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As If It Even Matters

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:02 am
by Aura
((Stacey Mordetsky continued from There Will Be a Short Stopover on the way to Disney Land))

Stacey walked along the docks, looking out towards the ocean as she did so.  After spending so much time in the forest surrounded by trees after leaving the hotel, it was kind of nice to have a change of scenery.  She was less appreciative of the docks themselves, as the wood creaked with every step, making her feel as if they would give way and drop her into the water at any moment.  She had been walking more slowly and carefully on the docks, but abandoned that quickly once she actually felt the wood bending and shifting beneath her feet.

She made her way back to the thankfully sturdier ramps that led to the shipyard.  She sat down and placed her pack beside her as she began to think.  After hearing the announcements that morning, she realized how lucky she had been so far.  She hadn't run into any killers, and no one she had met had killed anyone so far.  The worst thing she had seen was Dave Russell's suicide, and she didn't even see the aftermath of that.  Admittedly, she had been in the hotel when it became a Danger Zone, but at least she got a fair warning and time to escape.  In all, she had been pretty lucky.

But despite that, her thoughts were troubling her.  If she remembered correctly, the last person standing would only be allowed to go home if they killed somebody.  What if she won without killing anyone?  Would the terrorists kill her themselves, or maybe make her play again with the next school that they kidnap?  Trailing off into thought, she began to wonder what she would do if she were to kill somebody.

I could wait until only one person's left, then kill them to make sure I win.  But wait... if the last two people kill each other at the same time, then I'm left without a kill, and then the terrorists win.  Maybe if I kill someone early, then hide out for the rest of the game.  That way, I don't have to worry about killing anyone at the end, and then... wait, what am I thinking?

Stacey clutched her head, as if she were trying to take control of her thoughts.  No!  Don't think like that!  Killing is wrong!  I don't care what Danya or anyone else says, I'm not doing it!  She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes tightly, still keeping a firm grip on her head.  Stop thinking about killing.  Just... don't do it.

Finally, she let go and relaxed her muscles.  She lay down on the ramp, looking at the sky above.  She was conflicted about what to do next.  She had lost her old plan when the hotel became a danger zone, and now she had to think up something new.  Unfortunately, with her current state of stress, that was proving to be quite difficult.  Stacey let out a long, deep sigh.

I'm in way over my head.

Re: As If It Even Matters

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:03 am
by Aura
Stacey continued to lie on the docks for a good, long while.  She contemplated what she would have to do, and if she would be able to follow through on her decision.  Would she kill early, then hide for the rest of the game?  Or would she wait until the end, and just kill whoever's left?  Besides, if she did decide to kill, would she be able to go through with it when the time came?  If she decided to be a pacifist, how would she avoid killing, and would she kill in self-defense if the situation presented itself?

All of these questions stuck in her head, and still no answers.

She got up and walked down the docks.  Maybe she would find someone else.  Maybe she would go the rest of the day without seeing anyone.  She wasn't sure what to expect anymore.  Her head was clouded, and she wasn't sure how to clear it.  She had only just started thinking hard about the game, so she assumed that she would figure things out as the day went on.

As she walked along, she spotted a camera.  She immediately thought of the terrorists, those assholes that caused all of this to happen.  If it weren't for them, she wouldn't be in this mess.  She wouldn't be wondering if she would have to kill her classmates.  She looked down and saw a loose plank that looked ready to snap off at any moment.  She crouched down, gripped it with both hands, and pulled.  After a good bit of effort, the plank snapped off in her hands.  It hadn't come off perfectly, and some of it had broken off, refusing to come loose from the dock.

She considered throwing the plank at the camera, but decided against it after looking it over a little more.  Part of it may have broken off, but it was still a decent size, a little longer than her forearm.  Plus, since it had broken, the sharp, splintered part could be used to stab someone.  It actually looked like a pretty decent weapon.  She decided to hold on to it for that reason.

Just in case.

With her newfound weapon, Stacey walked away from the docks.  Now that she was armed, she would be more able to make her decision when the time comes.  Would she kill, or would she be peaceful?

Stacey still didn't know, but she was ready to find out.

((Stacey Mordetsky continued elsewhere...))