quiet in the spa room: what if someone was sneaking up on them as they spoke?

Keep your guard up, Veronica.