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B112 - Torres, Ryan[/DECEASED]

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:50 pm
by Kaishi*

Name: Ryan Torres
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Grade: 9th
Extra Curricular Activity: Skate on school property
School: Franklin Central

Appearance: 5' 6", he has red ear length hair and brown eyes. He is medium in size and built more for running and evading than fighting. He has black glasses. He has an earring on his left ear and a lip ring at the left side of the bottom lip.

Biography: Jeremy Torres is his cousin and the closest family member he has. They went to the same school and they were always getting in trouble together. His parents were abusive alcohalics and thats why he hung out with him so much. He wasn't very popular in school and he talked to very few people. His grades were fairly good but he was always skipping classes and disobeying teachers.

Other: He is always losing his glasses. He is a fast runner but can not see too far with out his glasses on.
Number: 112


Designated Weapon: Water Pistol
Conclusions: Hold on to your glasses, B112. I have a strong feeling that they'll be this guy's downfall.