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That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:23 am
by Courtography
(Jessica Murphy continued from In Situ)

Jessica had spent the night tucked in the corner between two stacks of storage containers. Her stomach had calmed down and she'd been able to eat a food bar when she'd woken up in the middle of the night.

The announcements had scared her. It felt like she was being taunted despite not having done anything to anyone. More importantly, it felt like it ignored that there was something else going on when Joe killed Jason. Not that Joe was innocent, but Jessica didn't think it was as cut and dried as he had made it sound.

The maze of colorful containers she'd decided to hide in hadn't been made into a danger zone.

That was a good thing at least. She'd stay there until she had a better plan. Sure she'd thought of how the extra medical supplies could help people, but how would she know she was helping the right people? There wouldn't be enough for everyone and even if she tried to help everyone, what if one of those people went and hurt other people later?

It was something to consider.

She took a sip of water. Something to consider indeed.

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by Latin For Dragula
((Garrett Wilde Continued From A Few More Bullets ))

The bag was heavy on his shoulder. He had already been using his rations as sparingly as possible, and now he'd expanded his supplies with what Theo had left behind. A part of him felt bad about raiding Gabriella's bag, but it was necessary. It'd help him keep his energy up as he traveled, and maybe he'd come across someone who needed the extra food and water. Someone helpless...or someone willing to trade. He thought about his Yo-Yo, and Meera's manual. They were seemingly useless items that could end up coming in handy. The paper in her manual, for instance, could be used for notes, or to fuel fires. His yo-yo could be made into a rudimentary alarm given the right circumstances. There had to be more things like that that people would trade for resources.

It was a tactical decision, the sort he should have been making from the moment he woke up. He let his ideals get in the way, though. His priorities had been simple: Keep everyone alive, protect Bella, don't die. They were noble. Noble and stupid, as the announcements had shown. He wished that everyone could live, and they could wait this out together. Some people were intent on playing the game, though. It was selfish, and cruel, but it was happening. He wanted to believe that some of them were just scared, but he'd been wrong when spoke with Iselle. Some weren't killing out of fear or the need to survive. Some were preying on helpless targets, like monsters...

Like Theo.

Theo's murders weighed heavily in his thoughts. "If he killed Gabriella in cold blood, he most likely did the same to Dan, and he'll probably do it again," he mumbled to himself quietly. He needed to come up with a way to stop him, but he didn't even have a weapon...he was so lost in contemplation as he worked his way aimlessly through the stacks of containers that he almost didn't notice the girl in the corner. As he recognized her in the corner of his eye, he jumped back. On instinct, he raised his gloved hands, showing that he didn't have a weapon. He cursed to himself as he realized his mistake, but he was committed to the course now.

"Friendly, and unarmed. I hope you can at least relate to the first part."

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by jimmydalad
((Cammy Davidson continued from The Bitter Truth))

Cammy had been wandering aimlessly again, not really sure where her feet were taking her. She had become accustomed to doing a lot of exercise. After all, she did track and that was bound to help her on the island. She didn't want to run. She had limited supplies and she didn't want to waste them trying to recuperate for her lost energy. She didn't want to die of starvation or thirst. She didn't want to die at all. She wasn't going to die. There had to be a way to survive without killing. There just had to be. She wouldn't get beat down by this.

Luckily, she wasn't in a danger zone. Her collar wasn't beeping and to her, that was a good sign. Whatever the case was, Cammy needed to find people. She couldn't survive alone, that she knew. Once she found people, she was sure that she could easily mesh with them. She was an amiable person after all and her presence would be very much appreciated, especially since she had a weapon that was decent.

It was hard to imagine herself trumpeting a weapon before she came onto the game. Now here she was, thanking the heavens for allowing her to get a better yield than her classmates. It was disturbing, to say the least and Cammy wasn't exactly certain about how she should feel about it. She was adapting, and hopefully in a better way than Naomi. Her mind briefly lingered on the thought of her old friend, wondering exactly where she was and how she was doing. While she didn't exactly agree with her methods, that didn't mean that she wanted her dead. She hoped that her friend's intellect would be able to keep her alive at least until they could find a way to escape. She also hoped that her friend wouldn't do something stupid to hurt her allies. She couldn't help it, especially with the terms they left on.

She found herself outside a building and she heard voices. Her interest piqued, she saw Garrett talking to someone inside the building. Garrett was an odd person in Cammy's opinion. He never really showed any emotion whatsoever, and he had the really creepy tendency to watch people. It made her feel uncomfortable being around the boy as she found it hard to believe he was even human sometimes. Nonetheless, he was still a person and that was better than no one.

When she moved closer to Garrett, she saw who he was talking to. Cammy smiled at the sight of one of her friends, Jessica Murphy. Due to being a fellow sportswoman, she found it easy to med with Jessica. Her positive attitude was also something Cammy liked and she never really minded her condescending tone that she occasionally put on. She was a good person and her lifeguard know-how was sure to come in handy on the island. She wished that she didn't get affected by the game like Naomi. She didn't want to have to leave another friend.

"Hey Jessica, Garrett." Cammy spoke, smiling warmly to allow them to feel comfortable. "Mind if I join you guys, I don't like being alone."

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by Delroy*
(( Travis Webster continued from In The Dark The Dead Are Dancing... ))

Travis was sneaking along the top of a few containers. Getting on top of them had been easy, but skulking around whilst armed with a fuckin' Chainsaw wasn't the simplest thing in the fuckin' world!

However, he was pleased with his decision. He now had clear visibility on the scene unfolding below. Three people, so far. He wasn't sure who it was just yet considering he'd dived down and halted into a slight crawl the second he heard voices. He'd decided to stay low, listen to what they said, figure out who they were and act accordingly.

He was lying there, flat on his stomach, with the chainsaw ready if something happened. However, if they seemed friendly and naive enough, it would be time to initiate the second stage of his plan. He was, after all, not mentioned in the announcement. They'd have no problem to ally with him. And Travis knew it always paid off to have a few human shields. Who knew, they might even have some decent weapons to nab as well.

That's when he heard the sweet, gullible Cammy Davidson's voice; "Mind if I join you guys, I don't like being alone."

Travis had to stifle an excited giggle. Cammy would be easy enough to convince, and if she was alone, that meant no Naomi. Maybe they'd lost each other, or maybe they'd had a falling out. Either way, he could use it. He shook his head at his luck and got a large grin on his lips as he slowly rose into a sitting position. He leaned towards another crate, carefully making sure he wasn't spotted just yet. He wanted the element of surprise.

This group would work just fine.

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by Courtography
Jessica was shaken out of her thoughts by Garrett Wilde showing up. She wasn't sure what to think about him, he was always so calm, and among teenagers that in itself was rather unusual. She supposed he was nice enough, even with his silly goatee.

She shrugged in response to his question. "I'm not unfriendly I guess." It was fairly noncommittal, something she imagined would go well with one of the characters in her detective novels. Although that thought made her think it was a little silly, but that couldn't be helped.

Cammy showing up was something Jessica was more sure about. She was someone Jessica would consider a friend back at school. "Sure Cammy, come on over." She definitely didn't want Cammy running off if she didn't want to be alone. Although Jessica wasn't sure if she really wanted other people around, her last encounter with people had gone poorly.

She wanted to get her mind off that, so what could do that better than small talk?

"Lovely weather we're having."

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by Latin For Dragula
Garrett resisted the urge to flinch as he heard Cammy's voice. Normally he'd be happy to see a friendly face, but he wasn't in the mood to socialize. He was playing the tactician now, and every fiber of that part of him screamed that this was a trap. It was the perfect place, with the perfect bait: An enclosed area like this would limit witnesses, and Jessica didn't seem too hostile or too suspicious. Given the conditions of the day, a scheme like this had the potential to net a large amount of victims.

He tried to push the thought from his mind. If he was right, it was probably too late. If he wasn't, he'd be giving up the opportunity to learn valuable information. He threw on the best smile he could manage as he turned to greet Cammy. It wavered slightly as he noticed her crossbow.

"No objections here. More people, more safety, right?"

That was a lie. Numbers wouldn't do much against a gun, or against someone who knew how to use their weapon. Still, Cammy's presence made them a little safer. Her bow wasn't a gun, but if she was really friendly then it might scare off some potential attackers.

He relaxed his posture as Jessica called Cammy over. It'd be difficult to ambush him if they were sitting in the same corner. Jessica's dry remark drew a chuckle out of him, killing what was left of the tension.

"It's nice enough. It was considerate of our hosts to make sure it wasn't raining while they ruined our lives."

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by jimmydalad
When Jessica welcomed her in, she squealed a little in happiness and ran up towards her, hugging her tightly. She made sure she didn't accidentally fire her crossbow while hugging. That could only spell disaster for them all.  The topic of weather came up, eliciting a small chuckle from her.

Garrett's reply was also something funny and Cammy was finding that she was starting to relax a bit more. It was different from when she was with Naomi, who only talked about finding a way off the island and the sacrifices they needed to make for that. She much preferred this. While it may not be seen as productive to some, the conversations helped calm their nerves and that would allow them to think more rationally and calmly.

"I dunno about that. I think if they had their way, they would make the weather as bad as possible to get us to do what they want." Cammy commented, going with the flow. However, as soon as she said that, she remembered the body of Gabriella Parker and Naomi. Her features formed a small frown for a brief, before she fixed her face so that she was smiling again.

Looking around, Cammy appraised all of the large boxes that towered over them. She was surprised at the sheer volume of boxes here. It made her wonder what was in them. If there was food, that would mean that they had more rations and could stay alive for longer and provide others with food as well.

"Hey Jess, you think these boxes have food in them? If not, what do you think is in them?" Cammy piped up, looking curiously at the boxes. She wasn't sure how to open them. It wasn't like they had any way of opening them, unless Cammy shot at them with her crossbow. Yet she doubted that this would be a good idea.

"Oh, is anyone else here?" Cammy suddenly asked, having only seen the front of the area. If there were more people, then it would be better for them all. Well, it would be as long as it wasn't someone like Travis or Theo, who had their eyes on killing. While Cammy could understand them and feel sorry for them, she knew that this was the path they chose and there wasn't anything she could do. Last game, the people who came to save the kids didn't allow murderers onto the boat. While she didn't want to kill anyone, if she came across anyone like that, she would need to do something. After all, she had to stay alive as well, for better or for worse.

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar*
((Gavin Hunter continued from A perfectly unremarkable evening.))

This had been a stupid idea.

It had seemed perfectly logical at the time; take a trip to the shipping yard and grab some rope there before heading into town. There ought to be plenty of the stuff lying around for an inventive person to make use of. Sounds great, right? Wrong.

What he hadn't counted on was the distance between the town and the shipping yard. It was only due to his foresight in leaving his daypack stashed under the rubble of a collapsed apartment block in the southern area of town that he had maintained the energy levels needed to make the trip at all. All he'd taken with him had been his water bottles, an aerosol can, a cigarette lighter and his lead pipe.

Despite his precautions the journey still hadn't been very pleasant. The warmth of the day forced him to take frequent breaks, and he had twice run out of water and been forced off the road to search for a stream to obtain a refill. The coastal road was at least quite a scenic route, but that didn't alleviate the annoyance of avoiding the constant potholes and abrasions in the ancient tarmac.

The most frustrating part of it all was the knowledge that he'd have to do it all over again in order to get back to town. That was unless he hijacked a functional car, or found a serviceable rowboat. Neither prospect seemed all that likely, but the slightest bit of hope was better than none at all.

The shipped yard seemed to fit the mould taken by every other section of the island. Exposure to the fine sea spray for the better part of a decade had left long streaks of salt encrusted on every surface, corroding metal and scouring wood a ghostly white. It was, as Gavin reflected while wandering through the area, an oddly beautiful effect. Certainly more attractive than the drab industrial colours the shipping yard had been painted with during its operational life.

The storage section of the yard seemed like the best spot to search for what he wanted. There were bound to be bins of rope for the mooring tethers here somewhere amid the decaying containers. The question was where, though? The place was a god-damned metallic maze, disorderly and difficult to navigate. It also seemed like a great place to run into other people without expecting it.

With this knowledge in mind, Gavin decided that it was best to announce his presence before plunging into the container field. If anybody was there and answered him, then he could ask them if they had seen what he was looking for. If nobody answered him, then he would do no harm by proceeding on his guard.

"Hey! Is there anybody in here?" He called in as loud a voice as he could muster.

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by Delroy*
The kids below chatted away like no tomorrow. They were all friendly. They would work perfectly.

The only problem now was being able to convince Cammy that he wasn't a threat. Her first Island-impression of him had been... rather lackluster. Stealing her friend's weapon and running away wasn't the best way to break the ice. However, he had a plan to make her see him as the vulnerable boy that he needed to be for this plan to work.

Quiet as a mouse, he removed the bandages and set them aside next to his rather clunky weapon. That was easy. Now came the hard part.

He bit down hard to quell any sounds he might make and then quickly inserted his finger in the wound on his arm.


When he was done, he took a deep breath. He had managed to stay quiet. The wound had started emanating blood again. His shirt was covered in dirt and sweat, his arm was yet again bleeding. He took his bloody hand and wiped it off on his pants. He now looked the part of a poor helpless victim. He was a mess. But holy Christ, he had not expected that to hurt as bad as it did. However, it would help him sell the story. Not only with the fresh blood but... His tears - it would seem - would not have to be fake.

The saw would be left on top of the container. If these people didn't buy into his charade, it wouldn't hurt to keep his weapon near. Just climb up and grab it. It wouldn't take too long. He really needed to get something smaller soon, though.

Then, with swift movements, he rolled off the container, landing close-by to the other kids. He quickly rolled over (a 4-5 meter drop is quite far after all) and made sure to make it look like a proper fall, rather than the deliberate move it had been.

Turning to the other children, crawling away from them, teary-eyed, panicky and bleeding, he quickly began shouting.


He had his story all figured out. He would play on their sympathy and kindness. Cammy would be angry at first, but he'd convince her he was harmless. Nobody feared a weakling, after all. And that would be their downfall.

This would work like a charm.

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by Courtography
She snorted at Garrett's comment. "Or maybe the weatherman was wrong as usual." She had trouble believing the idea that anything was intentionally nice for them, but of course it was probably just a joke.

Cammy asked about the containers. "Uhh, well I don't think there would be food, Cammy." Because really why would there be? "They're probably empty really." She figured they'd be anyway. She could swear she saw a story on the news about cargo containers piling up because of imports from China. This wasn't the U.S. obviously, but she thought it could be true.

It was good to have conversation to take her mind off of what happened, and what was probably happening.

Cammy asked about other people around. "I think it's just," well apparently not, as the new voice pointed out. "I guess there is then," she finished.

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by Latin For Dragula
Garrett listened patiently as they worked out the area's potential for scavenging. He suspected that Jessica was right about the lack of food, everything about the game so far would suggest they wanted to leave the competitors with just their bags. It would help make them more desperate as the days dragged on.

Jessica was cut off by a meek shout. Despite the passivity of it, he found himself tensing up again. An unknown figure in a maze of crates was a dangerous prospect. Still, it could be worse.


Now he was legitimately afraid. Someone was hurt, presumably by a nearby assailant. A thousand questions blurred through his mind as he prepared to bolt towards the sound, but he was dead in his tracks before he could even move. As paranoid as it seemed, this could also be a trap. The man who'd fallen near them looked legitimately hurt and panicked, but he also looked familiar. He recognized him as Travis Webster, a self-centered, opportunistic burn-out that Garrett attempted to avoid under even the best of circumstances. Travis was a user, and not just of any substance he could get his hands on. His favorite past-time seemed to be manipulating people for personal gain and the satisfaction of attention. Garrett had seen a few of his performances in civics, and he'd heard enough about him to gather that while his passion wasn't completely hollow, he wasn't exactly an activist.

He also didn't seem like such a frightened child either. Either someone had seriously shook him, or this was a trap.

Then again, everything feels like a trap today.

He knelt down to Travis's level, keeping his distance as well as an open stance for safety's sake. His tone was clipped and authoritative as he spoke. He needed Travis in control.

"Calm down and look at me. If someone's looking for you we all need to get moving before they find us, and screaming is only going to move that deadline up. It's Travis, right? I need to know who did this to you and if they're around here, and I need to know it fast."

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by jimmydalad
Cammy barely noticed the entrance of Gavin Hunter when she heard the very familiar sound of someone she did not want to meet again. Why was he here and more importantly, he still had the injury for before. Why didn't he do anything about it? Whatever the case, Cammy knew that he was bad news as he stole her friend's weapon. Even though she wasn't here now, at least Cammy could do something to stop him. If he was injured now, she wasn't going to let him just walk all over them and get away with murder after murder. She watched SOTF after all. People liked manipulating their poor classmates. She wasn't stupid.

"Get away from him. Now." Cammy warned the others, withdrawing her crossbow and aiming it right at Travis. She wasn't going to give him the chance. Everything went to shit ever since he came and he was bad news. The person he was now was different to the person he was back in school. He made his intentions all too clear that he was going to play the game. She wasn't going to let him get away with not. Not with what happened between Naomi and herself once he did get away.

"I can tell you guys exactly what happened to Travis. Don't believe him for a second. He's a player and I know this because I saw how he got that injury." Cammy spoke in a monotone, her eyes brimming with rage at the sight of Travis. She didn't want anything to do with him. She wasn't going to believe him. She knew he had made his decision. He was her enemy and he wasn't going to endanger her classmates through associating with him. Not after what happened.

"I was with Naomi before. Gabby was there as well, but you know what happened to her. In any case, Travis came in and stole Naomi's weapon, an electric hedge trimmer. In reaction to this, Naomi took my weapon and shot him right there. I don't know why that wound hasn't been healed nor do I know where he took Naomi's weapon. It's probably with him right now. I've been fooled by him once, but I'm not going to be fooled again." Cammy's face was steadfast and unmoving. She knew what she had to do. She would not kill. She would make him leave. To do that though, she needed to threaten him and she was lucky she had a decent weapon.

"Now Travis. I don't care about what you have to say now. You made your decision to play the game. I'm glad you haven't killed anyone yet, but I am not going to take the chance. If you know what's good for you, then I would advise getting out of here. Quickly. Don't take anything with you and don't do anything stupid. Get out. If you don't, I will shoot you. I will make you pay. So get out. Now." Cammy threatened, shouting with her last words. A part of her felt pity for Travis, but at the same time, she didn't want to take the risk. She could understand the motivations for playing the game, but she wasn't going to be nice just because she understood why. She wasn't a pushover. She was Cammy Davidson and she was not going to let any of her classmates die on her watch.

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:24 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar*
It was amazing how fast things could snowball from perfectly okay to potentially explosive. One moment Gavin had been standing on the edge of the container thicket announcing his presence, and the next his call had been drowned out by the agonised screams of somebody in terrible pain.

His first instinct was to charge into the maze and try and find whoever it was, but that instinct died when he faintly heard a female voice addressing somebody; presumably the person screaming in agony. Cupping a hand to his ear, he listened in as best he could. The metal hulks of the shipping containers created numerous echoes, but it was just possible to listen in without actually entering the maze itself.

What Gavin heard told him all he needed to know about the situation. This wasn't the place to be conducting a casual search, at least not on his timetable. The last thing he needed to do was walk in on a volatile situation like this, especially with people like Travis Webster involved. Hearing Camilla state that Travis was a player didn't help make the situation more appealing, either. No, the container yards were most definitely not the place to be right now. From the sound of things, Camilla had things well in hand already. His own presence would add to the tension and potential for violence that was already present.

Gavin turned away from the shipping yard. He reckoned that in the sudden uproar, his own call hadn't even been noticed. That was good; it would let him slip away without a bother. He didn't intend to go far anyway, just a little way northwards. Just because a potential fight was brewing in one section of the shipping yards didn't mean he had to abandon the entire place and go wandering off to god-only-knows where like some headless chicken. He would get what he needed elsewhere.

((Gavin Hunter makes a stealthy exit to Red Skies, Red Hearts.))

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:25 am
by Delroy*
Well, the first part of the plan worked. The boy in front of him (Travis was unsure of his name. Gary something? They'd never really talked) had approached him all kindly and stuff, just like any good Samaritan would.

As he was about to start telling them a... a "certain" version of the events that had transpired so far on the island, Cammy came in.

Oh wow. Cammy's response was... well, expected. But that she'd react as violently as she did surprised him. He was actually kinda impressed. This would require all of his energy and talent for manipulation.

"No-no-no-no! Cammy! Please... I'm not a player! Please! I-... I wasn't in the announcements! I didn't mean to hurt anyone! I just... I just wanted something to protect myself with! All I got was duct tape! I was scared!"

He heard a small voice in his head.


He ignored it.

He was practically groveling in the dirt where he was. He was impressed by his own acting ability. He was somewhat emulating his good friend Joe Carrasco during one of his nervous fits. Hanging around Joe had given Travis quite some insight in how to act like a... well, a nervous wreck.

"D-don't shoot me! Cammy! I... I know what I did was wrong... b-but... Oh man, I didn't know what I was doing..."


"And... And then Tyler Lucas came and attacked me! He is crazy! And dangerous! He's playing! And then Hansel came and OH MY GOD you don't know what kind of weapon he has!"

He turned away from the girl with the crossbow, looking to the other girl. Jessica Murphy! Cute cheerleader, and member of the swim team. She'd probably be more understanding.

He began looking a bit more composed, as if he wasn't as afraid anymore as he'd been earlier.

"Look, you guys... Hansel has a fucking FAMAS! Do you know what that is!? An enormous fucking automatic rifle! He began firing at me while I was hiding out in a booth and it... it... It was terrifying. The only reason he didn't kill me was because he began fighting with Tyler and I... I got away, just barely. I tore my bandages open while running, and I left the weapon there."

He looked back at Cammy, eyes full of remorse.

"Look... I was scared and I didn't know what I was doing... I am genuinely sorry for what happened, Cammy."


"But the real enemy isn't me."


"It's people like Hansel. Didn't you hear the announcements!? HE SHOT A GUY ALREADY!"

He looked at all of them with pleading eyes. Gary first. Jessica second. Cammy last.

"Please, I don't mean you any harm. I am a victim, just like all of you are!"


"I don't want to hurt anyone on this island. I am not playing. Not now, not ever."

You are a fucking liar, Travis Webster.

Re: That's Crate!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:25 am
by Courtography
A visible frown came to Jessica's face as the argument broke out between the injured Travis and her friend Cammy. They were both yelling and talking a lot and Jessica couldn't follow all of it. It seemed like neither of them would let the other get in a word to explain. And Jessica had seen Jason die and she didn't want to deal with either of these people's problems right now.

Jessica's voice was cold and lacking any of its normal tenderness. "Both of you, shut up." It was harsh, but it was necessary.

"Now instead of screaming, how bout we act like rational people and calmly explain what happened. Instead of acting like a couple of angry six year olds." Jessica didn't mind six year olds, although she probably would want to teach a slightly older group, but these were her fellow high schoolers, they needed to keep it together.
