There Will Be a Short Stopover on the way to Disney Land

It is clear that the lobby was once welcoming and elegant. White and black marble floors complement the crystal chandeliers. A sleek onyx reception desk is where room keys were given. Round tables with large vases hold only dead flowers now. High-backed black chairs and white sofas are collected in a nook next to the elevators. Nearby is a fireplace and coffee tables containing a fine (if highly outdated) selection of magazines.
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There Will Be a Short Stopover on the way to Disney Land


Post by Firedog* »

((Alexander de Gaulle continued from Pick Apart the Pieces of Your Heart))

Opening up the door to the lobby of the hotel Alex immediately noticed the soft looking couches near some elevators. He quickly rushed over and sat down to get the pressure off of his feet. He had known he would be walking a lot during the trip, but he expected it would be towards somewhere fun and he would have a distraction from the pain in his feet.

"Well, it seems that this place is pretty empty, but why don't you join me on the couch?" Alex asked Sophie. It was clear that there were more floors and other areas, but no one had been in the lobby. The place was out of the sun and was a good place to rest while searching for their friends. They weren't at the mall yet, but the hotel had stuck out like a sore thumb in the scenery while they were walking by; it had almost literally begged them to stop inside.

Alex rested his head against the wall behind the couch and let out a sigh. "Well, after this short rest we can begin searching the rest of this hotel, and maybe find some better things to eat and drink than what was given to us." The thought almost had him salivating, he hadn't touched the food inside his bag yet as he had wanted to save it, but he already knew that they wouldn't be pleasant things to eat. There would have been so many gourmet meals on their senior trip and now they were stuck eating cardboard.

At least he was still alive.
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Post by Laurels »

((Sophie McDowell continued from Pick Apart the Pieces of Your Heart))

"Yeah, sitting down would be nice."

Sophie followed Alex over to the couches and plopped herself down next to him. Part of her was still feeling the exhaustion from running across the island. Although the hotel wasn't too far from the shipping yard, she still hadn't had enough time to cool off. Even though the couch was beyond it's prime, it still felt nice to sit down.

The hotel looked promising in hopes of finding any of their friends. Even though there were a lot of rooms to check, it would be a perfect place to blend in. There's always a chance you could hide in one of the room and be quiet enough that no one would bother checking that room in particular. At least she hoped there was a chance for that.

There had to be a chance to survive.
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Post by Firedog* »

Alex opened up his duffle again to take out one of his water bottles and a protein bar. He was starving at that point and figured that it was time for a snack. He had to ration it though, so he decided to try his best only to eat a fifth of the bar and drink a fifth of the water.

First he unscrewed the cap and took a small gulp of water; it was extremely refreshing in his mouth and he just let it sit there a bit, making sure that he could feel it all over his dry mouth. After it stopped feeling so refreshing he swallowed and enjoyed the feeling of it going down his throat.

Before opening up his protein bar he looked at Sophie and said, "So, there are many places in the hotel we can check. What do you think we should check first?" Shortly after he tore open the tip of the protein bar package and took a small nibble. The taste was awful though it certainly did feel good to have some sort of food.

"Wow, it sure won't be hard to ration these bars."
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Post by Laurels »

Alex asked how they should go through the hotel. Sophie thought about it as Alex drank some water and began to eat the ration bars, although they didn't seem that delicious. Sophie ran all the possibilities between her mind. There were times when she'd sit in and watch her brother, Wallace, play war shooting video games. She didn't pay much attention, but knew you were supposed to sweep an entire area before declaring it clear or finding any place someone might be hiding.

"Well, I think there's a lot of ways to go," she said. "We could go floor by floor, trying to listen closely for anyone who might be around."

Sophie adjusted her position on the couch.

"There's a lot of rooms, so we might have to be quiet if we're to hear anyone."
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Post by Firedog* »

After taking a few more minute bites of his ration bars and sips of the water Alex quickly finished off the amount he allotted himself with a singular bite and drink. He then screwed the cap back on the water and folded close the wrapping for the bar. "Well, I guess snack time is over."

Alex already missed the feeling of the water in his mouth and the horrible, yet filling, taste of the protein bar. He looked up at the ceiling and relaxed fully on the couch. "That idea somewhat makes me feel guilty, it makes me feel like we're hunting anyone that might be in this hotel. It's probably the best idea if we don't want to get hunted in return, but still."

The feel of the couch was extremely comfortable and Alex really didn't want to leave it. "You know what? I have a better plan. How about we just stay here on this couch and wait for our friends to come to us?"
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie had to admit that Dave had a point. Her idea of checking the halls did seem a little predatory. Even if the only kind of weapon they had was a wrench, it still made them act like spies or assassins. They didn't need to act like that, and so they needed to show other people that they weren't going to play.

"You know what, sure," she said to Alex. "Let's just relax here and hope someone friendly comes by."

Sophie stretched her arms in the air. It was only the first day, so they had to at least hope that a majority of their classmates hadn't given up yet.

"So, Alex," she began, "what are five songs you could listen to for the rest of your life?"
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Post by Aura »

((Stacey Mordetsky continued from I Always Hated Chemistry))

Stacey happened upon the hotel after what seemed like hours of walking.  She was beginning to think that the island had nothing resembling any sort of civilization, and this was a pleasant surprise to her.  A large hotel, pretty old and worn down by the looks of it, but a hotel nonetheless.  She hadn't seen any sort of shelter since arriving on the island, and she was hot, sweaty, and tired.  So naturally, she decided that it was in her best interests to go in and get some rest.

She pushed open the door and was surprised by what she saw.  Marble floors, chandeliers, and fine furniture throughout the lobby.  She never imagined that something so beautiful could be found on such an awful island.  Sure, the furnishings were a little worse for wear, but that was to be expected considering the location.  At last, she had found a decent place to stay on this nightmare of an island.

As she surveyed the area, she caught sight of two other kids in the lobby sitting on the couch.  She had been so caught up in admiring the architecture that she hadn't even noticed them.  She began to get a little uneasy.  The other kids might be armed, and since she had no weapon, she wouldn't stand a chance if they had something like a gun or a sword.  She decided that she would try to play nice, see if that would keep them from attacking.  She called out to them, trying to sound as non-threatening as possible.

"Hello?  Who's all in here?"
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Post by Firedog* »

The question posed to Alex made him groan audibly. "Ughhh… only five? That's going to be impossible. It'd be much easier to just list off bands and even then it will be impossible." He thought hard about the songs that he had most listened to on his iPod before all of this had happened.

"Well, I guess Little Talks and Mountain Sound by Of Monsters and Men would have to be on that list, and then probably It's Time by Imagine Dragons, but after that I am stuck." There were so many ties for what would be in the fourth and fifth slots that he just couldn't decide, and luckily a distraction presented itself where he wouldn't have to.

Someone had appeared inside of the hotel lobby and asked who was there. "Ha ha, my plan is already working! Someone has showed up." Realizing how creepy he might have sounded to the newcomer Alex quickly added an addendum to his speech, "Uh, sorry, I'm Alex and this is Sophie, we've been waiting for friends to show up."
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Post by Laurels »

Before Alex could finish listing his favorite songs, Sophie heard someone call out into the lobby. She turned and saw a familiar face. She remembered the girl back from the cliffs. Stacey had somehow managed to find them in the hotel.

Well.....small island...

Sophie raised her arm and waved at Stacey.

"Hi," she meekly said.

Images of Dave's death began to flash in her mind. She bit her lip and lowered her arm. She really hoped Stacey was doing okay.
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Post by Aura »

Well, the guy greeted Stacey by talking like some kind of supervillain, but he seemed to turn normal immediately afterwards.  He introduced himself as Alex and the girl with him as Sophie.  Stacey narrowed her eyes a little when she looked at Sophie, as she felt that she had seen her before.  After a moment, it hit her.  Sophie was the choir girl from back at the cliff!

Damn, didn't expect to run into the same person twice out here.

Still, the two didn't seem particularly aggressive.  Hell, Stacey doubted they had even checked their weapons at this point.  Feeling somewhat secure, but still a little on edge, she walked over to the couch opposite Alex and Sophie and sat down, placing her bags on the cushion next to her.  She decided to make a little small talk, perhaps to draw attention away from the current situation, since she still didn't want to think about it too much.

"So, how have you been so far?"
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Post by Firedog* »

Alex wasn't really sure how he should respond to the question of how he was, as simple as the question was it could possibly change the mood of the situation depending on his answer. He could bend the truth a little and come off as optimistic, or he could tell the truth and say that his mind was wracked with so many dark possibilities. He decided to go with a mix of the two.

"Well, I was able to find a friend really early on, and I'm not dead yet so I can't really have any complaints." It was as blunt as he could put it. Alex knew that bringing up death might not be such a good idea, but he couldn't just ignore the truth and it wouldn't be wise for them to either. As hard as it was to accept that they were on the island and that they might die or be killed, it was what was required if they wanted to survive.

"And also, we found this hotel with the super comfy couches so I'd say I'm set for a while!"
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Post by Laurels »

Stacey's attempts to be polite had Sophie a bit worried. How could she respond to that? Sure, finding Alex was nice, but she still had to weigh everything together and give a summation of her feelings. There was a lot to feel, and she wasn't sure how she could respond to the question.

However, any answer had to be better than no answer. Sophie decided to speak.

"I'm....coping..." she responded.

She folded her hands over her lap and straightened her back. It looked like Stacey wasn't going to be an issue right now, so Sophie decided to change the subject.

"Yeah, we're trying not to cause any trouble," she told Stacey. "We're fine with just sitting here, talking about music, and hoping some friendly people run by. We don't need to play the game."
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Post by Aura »

Alex seemed to be holding together pretty well.  He actually seemed pretty relaxed, which was a little odd, considering the situation.  Stacey guessed that he hadn't seen anything like she had seen at the cliffs.  It actually sounded like he had been pretty lucky so far.  Boy, did Stacey wish that she could stay the same.

Sophie seemed less comfortable, which Stacey assumed was because of seeing that one guy walk off the cliff earlier.  Really, she couldn't blame her.  Personally, she would give anything to have that image out of her head.  Still, she managed to give a straight answer, so at least she was making an attempt to cope.  She also said directly that she didn't want to play the game, which made Stacey feel a little more at ease.

Stacey yawned, stretching out her arms and back.  Looks like she really did need this rest after all.  As she did so, she responded in a more relaxed voice than before.  "Yeah, I'm not really feeling the game either.  Besides, I couldn't even play if I wanted to."
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Post by Firedog* »

"Aw, don't say that you couldn't play if you wanted to. I mean, it is great that you don't want to and aren't going to, but you would be surprised what someone is capable of." Alex felt somewhat odd that he picked up on that part of what the girl had said and felt even more so when he tried to say that she could play is she had wanted to.

"Uhh, you know what?," he then asked rhetorically, "Just ignore what I said, it doesn't really seem appropriate to anything. It's not really the best thing to give a pep talk on anyway." Alex then imagined himself convincing someone that they could indeed kill their friends.

Just go for it! You know, you only need to jab that knife in them once if it hits the right spot, they'll be dead before they get a chance to retaliate!

Yup, that definitely felt weird.

Alex then realized that he didn't know the name of the girl conversing with Sophie and him. He had seen her in the halls and she had to be a classmate of his otherwise she wouldn't be on the island, but her name was just out of reach. "Hey, since you're here, and Sophie and I have introduced ourselves, could you do the same?"
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie crossed her right leg over her left. Part of her was a little surprised that Alex would think that Stacey could have the ability to play the game if she wanted to. Then again, anyone here could, as it could all depend on the circumstances they each found themselves under. Still, Sophie didn't want to believe that there was a chance she could go mad and start slaughtering her way to victory. There was still a chance they could get rescued, and so she wanted that to be her way off.

Sophie waited as Alex asked Stacey for her name. She hoped Stacey would be pleasant company in this moment. Maybe she had good taste in music.
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