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What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:03 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
(Rosemary Michaels continued from Tender is The Night)

It was morning again, and Rosemary was sitting on the ground a little ways off from Meera and Paulo. She had gotten a few hours of sleep after Meera took over the watch, but it had been plagued with the grisly memories of the day before.

She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand while trying to think. What were they supposed to do now? Their plan was screwed, and now... they had to think of another one. Maybe even find someone with a an actual plan to join. But with how many days they had been on the island that would be difficult. So many of their classmates had died already. Probably the teams and alliances that had formed would stick together, and hostile to anyone else.

Rosemary was about to turn and ask if Meera or Paulo had come up with any ideas when a loud noise blared into her ears. She flinched, but kept her hands down. It was a voice, but not Danya's. Saying that no one had been murdered yesterday.


She scrambled to her feet frantically. Panic had overridden her senses and her world went quiet until the voice replied again. Rosemary let out a scream of frustration as she threw herself back onto the floor. How dare they? They were already terrified enough, and then those terrorists wanted to play more mind games-

She took some breaths, trying to calm herself down and listen to the names. I need to remember for later. Focus on the names right now. Getting angry won't be productive. All they want is a show, don't give it to them, just stop fucking giving it to them.

Maximilian Sawyer killed again three times yesterday. That was four people now, including Becca.

The name that shocked her the most was her own. She was marked as the cause of death for Joey Caputo. Before she could comprehend the sentence she was named a winner for Best Kill. A three way tie between Maximilian Sawyer, Joachim Lovelace, and herself.

Her, against two boys who had killed multiple times each with, according to the terrorists, "a little knife."


Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:03 am
by Outfoxd
((Paulo Abbate continued from Tender is the Night)

Paulo had a rough time in rising, especially since he had a similarly rough time sleeping.  But hearing the announcements come on was enough to spur his eyes to open.  He had to hear the list of killers.  Had to hear who had done Becca in.

He pushed himself up to a sitting position by his hands just as Maximilian Sawyer's name came up.  Paulo gave a grim nod to himself, tongue working the inside of his mouth.  He'd remember that.  Oh yeah.  He'd fucking remember.

Then the other important announcement came up, about Rosemary's bonus.  Paulo looked over at her, and she seemed to be about as queasy as one would expect given the circumstances.

"Bad shake, menina."

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:03 am
by watcher in night*
Meera cursed under her breath. She didn't like this turn of events, not at all. The weapon awarded to Rosemary was in a danger zone, and she and Paulo would have their heads blown off if they tried to go in with her.Rosemary would be left alone, without backup, in a danger zone with two of the island's most "accomplished" players.

Max had killed again, and Joachim wasn't too far behind. There had been other names announced as well, more deaths and still more murderers, but aside from shock when she heard Nina Clarke's name announced, it barely registered with her. This latest trick by the terrorists to fish them out was despicable, but not surprising. It was just like them to do something like this.

Once again, Meera was genuinely shocked that she wasn't a complete wreck by now. She should be dead by now, but all rights. So many of her classmates-- Lydia, Naomi, Venice, and now Nina-- had died already, and she couldn't even cry for them now. Not even for herself, or Joey, or anyone.

She turned her thoughts back to the gun. Because she and Paulo couldn't accompany her, it ultimately was Rosemary's decision. But Meera knew they really had no other choice but to go for it. They had nothing but a few knives and a piece of wood.  Acquiring a gun would dramatically increase their chances of survival. After their conversation last night, she thought Rosemary was up for it anyway. It was clearly risky, but in this situation, what wasn't?

"I think we've got to risk it," she said, after a few moments. "I mean, it's up to you obviously, but a gun's hard to turn down."

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:03 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Yeah. Yeah a really, really bad shake. Rosemary thought to Paulo's response. How the hell would she hold up against two killers? The best ways that her going could turn out would be if she arrived before either Maximilian or Joachim, grabbed the gun and got out of there, or if the two had a showdown and decided to focus on who was more of a threat.

Worst was she would die a grizzly death. A real, fucking bad shake.

But they needed a gun if they wanted to be able to protect themselves against bigger, more heavily armed individuals. What Meera said made sense. She would just have to bite the bullet and get through it, figuratively.

"No, you're right. I'm the only one who'll be able to get into the Danger Zone, so I'll go." Rosemary moved, taking some deep breaths and preparing for her trek to the overpass.

Just keep thinking about mom and dad, about how much we need the gun. And stay alive.

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:03 am
by Outfoxd
There was a small, quietly rational part of Paulo's brain that was telling him "risking it" was a dumb fucking idea.  This voice had atrophied over a lifetime of posturing, alpha male make believe, and most of what he stood for.  It had atrophied, but it was still there.  And in one of his rare moments of clarity, that voice took over.  It was especially hard, because the kid who killed Becca would be there.  And that kid had some shit to answer for.

"Gun's easy to turn down if you fucked up in the process though, right?"  He offered a dissenting opinion, the devil's advocacy.

"I mean...I got some shit to take care of if we do go."  He added.  "I'm just saying."


Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:03 am
by watcher in night*
"No, it wouldn't be easy," said Meera. It wasn't that she didn't get what Paulo was saying. Of course the inherent danger was obvious. But the terrorists had given them an offer they couldn't refuse. Backing down seemed like a huge mistake to her, and Rosemary seemed to agree. "I get it."

For a split second she wondered if she was making a huge mistake by recommending Rosemary go for it. But she pushed those fears aside.

"Like I said, it's on you," she repeated. "I just think if we don't go for it, it gives the terorrists and everyone on the island the wrong idea. Like...we're too afraid to take a risk."

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:03 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Paulo's words made her pause in her work. He offered a way out of the situation, and all of her self preservation screamed for her to take it. She could never beat Maximilian and Joachim. All she had was a little knife and what was left of her wits, though she wouldn't trust those as it was what killed Joey.

The last part worried her though- was he insinuating to ambush Maximilian? She felt, surprisingly, okay with that. Rosemary wanted the boy to hurt as much as Becca did when he shot her, and when he murdered Amy and the other two. He deserved to pay for his actions. But, if they did go with her and she did not get the gun, then Paulo and Meera would be sitting targets outside of the Danger Zone.

Becca's dead eyes and the bloody stump of Joey's neck flashed through her mind.

"I'm going alone." Rosemary said, her tone firm. "It was my name on the announcements, so I should be the only one risking their neck for this. Please- please understand."

I don't want anyone else to die because of my stupid mistakes. She thought as she stood up, facing Meera and Paulo once more.

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:03 am
by Outfoxd
Paulo folded his arms and leaned against the wall.  He gave Rosemary and incredulous look.  Just a little bit of the old Paulo was trickling back into his features.

"I don't gotta understand shit.  Alone?  Feh.  I understand you lost your motherfucking mind."

He wasn't sure how much of this bluster was attributed to wanting finish some unfinished fucking business.  A fair bit, sure.  But letting a girl go alone into this kind of shit?

What would his dad think, wherever the fuck he was?

"We can chill outside the Danger Whatever, comprende?"

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:04 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
(I'm sorry but the time limit for me is coming up and really need to get to the next thread so skipping.)

Rosemary flinched at Paulo's words. Why was he making this so difficult for her? It should be cut and dry- she was the one who could enter the danger zone, her name was the one on the announcements, it was her fault. And it was her job to make it somehow right, and the only way she could think of it happening was to get the prize and protect Meera and Paulo.

"D-do you know what it's like to see a friend's head explode because of your fuck up?!" She yelled out at Paulo, tightening the hold on her water bottle and knife. "No? Well then l-leave me be!"

She wasn't going to cry again, she wasn't going to cry again...

"I-if you guys come with me who's to say Joachim or Maximilian won't find you first? Or, y-you know with my track record, you could fall into the danger zone and your collars will explode!"

Rosemary took some deep breaths after her outburst was finished, trying to calm her breathing. The frantic girl that she was right now would never stand a chance against Maximilian.

"...And that's why I have to do this on my own." She replied as she took the chance to walk past Paulo and Meera and tried to block out any of their words of disagreement.

"But Paulo," Rosemary turned back to look at the boy. Her voice was different now, more assured. She was already imagining herself at the Overpass. "If there is any chance to, to make Maximilian pay for what he did- I'll take it."

She hoped against hope that she'd be able to make it back to this classroom alive.

(Rosemary Michaels continued to Path of Pins)

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:04 am
by watcher in night*
For a while after Rosemary had left, Meera just stood there silently, as if she expected Rosemary to reappear any minute. She shifted her weight between feet restlessly, looking out for any movement around them. She could only hope that this plan would end better than their last one had. Sure, they'd all agreed to this-- it had been Rosemary's suggestion-- but after what had happened to Joey her confidence had taken a major beating.

She understood there was nothing more anyone could do for Rosemary. But she hated feeling so powerless.

"So, do we just wait around here, or..." she asked Paulo. She didn't really need an answer, and had mainly asked it to pass the time.

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:04 am
by Outfoxd
Rosemary's rant struck at Paulo's will, even as she set out and left.  Max was his, goddammit.  But she was right.  And that hurt worse.  His masculinity was a dying thing, and this inability to do anything was the next spike in the EKG reading.

But would it hurt to follow?  Stick around outside?  Whatever it was they had to do?

"This place stinks."  He muttered, half-answering Meera.  He picked up his 2X4 and gestured with it toward the door.  "Let's get the fuck out of here."

It was part imperative, part challenge.  Nothing was stopping him from what he was going to do.  Bad idea or not.

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:04 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
((Sorry for coming in at an awkward time.))

(Rosemary Michaels returned from Repeat)

Rosemary tried to take deep and even breaths in front of the closed classroom door. Despite the rain subsiding, she had taken a couple of slips and turns trying to run on uneven ground, and her knees were covered in drying mud, along with her side. She was thankful though that with a quick pat of her pockets that nothing had fallen out, before taking giving a small knock on the door.

"Meera? Paulo?" She called out quietly, hoping that silence would not be her answer. "It's me- it's Rosemary."

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:04 am
by watcher in night*
((It's good, we'll have to work out the continuity snarl in the next few posts))

Meera wasn't certain she understood what Paulo wanted them to do. They couldn't just leave Rosemary on her own, and this was the meeting place they'd agreed on. He wasn't really thinking about going after Max on his own, was he? She mulled it over, then immediately discounted it. Paulo wasn't stupid. He wouldn't run them both into a danger zone for the sake of revenge.

"You want to follow her?" she asked him. "Is that smart? If things get ugly we could get killed, too."

Immediately after she said it she wanted to take it back. God, she sounded like some kind of coward. It wasn't right, for them to leave Rosemary all on their own. But what were they going to do? She had a kukri and he had a piece of wood. Hardly enough to take on a killer with a machine gun.

"I mean-- I'm not scared or anything," she stammered. "I just don't know if we could do anything to help her if it came to a fight with-- with Max."

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:04 am
by Outfoxd
"We can fuck him up, that's what the fuck we can do."  Paulo said, gripping his weapon tighter.  He felt a splinter slide its way into his palm, but he just grit his teeth.  But even still, even though he thought he had his mind made up, this threw it all into flux.  Fucker did have a goddamn gun, after all.

"We can.."  He started, started to turn but couldn't bring himself to leave the building.  He chewed on his lip, finally settlign to lean his weight against the wall.

"I don't know what to fucking do."  He said, and left it at that.

(Timeskipping to unfuck our continuity.  Also, I might have to dip out to get Paulo dead).

Paulo was seated back where he had been sleeping when Rosemary's voice rang out.  He almost jumped, it had been so quiet.

"We're here.  You're alright?"  

Re: What Now?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:04 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
"Uh huh," Rosemary replied at Paulo's question from the door, a smile breaking across her face. They were there. They hadn't left her.

"I'm- I'm coming in!"

She walked inside with the shotgun in her hands, raindrops slid down the handle still from the misting as she walked along. Before either Paulo or Meera responded to the weapon, she replied how she had acquired it.

"Joachim was the only one who showed up... and he said he didn't want to just kill me and take the gun, so we played a game of riddles for it," She lifted a hand to tuck back a damp strand of hair. "And I won, and then he took his share and left. ...I-it sounds crazy, but it's the truth."

She went to a nearby desk to empty her pockets of the food and set the ammo and instruction manual apart from it, not wanting the paper to get dirty. "The sausages are kind of cold, but should still be good. I-I need to change my clothes first though if that's okay."