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Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by ViolentMedic
((Joe Carrasco continued from The Things We Lost In The Fire.))

He was back here again. Same as last time. Yelling for Travis and Marcus, but this time no-one answered. Not even Ruth. There was no reason he'd be here again, of course...


Joe shoved open a door, peering inside the hotel room before moving on.


No-one there. The right people were never there. Joe pushed open another door.

"Travis? Marcus?" he called out. He paused for a moment, then in a slightly quieter tone called out, "Theodore? Miles?"

Still no reply.

"Right, of course," Joe muttered venomously. "It was no problem for you to find Gabby, but when someone's actually looking--" His foot lashed out and kicked the bed in the room he was currently looking at. "Nowhere to be found. How. Damn. Convenient."

He didn't want to keep looking. He felt like he was never going to find anyone. And after that brief stretch of traveling with Aileen, now being alone felt even worse. Strange company she'd been, but she'd still been company.

He couldn't go another day without finding them. Not another day of waking up to a friend's name accompanied by a quip about their death. He just couldn't. But he couldn't even summon the hope that they might be nearby. That maybe the next room or the next building would be the one.

He kicked the bed again. Once, twice. Harder each time. The third time, he just rested his foot against it, eyes shut tight. His eyes burned but he didn't cry.

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
(Rosemary Michaels continued from Path of Pins)

Rosemary glowered in frustration as she walked through the hallway. The downstairs were filled with voices, so she had snuck to the upper floors to wait out the rain. She was angry with herself for getting lost as soon as the showers started and losing her previous path.

She hoped that Meera and Paulo wouldn't leave if she did not immediately come back. Would the classroom be empty with nothing but her bag when she returned? Or would they decide to take that as well for extra rations?

No, Meera wouldn't do that. She promised to stick together, and Paulo would stay too. You have to calm down. She told herself, squeezing the shotgun in her arms slightly closer to her chest. Her meeting with Joachim made her think more about what she did. End up panicking and you would end up far worse off.

Rosemary jumped, the manual almost falling out of her pocket before she caught it. Then it happened again, and again, and again.

She swallowed, listening to the voice that came with it. It was familiar to her. Rosemary knew it would be better to head straight back downstairs and away from the angry voice, but it was possible that it was the same downstairs. She walked down the hallway, turning to where the noise was coming from to look inside and find someone tall leaning against the bed post.

"...Doesn't your foot hurt doing that?" Rosemary asked, not thinking of anything else she could say.

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by ViolentMedic
Voice. Not the right voice. It couldn't be, because Joe wasn't looking for any girls. Not any more.

He turned, eyes on the ground. Saw the grey converse shoes. Recognised them. Rosemary Michaels. Nice girl who bought a brownie from him once. One of the winners of Best Kill for that day. Joe looked up a bit more. Shotgun. ...The prize, maybe?

"...No. It doesn't hurt," he muttered.

Joe finally looked at her face, frowning. Thought about asking how she'd gotten the shotgun away from Maximilian and Joachim. Whether she'd been lucky... or whether there were two more deaths for tomorrow's broadcast. He thought maybe he should be horrified at the possibility. And the mental images that sprang to mind were nothing short of revolting and made him go pale.

...But Maximilian had killed four people. He'd murdered Lydia, and Lydia had never done a damn thing to anyone. If Rosemary had murdered him... Joe couldn't bring himself to be upset about it.

He also couldn't bring himself to ask. Not directly. He just didn't know how to phrase it...

"...New shotgun?" he asked vaguely. The tone was almost mocking. But a killer didn't deserve respect.

...She'd never seemed like the type to murder. Then again, neither had he.

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary averted her eyes at the accusatory tone, before nodding. "Joachim... decided he had wanted to play a game rather than kill me outright. Riddles... I won, and he didn't shoot me."

Joe Carrasco. The boy who made incredible brownies, stuttered though he did not seem to anymore, and had shot her prom date. "You... the announcements said you killed Jason. Jason Myers."

She tightened the hold on the shotgun. Her first encounter with a player was not exactly the most calming experience, and Joe  had killed someone she knew more than just a face seen in the hall. She wanted to hope that it was different, that Joe did not choose to kill Jason, just as she had not chosen to kill Joey. But it was a dim hope.

"Why... why did you? Did you... mean to?"

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by ViolentMedic
Riddles? That sounded like a much better, albeit Tolkienesque, method of solving things than gunning each other down. And it was just such an outlandish reason for no death that Joe had to believe it. Who would claim a riddle battle otherwise?

And there was that question again. 'Why?' This time spoken by a killer... was Rosemary a killer? She just didn't... feel like one. Maybe it was a mistake. But hadn't Jason also been a mistake?

"You... you should know as well as I do. Whatever reason I had, or whatever intent behind it... doesn't change anything. Jason's still dead. Will me crying and saying 'it was an accident' change that?" Joe sat down. "Did you mean to, then?"

Joe didn't move his eyes from the shotgun. It was still easier than talking to her face.

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by MrMissMrs Random*

All the pent up fear and anger she had been feeling while with Joachim was let out with that dissenting word. Rosemary moved her head to look at Joe's face. She never meant for it to happen...

"Joey- Joey was my friend. I just..."

But that did not stop the fact that it did. And the heavy shotgun in her arms was what showed for it.

"I wanted to take it off. The first time didn't work, but he told me to do it again and I never meant for it to happen!"

Rosemaery remained quiet after her outburst, letting her words settle, before walking over and sitting down on the bed. "But it's like you said- whether you meant it or not, it won't change the fact that they're the ones that are dead, and they won't come back. In the end... it is selfish trying to hold onto that and let it consume you. But it's... it's really hard. It feels so much easier just to let it go and give into the sadness and guilt."

But she wouldn't let that happen, not again.

She turned back to the standing Joe. "I want Joey still alive more than rescue, but that is impossible while the latter is still probable."

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by ViolentMedic
Whatever the consequences, Rosemary had meant well. More than what Joe could say. Joe stared down at his own shoes, mulling over Rosemary's words for a few moments. How could he hate someone who had only tried to help a friend escape? So much better than killing because she wanted to be the one left at the end. Stupid move. Not one he could entirely forgive. But...

"...Uh. Sorry. ...That I, uh... sorry," Joe said to his shoes. "For... for the harsh words and all. ...I just... I can't believe that escape is... is possible, but... if it is, I, uh... I hope you find it."

Rosemary had told him the details. The truth. ...He supposed he owed her the same, now.

"Jason... he was just... it was dumb panic. It wasn't even directed at him. Me and Jason and this other girl, Jessica... we woke up all in the same place, and we... we were going to work together. But then Finn turned up... Jason had a gun, so... so I guess Finn wanted the gun, too. I don't know... I just... I saw them fighting, and the gun... it got away from both of them. And I grabbed it, and I just... I tried to shoot Finn. And I hit Jason instead. ...Then I... I shot him again, made it quicker, because there was just... he was bleeding so much..." Joe's voice shook, and he stopped talking for a couple of moments. His hands felt damp. He automatically tried to wipe them on his shirt.

Deep breaths. Sadness and guilt won't do anything. Don't fall apart now.

"...At least you were trying to do good."

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary looked at Joe with shock as he finished his confession. He had screwed up, acted like an idiot and had got a friend killed. Just like she did.

Was Joe's face the true look of a "killer" here on the island? Classmates like Joachim, Theodore, Katarina, Hansel, Maximilian... could those people just be those who stood out from the crowd to her because of the names listed against there's and the meetings she had with them?

She frowned, shaking her head. She would focus on those thoughts a different time, back when she felt in control of the actions it could lead to. No more fuck ups.

Right now it was the boy in front of her that needed attention. Rosemary was not good with comforting, she was always the first one to need comfort. But she would have to try her best.

"You tried to do good, too." Rosemary said to the boy. "In... the moment, it might have felt like panic, but it sounds like you, Jason, and Jessica trusted each other enough to stay together. Finn was threatening you, and you tried your best to protect your group. It's... a natural emotion. Wanting to protect."

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by ViolentMedic
Joe shook his head. "No, just... I actually was trying to... to kill someone. Even if... I missed who I was aiming for. Don't ever... ever try to make me feel better about it. ...I mean, how many of those double killers... or worse... messed up initially and thought 'oh well, I've already started'? Or 'everyone already hates me' or 'well, I'm going to Hell anyway.' If you doom yourself to going to Hell, it'd... be easy to think there's nothing left to lose. No. I'd rather... I'd rather keep the guilt. Might be selfish, but at least it... I... I don't... want to be like them."

Joe looked at the nearby window. Rain was hitting it. When had that started?

"...That reminds me. I'm looking for... some people. My friends, Travis and Marcus. ...I also need to find Theodore and Miles. Maybe Maximilian. I guess since you did the riddle thing he wasn't at the Best Kill gathering. You, uh... you see any of the others?"

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary bit her lip. Of course, she should have understood that Joe would be feeling like her. He did not want sympathy or for someone to tell him everything was okay when it was not.

"I'm sorry... but I haven't seen any of them." She replied with a shake of her head. "I... I think I heard Maximilian killing Becca, b-because we found her body soon after, but he wasn't at the Best Kill. I haven't seen Travis or Marcus."

She fumbled with the sausage in her pocket, breaking off a small bit. Meera and Paulo would understand, she was sure.

"Do you want any? ... Um, I can only give you a little because I have people I need to get back to that need some too."

Rosemary thought about anyone that she needed to find. Some of the people she should have been looking for from the start. She thought back to the first day... who was the most on her mind? Then, it came to her.

"Garrett... have you seen Garrett Wilde? He's also probably looking for Bella Strong, have you seen either of them?"

Garrett seemed he had a plan before, even though on the first day he decided to go solo to keep them safe, Joey had died. She had not heard his name in any of the announcements, so the hope of him still being around and working towards a goal was possible. Bella was also a member of the swim team, and she had not been listed either. If she could find both of them, maybe they would start to get back on track.

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:23 am
by ViolentMedic
"That was... second day?" Maximillian killing a girl named Becca had been early... though all Joe knew for sure was that it wasn't on the first day. "I guess he wouldn't... still be there..." Joe let out a huff of breath. "Well... lower priority... thanks, anyway.

"And, uh... sure. Um..." Joe took the piece of sausage before reaching into his bag. He retrieved the package of cookies. There weren't many left at this stage. Joe held the package out to her. "These, uh... these will be too stale soon. And I'm not in a... a sugary mood, so... maybe you and your friends can... you know..."

The name Garrett Wilde seemed familiar, but Joe couldn't put a face to the name. Mirabella Strong was entirely unknown to him.

"Sorry, I don't... I don't think I've seen them, unless they were that, uh... those two I found burying Juh... Juhh..." Joe faltered and gave up, instead switching the sentence to, "Those two that... I saw. I... didn't think to ask for names." Joe frowned a little more before adding, "The guy had messy hair. Brown. And that... that girl that always wears a beret. Not them?"

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:24 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary nodded at Joe's first question. Becca's dead body was less of a fear to recall, after her meeting with Joachim it would be better to be scared of the living instead of the dead.

She was calming down more as Joe went back into his normal speech patterns. Did that mean he was calming himself, or just the opposite?

Yet when he held up a bag of cookies, Rosemary tried to smile in gratitude. Never say no to extra rations. "I... I think they'll enjoy them. Your sweets are good."

They exchanged food, Rosemary tucking the cookies into her pocket beside the ice cream and instruction manual. She blinked a few times at a description of the two people Joe had come across trying to bury Jason. Something like that... she had wanted to do for Joey. She did not know what the terrorists did with the bodies, but she wish she could have given him something better than whatever they would do.

The description of the girl made her think. A beret... Bella wore a beret a lot. She told her once that it was a gift from her mother when she was younger. But didn't another acquaintance of hers... Claire. Claire wore a beret too. Which one of them could it be? The boy sounded nothing like Garrett, she remembered he had black hair.

"The girl could be Bella. Do... do you remember anything else about them? Like hair? Or, or if they wore glasses?"

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:24 am
by ViolentMedic
He mumbled a thank you before nibbling on the chunk of sausage. After a few days of nothing but bread and crackers, at least when he remembered to eat, it tasted like gourmet cooking. His father had always been insistent that Joe thank God before he ate meat ('he didn't create animals so you could wolf them down with no appreciation') but it felt wrong to say it outloud right now. The terrorists had thrown it at Rosemary for killing another person. Saying thanks, regardless at who it was directed at, didn't feel right.

Joe frowned as he nibbled, scraping together what he remembered of the girl. He hadn't spent much time looking at her face. He'd been more focused on Jason. Maybe also a little afraid that if he looked at her, he'd somehow be recognised. Glasses was a bit fuzzy. Stuff like hair, though... easier. More noticeable.

"Long hair. Kind of... wheaty-coloured. I... think she was wearing glasses? Uh... shirt had a cartoon on it." Everything was clear but the face. He needed to remember faces better. It was just rotten of him to expect people to help him find Travis and Marcus or whoever when he couldn't help them find the people they needed.

"Actually, while we're on the... the subject of people burying... uh... bodies... have you..." Joe's voice faltered for a moment, "Have you seen the--the boh... boh... Gabby Pah... Parker? Chuck Solieau? Lydia Robbins?"

It didn't make any practical sense to find them. Burying people was respectful, but it wouldn't help anyone in the long run. But the thought of them lying in the rain, rotting away, or swelling in the heat with flies buzzing around them--Joe had to stop thinking about it, almost vomiting up the sausage Rosemary had been kind enough to give him.

His friends deserved better. So did all their classmates. Except maybe the ones who'd given into this game.

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:24 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary sighed. Wheat hair and a cartoon shirt, had to be Claire. What was the girl thinking all the way back on the second day? Though Rosemary wished she could have given Joey a proper service, going around and burying every body you found would bite you sooner or later now that she thought about it. Only Claire Monaghan could probably pull off such a scheme.

"That's... another friend of mine. I should... probably look for her too. Stop her before she gets hurt."

When Joe asked about other bodies, Rosemary had to shake her head at the first two, but when Lydia's name popped up, she paused. "Gabby and Chuck I haven't, b-but as I was coming in... I think I passed by the pool. I-I didn't get a good look, but Lydia could be there. I remember the announcements said that Amy- Amy Bachelor, she drowned. Maximilian did that, and the- the pool had... things in it."

She could not say clearly whether or not. The rain and her rush to get inside, plus the unease at seeing more of Maximilian's handiwork stopped her from probing any further.

Rosemary looked back down at the gun in her hands. "Joe? When... when it starts to clear up, I'll have to go. The people I'm with will probably get really worried if I'm not back soon. A-and,"

She took a deep breath, before finding the courage again to look back up to him. "Th-the people that are dead now? You need to remember them, but you can't carry them with you here. If you do, you'll just get held down by their weight, and then another person will die for no reason."

She hoped Joe understood what she was getting at passed the metaphor. He shouldn't go looking for the bodies of his friends.

Re: Repeat

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:24 am
by ViolentMedic
Lydia was that close? ...Hadn't Joe been in the hotel that day? Could he have stopped it if he just went into the pool area? Or was it a different day? It all blurred together.

Joe nodded at Rosemary declaring her intent to leave soon. That was fine. She had places to be. People who she actually knew how to find again. He didn't say anything else for a while, only listening to what she had to say.

If he tried burying everyone, he'd get himself killed.

"I know. I just... I don't care."