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We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:09 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
((Cassidy Kant continued from The Path is Open))

It was away from Theo. The hospital had been a bit of backtrack, but a girl didn't stick around a double murderer unless she was stupid. There were probably girls who would, and there were probably girls who would die because of it. Whatever could go wrong would go wrong. David fell off a fucking balcony, the universe wasn't on their side.

It was shit luck she'd tripped. It was shit luck she'd tripper twice. It was shit luck the terrorists had picked their school. It was shit luck she'd gotten a toy boat.

Why didn't things ever work out for her? Why the hell, when things finally seemed to be reaching "happily ever after" did THIS happen? Just when it seemed like all of her karma for having been so sweet and considerate was paying off, THIS. She'd never cried as much as she had yesterday. Hell, nobody had ever cried that much. She was an emotional girl to start, but this roller coaster ride was going to end like that one in Final Destination.

After what she'd been through, the ominous abandoned hospital with the odd bloodstained gurney and children's drawing wasn't even that scary. It was just another place to look for the last thing she had in the world. It might have even been the best thing. Maybe she didn't want to see it in this kind of light... not after the video the terrorists had played for them.

Then what? If reuniting with Matt wasn't what she wanted, and winning this fucking game wasn't what she wanted, what the hell was she still doing alive?

"aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAARRGGG!" She stomped her foot. There were chairs. Chairs could be flipped. She grabbed one and hurled it into the wall. It hit and fell down uneventfully. The blinking light on a camera reminded her that her agony and frustration was all being recorded for the entertainment of whatever sickos were out there. She turned away from it, as though this defiance would ruin the watching experience. This wasn't entertainment, this wasn't imaginative, this was Hell live.

She grabbed another chair and pulled it to the corner of the room, dropping herself into it as she hid herself away from the fans. The bag sat next to her. She took out a bar. She could at least eat. Nobody would be interested in that. Cassidy stared hard at where the two walls met the floor. She had a lot to think about, and she wasn't about to share those thoughts "confessional style."

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:10 am
by Aura
((Matt Masters continued from This Ain't No Make Believe))

((Light GMing approved by Outfoxd))

It hadn't been a good night for Matt.  He and Leona had camped out in the woods, and the lack of mattresses and blankets made for a very uncomfortable rest.  Being woken up by screeching loudspeakers wasn't exactly pleasant either, but he assumed that as long as he was on the island, he was going to have to deal with it.

The announcements genuinely shocked him.  Eight people had died in the first day?  It was bad enough that it apparently began with Dave Russell's suicide, but if Matt had heard the announcement's correctly, someone had already killed twice.  He didn't want to believe it.  How could someone fall so far so fast?  No matter what, he couldn't let himself sink to that level.  Killing someone, anyone, is something that he could never imagine himself doing, not even in his worst nightmares.

Fortunately, he learned one good thing from the announcements.  Cassidy's name didn't come up at all, and that meant that not only was she still alive, but she hadn't killed anyone either.  Matt thanked God for that.  He wasn't sure how he would be able to take either of those if they were to happen.

As he and Leona marched on, they saw a building in the distance.  As they got closer, it was revealed to be a hospital.  Matt, quite confused at this point, walked over to the hospital entrance and leaned on the wall next to the door as he pulled out his map.  He had been trying to find the golf course, and he thought that he had read the map correctly the first time, so where could he have gone wrong?  Reading the map, he came to the realization that he had managed to somehow go right around the golf course and end up at the hospital.  With a look of utter surprise and embarrassment, he folded up his map and stuck it back into his pack, before turning to Leona and chuckling nervously.

"Heh.  It looks like I ended up leading us around the golf course rather than into it."  He looked at the hospital doors next to him for a moment, contemplating his options.  "Still, why don't we take a break and stay here for a couple minutes?  This is the first building we've found, so we might as well take advantage of it."

Maybe something will finally go right, and Cassidy will show up.  Wishful thinking never hurt anyone, right?

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:10 am
by Outfoxd
((Leona Van Kamp continued from This Ain't No Make Believe ))

Eight kids already dead.  Leona was having a difficult time believing that the show had gotten on so quickly.  What in Christ's name was happening out there?

There was one name she was happy was nowhere to be found.  She hoped Rebecca was safe somewhere, cloistered away until the world ended for all Leona cared.

By the time the sixth name was read out, Leona's quarters were doing their dance again around her hand, having a talismanic quality for her.  She was so focused she almost didn't hear Matt talking.

"Huh?"  She asked, and looked up at him.

"Yeah.  Break.  Sounds good."

She moved past him to peek inside the reception area of the hospitals.  There were a handful of chairs that would do nicely.  Didn't seem like they'd be exposed, as well.

"Looks like we've got a broad array of the same chair to choose from."  She joked.

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:10 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
((I'm assuming that Leona is looking through a window, but if not I will edit))

Cassidy jumped up from her chair and turned. Muffled voices came from a nearby window. An awkward laugh sounded remarkable familiar. She ran over to the window and pressed both hands against it. The girl she saw was familiar. Cassidy briefly studied her face and recalled the girl's name, Leona. She was some kind of quirky, but whatever. She wasn't the source of the sound. Cassidy gave a quick, polite smile and adjusted her angle so that she could see who else was around.




He was here. A swirl of conflicting emotions flew through Cassidy's head like a tornado. So many questions. So many answers she didn't want to hear. So many things she needed to tell him, but wasn't sure if she could. She'd finally found him. Now, what the hell was she going to do? Her mouth opened, but she had no idea what to say. There he was, through the glass, and she had absolutely nothing. She'd played this moment over and over in her head for the past twenty four hours, and now she could't pick a word to greet him with.

She raised a finger and ran to the door. She pushed it open forcefully and jumped outside.

"Holy shit, Matt..."

She leapt into the air at him, not caring if he was ready to catch her. He was big and sturdy, he probably wouldn't fall. She just needed to feel him, make sure he was real.

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:10 am
by Aura
Matt moved over a little so that Leona could look into the window.  He heard her snarking about the lack of variety in chairs in the waiting room.  "Well, what can you expect?"  He joked in return.  "It's a hospital.  People don't really go there for fun."

Matt jerked his head around when he heard the door open.  He got himself into a ready position in case the person coming through was hostile.  When he saw who came out of the door, however, any façade of aggression melted away.  He saw the one person he knew he could trust on the island.  It was Cassidy, who flung herself at him.  He caught her, staggering back about a half-step, and hugged her.

"Cassidy, I thought that... I mean, I was just worried that you might've... uh..."

Matt couldn't really figure out what to say, so he stopped trying to form sentences and savored the embrace.

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:10 am
by Outfoxd
Someone came flying out of the hospital, and Leona panicked for a split second, thinking it was an attack.  It was hard to think otherwise, considering she leapt on him.  It took her a bout of confused blinking to get her bearings and realize it was a hug and not a murderous death grip full of rage and /or ruthlessness.

They exchanged names, and Leona figured this was the very Cassidy that Matt had been searching for.  She guessed karma decided Matt had needed a bout of good luck after getting the 'ol switcheroo early.

Feeling mildly awkward, Leona stuffed her hands into her pockets.

"Matt, I feel as if you two have met somewhere before."  She said, smiling.

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:10 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Matt was being odd with words, and Cassidy only hugged him harder for it. The island hadn't changed him one bit. He was still just as benevolent and awkward as ever. Finally, luck was on her side. They were together, and they were alive. That was enough for now. There were so many other things she wished she could have, people she could be with, places she could be, but this was the best she could have given the circumstances.

She backed off, still smiling hugely at him, never having felt such relief in her entire life. He was there, he was him, he was hers, and that was everything that she needed and could have.

Having completely forgotten about the other girl, Cassidy turned away from Matt for a moment. He'd still be there in a second, hopefully. Well, she could make her greeting brief just in case.

"Hey.. I'm Cassidy."

She held her hand out for a moment, slipping the other one over towards Matt's.

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:10 am
by Aura
Matt stood by as Cassidy backed off for a moment, beaming like the sun.  She started to talk to Leona, and Matt realized that it might look weird that he was just walking with another girl.  Now, Matt wouldn't dream of cheating on Cassidy, and he was pretty sure that she knew that as well.  Still, he felt that he had to explain the current situation.

"Uh... Cassidy, this is Leona.  She's looking for someone, too, and I thought that it would be best if we all searched together."

He held Cassidy's hand when she reached out towards his.  At least one thing on this island was going well at the moment.

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:14 am
by Outfoxd
Leona took the proffered hand and gave Cassidy a light shake as Matt introduced her.

"Sometimes I go by the 'Great Leo'.  You know, onstage.  You might have heard of me."  That was a shot in the dark, but she was sure somebody from school had to have gone to one of her shows at some point.

"I'm actually looking for my lovely assistant.  Rebecca Kiesling.  You see her, by chance?"  She asked, the hope evident in her tone.  This whole situation would be far more palatable if she could just get in touch with Rebecca.

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:14 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
"No... sorry. I saw a bunch of people at the hot-" Her voice caught in her throat as she recalled the events of yesterday. Mainly the one incident. She busied her mind with trivial information to try and suppress it.

David. Grey. David. Gavin. Andi. David... Ruby... Dav-Ami... Yukiko, that one kid, and Jenna... that other kid... Theo.

She couldn't count those names right now. Not with the repeats, and not with the stress. They could catch up later. She needed to get things off her chest, and she needed to tell Matt everything she'd seen. He'd...

"I saw a lot of people, but no Rebecca... If you want, we could head somewhere else for now though, keep up the search?"

She really wanted to just be alone with Matt, but leaving somebody else alone in this place was too incredibly selfish to consider.

"I know the way to the park, let's try there."

((Cassidy Kant continued in I Promise You Forever))

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:14 am
by Aura
Matt nodded when Cassidy mentioned the park.  "Sounds good.  Let's head out."

He diligently followed along, making sure to keep up with Cassidy whilst keeping tabs on Leona.  It wouldn't do to lose someone in the middle of the forest, after all.

((Matt Masters continued elsewhere...))

Re: We'll Never Fall, We'll Never Fade

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:14 am
by Outfoxd
The hospital was no longer an option.  If Cassidy hadn't seen anyone in there, that was good enough for Leona.

She watched the pair go for a second, her hand fingering the set of quarters nestled in her pockets.  Her worry was palpable.  But then, it wouldn't get her anywhere.

She followed the pair, feeling only slightly less awkward than before.

((Leona Van Kamp continued in Forever...Forever...))