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Weakness In Us All

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:18 am
by jimmydalad
((Cammy Davidson continued from The Time For Talk Is Now))

Cammy didn't look back. She didn't know whether or not Kyran and Deanna followed her or if they just went their own way. She didn't even want to think about it, instead focusing on finding where the others were going to meet. If she was following the map correctly, she should be able to find the others and get their operation on the go.

Once she got there though, the sight of nothing made her stomach drop. The place was empty, no sign of life anywhere. Did Cammy go to the right place? Her mind flickered back to when they were talking about where to meet. She was pretty sure they said to meet at the park. She didn't remember any other places being mentioned. If they did, she must've missed it.

She began to slightly panic, shifting her focus to breathing calmly as she began to slowly comb through the area. Maybe they were in a semi-obscure area that she couldn't see? The existence of such place was slim to none though, as looking around the place seemed relatively open in comparison to other places she had seen on the island.

As she looked around, she saw a piece of paper on one of the benches, held in place by a rock. Curious, Cammy wandered over to it and proceeded to pick it up. She was surprised, and relieved, to find that the paper had writing on it. Sitting down on the bench, Cammy read the message that was addressed to her. Well, addressed to her, Kyran and Deanna, but the other recipients weren't there.

Seeing Kyran's name plucked a heart-string within her and she crumpled up the paper, not wanting to read it again and have to see his name. She didn't want to think back to what had happened before. Doing so would just hurt her even more.

Re: Weakness In Us All

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:18 am
by jimmydalad
It seemed like the two of them weren't coming. Cammy figured as much. Letting out a soft sigh to herself, she stood up and dropped the crumpled paper onto the floor. Nothing else to do but to go to the place Garrett was talking about. Cammy made her first solitary steps away from the pond, the cloud of doubt starting to circle around her mind. Was this really the right path?

((Cammy Davidson continued in What Do I Do Now?))