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The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:17 am
by Imehal*
[Carlon Wheeler and Alexandria Ripley continued from The Silver Chair]

In the past when he had felt so completely out of his depth, Carlon had always determinedly retreated from the situation and looked for something to calm him; to focus on so he could ignore the anxiety and fears that came with not knowing. This approach, on the island, had manifested in him throwing himself into taking care of Alexandria so that it could absorb his attention so completely that he could think of nothing else. It had worked so far after all. Whilst his new ally had slept, he had worked hard to find something that would work as a walking stick.

The best he had been able to find was the remnants of a broken tool's shaft just outside the barn. It had been just after sunset, and he had stood a moment to bask in the blanketing darkness and silence. Foolishly he had allowed himself to close his eyes and pretend that it was not a barn behind him but his home. He had kept his eyes closed and imagination thrust wide open as he made his way back to Alexandria's side, propping the piece of splintered wood beside her to be used upon awakening.


Carlon paused at the long broken automatic doors that led into the lobby of the island's only hospital, fingers tightening on the side of the glass door that he pushed back to allow her inside first. There were plastic seats visible even from here in the reception area. Alexandria could rest, recuperate and take some more painkillers, and he would stay within earshot and find a crutch to replace the stick. It was far from ideal, and he would much rather that they found somewhere stable to sit and wait out the worst of what was to come in the days that followed. But that just was not an option at the hospital; the risk of having someone who meant them no good will come across them here, where they could not make a quick escape, was too great to put to chance. The hospital was a place that everyone would frequent at one point or another – for supplies, or rest. There had to be somewhere else that they could hide that would be less popular; Someplace that they could protect, or at least organise an escape route from if required.

The thoughts of panic and distress that had threatened to overwhelm him yesterday were nowhere near as debilitating today. Though it made him queasy to think further on it, his mind fell back all too easily into reminding him why it was so important to stay strong. It was as much for his sake as Alexandria's.

The announcements had been a staple of the old runs of this sick game that the terrorists insisted that they played out. They came for the first time like clockwork whilst they tried to stomach a lacklustre breakfast of energy bars, names read out one after another. They had listened together as friends, acquaintances and people that had just been unfamiliar faces and names in a corridor once were now called killers and victims. It would have been just like him to refute the fact that all the deaths were not made in cold blood. Seeping doubt gave him greater cause to regret not stubbornly going back to reach out in understanding to Hansel despite his violent outburst, but eight names was beyond probability for accidents. The facts were plain enough to see, even if he told himself over and over that he did not want to see them – to acknowledge the truth of the situation even when logic and practicality were insisting that he accept that not everyone could be saved.

Eight people had died and six had killed them, save David Russell, one way or another. The details had gone by in blur, but Carlon had committed all the names to memory, categorising the killers as ‘threats' but not hostile. He would have to judge them all as he came across them on a case by case basis, rather than on what a man who wanted them to kill each other said. Theodore Fletcher was the only name that would make him hesitate in that patient, methodical classification of his classmates – he had killed twice. Odds were that although once might have been an accident, a second name beside Theodore's suggested a conclusion far more sinister. Carlon hated himself for thinking that way, kicking a plastic chair as he imagined that it was the leg of someone he hated considerably more.

"That man," he said aloud in the silence of the hospital reception, frowning as he set his bags down on one of the chairs nearest the door, then opened the duffle bag to fish out some more painkillers and one of the half empty bottles of water across to Alexandria, eyes unusually intense, "Danya. I don't want to trust a single word he said this morning, but we…"

He stopped, a hand scrubbing across his face in a distracting motion as images of Daniel resurfaced. Instantly sadness covered the ever-present, yet slowly bubbling anger Carlon felt towards the voice of the man who had murdered his teacher, and would slowly murder everyone else here if he could. Even if it was not by his own hand. He moved then out of need for something to do but did not stray far, eyes occasionally flickering back to Alexandria as he looked about the reception area for discarded crutches. There were a few wheelchairs about the abandoned room, but Carlon knew enough about the terrain of the island already to know that suggesting those would have put her in a far worse situation to keep moving and protect themselves than they were in now.

"We saw what Hansel did, and so I can't contest that the people who he said died are dead. However, I refuse to believe that six people on this island suddenly became heartless killers overnight." Carlon stopped then, as if something had only just occurred to him, features darkening into an expression of horrified realisation. Had she known any of those who had died, or indeed killed, well at school? They had not talked about any of this then, and that had suited him fine. The problems that had faced them getting here, a feat they had managed by being silent, excepting his initial suggestion to travel here and her muted sounds of pain and his words of encouragement thereafter, had rightly been at the forefront of his mind.

Now that the other factors blocking his usually kind and sympathetic nature had given way? Carlon was simply afraid to ask. If she did, would she want to talk about it or would he cause greater stress by broaching the subject? He certainly did not want to think about how he would never be able to see Daniel smile again, nor convey his joy (or occasional dislike) for whatever books he happened to be reading at the time. It would take a long time for Carlon to think of Daniel and not be reminded of spraying bullets and blood. He paled then, anxiety and grief swiftly forming a solid lump in his throat, and once again the man who had been so vocal only moments before could not find any words at all.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:18 am
by KamiKaze
A hero.

That word always seemed great, didn't it?

Maybe that's what she had wanted all her life. Her entire life, she wanted to be one. It wasn't something particularly new to her; Alex always wanted to work in law enforcement to stop evil-doers. It seemed like a way she could help. It was the way she could help. But it didn't stop there; many of her daydreams involved saving those who were weak or defenseless. Heck, if she were given superpowers, she probably would fight crime. All in all, Alex was enamored by the idea. She didn't want praise or glory. She just wanted to make things right in the world.

What's that so much to ask for?

It's pretty much why she... did a lot of things. For example, when she stood up to the bullies at Aurora. Or did volunteer work to learn more. Or how she wanted to escape with as many people as possible.

Alex was still reeling from the announcements.

Eight dead, six killing.

It was a shock, no doubt.

Joe killed Jason? But Jason was nice and friendly. He was as harmless as you could get. There was no way his death could be justified! All he ever wanted was to watch MLP, or be with his friends. Not this. He could never kill someone. Not ever. What Joe did had no justification, from the sounds of it.

And what? Dave Russell killed himself? Theodore killed two people? And Kat Konipaski got rewarded?

Alex had found herself feeling ill when the names rattled on.

It didn't help that he had poked fun at Hansel's killing of Dan. Or worse yet, that apparently Hansel had attacked someone before.

What if they had stopped him somehow? He was going to kill more. The announcements said so. How long would it take before he would somehow stop? It was going to happen again and again. And what about Theodore? He was killing at a fast rate. Something had to be done.

But what could be done? Alex couldn't do much, with her leg hurt. Carlon had found a splintered piece of wood to help her walk, but even then. Alex still didn't know a way to escape. And how do you stop a killer?

Alex had an idea. But it was a horrifying idea. And yet, it kept popping up in her mind. It had popped up only briefly in the lighthouse, but she knew it was wrong. When walking with Daniel, it had popped up again, only for her to brush it off harder. It reemerged as she attempted to sleep in the shed, but her mind pushed hard against it. The harder she pushed, the harder she pushed back.

But no. Alex didn't want to become a murderer. Not even if it were people who were killing to begin with.

Murder was wrong. But when was it right? Well, how else was she going to stop them? It became more increasingly clear. It was so horrid, though. How would she make it so she didn't stoop down to their level? Well, a good portion of them were killing in cold blood. They were going to kill more, no doubt. If she killed, say, Theodore, he would no longer be able to get two more kills. It was clear that he was the biggest menace out there. Aside from Hansel, of course. There were many out there who were going to kill, as well, and just hadn't the opportunity yet.

Alex wanted to stay innocent. If she killed, there would be blood on her hands, and she would risk falling too. It was something she was scared of. But with each passing moment, it became apparent that if she were to stop people from playing, sometimes that was the solution.

And they already killed Jason and Dan. Who else were they going to kill? Corey? Claire? Kyran? Gray? Sean?

It was a frightening thought.

Of course, Alex said nothing to Carlon about this. It was something hard to bring up. But maybe he would understand. She hoped.

When they had decided to leave the homestead, Alex's leg was still hurting, but she had managed to get back a large portion of her stubbornness. At first she tried walking without help, only to have difficulty. Of course, she then noticed the wood splinter, and used that. It made things a little easier. She had a bit more mobility now. And look! They were in a hospital now. Which meant that there was probably something else for her leg. Perhaps a crutch, or a bit of medicine. She was honestly worried about it getting infected.

Carlon had been a major help this entire time. She didn't want to talk about what was going on in her mind. But there had to be a way to break it to him. He was a nice guy, but what if she told him bluntly?

As they searched, Alex hobbled on her wooden makeshift cane, taking a quick rest. In a few minutes, she could stand up and help once she had a breather. As she saw Carlon kick something, Alex jumped. She looked at him, as he started talking. How many were accidents? It was no doubt that he may have exaggerated a little, but how many were intentional? How many contexts did he "conveniently" forget about?

But there was no doubt that there were a few people who did that on purpose. And those were the ones Alex kept thinking about.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:18 am
by Imehal*
If she was thinking about her friends at all alongside their current conversation, Carlon decided that he had been right not to ask about whether she had been close to those who had been mentioned in the announcement. Instead, she stoked the doubt. He felt, and had said as much, that he believed that none of their classmates had turned into killers overnight. Did he really believe that though, or did he desperately want to believe that even when faced with the undeniable truth of reality? The island and its horrors challenged everything that he had been raised to believe in – living well and according to God's wishes would protect you from harm, and guide you down the path you were destined to walk. He had a plan for all of them, but what good could come from a plan that ended in the senseless deaths of over a hundred and fifty children?

Hansel had done no good when he had shot Daniel dead, nor when he had opened fire upon them thereafter. Theodore Fletcher had killed a girl even as she begged for mercy, one of the virtues that had not helped her even in the end. It took everything he had not to envision the deaths of the other victims of Danya's game, cold and lifeless. He wanted to imagine them all as accidents, but even that set him down a mental road that was best left untravelled. Carlon closed his eyes briefly, weary of being sick to his stomach, then crouched to open them so he could peer under a row of chairs. He smiled despite everything; there in front of him was a dusty but still useable crutch. He reached forward with one arm, flattening himself against the dirty floor to maximise how far he could reach but success eluded him. It was with a sigh that he stood, partially refocused on reality and not on the wavering beliefs that he held so dear.

"It is." Quiet agreement as he walked between the rows, the crutch the focus of his mind. "But that does not mean they are beyond saving, even now. We're all scared, Alexandria. The fact that we have gone this way, the way of protection and preservation does not mean… We all saw the video."

Two friends, turned against each other in the most horrible, sadistic way Carlon had ever seen. Violent films and games were not commonplace in his home life, though he had been partially exposed to them through friends and overheard conversations. Dungeons and Dragons, a favourite of Daniel's, focused upon combat as one of the primary methods of solving the problems that you came across during the game. His fingers closed around the metal pipe of the crutch, but it felt like a hollow victory as Carlon's vision blurred with unshed tears. He had never worked up the courage to go along to one of the games.

"They have chosen to kill. It was a choice, and such can be reversed if we give them the chance to see that there's another way." He remembered the reward for the best kill yesterday, and felt nauseous at the idea of others being motivated to do so the same; to earn food and weapons in return for killing their classmates. Alexandria, he repeated mentally, refocusing his thoughts upon getting to her – seeing her relief as the crutch passed hands. Carlon told himself it would make him feel better. A dim hope at best, but it was all he could do. Hope fiercely, pray and tell himself that crying fixed nothing.

"Hansel must have been scared. Maybe Theodore was too. We can't pretend to know what they are thinking. Assumption is a silly thing here. We need facts, security and a way to protect ourselves."

Because I'm not right. Everyone is not good, but I can't say that aloud yet.

One foot after the other. Carlon reached his destination without preamble, attempted a smile but only achieved a grimace as he passed her the crutch, hoping desperately to see the gratitude that could act as a bandage over how fast he was falling apart.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:18 am
by jimmydalad
((Cammy Davidson continued from That's Crate!))

Cammy was exhausted. She had been running on little sleep and she found that it was only her sheer willpower that was keeping her awake at the moment. She had to ration her meals and expended as little energy as she possibly could or else risk just falling asleep right there and then. Her rationing did little to completely curb her appetite, at least it sated her hunger to the point it was manageable and she still got some energy from the food. She didn't know where she was walking. All she knew was that she needed to get moving. Would she need to be alone? Her last encounters with people turned out to be less than ideal. It turned chaotic. Travis seemed to be haunting her wherever she went. It was getting exhausting. He was everywhere and the thought haunted her to no end.

Her walks eventually lead to a hospital. When she saw the place, she couldn't help but laugh a little. How ironic that a place like this was on the island. Hospitals were there to save people and here they were, killing others off and eliminating them one by one. Until there was one remaining. So many killers already. So many people were dead. It was unsettling, to say the least.

She had no qualms on entering. After all, there was no one else outside. She would probably find people inside. Maybe she could cool off here. It was shelter, which was better than being out in the open. Pushing herself, Cammy walked towards the hospital and took her steps in. Inside, she found two people. Alex Ripley and Carlon Wheeler. The most she knew about Alex was that she fashioned herself to be somewhat of a hero back in Aurora High. An admirable feat, but it didn't help her here. Carlon meanwhile was a fellow runner, so seeing him was a great pleasure. She had only hoped that he was not crazy or deranged.

"Hey there Carlon. How have you been?" Cammy asked him, smiling for a moment before her legs began to buckle a little due to exhaustion. She was finding it hard to push herself up. Yet, she still smiled at him, doing the thing she was so used to doing. "I'm sorry, I'm just so tired. Mind if I sleep here?"

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:18 am
by Namira
((Kam continued from Setting Up Base Camp))

Everything was fucked up.

People - people Kammy knew, saw every day, shared classes with, like, were still getting killed. By other people that fell into those exact same boxes. Not only that, but another day burned, and another day with few sightings of anyone period, and more importantly, no sign of Michelle. Kam had trekked what must have been miles and other than an occasional gunshot, which had done little to settle her nerves, there had just been nothing. No-one she knew. No-one she didn't know, for that matter. She was starting to wish she'd stayed with the girl from - Madeline! That was her name, a lot of good it did her now. Not Eliza though. Given the announcement... not sticking with Eliza seemed like a good idea indeed. Still... anything to break up being alone with her thoughts. Too easy to let them stray to dark and foreboding places, too easy to start thinking about all the dangerous people out there that could've done Michelle harm...

Also, Kam was getting tired. Superficial maybe, but her calves had started to burn a little, and her feet were beginning to hurt too. Although she was used to carrying her weight around, she wasn't in shape by any means... and all the walking was beginning to wear away at her. She had easy motivation not to stop, but Kammy was really starting to need a rest.

When she'd first spotted the hospital, Kammy had felt a bit dubious of it, concerned that a building might be a hunting grounds... However, a twinge in her thigh was a quick reminder that she needed to stop, at least for a while, and she told herself that there was just as much chance for Michelle to be in there as pretty much anywhere else. She had to at least check, right? Even if Michelle wasn't there, then maybe there'd be someone who had seen her someplace else. If Kam could narrow things down just a little bit... That had settled it enough for her to make an approach.

Cautiously, Kam stepped through the doors of the building, one hand on the holstered gun. She immediately hesitated - a group, or rather a trio, was already inside. She held up her free hand, trying to indicate she didn't mean anything by it.

A closer glance, and a slight smile broke out on her face. Other Cammy. Okay, progress, someone she both recognised and liked. That would get her places. The other two, a little less distinct, but... hey, actually, this wasn't so bad. Kam felt the smile broadening almost of its own accord as she took a couple steps forward.

"You guys... have no idea how relieved I am to see you."

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:18 am
by KamiKaze
Alex tiredly closed her eyes, then opened Carlon continued searching. It was a strange thought. Of course, some were scared, but others were downright malicious. There was someone last season, Maxwell, was it? Yes, Maxwell. He... definitely wasn't scared. It seemed like he was quite the opposite. No doubt there were going to be people who definitely weren't scared, even now. If there weren't, there were going to be. It was only a matter of who and when, not if.

Could they be talked down? It would only work for so long, and on a handful of them.

And scared people didn't kill repeatedly. Once seemed like something someone would do on accident or out of fear, but two? That was hard to excuse. If Theo killed more, that would be even more difficult to defend. People like Hansel and Theo, they were a menace. It was only a matter of time before more problems would come up.

Carlon passed her a crutch, and she smiled. Though, it was the kind of smile where you smile because of something good while other bad thoughts are passing through your mind.

"Thank you", she said, instinctively, though her mind was still elsewhere.

Even if someone was scared or had snapped enough to start killing, wouldn't that be a mercy to them? A form of euthanasia? It was clear that once you start killing left, right, and center, it was going to be hard to return home. Someone who did start killing like that once had indeed made it home, she remembered. Rizzolo, that was his name. Alex hadn't looked into much detail on what had happened to him, but apparently he was murdered a few years back. If someone like Theo or Hansel made it home, even if they hadn't snapped entirely, they would be treated with scorn.

They, after all, were tainted and evil.

Would she be too, if she did something?

There was a difference between killing someone who had killed someone else out of justice and killing someone out of cold blood. In a way, it was a service, or a thankless job. It was something people would look down on, regardless of what she did exactly. And how would she prevent herself from being evil as well? She remembered something else from before. People were rescued, but only those who weren't killing.

Would that make her unworthy, even if it were the ones making things dangerous?

Would it?

"Carlon, what if they were to hurt more people? What would happen if they didn't listen?" she found herself asking.

She held the crutch close to her.

"Do you think that if something were to happen to them, it would be.... erm, mercy? Or just?"

That thought was interrupted by the doors opening, and Alex snapped her head towards it. Cammy Davison? Yes, it was her. Alex remembered her. Awfully perky, she was. Sometimes a little too perky, even for her, but still perky. Alex tilted her head to the side as she asked if she could rest here.

Alex paused, and looked to Carlon. Her reply to that was a nod once she looked back at Cammy.

Cammy seemed like a safe person. Her name hadn't come up. And she seemed relatively normal, if a bit... put out. Also, what kind of plan involved sleeping near people who were awake? Alex couldn't think of anything.

It was best to let her be here for now.

When the announcements came back on, Alex was once again reeling.

They killed Chuck too? Or rather, Miles did? Miles killed Chuck. Miles wasn't someone she would be happy to see. She knew Chuck. She more than knew Chuck. He was a friend of hers. And frankly, she did not appreciate people killing those she liked.

But oh, wait, there's more.

Summer Simms got rewarded for killing Naomi. That was something notable. Alex honestly had mixed feelings on both of them. Summer was a nice girl, but she was the kind of person who seemed to beg for attention. It was obnoxious, certainly, but it wasn't too good a reason to dislike her as much as she would others. Naomi could be quite cold, but she was, to her knowledge, fairly competent. It was odd knowing what happened.

And then Patton's sister had shot someone. That was strange, too. She didn't know her too well, but she was Patton's sister.

But as she suspected, Theo had struck again, this time killing a Xavier Contel. It was just what she knew was going to happen. He wasn't stopping anytime soon. Theodore was probably planning to rack up more kills right at that moment. Who knows? Maybe he had found someone else to slaughter.

There were many people she wanted to save, and now there were some she didn't. Chuck was one of the former, and now Miles was one of the latter. Miles threw something at Chuck that killed him. She didn't know what a hunga-munga was, other than apparently it had three blades, but it killed him.

Alex wanted to mourn him, as well as Daniel, and Davidge. But her mind wouldn't allow her to. Instead, it pushed all her thoughts out, and told her to keep her head up. If she found a way to escape, or stopped a killer by hurting them, it would be the right thing. It only pushed the matter of giving the players a very stern talking to and finding a way home further. For people like Carlon, or people, perhaps, like Cammy. Not people like her. Not people who thought evil things.

Once again, someone was at the lobby.

Kam So... something?

Was she safe too? In both senses of the word?

A bit of time had passed since the first announcement, she remembered. There wasn't a mention of her on it. Alex, with a bit of difficulty, pulled herself up with the crutch.

"Hey Kam", she said simply. "You okay?"

Maybe she would know something.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:18 am
by Imehal*
That night Carlon maintained a vigil over the two girls, one not solely out of protectiveness. Nor mistrust, holding his ideals to him like a shield regardless of the advice that they had been given at their teacher's brutal execution that they should trust no one that they had before. They had welcomed her with open arms, offered her an uncomfortable place to rest on the plastic chairs like the hospital was theirs. Like it was safe. Her arrival had overturned his decision to find somewhere else to sleep and set up base, but the openness of the hospital was also not the reason that the boy had spent hours restlessly fidgeting, pacing – anything but sleeping.

Alexandria had asked him if killing was justifiable if it meant stopping those who were playing by the rules of the terrorists – if it could be called mercy. His immediate reaction had been horrified realisation. As he had spent more time with her, he found himself able to remember a girl who stood up against bullies, and had a hard view on law and order being maintained. Her words tainted those memories, made him afraid that the island was changing her. Like it might have changed others. Tomorrow they would talk about what she had said like adults. Tonight though, he would focus on the pleasure he had derived from her smile, and the relief that he was not helpless, even if it was only small gestures.

It had been around seven that he had jolted awake, leaning against the wall that faced the hospital's doors, concern and doubts banished as bewilderment overwhelmed him. He felt vaguely refreshed, but was spared the ache of sore muscles by his time on the track team. His eyes were drawn to Camilla, who still slept across the way, then Alexandria – again, still resting.

"Sleeping beside two girls? And you always said you were no good with women."

He hastily wiped at the tears that threatened with a dirty sleeve, the laughter that followed the silent words so vivid that Carlon convinced himself for a second that it was real. They were watching, after all. He knew that because he would have done the same had his brother been taken. It meant that he knew that he was not alone in his grief, though that was much a curse as it was a blessing. He shifted to his knees then, and muttered a fervent prayer to spare his parents and brother this torture and knew it was impossible.

"I'm sorry," Carlon whispered, wishing he could give his family more comfort than just being alive and well on a screen, then closed his eyes again to find some refuge from this bleak reality. He was stirred next by the sound of the voice that brought dreadful news. More dead, more familiar names now killers, and he hated the sigh of relief that came from knowing that most of his friends had, so far, survived. Camilla had not been on the announcements either – she was safe.

He found himself on his knees for the second time that day, asking God to forgive those who had sinned in the name of survival and to protect the souls of those that had become their sins. He stood not long after, took a deep breath and turned to speak Alexandria, his answer to her question. The sight of a girl coming into the hospital, hand on a gun, stopped him dead. Her free hand raised, a gesture of peace, and Carlon forced his eyes from the holstered weapon to the face of Makatala So'oialo.

The initial fear detracted from his relief at just seeing someone else alive and well, let alone smiling at the sight of them. He recognised her just as he had Camilla, but the familiarity he had with the newer addition to their group did not extend to the newest. Camilla had smiled too upon finding them, and she had had a crossbow, he remembered through the haze of exhaustion. Carlon did not smile as he watched Alexandria rise to greet her. The weapon Makatala bore remained in its place, but he felt himself stiffen regardless, unhappily reminded of Hansel, and all the deaths he had been forced to acknowledge happening. It also reminded Carlon that his less than happy discussion with Alexandria would have to wait, despite its urgency.

"It's nice to see a friendly face," Carlon agreed genially, swallowing around the difficulty it took to speak aloud despite the relief and hope he wanted to feel at the presence of another classmate that clearly meant no harm.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:18 am
by jimmydalad
Within a minute of asking the question in the first place, Cammy had already fallen asleep. With everything that had happened, Cammy felt exhausted. It was all so tiring and she just found it hard to cope. She needed to sleep and she needed it badly. She found herself falling into a deep slumber, the only time so far on the island that she seemed to be at peace with the world. However, due to her exhaustion, she slept through the annoucnements and thus, was unaware of the deaths that had occurred the previous day. Even after the announcement had passed and Kammy had arrived, Cammy continued to sleep, trying to gain back the lost hours that she had endured when she came to the island.

((If you have stuff you want to do, feel free to skip me.))

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:19 am
by Namira
Kam breathed out a quiet little sigh of relief, probably inaudible to anybody but herself. She kept turning over those thoughts from the first day over and over - not who CAN you trust, but who can you NOT trust. Kammy wanted so badly to be able to hold onto those principles, but thinking back to two days worth of announcements, the fact that Naomi was dead, that she'd been killed by Summer of all people - one of the people that Kam figured she probably WOULD be able to trust... and the whole mindset she'd been trying to put herself into just seemed hopelessly naive.

That this group - Alex and Carlon but especially Cammy, who she considered a friend, was obviously non hostile. That was something. That was a font of sanity in the midst of all this. Not Eliza telling her that Michelle was going to die, not Madeline saying that there wasn't really anyone out there for her. Just people she could trust. Awesome. Maybe even they'd be able to tell her something - anything about Michelle. But damn, selfish of her, to be this way. Okay so these guys probably had their own agenda but Kam was starting to crave some actual company. Perhaps... she could join them? Form up a group?

The more that Kam thought about that idea, the more that she liked the sound of it.

Makatala rubbed her forehead with the back of her arm and smiled again, a very slight flicker of discontent showing when she brushed against her hair. It was minor, in the grand scheme of things, but her hair was starting to get a little lank. For some reason that upset her more than it should. She'd always taken good care of it, wanted it to look, y'know, good, but it was just-

Urgh. Nevermind. More important things, like not being killed. She'd take it being ripped out by the roots over losing someone to this deathtrap.

"I'm coping, more or less. You know, as much as can be expected. Haven't had any call to use this uh-" she gestured to the pistol, "This. Which is even better."

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:19 am
by KamiKaze
Carlon had greeted her as well, and Kam had breathed a sigh of relief. Alex still found herself wondering about her. She very clearly had a gun, so that could be a potential issue. But she didn't seem too threatening in demeanor. On the other, she made it a point to mention that she hadn't used her gun for its intended purpose. It implied that she had thought about it, but hadn't been able to, or wasn't in the position where she had to use it. It was slightly odd, really. But maybe she was just being paranoid. But you could never be too paranoid, right?


Cammy- the one from last night- was still fast asleep. It was kind of surprising what people could sleep through, really. She really was tired.

Alex paused. How does one react to basically "I haven't used this gun yet" mentioned unprovoked?

Was she planning something?

Woah. Stop. Maybe she's just reassuring everyone? It wasn't a good idea to attempt to stop her when she wasn't doing anything, right? But it was best they keep their guard up.

Besides, they let other Cammy in without any trouble. It wasn't that different.

But Alex was a little nervous about Kam. Maybe it was the gun. Who knew?

Oh, might as well ask her about something.

"Hey... um... Kam. Have you seen anything? Like... um, what's the story up until this point?"

Maybe she did have some info.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:19 am
by Imehal*
Two thoughts occurred to Carlon as he observed the continuing discussion between the two girls. One was quite how much effort it took for him not to focus on the fact that there was clearly a gun holstered on Makatala's person to the exclusion of all else. He was relieved that she had not had to use it yet, but the implication, and reminder, that eventually she might have to hung in the air unspoken but acknowledged.

Only now did it occur to him that his lack of exposure to violence had left him with slight awe when it came to being confronted with weaponry. He knew by explanation and reading that crossbows and guns were dangerous, but until yesterday he had had no real understanding of precisely what that meant. They had all heard the announcements, and he and Alexandria had seen the corpse of Daniel Whitten first hand. They had both seen how easily a life could be taken with the weapons given to them. Yet, when faced with more weaponry, Carlon felt uneasy and certainly sick but that had more to do with the memory of what he had seen rather than being in close proximity with either. Camilla had not even drawn attention to her crossbow despite carrying it in plain sight. Neither of them wanted to harm Alexandria or him with their designated weapons, and Carlon realised that it was for that reason alone that he still felt safe.

The second thought that had sprung to mind was that he still had no idea what Alexandria's, let alone his own, weapons were. Nothing quite as deadly as a crossbow or gun, he imagined. Nothing that would protect them except without preparation and ingenuity. He slung the bag around his person so that he could open it slowly and in full view of everyone else present in the lobby, then lowered his hand in searching for the heavy metal object that he had only discovered yesterday when treating Alexandria.

Her leg, he realised. It would need examining again today, and he bet that there would be drugs in the hospital that might expedite the healing. His fingers closed around and lifted the combination lock into view, half an eye still on Alexandria and Makatala as they talked. His smile resurfaced at the assertion that she was coping; it was the best anyone could hope for, really. "You'll have no need to use it here either, and you're welcome to stay as long as you like." It was an open and earnest invitation, as much for their benefit as hers. Excepting the guns, this was a normal conversation and gave them a breather – a moment to not think about the named killers that were wandering outside the walls of the hospital.

It was only as an enquiry was made into what had been going on that Carlon realised that there was something he needed to know. A few somethings actually, but he had raised well enough to not want to flood her with questions. "Kam, have you seen Michael? From the book club?" He knew, mercifully, that the other boy had not died, but that only increased the urgency to find him. Though he tried to tell himself that nothing was going to happen to Michael, the list of names that he had memorised only minutes before mocked that very belief.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:19 am
by Namira
Other Cammy was asleep, but the other two both had questions for Kam, it seemed. There was a constant battle inside of her not to, in complete absurdity, just break out laughing. Relief? It was relief. Holy shit an almost normal conversation. People that didn't have agendas or insults on their tongues.

Kam didn't laugh though, she listened. There were the questions that she wanted to ask, of course, but she could be polite and answer first. They had plenty of ti- Well. They had some time. Couldn't say plenty when killers were on the loose. Kammy need to focus on searching as much as possible. Maximise her chances.

"Not much, sorry," glancing at Carlon, she shook her head. "No. I've only seen Eliza Patton and Madeline, you know... that quiet girl. It's been frustrating. A little lonely. I've been on the east side, that sort've farm area on the map. I guess it's good nobody has been out for blood, but... it has made me feel like I haven't made a lot of headway."

She rolled her shoulder for a moment. Her hand unconsciously brushed the gun again. "I don't know. I wish that it wasn't something that I had to be concerned about..." Kam's eyes lowered to the floor, then back up to the other two.

"Ah... anyhow. Thanks for the offer. I'll be upfront with you guys though, I'd love to stick around but... well. I'm looking for Michelle, my girlfriend. It'd be great if you knew anything about her but if not, and if you aren't willing to come along with me, then I'll make my own way," she held up a hand. "Not saying that I wouldn't appreciate the company, but I can't just sit around waiting when she might be in danger. That's priority one, you know? I just can't let anything get in the way of that."

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:19 am
by KamiKaze
"Eliza?" Alex asked.

If she didn't run into trouble, then what happened with Eliza? Did Eliza hurt her? If she didn't, why? Eliza was on the announcement, so that meant she was killing. Did Kam narrowly escape her? Carlon had asked about Michael, which she said she hadn't seen.

"What happened with Eliza?" she asked, a frown forming on her face.

One thing she couldn't help but notice was that Kam's hand seemed to brush her gun. Alex's eyes slightly narrowed. It was on her mind, wasn't it? She was thinking about using it, but she was hesitating. It was definitely on her mind, using it. Alex's eyes narrowed in thought, trying to decipher her.

Oh, she was looking for someone? Michelle, was it? Michelle was the swim captain was she?

"No, we haven't", Alex shook her head.

Wait, anything?

Maybe hyperbole. Like "I'd do anything for a friend". But "anything" didn't really have good connotations here. Would Kam really do "anything"?

Alex felt herself tense up further, as the grip tightened significantly on the crutch. It was the closest thing she had to a weapon if she tried something. Maybe she was just being suspicious, but it didn't feel right to her.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:19 am
by Imehal*
Perhaps it had been hopeful to expect anything, but Carlon felt the disappointment regardless as it was relayed that the newcomer had no news of Michael. After the past few days, he just wanted to find some friends and try and muddle through by taking each day as it came. The reassertion that not everyone wanted to follow that course of action weakened his smile, but how could he hope to understand what she had been through so far on the island? How could any one of them hope to try and comprehend what this place had done to some of their classmates? He hoped that they could find a way to reach a peaceful existence before everything that they had been unravelled, and left nothing behind but the belief that the only way to survive was to play the game.

He stepped closer to Alexandria, noting the tightened grip on the crutch. Had her pain worsened? He gestured for her to sit down, whilst frowning discontentedly at the lack of immediate help they could give to Makatala on her mission to find her girlfriend. "I don't believe for a second that any of you are dangerous, weaponry aside, but that does not mean you won't come across someone who means you harm. You might have to set the pace a little slower, given Alexandria's injury, but as long as we find safe places to rest I think it is better to stick together. Does that sound good to you?"

He included Camilla in that statement, glancing down at the sleeping girl as he marvelled how well she had slept considering where she was and what was going on around them. At this point in their lives, it was as much about being able to feel safe around the people you were with as it was about being yourself. So far, neither of the newcomers had given him reason to doubt their sincerity. Alexandria had worried him last night, but Carlon was certain that all it would take was a conversation to set aside any anxieties about what she exactly she had meant last night.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:19 am
by Namira
Kammy hesitated for a second. Right. Yeah. For all she'd been looking back at her time searching for Michelle, she'd been trying not to think about what might have triggered Eliza off. What she had that set her apart from the other familiar names amongst the living and the dead (and christ it felt awful to just refer to people as 'the dead') was that Kam had met her on the island. She'd been... bitchy, sure, but lethal? With intentions to kill? Kammy didn't know how you even began to look for that.

"Eliza... she came into a barn I was searching. We spoke a little, but she wasn't like, aggressive, or anything. Unfriendly, at worst."

Her shoulders slumped a little when Alex said she didn't know anything. Maybe other Cammy... but she was asleep and Kam didn't want to just barge over and wake her up. Kam needed to rest too. She could take a break and then ask the other girl when she got up. It seemed like a decent enough plan.

Flashing Carlon a smile, Makatala finally came over properly, so they weren't having a conversation from that awkward spot where you couldn't quite just talk, you sort've had to call out a bit.

"Like I said, I could use the company... and if nothing else, strength in numbers, right? I'd much rather scare someone off cause we're in a foursome than have to make threats," her face fell, slightly. "Or have to follow through on threats. Christ this is messed up..."