Requiescat in Pace

Located just outside the aviary, the Zen garden offers a quiet place for contemplation. Surrounded by walls on all sides, it acts as a room itself. Covered bamboo porches lie at either end, with a bamboo walkway in between them. Small trees spot the mossy ground and there is a large circular sand garden at one end that was probably etched into a design at one point, but has since lost it. Several stone benches dot the area, allowing one to fully immerse themselves in contemplation of their surroundings.
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Requiescat in Pace


Post by BROseidon* »

((Virgil Jefferson-Davis, continued from Bellum Civile))

Virgil sat in the Zen garden, unaware of the killer that had just walked by him.

Instead, as Jaquilyn Locke walked towards the courtyard of the aviary, Virgil sat in the zen garden, peacefully enclosed. This place surely was once a great place to relax, read a nice book or get some work done.

Steven's corpse served as a gruesome reminder that no place was safe from desecration.

Virgil looked down at the corpse, frowning. It seemed so unceremonious, just lying there. Shot. Riddled with bullets. It was a disgusting sight. Konipaski had done this, right? Hadn't she killed more than once?

Virgil had always liked Steven. Sure, they hadn't run in the same social groups, or even interacted more than a handful of times, but Steven was the sort of guy that everyone knew and who knew everyone. He'd always seemed like a stand-up guy, and Virgil had a soft spot for guys like him. He never really approved of how guys like Adonis or Cody treated non-athletes. It always seemed so inane; Virgil always made an effort to stop them from being dicks.

And now he was going to do more of the same. Now, "stopping people from being dicks" translated to killing people.

Virgil opened his bag and pulled out his warmup jacket. He'd originally intended to use it to go running in the mornings. At Disneyland. Where they were supposed to be right then. Virgil draped the jacket over the blood-ridden corpse; it covered most of his body.

"Requiescat in pace."
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Post by BROseidon* »

Virgil slept restlessly that night. Images of the life slowly leaving Michelle's eyes held constant whenever he tried to doze off. He could feel her specter haunting him already; she was telling him not to kill. He couldn't listen. He knew that she was wrong and that her death proved her wrong, yet he still felt her spirit haunting him.

The next morning, Virgil awakened groggily to the sound of the speakers playing. More kills, more killers. Virgil took note of some of the names, as many as he could track in his tired state. He heard the confirmation that it had been Eliza Patton that killed Michelle.

And then he heard that the place he was in was a danger zone. He had to move, to go elsewhere.

Maybe he could camp near the school and try to ambush Hansel as he went for his prize.

((Virgil Jefferson-Davis continued elsewhere))
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