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Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by MK Kilmarnock
((Cody Patton, continued from Thin RED Line))

Time was supposed to heal all wounds.

The same was likely true for bullet wounds to the upper thigh or hip, though this one was likely to take much longer than a day. Then again, of course, that was common sense. Being shot, as in... with an actual gun, was not a matter to take lightly and anybody nearly twenty years old should have known that. Still, you'd think after so many hours, resting through a night and making it to another day against all odds, that maybe it would stop hurting so much. Some of the sting might have died down, sure. It still wasn't enough to keep the pain from coming back with each step.

Progress was slow, and so it weighed on Cody Patton. It weighed slightly less than the burden he knew he was now placing on Cooper, what with their reduced movement speed. That kind of shit was what could keep them out in the open and get them under attack from somebody else out there like Tyler. He wanted to pretend they weren't out there, that maybe that random-minded nutjob was the only person on the loose.

The announcements, however, said otherwise. That was the heaviest burden of all on his heart, to know who was dying, to know who was killing. It was all there from that morning as the two of them hid between some damn rocks so that they might enjoy a breakfast of crappy energy bars and crackers.

Summer had killed a bunch. Apparently, she was dead too. Theo was on the announcements yet again... and now he was dead too. Killed by that John Wayne motherfucker, Hansel. Lana, she was dead. Seemed not that long ago that she was running on a treadmill in gym with him, and he had to sneak his glances at her ass carefully to make sure she didn't bitch him out. Now she was fucking dead. So many faces, so many names, and now he was supposed to believe they were all gone without so much as a glance at the body?

But he had his share of bodies, didn't he? Mike, Rose, Luca...

One of the last names was the one that struck Cody the hardest. Kat was dead. Edgar, that little shit... he died a long time ago. A strange feeling twinged as he remembered Edgar; it didn't feel like regret or sorrow, nor was it any sort of happiness, relief or positive feeling. Just this strange feeling knowing that somebody he didn't like had died, yet knowing that they didn't deserve what they got. Kat, at least, was a much straighter scenario. He had cried there with Cooper as what he hoped was his only witness. His girlfriend was dead.

The prayer he hung onto, if it could be called that, was that Eliza yet again did not show up on that damned list. That's why he still walked, still had the strength to be the same old high school quarterback, that cool-as-a-fucking-cucumber prom king that everybody would bow the fuck down to because that kid had his shit together. Cody Patton had his shit together, damn it. He hadn't lost it yet. That's the mindset he forcibly clung to as he and Cooper were confronted with what looked to be an outdoor pool... though one in an obvious state of nastiness and non-swimmability, or whatever the fuck you called it. Otherwise, it was fine.

As long as you didn't mind the bodies.

Oh fuck, there were bodies.

"Oh fuck, there's bodies!" Cody exclaimed the moment he saw, knowing just how asinine a statement like that was (and simultaneously hoping Cooper wouldn't rip on him for it because they were kind of staring at the corpses of their classmates). "The fuck happened here!?"

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by BetaKnight
((Cooper Komorowski continued from Thin RED Line))

Cooper slogged along with Cody, lost in thought.  There hadn't been much conversation today, but then again, there wasn't much to talk about.  Just more names, more announcements by faceless men who gleefully announced that their numbers grew smaller every day.  Just like their hopes of rescue, of seeing their families again, of living a few days more.

It was almost unfathomable that Paulo was gone.  How could Paulo be gone?  He was the best fighter that Cooper knew.  The strongest, the fiercest, the most unrelenting guy at their school.  And now he was ... gone.  

What the fuck was he supposed to do now?  Paulo was gone. Cody had a fucking hole in his leg. Yet crazy bastards like Tyler were running around, perfectly fine.  Apparently Katarina had turned into a serial killing psych hose beast.  He'd heard her name multiple days running now, the crazy bitch.

When all this started, Cooper had been pretty much completely unconcerned.  He was positive that help would arrive within the first twelve hours or so.  

But that was...five days ago?  


It was starting to get hard to keep track as time ran together. He concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, trying not to lag too far behind Cody's pace.

Smiling-Cooper-at-the-beginning felt centuries removed from damp-Cooper-who-got-beat-down-and-whos-friends-were-dead.  He knew now that there was no way to make it out of this.  Someone here was going to kill him.

For a moment, Cooper was envious of the dead.  They weren't tired, dirty, and afraid any more.  For them, this nightmare had ended. Maybe those weirdos like Gavin and Brianna were on to something.  When he heard about kids like Clayton, Brandon, and Yasmin days earlier, it made him sick to his stomach.  What kind of fucking freaks just killed themselves?  The idea had been repugnant.  But now he could see their thinking. It was tempting, the idea of just laying down and letting this all be over.  

He gave himself a mental slap.  Shut the fuck up and man up.  Cody had a goddamned hole in his leg, and was he crying about how hard this was?  No.

Was he talking about giving up and taking the easy route out?  No.

Cody was pushing on and pushing forward.  Cody was surviving.  And if Cody could gimp his ass around this island with holes in his body, then God damn it, Cooper could shut the fuck up and follow suit.  They had both lost people, Cody and Cooper, but they could do this together.  They could stay strong together for as long as they needed to.

Cody's startled announcement caught his attention and made him focus on the situation.  "What?  Like real ones?" Cooper asked, realizing after the words left his mouth how stupid he sounded.  He winced and shrugged at Cody in apology.  "I mean, like, how gross are they?  Can you tell?"

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"Yeah, they're fuckin'-" Cody cut himself off, let Cooper finish what the hell he was saying. He couldn't see them? Well, that only made sense. The outdoor, in-ground pool was sort've fenced off on most sides and directly adjacent to what seemed to be some sort of old hotel. At least, that was the only sort of building that would make sense for a pool to be where it was, but if they wanted to be absolutely sure, the two boys would have to approach the building from the front instead of the side route they had taken.

The only reason he was privy to the stomach-churning scene within the confines of this pool party gone wrong was because he was standing directly inside the pool's fence gate. He supposed he could spare Cooper seeing all of this. No reason to stare too hard.

"Dude, they look... really fucking nasty," Cody said after a few moments of swallowing a bile-flavored bit of saliva. "There's like, a body in the pool, face-down... another one on the edge, super fucked up. Can't tell who either of them are. Not making a whole shitload of headway on the third one, either." The body closest to him, that of a girl, was face-down. Judging from the pretty damn impressive stain beneath her, somewhat washed away from the trickling rain, it was safe to say she had suffered a gruesome and violent death. Cody didn't feel up to the task of turning her over to see who it was.

"Yeah, not... not worth going in there." He slowly backed out of the pool area, hobbled to the side and pressed his back against the fence. "We can try and search for weapons or something... later. I don't know. Depends on if you wanna go in there."

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by BetaKnight
Cooper shrugged in what he hoped was a casual fashion while he fought the urge to throw up.  NO!  He most assuredly did NOT want to go poke around the rotting bodies of people he knew to try and scavenge for supplies.  Not now and not later.  The meager breakfast he and Cody had choked down rolled in his stomach in agreement.

"Yeah, okay.  Sounds sensible," he nodded in agreement, moving around so that his back was to the bodies.  Hopefully, Cody wouldn't notice his maneuvering and call him out on it.  Not that he wouldn't go in there if pressed.  But, like, he really didn't want to be looking at dead people if at all possible.  But if there were bodies out here by the pool, wasn't it safe to bet there were bodies inside?  Mauled up bodies, dripping juices as they rotted and attracted flies and bugs to crawl all over them.

His stomach lurched. A change in conversation was in order before he christened the ground in front of him.  

"So, uh," Cooper stalled, glancing down.  "How's, uh, how's the leg?"

Oh man.  Cody's leg.  If they weren't careful, Cody's leg would start to turn too.

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by Ciel*
(Carlos Lazaro continued from Hello, Goodbye, Twas Nice To Know You)

Meanwhile, Alice thought checking out the pool for supplies was a brilliant idea. And Carlos had actually agreed with that assessment! So much so that he took point! How bad could it be? What could possibly go wrong?

He found Lydia Robbins. The wind was forced from his chest and he staggered back.

"... the fuck?"

Carlos felt a chill rocket through his body, and it sure as hell wasn't caused by the weather. He stepped past the entrance, out into the outside pool area. He found even more bodies. The sight surprised him

He heard a voice coming from inside the hotel. The chills turned so cold that he swore he was freezing up. Carlos threw his head back.

"A-Alice! Alice, stay back! Don't come out here!"

Yeah, like that was going to stop her. Carlos considered going up and blocking the, but he knew she was going to see whether he liked it or not. Besides, his legs felt like jelly and he didn't think he would be able to push Alice back. Instead Carlos turned back, taking a few steps forward, numb as all hell. He took a hoarse breath.

... was that one girl missing a nose?

What the fuck, who even does that?

Carlos forced himself to look away, had to, needed to, less he lose his fucking mind in a pile of corpses. He could feel the bile forming in the pit of his chest, but he hadn't eaten a single thing all day so it was all acids and fire and it made him whimper.

That was when he noticed. There was someone past the fence, back facing him. He couldn't see who it was. He was about to write it off as another body but he could hear talking, too faint to make out but having too much presence to simply write off as the wind or his imagination.

He made a face, both unreadable yet unmistakably sour. His blood boiled. Carlos started walking, beeline, axe in hand.

"Hey! Hey, dickweed!"

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"It's... fine, I think," Cody said. He instantly wished Cooper hadn't brought up the leg since the pain was usually sharper when he was thinking about it. At least it meant his friend cared. That much was nice, a handy little silver lining to take the edge off. "We bandaged it up enough to where I don't think it's gonna get infected, but when we get inside somewhere, we really should take another look at it. To make sure and such, to wash it out... y'know." Cody trailed off, not sure where the conversation was going.

That was, until somebody took over in the most classy of ways. 'Hey dickweed!' sounded like how Cody might address some of the geeks and neckbearded idiots back in school. To have it used to address him and Cooper, assuming there was nobody else (living) around to address like that, was definitely an unexpected reversal. Maybe it was somebody trying to be cool.

Whatever the case, Cody found himself turning and peering through the fence. Carlos Lazaro. Yep, definitely somebody trying to be cool by picking on the biggest dogs in the yard.

"The fuck?" Cody muttered quietly, not even sure if Cooper heard him given the lack of lungpower offered to the word. His grip on the rifle tightened, but the gun remained at his side.

"The fuck you callin' Dickweed?" Cody 'asked', this time a fair bit louder.

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by dmboogie
((Alice Gilman: Continued from Hello, Goodbye, Twas Nice to Know You.))

At a loss for what to do or where to go, Alice and Carlos had found themselves wandering in the general direction of the town. There wasn't really anyplace else for them to go, with the lighthouse behind them and the homestead host to a scene that neither one of them would be willing to see, even if it hadn't been a danger zone. Alice had halfheartedly suggested that the two of them head to the hotel, not really caring one way or the other, just wanting to have some destination to work towards. Carlos didn't object, and thus the two of them found themselves standing at the entrance to the outdoor pool.

The rain had started to die down, though there was still a mild drizzle that refused to go away. Alice's thoughts were thus mostly concerned with getting back inside and finding another place to hide away from the world, at least until Carlos turned the corner and immediately turned pale, cautioning her to stay back. It wasn't enough to stop her from peeking her head around the corner, too. "Why? What's wrong, Carlos-" she froze, then stumbled backwards a few steps.

Alice had thought that the small snippet of SOTF that she had been exposed to years back had been horrific, but the scene in front of her now was infinitely worse, and she could feel the bile rising in her throat. By now, Alice could have probably handled the corpses, by themselves, but...

There was a thing floating in the pool that Alice couldn't even identify as being human anymore, there was a corpse that had apparently had its nose torn off, and the smell, the smell, oh god-

Alice shrunk back down against the fence, shaking. She couldn't take it anymore. She hugged her knees, closed her eyes, tried to shut the world out, only to be violently dragged back by Carlos's shout.

At that moment, the thing that Alice wanted to do least in the world was look back at the carnage, but she forced herself to slowly peek back around the corner. She was still trembling, she still felt like that if she had eaten anything, she would have vomited it up by now, but she knew that if something happened to Carlos now, it would be her responsibility. Her fault. She couldn't let that happen.

There, in the midst of the corpses, was Carlos, axe in hand and walking straight towards someone in the hotel, she couldn't see who. What the hell was he thinking, charging straight ahead like that? He knew nothing about the people in the hotel, nothing about the weapons they had, he knew nothing at all! Alice had to stop herself from charging after him. At this point, the cat was already out of the bag, and she wouldn't be of any help right beside him, anyway.

She had to do something before Carlos joined the corpses littering the poolside (Alice shuddered a little just thinking about them). The people in the hotel, whoever they are, didn't know that Alice was there, yet. If she could sneak around to another entrance to the hotel fast enough, she could get behind them, and then maybe, just maybe...

Alice stood up, gathering herself. She had to do this quickly, but quietly. Staying as low as she could, she made her way around the fence of the pool, searching for a suitable entrance.

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by BetaKnight
Cooper turned to see who was dumb enough to be yelling at them. Why the fuck was anyone yelling at them?  They weren't doing anything at all.

"Yeah!"  He puffed out his chest at Cody's response.  "Who the fuck you calling dickweed?" he echoed, scowling at the newcomer.  It only took a second for him to recognize the guy crazy enough to call Cody a dickweed.   Of course it was fucking Weirdo Carlos.  Cooper rolled his eyes.

"The fuck you want, you douchewaffle!"

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by Ciel*
Carlos stopped dead in his tracks. Cody Patton stared straight at him through the chain-link fence. Whatever pitbull bravado Carlos had in him dissolved like blood into the chlorine-infested pool. He took a step back,  still looking straight at Cody. It was just.... Cody looked like shit.

"You look like shit, Patton." Carlos said. "Christ, what hap-?"

Before Carlos could finish the question, Cooper squawked. Carlos turned and stared at him too. Shit, Cooper looked like hell too. Why the hell was he puffing his chest out though? He wasn't even talking to him! And douchewaffle? Seriously?

If they were back home at Aurora, Carlos would have made a petty little squabble out of Cooper's choice of words. That was the sort of stuff Carlos pulled when he was in a bad mood; find anything little wound and scratch at like a cat to a couch.

But this wasn't home and this wasn't a petty argument. This shit was serious. Carlos didn't want to look back at the pool and the bodies so he kept his focus straight ahead.

"What do I want?" He asked, throwing his arms back. "What the fuck do you think?! There's bodies, man! Don't tell me you didn't see them!"

Oh yeah. Carlos figured he should apologize too. He wasn't going to, sure, but it was a nice thought?

"Who did this?!"

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Cody was... actually surprised.

He wasn't expecting Carlos to have any semblance of... well, common sense to him. Not after the repeated insanity he had been subjected to traveling around this island. His sister, Tyler, they were all just running around and attacking and killing, weren't they? Eliza said hers was in self defense and he hadn't personally seen it, okay, but Tyler? He DID see that. With Cooper and him having been subjected to a sight as horrible as the interior of the fenced-off area, Cody thought it reasonable to think shit was going to go sour again.

Instead, Carlos seemed to be asking the sensible questions. Kind of rapid fire, with Cooper being a bit... much to handle. Maybe Cody could fix it. Then again, Cody couldn't let his guard down. So the rifle wasn't pointed away or anything, not at the ground and not at the ready, but it wasn't pointed at Carlos. There was no reason if the guy wasn't making himself a threat. Yet.

"Fucking Tyler happened. If you see him, either stay away or kill him. Really makes no fucking difference to me which you do," Cody said. There was a bit of inner sighing since he could only get it out after Cooper really put himself out there, but he wasn't going to repeat his mistake of faulting the guy for trying.

"As for who did this? I have no fucking idea. They announce all the killers on the announcements, right? Well, it's starting to get a little impossible to remember." Cody furrowed his brow in response to both the dark situation and the annoying angle of the sun striking his face. "But I can tell you it wasn't us, that's for fucking sure."

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by dmboogie
It seemed to take far too long for Alice to finally make her way behind the group, especially considering that she could hear shouting from both parties. No gunshots yet, thankfully, but it was likely only a matter of time before it escalated to the point of violence. It was the seventh day on the island, and anyone still left alive had to be very lucky or very dangerous. The chances of Carlos making it out alive without any interference from her seemed increasingly slim.

She could see them clearly, now. Two boys, both facing the irate Carlos. Alice couldn't see their faces well enough to identify them, but she could see the most important part of the situation: the taller boy was carrying a rifle. Not pointed at anything in particular, not yet. There was no guarantee that it would remain that way, though, and it would only take a few seconds for the boy to take aim and fire. Alice had to take action before that could happen.

"You. Drop the rifle. Don't turn around." Alice called out in as authoritative of a voice as she could mange. "I've got a gun aimed at your heads if either of you try anything."

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by BetaKnight
Without thinking, Cooper turned towards the voice.  There was no way someone could be holding a gun on both of them.  He had to see this!

To this surprise, it was Alice.  Okay, well, it wasn't really surprising that Nerdy Alice would be traveling with Carlos the Weirdo.  Alice was a bit of a weirdo too.  It was a surprise, though, that she would be threatening them.  Despite himself, Cooper let out a less-than-manly squawk of alarm.

What the hell was going on?  Cody had just explained to Weirdo Carlos that they hadn't done anything to anyone!  

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:00 am
by MK Kilmarnock
((I am told I go next.))

Fate sure had a funny way of fucking people sometimes. Here he was, explaining to Carlos who to watch out for and stuff, and somebody had managed to get the drop on him. Cody's arm twitched, but the rest of his body managed to fight the urge to spin around and try to shoot the girl who was calling him out. Somewhere in her commands, she revealed that she had a gun. If that was the case, there wasn't any way in hell he could spin around just like that and shoot her before she could simply pull a trigger. Not while she was ready for it, anyway.

All it took was a quick read of Cooper's face to confirm to some silly part of his brain that was slow on the uptake that this wasn't just a goddamn joke. The arm holding the winchester was slowly lowering to the ground. All the while, Cody's mind raced. Shock was the only thing keeping him from breaking out into panicked shivering or begging for his life. The animal part of him should have been scared each and every time his life was threatened, and yet everything that was bombarding him over the course of this week of hell had left him wondering what was real and what wasn't.

He welcomed a lack of fear for as long as he could hold on to it. Any hesitation could mean his death and... the way things stood, he was starting to figure out that once he let go of this gun, there wasn't exactly anything stopping the woman behind him from just blasting his brains out with whatever firearm she had on her. Cody had been shot once already, and wasn't feeling too keen on doing so again.

So he took a gamble.

The barrel of the rifle was already touching the tile walkway that lead to the pool area, and the stock was mere inches from following when Cody let his entire body tumble with the weight of his leaning. It meant landing on his hip, or at least his ass so long as he could turn enough, but he'd take that jolt of pain if it allowed him to point the rifle in a desperate measure to get a shot off. He almost shot before he looked... almost. From the near simultaneous act of looking at his assailant and pulling the trigger, at least he could see she was very close. He might hit her.

But if he missed her, they were probably all dead.

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:01 am
by dmboogie
Alice had screwed up, plain and simple. She hadn't been expecting Cooper to disregard her warnings and turn around. She certainly hadn't anticipated that Cody would be desperate  enough to take a shot at her.

The bullet hit Alice hard in the gut, knocking the breath out of her. She staggered back a few steps, wide eyed, panicking. This had turned out all wrong! All she had wanted to do was distract Cody and give Carlos some time to make a break for it, she hadn't wanted to die for him!

She pressed her hand against her stomach and it came back wet, covered in blood, her blood. "N-no, this isn't, this can't..." Alice weakly murmured, collapsing against the wall, horrified at the sight, her limbs seeming to turn to lead.  It didn't exactly hurt, not yet. This wasn't a comfort at all. Alice knew that she was simply in shock, both from the sudden impact and the blood loss. She didn't have much time left at all.

All those sleepless nights spent on the island, cowering as she imagined her group being found and gunned down, being cornered, having their throats slit in their sleep, and this was how she was going to die? Bleeding out from a situation that could have been entirely avoided? Why the hell had she tried to play the hero? Why the hell hadn't she just left Carlos? There hadn't been any guarantee that he was in any mortal danger! They could have met up later, shared a collective breath of relief at escaping another dangerous situation unscathed, why the hell had she felt the need to try and help him?

Alice was trembling, her breath becoming increasingly pained. The reality was far more terrifying than she could have possibly imagined. She was going to die here, join the other corpses littering the poolside, rot alongside them. "Oh god, I don't want to die!" She sobbed, shedding tears for the first time since waking up on the island.

Re: Bullet Dance

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:01 am
by BetaKnight
Cooper frowned at Alice as he realized several things.

One: She wasn't holding a gun.  

Two: What kind of dumbfuck wanders around a place like this, threatening to blast people, but doesn't have a gun? A fucking moron, that's who.

Three:  Alice, to quote his grandfather, obviously didn't have the common sense God gave a flea.

But before he could verbalize any of that, out of the corner of his eye, Cooper could see Cody falling as he he heard the all-too-familiar sound of gunshots.  Yelping again, Cooper threw himself to the ground and covered his head, hoping to avoid getting shot.  

He had seen Cody's injury and knew that, despite the pain suffered so far, his friend was lucky. If they were both REALLY lucky, neither one of them would get shot this time.

It wasn't until he heard Alice start to cry that he picked his head up and looked around.  Oh shit.  Somebody shot Alice.  And right in the gut too!

"Oh man," Cooper moaned as he cautiously sat up.  "Dude... that's fucking bad, bro.  That's a bad place to be shot even if you have doctors and hospitals and shit."  It occurred to him to go check on Alice but there might still be a shooter in the area.  Looking over towards Cody, he cautiously called out, "You okay there, man?"

Alice was completely and utterly fucked but hopefully Cody made it through this unscathed.